I'm a Witch. I'm a rootworker. I'm a wife, mother & grandmother. But I am also a PATRIOT - and this will give you goosebumps! Sung by children!
Goddess Bless America! And these beautiful little girls.
I just had to share. I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I do.

Welcome to Hoodoo Hill (named for my Boxer buddy who was never too far from my side until his passing with his best girl, Gris-Gris, on November 2, 2020). My name is Granny Tackett and I’d like to introduce you to various aspects of rootwork and Granny Magic, a form of American Folk Magic; herbs, roots, potions, brews, rituals, spell works, wildcrafting, divination systems, and many other interesting tidbits of folk magic. I hope y’all enjoy your visit!
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Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Living a Witch, Rootworker's Life
Living a Witch, Rootworker's Life
A rootworker spends a great deal of time working with plants, and herbs. Gardening is a favorite pastime, walking in the woods finding odd things - of both plant and animal form - to use for amulets, in ritual works, in crafts, or just to set on the window sill are also favorites.
We watch the passing seasons, enjoying the always changing view. Never the same from one day to the next. Personally, my favorite "watch" is to observe the sun rising in the morning sky, each day being slightly moved from the day before. I've marked my fence with colored metal stars for the location where the sun rises on the Sabbats. It was a year long project that was so fun to do! So now I have 8 pretty 5" stars across the top of the fence on the east side of the property.
I collect zoological items from dead animals in the woods, or found (fresh) roadkill. The furs, feathers, feet, teeth, etc. are blessed and the creature honored for their life and the giving thereof. I've been told my home looks like a museum because I have so many "interesting" things! :D
Using the plants & zoological items in rootwork is also important. Each having their own energy to lend to the work. A rootworker will perform works for just about any situation, its up to the person requesting the work to worry about the morals or ethics of what they want to accomplish. A Witch is not responsible for the actions and choices of others.
Many misconceptions exist about Witches, which were spread and propagandized by those who fear the unknown. Rather than learning from those who are Witches, they prefer instead, to listen to and continue to spread all the misinformation. If you want to fix your car, you don't take it to the grocery store. You take it to the auto repair shop. The same adage can be applied to those who need to learn to speak educably on a subject they know nothing about, in this instance that being Witches and Witchcraft. They absolutely must speak with those who live and practice the Craft. They need to read that which a Witch reads and learn from the sources a Witch learns from. This will not "convert" them, but it will allow them to hold a fair conversation with others regarding the subject.
So, if someone wishes to hold an intelligent conversation with me, I welcome the opportunity!
We watch the passing seasons, enjoying the always changing view. Never the same from one day to the next. Personally, my favorite "watch" is to observe the sun rising in the morning sky, each day being slightly moved from the day before. I've marked my fence with colored metal stars for the location where the sun rises on the Sabbats. It was a year long project that was so fun to do! So now I have 8 pretty 5" stars across the top of the fence on the east side of the property.
I collect zoological items from dead animals in the woods, or found (fresh) roadkill. The furs, feathers, feet, teeth, etc. are blessed and the creature honored for their life and the giving thereof. I've been told my home looks like a museum because I have so many "interesting" things! :D
Using the plants & zoological items in rootwork is also important. Each having their own energy to lend to the work. A rootworker will perform works for just about any situation, its up to the person requesting the work to worry about the morals or ethics of what they want to accomplish. A Witch is not responsible for the actions and choices of others.
Many misconceptions exist about Witches, which were spread and propagandized by those who fear the unknown. Rather than learning from those who are Witches, they prefer instead, to listen to and continue to spread all the misinformation. If you want to fix your car, you don't take it to the grocery store. You take it to the auto repair shop. The same adage can be applied to those who need to learn to speak educably on a subject they know nothing about, in this instance that being Witches and Witchcraft. They absolutely must speak with those who live and practice the Craft. They need to read that which a Witch reads and learn from the sources a Witch learns from. This will not "convert" them, but it will allow them to hold a fair conversation with others regarding the subject.
So, if someone wishes to hold an intelligent conversation with me, I welcome the opportunity!
Defining Rootwork & Who or What a Rootworker Is
Defining Rootwork and Who or What a Rootworker Is
While a description may be relatively easy, as defined below, the actuality of who a rootworker is, can be very difficult. First, we'll start with the historical and (relatively) clinical definition:
This African-American Folk Magick system (also referred to as Hoodoo or JuJu) is a traditional magick system that originated in the southern United States. It is a mystical art founded in botanical knowledge passed on hereditarily through the family, but it may also be practiced by solitaries. The goal of rootwork is to allow people access to spiritual forces to influence their daily lives. Rootwork is an informal system that draws its influences from Appalachian, traditional African practices, Native American folklore and some elements of Christian, Jewish and European folk practices. It is not a religion and it is not to be confused with Voodoo, or more correctly, Vodun.
