What's in the Holler

About, Contact, & Policies

About Granny Tackett:
Granny Tackett is the name I've taken in honor of my mother-in-law (her maiden name), whom I've never met. She passed many years ago, but from the stories my husband tells me, she is someone I would give anything to know! She was part Cherokee from the hills of East Tennessee, in the Appalachia Mountains. From her I could've learned all that I've been trying to research for years.

What I do is rootwork, and while I have the name "hoodoo" in the blog name, I understand that what I do is not the Hoodoo or Conjurer of the Southern United States. What I do is based more in that of the European immigrants who settled deep in the hollers of Appalachia. Rootwork and wortcunning being more correct terms, and the black influence not being as prominent.

I work exclusively with the plants & herbs found or grown here on our property or wildcrafted locally. Rarely do I use materials that are "foreign" to this area. I work with what would've been used by my ancestors who immigrated here - and luxuries such as Essential Oils would not have been used as their price would've been highly prohibitive, never mind access to them would've been just about impossible. Traveling from the hollers down to the cities would've been rare, and for many, never occurring.

So, while Southern Hoodoo's are, understandably, purists, so too am I regarding what would have been practiced deep in the hollers of Appalachia - and black influence would not have been a huge factor until close to and into the 20th century. Blacks migrating from the South to the North passed through but rarely stayed, or rather stayed within their own societal group. Thus their influence on the highly secluded Appalachian communities would be next to nil. The remote locations of these groups kept them segregated from the rest of society, not just the separation of whites from blacks, although this also would've been the norm with the few blacks who did settle back in the hollers, but from the bulk of society in general. The inhabitants of the Appalachia would've dealt with the Natives on a far more regular basis than any blacks. Thus the Native's influence was far greater.

I have spent my life not fitting in with everyone around me, preferring to be alone and in the company of books and animals over people. I have been drawn to the "Granny Woman" since I was very young, but had no idea how to get to the state of being able to live as one. Choosing to be a rootworker/cunning woman/Granny Woman was not exactly something any "normal" person would aspire to!

I do not "worship" Gods, I work with the Divine in all Its forms, accessing Their powers to manifest what the needs or wants are of the specific works I am doing, whether for myself or others. If I am doing a work for someone else, I will call upon their Deity, or if I don't know Who that is, then I just call upon the Divine Energy that is in everything. A person's higher spirit knows better than the person does as to what it is that they need and will accept the Divine's help quite easily and without reservation.

I teach the Foundations of the Craft at A Witch's Craft, but do not guide the student into any specific Path. Their Path is their own to find. However, I am in the process of formulating an intensive course that follows an American-based European-style rootwork/cunning tradition. It is not being developed for the sake of bringing in "followers", but to introduce others to an American folk magic system that is solely based in the practices of the ancestors of the Old World (namely English, Scottish, Irish, German). The fact that it is rootwork does not mean that it must be African influenced. 

I'll leave it to the Divine to determine how it progresses.

For readings, spellwork, candle burning vigil consultations, Reiki healing sessions, or any other purpose, please contact Granny Tackett at:


I would love to be of assistance to you!

Granny Tackett

Polices on Services & Sales
Each service is performed specific to the client, we do not guarantee anything beyond that fact that we will perform the service to the best of our ability. As we are working with the Divine and the Ethereal realms, it is the client's responsibility to follow through with any instructions given. The client's belief in the services received is based in the spiritual and cannot be determined tangibly. Thus, we hold no responsibility beyond that which we express we will do, but not the specific outcome.

Divination readings are performed, pictures of the spread are sent, the text is sent via e-mail for the client's own records. What happens after we have fulfilled our end of the transaction is completely the responsibility of the client.

Reiki sessions are performed at the designated times in the appropriate manner. How and when, or even if, the client will respond is of a spiritual matter and cannot be determined tangibly by us specifically. Feedback is appreciated but not necessary. It is the client's responsibility to be receptive to the energies sent, but we have no control over how the client may choose to do this.

Items made or spells performed specific to a client's request are exercised to our best ability. Their manifestation of intent is entirely the responsibility of the client and how they choose to believe in its efficacy. We have no control over the beliefs of others.

So basically, Hoodoo Hill promises to provide the services we offer at the best of our ability and the client must believe in those services and the strength of themselves to bring about the desired manifestation.

Due to the statements above, and that fact that all items/services are custom designed upon order, we do not offer a refund. However, we will listen and take into consideration, on a case by case basis, anyone who does request one. But we will not guarantee that we will give it, due specifically to the fact that these items/services are faith based. I hope y'all can understand this reasoning.

Payment Methods:
*Payments for any products or services must be made by using the "Buy Now" buttons next to each item or service. (The name on your debit/credit card statement will be 'Ravnshade Enterprise', my parent company.)

