What's in the Holler

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Safe Travel Mojo

Safe Travel Mojo
Since we will be leaving to move an entire farm from KY to KS I feel that it is more than a little important to be protected! My horse, Ahri, and donkey, Preacher, arrived safe & sound at the boarding facility today. Yaaaay! For us, I have put together the seals, symbols, sigils, herbs and a quartz crystal for making 2 Mojos. One for the bus, which hubby will drive. He'll have 3 of the dogs and will be towing on a car hauler, the Expedition with my Banty chickens & Amanda, our Pot Belly pig, inside it. The other one is mine and will be with me and Hoodoo in the U-Haul truck.

Jupiter, the God, and thus the Planet, govern long distance travel. Thursday is Jupiter's day, but we're planning on leaving on Wednesday, so I'd like to at least leave during the hour of Jupiter. The morning hours of Jupiter is between 2 & 3 am and 9 & 10 am. Preferably the latter! ;) I'm not much for driving in the dark. The dark is for sleeping. And I'd really rather not be wishing I was sleeping while I'm driving! LOL So, I'll be pushing that we leave between 9 & 10 am.

I will place a clear quartz crystal and herb in a blue (Jupiter's color) Mojo bag. The herbs will be specific to safe travel:

Basil, Morning Glory, Mullein, Vanilla

I also printed out the following symbols which will be placed in the Mojo along with the chosen herbs & quartz crystal:


Abundance, Acclaim, Air magick, Ambition, Astral work, Blessings, Broadcasting, Business, Charity, Cleansing, Divination, Doctors, Dreamwork, Earning, Education, Expansion, Exploration, Fame, Fertility, Financial acuity, Fire magick, Forecasting, Fortune, Gambling, Guardians, Generosity, Growth, Happiness, Harmony, Healing, Health, Honor, Horse, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Knowledge, Law, Leadership, Legal matters, Logic, Long distance travel, Love, Luck, Male fertility, Material wealth, Merchants, Money, Morals, Parties, Peace, Philosophy, Political influences, Power, Prophecy, Prosperity, Protection, Psychologists, Publicity, Publishing, Purifying, Rapid results, Reading, Relations, Religion, Research, Responsibility, Riches, Royalty, Self-improvement, Social matters, Spirituality, Sports, Spring Equinox, Study, Success, Visions, Wealth, Weather magick, Winter Solstice, Wisdom 

The Shining One Who Heals (Wednesday is Raphael's day, and he governs travel):

A symbol meaning "travel" in the Ogam (Celtic) alphabet:

Ehwaz Rune:
Adventure, Change, Travel

Raidho Rune:
Travel, Change of place

A Geomantic symbol representing Communication, Connections, Direct course, Entrance or exit, Means to an end, Passage through, Road, Singleness, Street, Travel, Way

5 - Travel

Black Pullet Seals:

Invisibility (I'd like to have an "invisible" shield around us. Other drivers will drive right by us not realizing we are there. They will not be able to cut us off, tail gate, or otherwise cause us driving difficulties.)

Safe Travel (Self explanatory - zero problems before leaving, on the road, or upon arriving at our destination.)

Square of Jupiter:
Abundance, Acclaim, Air magick, Ambition, Astral work, Blessings, Broadcasting, Business, Charity, Cleansing, Divination, Doctors, Dreamwork, Earning, Education, Expansion, Exploration, Fame, Fertility, Financial acuity, Fire magick, Forecasting, Fortune, Gambling, Guardians, Generosity, Growth, Happiness, Harmony, Healing, Health, Honor, Horse, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Knowledge, Law, Leadership, Legal matters, Logic, Long distance travel, Love, Luck, Male fertility, Material wealth, Merchants, Money, Morals, Parties, Peace, Philosophy, Political influences, Power, Prophecy, Prosperity, Protection, Psychologists, Publicity, Publishing, Purifying, Rapid results, Reading, Relations, Religion, Research, Responsibility, Riches, Royalty, Self-improvement, Social matters, Spirituality, Sports, Spring Equinox, Study, Success, Visions, Wealth, Weather magick, Winter Solstice, Wisdom

