What's in the Holler

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Color Correspondences

Every color transmits it’s own unique vibrations. When harnessed through the combination of candle magick, crystal magick and herbs, they will produce the desired effects of your intent. The following is a list of colors that will assist you when formulating a spell or crafting altar cloths, tarot bags, robes, etc. or any other ritual item that needs to be a specific color.

Color: Black
Sabbat: Samhain
Day: Saturday
Zodiac: Capricorn, Scorpio
Attributes: Black is the absence of color, thus it does not radiate it’s own vibration.  It absorbs rather than emits, so when used in ritual it releases the energies of that to which it has been empowered.  Attracts Saturn energy, Banishing, Discord, Earth Elementals, Endings, Grief, Grounding, Hexing, Protection, Releasing, Remove, Repel negative magick, Reversing, Shapeshifting, Unblock, Uncrossing

Color: Blue
Sabbat: Litha
Day: Thursday
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Angelic protection, Blessings, Broken bones, Calm, Changeability, Creativity, Dedications, Devotion, Earth Elementals, Fidelity, Fifth Chakra, Forgiveness, Good fortune, Good health, Growth, Guidance, Happiness, Harmony, Healing, Influence, Initiations, Inner peace, Inspiration, Laughter, Loyalty, Meditation, Opening blocked communication, Occult power, Patience, Peace, Protection, Reassurance, Sincerity, Spirituality, Success, Tranquility, Truth, Understanding, Water Elementals, Weight loss, Wisdom, Wounded pride

Color: Blue: Aqua
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Peace, Tranquility

Color: Blue: Dark Blue
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: Libra, Sagittarius
Attributes: Blessings, Changeability, Create confusion (use w/ white or you will be the one confused!!), Dedications, Devotion, Good fortune, Growth, Happiness, Harmony in the home, Healing, Health, Influence, Initiations, Inspiration, Laughter, Light, Loyalty, Peace, Protection, Religion, Spiritual beliefs, Spirituality, Success, Tranquility, Truth, Wisdom

Color: Blue: Indigo
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Ambition, Astral level protections Balance out Karma, Cancel out another’s magic, Changeability, Deafness, Deep meditation, Defenses, Depression, Emotional problems, Grief, Halt gossip or lies, Impulsiveness, Inertia, Loss, Lunar Magick, Neutralize another’s magick, Promotes stillness, Reveal deep secrets, Rituals requiring deep meditative state, Saturn energy in rituals, Stop gossip, lies & unwanted competition, Stop situations or people

Color: Blue: Light Blue
Sabbat: Ostara
Day: --
Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces
Attributes: Aquarius energy, Communication, Creativity, Devotion, Faithful (this is where the term “true blue” originated), Health, Immortality, Innocence, Inspiration, Male youth, Meditation, Patience, Peace, Protection, Tranquility & blessings  in the home, Protection of buildings, Spirituality, Tranquility, Understanding, Young people (especially males)

Color: Blue: Royal Blue
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Increases magickal influences, Joviality, Jupiter energy, Laughter, Loyalty, Power, Protection

Color: Blue: Silver Blue
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Deep wisdom, Moon magick, Psychic awareness

Color: Blue: Teal
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Ambition, Abundance, Change, Fertility, Finance, Fortune, Growth, Happiness, Material gain, Renewal, Success

Color: Blue: Turquoise
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Awareness, Change, Community mindedness, Creativity, Fifth Chakra, Insight, Invention, Meditation, Moon magick, Originality, Renewal

Color: Bronze
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Grounding, Hard work, Neutrality, Protection, Strength

Color: Brown
Sabbat: Imbolc, Litha, Mabon
Day: --
Zodiac: Capricorn
Attributes: Animal healing, Attract money, Balanced color, Blessings, Concentration powers, Earth Elementals, Eliminates indecisiveness, ESP, Financial success, Find lost items, Friendship, Grounding, Harmony, Herb magick, Hesitation, Home healing, House blessing, Improves concentration, Influencing friendships, Intuition, Material gain, Neutrality, Peace in the home, Special favors, Spiritual attachment to the Earth, Stability, Study, Telepathy

Color: Brown: Dark Brown
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Invoking Earth for assistance

Color: Brown: Light Brown
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Material benefits for the home

Color: Copper
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Balance, Blessings, Business growth, Career moves, Fertility, Fire magick, Goals, Healing, Love, Money, Passion, Professional growth, Protection, Repels negativity, Sun Magick