For credit card payments, if you're outside the U.S., then the "zip code" line on the Flint "Buy Now" form may give you a problem. The KEY is to only input 5 numbers. If you have letters in your postal code, use the number equivalent found on your phone keypad (2=ABC, 3=DEF, 4=GHI, etc.) If you have any problems, after following this formula, e-mail me and we'll figure it out.

Contact me if there is anything you are interested in, whether what you see here or something else you would like me to make or do for you.

As all made-to-order items are made specific to the client, so no items will be given refunds. A "credit" toward another product may be acceptable, upon the return of the original item(s) in full & complete as-received condition.

Rituals & Spell Works are Spiritual services, thus there is no guarantee as to how or if they will manifest. I do my best for my clients, but ultimately, it is up to Spirit how the works will manifest, and the attitude of the client (bad/negative attitudes will severely hinder any works being done for the client). There are no refunds on Rituals or Spell Works.

Readings are spiritual in nature and there is no way to guarantee what it will say, how the client will accept it, or if it will manifest as shown. Thus, readings are non-refundable.

Candle Vigils are done with pictures taken as proof of their on-going work. These are Spiritually guided, thus there is no guarantee of their manifestation. "Healing" is spiritual and may not be visible. It is sent as requested, and received as the client's Spirit allows. There are no refunds on Candle Vigils.

Reiki/Energy Healing services are distant healing sessions or distant Reiki Attunements. No refunds are permissible for these services. 

Workshop deposits are refundable, up to a certain point prior to the Workshop. See the Workshop page for full details.

Any client that does a "charge back" on their credit/debit card for their Services will be banned from any further assistance, and other avenues will be taken to return the "favor" in kind. You mess with my livelihood, I will mess with you.

So please let's be adults, you request a service or goods, and I will provide them with the full ability of my skills. If, after a minimum of 3 months things aren't manifesting as hoped, then we will discuss another course of action.

Thank you!


  1. so glad i found this site. i grew up in the hills of south eastern kentucky, and learned just enough of this stuff there to know that i wanted to learn more. great site. Specto Viridis

  2. Hello Granny Tackett! I live in Florida about 45 minutes from Palm Beach & 2 hours from Orlando. The reason I stated this is because I was reading about the $300 course you having on Sat./Sun and I continued to look for a location where it will take place, but I couldn't find it, probably an oversight on my part. Where: city/state? Thanks Viola B.

  3. :) Yes, I guess it would help if I DID have a location! LOL It's funny how you don't see something (so obviously missing) until it's pointed out. I will correct it immediately - and thank you for bringing it to my attention. Anyway, to answer your question, I am in Hoxie, KS. Which is basically out in the middle of nowhere! A 4 hour drive from any airport. I am working on figuring out how to do video workshops so they will be more accessible to people. With today's costs of everything, flying in, renting a car and a motel room, plus the cost of the workshop, just isn't that feasible for most people. (Me included!) I've had to forgo so many workshops & events for just this reason. I am still planning the on-sight locations, but in the meantime I am working on putting them all in video format for easier access. I will post their availability as soon as I have them ready. And to be honest, it may not be that quickly considering the renovations we're still in the middle of here in our one-room schoolhouse conversion project. But I promise it WILL get done! :)

  4. what classes would you recommend online if your not near your location. and what would you suggest in the way of curing magic (what is a good way to heal deep rooted problems). i have searched for a cure to my problem in many places and in many religions. I am wondering if you can suggest a talisman or a person to visit. I implore you for your help and if you cannot find an answer to direct me to someone who might be able to

  5. Daily cleansing showers are a good way to start your day. When you shower, it doesn't have to be a "special" shower, just your everyday shower, you see the negative washing down the drain. Say a prayer to assist in keeping your thoughts on cleansing your spirit.

    Yes, a talisman would also be good to carry with you and keep near you at all times. The simplest talisman is a rock or pebble that draws you to pick it up. Not just any rock or pebble, but one that you just can't walk away from without picking it up or you've seen it several times, are drawn to it but just never picked it up, but finally you just have to. This can be the beginning of a mojo bag for you to start collecting for, or just by itself.

    Another one that I really like is an old skeleton key. If you can make a Crossroads Key that would be excellent also, but if not, then just having it to "unlock" the obstacles that keep you from progressing, or to "lock" up those things that you wish to do away with. Maybe even 2 keys, one for each purpose.

    There are many things you can do. Just get creative! There is no right & wrong, only "better". And "better" may only be to add certain herbs and/or oils, or a certain colored cloth, or who knows what else may come to mind?!