One who practices rootwork, a form of American Folk Magic. Other names, depending on geographical area, include: Uncle, Auntie, Granny, Witch Doctor, Granny Woman, or Witch.
Historically, she is the "old hag" of northern & western Europe, the "granny witch" of the Appalachia's, the "conjurer" of the Hoodoo in the southern United States. There are various "types" who practice specific works according to geographic location. The conjurer's work is influenced mainly by the French, Haitian, and southern Black slaves. Melding into a style all their own. The granny witch of the Appalachia's has strong European (English, Welsh, Scots, Germanic) influences, including that of the Black slaves that lived among them after they were freed. The herbs & roots they use are all very much the same, but in many instances their application may be different or in some cases other plants may be used.
For example, the Louisiana Voodoo doll is shaped from moss from the trees (maybe 2 crossed twigs for arms & legs), herbs may be wrapped inside with pretty fabric, and then tied. The Appalachia dollbaby is a cloth, generically human shaped doll that is stuffed with what ever is available; fiberfill stuffing, herbs, scrap material, etc.. These are very general descriptions, but the basic idea is obvious....each has their own style.
Ok, with that out of the way - WHO or WHAT is a rootworker?
The rootworker is a rare find. They are usually not one to advertise their presence. With the internet, there are younger rootworkers now online, but the old "down in the holler" Granny Witch certainly won't be! She lives a fairly solitary life, maybe married, often widowed. She works in her garden, gathers specific roots & plant parts in the woods, collects "odd" things while on her walks; stones, feathers, bones, bark, flowers, what ever catches her eye. Each having a purpose, whether known or unknown at that moment.
A rootworker blends potions for medicinal purposes, as well as for spiritual works. She may be called upon for matters of the heart or matters of the stomach. Regardless of which, she'll always have something to help you out with. You may be given an amulet to carry with you, or a potion to drink, or a dust or powder to sprinkle around for what ever purpose necessary. Make sure to be respectful and to pay for her services. This may be monetary if she so asks, or it may be an action returned in kind.
If you find one nearby, don't be afraid to speak with her. Develop a rapport and a relationship. She may just decide you're worth teaching. And what she knows will be far greater than what you'll find only in books! Practical knowledge beats book knowledge every time.
This African-American Folk Magick system (also referred to as Hoodoo or JuJu) is a traditional magick system that originated in the southern United States. It is a mystical art founded in botanical knowledge passed on hereditarily through the family, but it may also be practiced by solitaries. The goal of rootwork is to allow people access to spiritual forces to influence their daily lives. Rootwork is an informal system that draws its influences from Appalachian, traditional African practices, Native American folklore and some elements of Christian, Jewish and European folk practices. It is not a religion and it is not to be confused with Voodoo, or more correctly, Vodun.
One who practices rootwork, a form of American Folk Magic. Other names, depending on geographical area, include: Uncle, Auntie, Granny, Witch Doctor, Granny Woman, or Witch.
Historically, she is the "old hag" of northern & western Europe, the "granny witch" of the Appalachia's, the "conjurer" of the Hoodoo in the southern United States. There are various "types" who practice specific works according to geographic location. The conjurer's work is influenced mainly by the French, Haitian, and southern Black slaves. Melding into a style all their own. The granny witch of the Appalachia's has strong European (English, Welsh, Scots, Germanic) influences, including that of the Black slaves that lived among them after they were freed. The herbs & roots they use are all very much the same, but in many instances their application may be different or in some cases other plants may be used.
For example, the Louisiana Voodoo doll is shaped from moss from the trees (maybe 2 crossed twigs for arms & legs), herbs may be wrapped inside with pretty fabric, and then tied. The Appalachia dollbaby is a cloth, generically human shaped doll that is stuffed with what ever is available; fiberfill stuffing, herbs, scrap material, etc.. These are very general descriptions, but the basic idea is obvious....each has their own style.
Ok, with that out of the way - WHO or WHAT is a rootworker?
