What's in the Holler

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Lesson 6: Magic Seals of Solomon - Pentacles of Mercury

Lesson 6: Magic Seals of Solomon - Pentacles of Mercury

Pentacles of Mercury:
Color: Mixed Colors
Metal: Mercury
Day: Wednesday

1st Pentacle of Mercury - Conveys personal magnetism upon the owner.

2nd Pentacle of Mercury - This Talisman is said to gain the impossible; granting wishes contrary to the order of nature.

3rd Pentacle of Mercury - Influences the written word, tending to make one eloquent in letters, papers, or any writing. Used by all who wish to impress others with their literary skills, particularly poets & authors.

4th Pentacle of Mercury - Assists in gaining knowledge & understanding in all things, and to penetrate the hidden thought of others.

5th Pentacle of Mercury - Serves to open doors of any kind, for nothing it encounters can resist or defeat it.


  1. hi GrannyTacket i really like to have the 4th pentacle of Mercury it says mixed colors i just want to know if you add silver color on it on your pentacle i know it is secret possession but i really want to know if you add it silvered color is it okay to mixed all of these colors black, blue, red,yellow,green,silver i just really want to know if im doing rigth thank you it would be helpful ?:)

  2. If you just copy the ones in these lessons and print them out from a color printer, then you will have the Pentacles in the colors you need.

    If you're making them from some other material and then painting them or whatever, then for the Seals of Mercury, just use the light purple/lavender as I've done here in this lesson. If you actually mix those colors you will end up with an ugly brown, so just use the light purple/lavender.

    And again, stop working this to death. You're making too much of it and this is a negative thing, which will affect the Seals you work on. Relax. Do what you can and stop sweating all of the minute details. The Divine knows what you're doing and why, so just trust the Divine and everything will be fine. :)

    1. Hi Granny Tackett. Can you please tell me, is it possible to activate a pentacle that is made of paper and colouring pencils, if yes how?

    2. Yes. And as I said before - JUST DO IT! Do not work it to death. As for "how" - again, read the instructions in the Introduction lesson.

  3. Hi guys I just need to know if can I use paper and colouring pencils to make me a pentacle. Also how do I activate it?

    1. Yes, you can use paper and coloring pencils. I use the printer, and whether it's done in black & white or color doesn't matter. They're all just as powerful. As for activating it, read the instructions in the Introduction Lesson, which is the first lesson in the whole series.

  4. Replies
    1. :) Any more questions - feel free to ask! Lots of questions have been asked, so read through them to see if yours is already answered...might even have a question answered you didn't even know you had a question to yet!

      Granny Tackett

  5. 2nd Pentacle of Mercury : granting wishes contrary to the order of nature.
    what does it mean?
    can you Will give an example?