Color: Gold
Sabbat: Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Samhain
Day: --
Zodiac: Leo
Attributes: Attraction, Blessings, Charm, Confidence, Cosmic mind & influences, Courage, Dedications, Divination, Dynamic Sun/Solar energy, Fast financial gain, Fast luck, Financial benefits, Good fortune, Great fortune, Happiness, Horned God, Initiations, Intuition, Justice, Luck, Masculine power, Money, Peace, Playful humor, Positive thinking, Power, Power of cosmic influences, Protection, Purifying, Safety, Sun Magick, Understanding, Wealth, Winning

Color: Gold: Dark Gold
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Beginnings, Prosperity, Sun Magick

Color: Gold: Pale Gold
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Prosperity in health

Color: Green
Sabbat: Beltane, Imbolc, Litha, Ostara, Yule
Day: Friday
Zodiac: Taurus
Attributes: Abundance, Balance, Blessings, Charity, Dedications, Earth Elementals, Earth Mother, Fertility, Finance, Fortune, Fourth Chakra, Generosity, Good fortune, Good Luck rituals, Growth, Harmony, Healing, Initiations, Luck, Marriage, Material gain, Money, North Cardinal point, Personal goals, Promote balance, Prosperity, Rejuvenation, Renewal, Success, Tree & Plant magicks, Water Elementals, Wealth

Color: Green: Apple Green
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Emotional healing, Protection

Color: Green: Chartreuse
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Confidence, Growth, Prosperity, Travel

Color: Green: Dark Green
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: Cancer
Attributes: Agriculture, Ambition, Blessings, Financial matters, Greed, Jealousy; Also use to counteract these influences in a ritual, Invoke the Goddess of Regeneration

Color: Green: Emerald
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Attracts abundance, Fertility, Love attraction, Love and Social pleasures, Venus rituals

Color: Green: Light Green
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Improve the weather, Weather magick

Color: Green: Lime
Sabbat: -- 
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Faery communication, Success

Color: Green: Mint
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Financial gains (use w/ gold &/or silver)

Color: Green: Olive
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Anger, Cowardice, Discord, Jealousy, Sickness

Color: Green: Sea Green
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Calming, Emotional healing, Fourth Chakra, Protection

Color: Grey
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: Virgo
Attributes: Neutral color, useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in Magick, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a Negative influence, Banishment without Karmic effect, Glamoury, Meditation on complex issues, Releasing, Surrender

Color: Grey: Charcoal Grey
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Glamour

Color: Grey: Light Grey
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Astral energies, Astral projection, Clairvoyance, Confusion, Destruction, Dreams, Intuition, Neutralize, Psychic ability, Removes negativity, Stability, Stalemate

Color: Magenta
Sabbat: Mabon
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: This is not one of the spectrum colors, but an illusionary fluctuation between infra-red and ultra-violet light bands with a very high frequency vibration. This color is named for the Magi and literally means “magick color“. Etheric, Fast working; used with other colors to increase the speed of the desired result, Omnipotent, Best color for Spiritual healing, Exorcisms, Inner/self love, Positive rapid changes, Quick changes, Spiritual healing, Super power

Color: Orange
Sabbat: Imbolc, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Samhain
Day: --
Zodiac: Gemini
Attributes: Action, Adaptability, Ambition, Attraction, Authority, Blessings, Business goals, Career goals, Changes luck, Control, Courage, Draw good things, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Fortune, Friendship, Good luck, Inspiration, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Legal matters, Material gain, Overcome addictions, Physical action, Positive thinking, Power, Promotes fun, Property deals, Recharges the intellect, Seal a spell, Second Chakra, Selling, Stimulates sociability, Stimulation, Strength, Success, Sudden changes, Vitality

Color: Orange: Apricot
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Gentle strength, Joy

Color: Orange: Burnt Orange
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Love bondage, Opportunity

Color: Orange: Peach
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Calming, Friendship, Gentle strength, Inspiration, Joy, Unity

Color: Orange: Terra Cotta
Sabbat: Imbolc, Ostara
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Attract a soul mate

Color: Pink
Sabbat: Imbolc, Ostara
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Affection, Binding magick, Caring, Emotional healing, Emotional love, Feminine Magick, Fourth Chakra, Friendships, Gentleness, Harmony, Honor, Love, Lunar Magick, Nurturing, Partnerships, Peace, Relationships, Romance, Selfless love, Service, Spiritual awakening, Spiritual healing, Togetherness, Wishes

Color: Pink: Dark Pink
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Dispel gloom and Negativity

Color: Pink: Hot Pink
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Extreme joy, Sensual pleasure