    Self-evaluation is also a good thing. Consider what these "deep rooted problems" are and look deeply into yourself to see if there is something you are allowing to occur that brings these things on? More often than not, our problems are self-imposed, not brought about through the actions of others, but through our own. Once you can find the source you can work to correct it. :)

  6. Hello! I appreciate your blog very much and have found much wisdom here. I have but one tiny qualm, and that's this bit: "black influence would not have been much of a factor. Blacks migrating from the South to the North passed through but rarely stayed, or rather stayed within their own societal group."

    See, I'm a witch from West Virginia with Appalachian ancestry that goes waaay back, mostly from the Scottish/English borderlands, Northern Ireland, and Germany (like most Appalachians). However I am also mixed race, with Black Appalachian ancestors going back at least to the early 1800s (records are spotty). I grew up in a part of Charleston, WV -- the west side -- known for being "the Black side of town" (though in reality its still very much a multiracial neighborhood). From what I can make of ancestry research I've done, my Black ancestors were servants and/or slaves at the luxury mountain resorts where the colonial elites would go to take the air and enjoy the hot springs. These resorts date from pre-revolutionary times, and likely had slaves about as far back. (There's even a famous painting of a slave wedding at White Sulphur Springs, (West) Virginia during the early 1800s: http://artnc.org/works-of-art/kitchen-ball-white-sulphur-springs-virginia.) And of course lots of Black folk came to Appalachia during the coal boom around the turn of the 20th century, which, like you say, would not have had much impact on earlier traditional practices, beliefs, and folk magic of the Appalachian settlers. But way earlier in the 18th century slaves were brought to work the salt mines along the Kanawha River Valley, so African-descended people have been in these hollers for almost, but not quite, as far back as my Scots-Irish, English, and German ancestors. There weren't as many, true -- but far from staying insulated and not interacting with the European settlers, they clearly intermixed and exchanged ideas. I'm living proof of that. :)

    I hope I do not come off as combative, because I feel no ill will at all! I just want to speak up for my ancestors, the Black Appalachians, who have too often been erased from our shared histories and whose contributions to our spiritual heritage of rootwork and traditional rural magic too often ignored. In truth our practices are traditions brought from Europe mixed with things settlers learned (like how to use native healing plants), and more often stole, from the native nations and the slaves they brought here. While celebrating intercultural exchange and the unique cross-pollination that happened between these cultures, I believe it deepens our practice, and is ethically imperative, that we acknowledge that as Appalachian witches/rootworkers/etc, this is a complicated history that was not always equal and involved the theft of land, labor and culture from Native and African peoples -- and not to ignore that Black Appalachians existed.

    Blessings and justice,

  7. :) You are in no way "combative" and I welcome to correction from someone "in the know". My statement(s) are mainly from (minor) family knowledge - they moved from east TN to north central TX about 80 years ago, as well as from intuited ancestral knowledge, and of course the ever "stolen" (albeit not known to be so) knowledge.

    I have, since writing this original page's post learned a bit more - and I stand corrected. You have done so beautifully and I appreciate it. I've been extremely busy lately and have not tended to the blog as I would like. But I DO promise you that when I have the time to re-write this page I will do so. If you would e-mail me at grannytackett1031@gmail.com, I would love to speak with you in more detail. I feel I can learn as much from you - and enjoy doing so - as you've enjoyed reading my blog.

    I am ALWAYS open to learning & sharing! It is the ONLY way we can keep it going, and those who refuse to accept educational criticism will never learn & grow. :)

    Granny Tackett

  8. I love your site, but it is difficult for me to read the black background especially when you use the darker fonts:(

    1. I apologize. I have changed font color for the post from yesterday and will remember to keep the colors lighter in the future. Thank you for the critique, I appreciate it. :)
      Granny Tackett

  9. Granny Tackett,

    I simply love your site. I was guided here through another pagan site. I just had to write to say Merry Meet! Your website is wonderful! A very Blessed Lughnasadh to you

    1. Thank you! I apologize for the late response. I bought the local newspaper in June and have been swamped ever since. I rarely get a chance to check in here. But when I do, and find such wonderful compliments such as yours, it makes it much nicer - even if I do end up feeling a bit guilty for my absence! :)

  10. if i order a spell from you and dont beleive will it still work

    1. If you say a prayer, but you don't believe in prayer, will the prayer work? You tell me. Does the power behind belief or disbelief govern efficacy, and if so, which moreso?

      Try this: ASK (for whatever it is you want/need); BELIEVE (with zero doubt allowed to ever creep in); RECEIVE (what you BELIEVE is what you will receive - so which do you want? Belief in what you want/need or doubt that you deserve that which you want/need? I'll take belief every time - and every time I've received that which I've believed to be mine.

