What's in the Holler

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice
At 7:09 pm Eastern Time last night, the Summer Solstice began! 

Wow, half the year is gone already! The light half of the year is now passed and the dark half begins. For those of Celtic Traditions or ancestry (or both) it is now the reign of the Holly King. The Oak King, the God of the Waxing Year, reigns from Winter Solstice until the Holly King, God of the Waning Year, takes over and reigns from the Summer Solstice on.

The Earth (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere) will begin to heat up for the Summer and then ready itself for the slumber of Winter. The days will shorten slightly each day and soon the awesome Autumn colors will begin their brilliant show. The waning months are my favorite time of year!

Here are a few pictures of our place in Kentucky during the Summer and  Autumn. I'm looking forward to seeing what differences there will be in Kansas! Certainly not the trees we have here, but then planting my own may allow the extreme beauty of Autumn to shine around me. Definitely a plan to work on!