Color: Pink: Light Pink
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Friendships, Young females

Color: Pink: Rose Pink
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Enhance relationships, Fourth Chakra, Self-love

Color: Purple
Sabbat: --
Day: Wednesday
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Attributes: Ambition, Blessings, Break bad luck, Business progress, Dedications, Divination, Drive away evil, Financial reward, Goals, Hidden knowledge, Higher psychic ability, Honors, Idealism, Independence, Influence people in high places, Initiations, Intuition, Lunar Magick, Neptune energy, Power, Progress, Protection, Psychic ability, Psychic contact with Spirit, Royalty, Self assurance, Spirit contact, Spiritual healing, Spiritual power, Spiritual protection, Stress relief, Success, Third Eye, Un-hex, Wisdom

Color: Purple: Dark Purple
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Calling the Ancient Ones, Government, Psychic power, Runes, Sigils, Wisdom

Color: Purple: Lavender
Sabbat: Ostara
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Dignity, Divination, Favors for others, Healing, Intuition, Knowledge, Lunar Magick, Peace, Protection, Psychic ability, Sixth Chakra, Spirit contact, Spirit Shield, Spirituality

Color: Purple: Orchid
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Happiness, Healing, Physical energy, Power

Color: Purple: Violet
Sabbat: Mabon, Ostara
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Angels, Astral projection, Attraction, Divination, Elemental Spirits, Healing, Hex-breaking, Intuition, Inspiration, Lunar Magick, Meditation, Peace, Piety, Power, Psychic ability, Religious devotion, Sentiment, Spirituality, Tension, Truth

Color: Red
Sabbat: Beltane, Imbolc, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Yule
Day: Tuesday
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio
Attributes: This is a powerful color to use, so be careful to thoroughly define your intent, as you will get it in full force.  Maybe more than you even anticipated or wanted.  Aries energy, Ambition, Anger, Blessings, Career goals, Charity, Cleansing, Courage, Danger, Dedications, Driving force, Element of Fire, Energy, Enthusiasm, Fast action, Fertility, Fiery, Fire Elementals, Fire Magick, First Chakra, Health, Increases magnetism is rituals, Initiations, Intense desire, Love, Lust, Moon Blood, Pain, Passion, Power, Psychic attack, Purifying, Romantic atmosphere, Scorpio energy, Sex magick, Sexual acquisition, Sexual love, Sexual potency, South Cardinal point, Stamina, Success, Strength, Will power

Color: Red: Burgundy
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Sensuality, Sex magick

Color: Red: Cranberry
Sabbat: -
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Courage, Love, Passion

Color: Red: Crimson
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Affection, Anxiety, Beauty, Joy, Pleasure, Sovereignty, Wealth

Color: Red: Light Red
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Deep platonic affection

Color: Red: Ruby
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Anger or love in a passionate nature, Sex magick

Color: Silver
Sabbat: Samhain
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Astral energies, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Communication, Dreams, Feminine Deity powers, Goddess aspect of Deity, the Great Mother, Fast money, Female power, Gambling, Intuition, Invocation of the Moon, Moon Magick, Meditation, Neutrality, Psychic awareness, Stability, Victory, Wisdom

Color: White
Sabbat: Beltane, Imbolc, Samhain, Yule
Day: Monday
Zodiac: Cancer
Attributes: This is the balanced presence of all the colors combined.  It can be used as a substitution for any color you may not have available.  Air Magick, Blessings, Clairvoyance, Cleansing, Confound enemies, Create illusion, Dedications, Earth Magick, Elemental Spirits, Feminine Magick, Fire Magick, Goddess, Healing, Higher natured power, Initiations, Life attainments, Lunar Magick, Peace, Positive vibration, Protection, Purity, Seventh Chakra, Sincerity, Solar Magick, Spiritual enlightenment, Spirituality, Truth seeking, Virtue, Water Magick, Wholeness

Color: White: Cream
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Peace of mind

Color: White: Lily
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: "Mother Candle", Burn at each Moon phase

Color: Yellow
Sabbat: Beltane, Imbolc, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Ostara
Day: Sunday
Zodiac: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo
Attributes: Accelerated learning, Activity, Action, Air Elementals, Air Magick, Attraction, Blessings, Breaking mental blocks, Charm, Cleansing, Comfort, Communion with the Sun, Confidence, Courage, Creativity, Concentration, Dedications, Gain confidence of others, Healing, Imagination, Initiations, Intelligence, Joy, Knowledge, Logical imagination, Memory, Mental powers, Mind, New skills, Power of persuasion, Protection, Ritual concentration & imagination, Selling yourself, Sudden changes, Sun Magick, Trade, Travel, Unity

Color: Amber
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Witch symbol, developing Witchcraft skills, empowerment

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Language of Candles

The following is from my book A Witch's Craft, Volume 2: A Witch's Book of Correspondences, Chpt. 5 Candle Correspondences. Candle magick is the oldest and simplest form of magick. Lighting a candle, stating your intent, and watching the candle burn will tell you quite a bit about the energies being sent out for manifestation of your need or want. They will also alert you to any problems. I hope you get some use from the information.