3rd Pentacle of the Moon: 
**3rd Pentacle of the Moon - Protects against all dangers of travel, all attacks by night, and every danger from water.
Psalm 40:13

5th Pentacle of Saturn:
Protects the home, and guards all treasures & possessions.
Deuteronomy 10:17

5th Pentacle of the Sun: 
Transport one from one place to another in a very short time.
Psalm 91: 11-12

6th Pentacle of the Sun: 
Invisibility of the possessor.
Psalms 69:23,  135:16

2nd Pentacle of Mercury: 
To gain the impossible, granting wishes contrary to the order of nature.
Spirits: Boel & other Spirits

2nd Pentacle of the Moon:
Protects against all perils by water, calms one in the event of natural phenomena such as electrical storms, hurricanes, earthquakes or tornadoes.
Psalm 56:11

Square of Jupiter:
Abundance, Acclaim, Air magick, Ambition, Astral work, Blessings, Broadcasting, Business, Charity, Cleansing, Divination, Doctors, Dreamwork, Earning, Education, Expansion, Exploration, Fame, Fertility, Financial acuity, Fire magick, Forecasting, Fortune, Gambling, Guardians, Generosity, Growth, Happiness, Harmony, Healing, Health, Honor, Horse, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Knowledge, Law, Leadership, Legal matters, Logic, Long distance travel, Love, Luck, Male fertility, Material wealth, Merchants, Money, Morals, Parties, Peace, Philosophy, Political influences, Power, Prophecy, Prosperity, Protection, Psychologists, Publicity, Publishing, Purifying, Rapid results, Reading, Relations, Religion, Research, Responsibility, Riches, Royalty, Self-improvement, Social matters, Spirituality, Sports, Spring Equinox, Study, Success, Visions, Wealth, Weather magick, Winter Solstice, Wisdom

I am determined to have everything go as smoothly as possible! Please light a candle & send prayers for our safe travel on Wednesday (2/27/2013). It will be very much appreciated!

Friday, February 22, 2013

My New Tea Recipe

My New Tea Recipe
With this move going on, the packing, the running around town getting things we need, planning all of the logistics of it all, we've run ourselves down terribly. Or at least weakened our systems enough to allow our bodies to develop flu-like symptoms, and in general just feel like we'd like to just crawl into bed and stay there.

But as we must get moving, in every sense of the word, I decided to work up a tea to kill what ever bug it is that's affecting me....hubby wouldn't drink a tea at gun point, so he'll just have to deal with his health problem his own way. So far, his isn't working. Mine, on the other hand, has my symptoms gone! I'll be making more today. Maybe a couple of times today. I want to feel as good as possible for the 1000 mile trip on Tuesday. I may not be able to fix my head, back, neck & shoulders (due to packing & lifting things - which I really shouldn't but have no choice in the matter), but I can certainly fix the rest of it!

So, here's my recipe:

3 cups water (in a coffee maker)
Coffee filter filled with:
1 Tablespoon Basil (Ocimum basilicum), crushed
1/4 cup Goldenrod flowers (Solidago spp.)
1/4 cup Yarrow flowers (Achillea millefolium)
1/4 cup Joe-Pye Weed leaves (Eupotorium purpureum), crushed
1/8 cup Plantain leaves (Plantago major or lanceolata), crushed
1 Mullein leaf (Verbascum thapsus), crushed

This will make quite a bit of tea. Only 1/2 cup of the tea mix is necessary per person.

Run the water through the coffee maker as usual, but then pour it back through 3 more times, for a total of 4 times through the coffee maker. It will get stronger with each brewing. Note: The 3 cups of water (per person) will reduce down to 2 cups by the 4th time through the coffee maker.

3 Tablespoons Honey
1/4 Lemon, juice & pulp

I must admit I was afraid it would taste like shit. LOL However, I was greatly surprised, as it was really, really good! Nothing's worse than having to take sucky tasting medicine. But this "medicine" tastes great! (At least in my humble opinion, anyway!)