  11. Hi there Granny,

    I'm not exactly new to this, but I've never really worked with runes before (mostly just herbs, spices, plants, stones). That's why I'm very glad that I found your blog and had a read through. I do plan on making my own Bindrune (I picked Eihwaz, Algiz and Mannaz + the 3 important ones), but I'm not really sure if that's going to help with what I try to solve.
    I'm by no means asking you for a definitive answer but do you know of a specifc rune / spell that would help with remembering something you've forgotten? I can't tell you what exactly it is I'm trying to remember, but I know I've forgotten something important. Maybe by my own choice, but it's been a problem for many years now and I think I'm ready to face what ever it is.

    Thank you

    1. By making your own bindrune you can build it to do exactly what you want. Another method would be to write a sentence stating what you want, then take the first letter of each word and write them one on top of the other. This then becomes your bindrune for that specific purpose. :)

  12. I am Christian Wiccan and a Witch. I know this is not popular among Wiccans and Christians alike. But it is my path, I am a solitary practitioner. I'm forming my own Tradition. My best-friends father is in the hospital with pneumonia, he was told if he got it again he wouldn't survive it. I chose a black candle to absorb his illness. I inscribed the candle with his name & runes for health, protection, love & success. I use the Elder FUTHARK runes, my ancestry is Celtic. I really like her father. I inscribed his name & the runes & I & my best-friend dressed the candle with rose essential oil, seeing in our minds her father healthy & happy. I also have a gold candle for the Lord (Jesus) and the Lady (Virgin Mary). I used a black candle to absorb his illness. After I lit all three candles I noticed at first the black candle, for her father, had a weak flame. But the Lord & Ladys' candle have very tall strong flames, after a few minutes the black candles' flame become very strong and tall. They all had rainbow flames, so beautiful, and the black candle for her father has a beautiful golden halo. The Ladys' silver candle is very active, dancing. The Lords' gold candle is a little more subdued. But the directions of the flames worry me. The Ladys' candle dipped in a South/East direction. The Lords' candle dips East. Her fathers candle flickers to the North and East. Does this mean that I need to do an all the works, very strong spell? Your advice would be much appreciated. Thank you and Blessed Be!!

  13. Christian, Wiccan & Witch - love it! Jesus is your Lord and the Virgin Mary is your Lady. Perfect! I am not Christian or Wiccan, but I also have the Lord & Lady as you do. Where They are the ones I'll have on the altar in ritual, I consider the Divine as the Omnipotent One, the Creator of All. I feel that each has their view of Deity and no one has a right to tell them, "No, that's wrong." Because no one can see that part of another person's view on life and the hereafter.

    Your working sounds like it was a very strong one. I like to also have multiple candles going, especially for healing works - they need all that extra energy working for it! Your concern for the directions of the candles' flames: SE, E, NE.

    Lady: South East: Fire and Air - without Air, Fire cannot burn. Fire is healing, but for it to build energy quickly it will need to have more Air. "Stoking the fire," so to speak.
    Lord: East: Air - without Air, we cannot breathe. Without breath we cannot live. You said he had pneumonia. If you've never had pneumonia, TRUST ME, all you WANT to do is breathe without forcing each breath.
    Father's candle: North East: again, we have Air. 1) add 1 & 2 as part of this one, 2) now consider that North is grounding, solidity, safety, and the epitome of nature and life. Without Air (again) there is no life. All plants & animals MUST have air. To relax and heal we must go "in." We must have a respite from activity. His body, mind & spirit are there so it can heal. And the energies necessary are doing exactly what they need.

    My guess is that, if when he is fully on the mend, if you do another work a candle's flame will turn West to bring the flow of Water, ALSO something we cannot live without. It will sooth the flames of Fire so he's not on the mend too quickly, which can tax the body and send it reeling in the opposite direction.

    Trust that Spirit and the Lord & Lady and the Elementals all know EXACTLY what They need to do! I find it sad that so many do not understand this and are always trying to one-up or take over. You've done a beautiful work and it sounds like it's working perfectly. Trust the Divine's inner voice in you so that when It tells you it's time to do the next work, you do so immediately and without hesitation.

    IF I get a "do this (whatever 'this' is) NOW!" I've learned not to hesitate or make excuses, because it is at THAT moment the energies are right, and it is at THAT moment that I am given the option to acquiesce, listen and learn, or go my own way - which never works out as perfectly. :)

    I would love to hear how everything turns out, if you don't mind. I'll have him in my prayers.


  14. Thank you! I wish the same blessings for you and yours as well. :)

  15. Good Day....I need some assistance, my friend found a red flannel cloth tied with yellow and white yarn with herbs and such inside, in his office this morning...is there anyway you can advise as what this may be for?

    1. That's a Mojo Hand bag.

      1) Someone dropped it and didn't realize it. (They probably freaked out when they realized it.)
      2) Someone has either hexed or blessed him - depends on the herbs & items inside.
      3) Someone has set their sights on getting him to notice them, and to work toward a relationship.

      Sorry, not much help there with all those options. :) But without knowing exactly what's in it, it's a bit difficult to tell.