Language of Candles
The Fire Elemental is  the Salamander and how the flame burns the candle is it’s language. So if you learn to interpret it’s language you’ll have a deeper understanding of what the energies are doing for you.

First make sure that your candle is not in a draft. Then after all possible outside problems have been considered and alleviated take a look at the candle. If the wick is too small the flame will go out no matter what you do. If the wick is too thick it will burn with a lot of soot. Once these possibilities have been investigated consider the fact that some candles are just poorly made. Get another candle and start over. Once you’ve burned a few candles you’ll get an idea of what to look for. That said, now take a look at the divinatory meanings of how a candle burns:

The longer your candles stays lit, the more energy that is being sent towards your intent.

A strong flame means that the strength of the Witch and the object is powerful and the energies being sent out by the Salamander are working towards the manifestation of your intent.

When the candle burns clean and evenly the spell or blessing will most likely be successful. A glass encased candle that burns and leaves no marks on the glass is preferred, as is a free-standing candle that leaves little or no residue. 

A pillar or taper candle that runs and melts while it is burning is a good omen. For example if you are doing a money spell and the wax flows onto the monetary offering this is a sign that the energies are eagerly at work and the money is being blessed. Another action to watch for is in a love spell when the wax flows together from one candle into the other  Is the female’s wax overflowing the male’s or vice versa, or are they flowing together, joining into one puddle.

Another thing to look at after the candle is finished burning and there is a puddle left behind is the shape of the puddle. Can you see a familiar shape in it?  Did the red love candle leave a heart shaped puddle behind?  Look and see, watch the results and learn what your candle spell work is saying to you. (I performed a Passing Over ritual for my step-mother and the wax from her candle formed a woman’s face with long flowing hair behind and an arm wrapping in a form of embrace around the wax from the candle that was for my Dad. The whole ritual was very powerful and a great success).

A word of precaution here is that a Witch should never try to influence the flow of a candle’s wax. This is unethical in your workings and can have consequences. Let the spell work as it will and if the result is not to your desire then rethink it and rework it perfecting it until it’s right. Then if it still doesn’t work consider that the Goddess has other plans.

When a glass encased candle burns half clean and half dirt there are hidden troubles for the spell’s recipient. There may also be someone working against your wishes. The desired result may not work as intended, but by perfecting and reworking the spell everything should come out as wanted.

If a pillar or taper candle smokes a lot but burns out cleanly, then again there are hidden troubles. Rethink, rework and repeat the spell and your intent should be fulfilled.

A candle (pillar, taper, glass encased, etc.) that burns dirty producing a black soot is not a good sign. This means that the spell probably won’t work, the requested blessing may fail or the person for whom the spell work was performed is under more stress or trouble than initially considered. If this is an un-hexing work then consider that the person who sent those negative energies out in the first place is fighting off your counter actions.

If the candle goes out completely (and keeps going out) before it has hardly begun to melt this is an indicator that someone very strong is working against your spell work. Start the spell again from the beginning, but you’ll have to find and use much stronger ingredients (herbs, stones, chants, knot work, etc.). Also check the quality of your candle wick, with luck a new candle is all that is needed.

For the candle that tips over and becomes a fire hazard know that the spell will definitely fail and there is an aspect of possible danger to yourself and/or the querant. To alleviate this problem first do a very thorough uncrossing spell on everyone involved, ritually cleanse the area, rework and enhance the spell with stronger attributes and try again.

A fast burning candle, one that burns faster than normal, tells you that your working will go well but will not last for long. A repeat of the spell will probably be in order. However, if the desire is for a fast result but the retention length of the intent is of no consequence, then this would be a perfect result.

A weak flame means that the Witch may have to re-evaluate or repeat the working of the spell to make it stronger, as there may be strong opposition to it‘s manifestation. Another possibility is that the spell itself may be too weak to produce enough energy for it‘s completion. Usually, you can feel the energies moving while working the spell. If it’s a strong one you know it! Weak ones kind of leave you with a feeling of “what did I leave out or forget?”