So, why these particular plants? Well, here's what they're good for (some I need now, some I don't):

Bowel functions, Constipation, Colds, Digestion, Flu, Gas, Insect bites, Menstrual cramps, Nausea, Vomiting

Goldenrod flowers:
Aquaretic, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Arthritis, Allergies, Asthma, Bladder infections, Blood pressure, Cancer, Colds, Depression, Diabetes, Eczema, Flu, Gout, Hemorrhoids, Inflammation, Internal bleeding, Kidney stones, Laryngitis, Liver (enlarged), Muscle spasm relief, Rheumatic disorders, Sore throat, Tuberculosis, Urinary tract health, Wounds

Yarrow flowers:
Amenorrhea, Anesthetic, Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Astringent, Baldness, Bowels, Bleeding & clotting, Blood purifier, Catarrh, Chicken Pox, Circulation, Colds & flu’s, Coughs, Cystitis, Diabetes, Digestion aid, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Fever, Gastritis, Glandular system, Gum problems, Headache, Hemorrhoids, Incense, Insect repellant, Liver stimulator & regulator, Lowers blood pressure, Lungs, Measles, Menstrual suppression & regulation, Nipple soreness, Nose bleeds, Peri-menopause, Slows heartbeat, Smallpox, Toothache, Thrombosis, Ulcers, Uterine tightener, Varicose veins, Vision

Joe-Pye Weed leaves:
Arthritis, Constipation, Diuretic, Fever, Flu, Gall Stone, Kidney Stones, Typhus, Urinary infections, Wound wash

Plantain leaves:

Appetite suppressant, Anti-toxic, Antimicrobial, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-histamine, Asthma, Astringent, Aversion to Tobacco, Bladder problems, Blisters, Blood sugar control, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Cholesterol, Coughs, Cuts, Cystitis, Demulcent, Diarrhea, Diuretic, Dysentery, Emphysema, Expectorant, Fever, Gastritis, Hay Fever, Headaches, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhoids, Hypertension, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Peptic ulcers, Poison neutralizer, Rheumatism, Riboflavin, Scratches, Sinusitis, Stings, Styptic, Ulcers, Vitamin B1, Weariness, Wounds 

Mullein leaf:
AIDS virus, Analgesic, Anodyne, Anti-cancer, Antihistaminic, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Antiviral, Arthritis, Asthma, Astringent, Bacteristat, Boils, Bone/cartilage builder, Bronchitis, Carbuncles, Cardio-depressant, Catarrhs, Chilblains, Colic, Congestion, Coughs, Croup, Demulcent, Diarrhea, Diuretic, Earache, Emollient, Estrogenic, Eczema, Expectorant, Frostbite, Fungicide, Gum & mouth ulcers, Hay fever, Hemorrhoids, Hypnotic, Insecticide, Insulation, Lighting & tinder & wick, Narcotic, Nervine, Pain reliever, Panic attacks, Pesticide, Pneumonia, Respiratory system, Sedative, Sinus problems, Spasmodic coughing, Stomach cramps, Sunburn, Toothache, Tuberculosis, Tumors, Ulcers, VD, Vulnerary and spasmodic coughs, Warts

Anemia, Anti-bacterial, Arthritis, Bed-wetting, Burns, Calcium, Cancer, Colds, Conjunctivitis, Copper, Coughs, Digestive aid, Facial cleanser, Fatigue, Flu, Food preservative, Hair conditioner, Headaches, High protein (35%), Hydroscopic, Hyperactivity, Insomnia, Iron, Longevity, Magnesium, Mead, Migraines, Nasal congestion, Niacin, Osteoporosis, Phosphorous, Potassium, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Sodium, Sore throat, Stress, Thiamin, Vitamins B, C, D, & E

Antiscorbutic, Astringent, Cellulite, Cleaning agent, Culinary, Diuretic, Febrifuge, Headaches, Insect bites, Warts

So, if I drink this a couple of times a day while packing, with all that good stuff going on, I should be doing quite well!