A jumping, dipping, guttering then flaring up again flame indicates bursts of energy being sent out which could be the work of the Elementals, the Witch’s intense emotions, or the subconscious response of the person the work is performed for may be influencing the energies. Make sure you are grounded and centered before beginning your magickal working because your emotions will influence your work.  

A rainbow flame is beautiful to see!  Note the colors that are being communicated by the Salamander. The interpretation of these are a direct message for you in reference to the magickal work being conducted.
A halo is the Divine itself come to assist in the Witch’s magickal endeavor. Quite often when this occurs, the flame itself will be a deep blue or purple with a white or gold halo.  A very beautiful flame to witness!

The smoke of the candle is also a part of it’s language. The way it moves gives more interpretation to the working of the spell or ritual. First verify that there are no obvious drafts causing the movement.

Northern movement of the smoke signifies that something physical is manifesting. The Witch will have to work to achieve what is desired.

Eastern movement means something mental is manifesting. Patience and the ability to think things through are key factors in the success of the spell.

Southern movement means that success will come on strong, but it will be short lived.

Western movement signifies that there is strong Magickal intervention. The issue is too emotional and the Witch is too involved to be clear headed. Back off for a while then try again.

Another aspect of candle language is the sounds it makes. If you listen carefully you will notice that a candle doesn’t burn silently.  In fact, it talks quite a bit.

Soft, infrequent noise refers to pure thoughts and intimate conversations.

Mild frequent noise is like a figure of authority giving orders and directions.

Strong frequent noise is much like the loud chatter of disagreements, arguments and quarrels.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What is a Rootworker (aka Granny Witch)?

A Rootworker is one who practices a form of American Folk Magic. It is a mystical art founded in botanical knowledge passed on through the family, but it may also be practiced by solitaries. The goal of rootwork is to allow people access to spiritual forces to influence their daily lives. Rootwork is an informal system that draws its influences from Appalachian, traditional African (former slave) practices (depending of geographical location), Native American folklore, and some elements of Christian, Jewish and European (Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and German) folk practices. It is not a religion and it is not to be confused with Voodoo. Other names used include Granny Woman, Granny Witch, Granny, Auntie, Uncle, Witch Doctor, Two-Headed Doctor, Two-Headed Conjurer. 

The practice of Appalachian Granny Magic, or Rootwork, while very old, dating back to the first settlers of the Appalachian Mountains who brought their practices from the Old World and then incorporated aspects learned from the Natives, has only recently become more known. Mainly due to the internet and those who grew up learning this tradition began sharing with others outside their close knit community.

The Rootworker is a wise woman/man, water witch, healer, midwife, herbalist, naturist, family historian, folklore and traditions archive. S/he was a wealth of knowledge of both the esoteric and the mundane.

During the 18th century European immigrants brought their traditions with them from their native lands, which then were blended over time with those of the Tsalagi (Cherokee) Indians. The combined traditions formed a complete earth-based system that was passed on from generation to generation. The main belief of this system is that Nature is sacred. The Rootworker or Granny respects and reveres Nature, however they do not worship it. Mother Nature is relied upon for the fertility of the crops to harvest, the livestock to procreate, and the families and community to prosper. Mother Nature, Jack Frost, Father Winter, Faeries, and Leprechauns, among other deities are still believed in. The Rootworker observes the solstices and equinoxes, seeing the changing seasons as part of a whole, and may observe the Sabbats.

Working with and calling upon spirits is also a common place practice. "Haints" are feared because they are troublesome spirits, not like the ancestral spirits. A common practice to keep haints away, and out of the home, is to paint the porch roof "haint blue". 

Forms of divination such as reading cards, tea leaves, and coffee grounds, scrying the dirt, sand, and water, among others, may also be a common practice. There are many who also read Tarot or do Bone Throw Readings.

The Rootworker is a very down-to-earth, eclectic, and informal solitary practitioner. The tools used and the rituals performed are simple and to the point. Nothing fancy. Why would it be? They're a simple people who live simply. Nature is simple beauty, we can do nothing to enhance it only work within it to bring about that which we need and want.

While I was not born into a family of Rootworkers, I knew the term "Granny Witch" when I was a kid and wanted to be one. Something about it drew me in. It felt familiar. I just didn't know how to go about it. As I got older I began my Path consciously, only to find out that much of what I'd already been doing most of my life was already headed in that direction. So, I am now fully on my life's Path and I strive to learn more and more everyday.