The rootworker is a rare find. They are usually not one to advertise their presence. With the internet, there are younger rootworkers now online, but the old "down in the holler" Granny Witch certainly won't be! She lives a fairly solitary life, maybe married, often widowed. She works in her garden, gathers specific roots & plant parts in the woods, collects "odd" things while on her walks; stones, feathers, bones, bark, flowers, what ever catches her eye. Each having a purpose, whether known or unknown at that moment.
A rootworker blends potions for medicinal purposes, as well as for spiritual works. She may be called upon for matters of the heart or matters of the stomach. Regardless of which, she'll always have something to help you out with. You may be given an amulet to carry with you, or a potion to drink, or a dust or powder to sprinkle around for what ever purpose necessary. Make sure to be respectful and to pay for her services. This may be monetary if she so asks, or it may be an action returned in kind.
If you find one nearby, don't be afraid to speak with her. Develop a rapport and a relationship. She may just decide you're worth teaching. And what she knows will be far greater than what you'll find only in books! Practical knowledge beats book knowledge every time.
Getting Ready for the Harvest
I know its early, but yesterday I spent 5 hours weeding the garden. The sun was warm and the breeze was cool. Perfect day to spend in the garden! Yes, I'd let the weeds get out of hand. It won't happen again. I don't care how nice a day it was, 5 hours was waaaaaay too long! But I still had an great time getting Lugh's garden in order. He blessed me by finally showing me what to do with an old iron spoke wheel that I'd found buried in the woods last year. And the idea came from a completely outside source - very cool, and obviously meant to be!
Part of my gardening yesterday involved getting the cucumbers up on their trellis. Actually its a section of cattle fencing. Nice sturdy stuff! I always have tons of cucumbers and can't eat them all. So I went on a search for recipes, which I'll share here for anyone else who may always find themselves inundated with those wonderful cukes!
*Please note, these are not my recipes, I've had them for a while and have no idea where I got them - online, family, friends, etc..
Cucumber Recipes
Bread and Butter Pickles
1 ga Thin sliced cucumbers
6 Medium onions
3 cl Garlic
1/3 c Canning salt
2 tb Whole mustard seed
1 1/2 ts Celery seed
3 c White vinegar
5 c Sugar
1 1/2 ts Tumeric
Mix thin sliced cucumbers and onions and garlic with salt.
Cover with ice and let sit for 3 hours.
Then drain and add remaining ingredients.
Bring to a boil and can in sterile pint jars.
Cold Cucumber Pickles
7 c Sliced -- unpeeled Cucumbers
1 c Onion
1 c Green pepper
1 c Vinegar
1 tb Salt
1 tb Celery salt
2 c Sugar
Mix all together cold and store in covered container in refrigerator.
Will keep for months.
Crisp Cucumber Pickle (Diabetic Pickles)
6 firm cucumbers
1 1/2 tbsp. liquid sweetener
2 c. white vinegar
1/4 c. salt
1/4 c. water
2 tbsp. mixed pickling spice
Wash and dry cucumbers; cut into strips to fit half-pint jars.
Place in large bowl; sprinkle with salt and let stand overnight.
Rinse and drain well several times.
Combine sweetener, water and vinegar in a large kettle; bring to a boil.
Add pickling spice tied in a cheesecloth bag.
Add cucumbers.
Reduce heat; simmer 15 minutes. Pack cucumbers into hot sterilized half-pint jars.
Heat liquid again to boiling; pour over pickles in hot jars.
Seal at once.
Process for 10 minutes in simmering water to cover jars.
Makes 6 half-pints.
Crock Cucumber Pickles
1 ga White vinegar
1 c Sugar
1 c Salt
1 c Dry mustard
Sm to med. whole cucumbers
Make a paste of sugar, salt and mustard and stir into vinegar.
Drop in washed cucumbers.
Stir every time you add cucumbers.
Put a plate on top to keep cucumbers in the brine.
Country-Style Cucumbers
2 large waxed cucumbers
1 small red onion
1/2 cup rice vinegar
1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 tablespoon snipped fresh dill or 1 teaspoon dried dill weed
Tabasco sauce or pepper -- to taste
Peel waxed cucumbers, cut in half lengthwise, scoop out seeds and slice thinly.
Or wash and thinly slice small unwaxed cucumbers without peeling.
Peel and thinly slice onion, separate into rings, combine in mixing bowl with cucumbers.
Bring vinegar, water and sugar boil, stir in dill weed and pour over cucumbers.
Toss well, cover and refrigerate several hours or overnight, to blend flavors.
Serve as a side salad or a relish.
Avocado and Cucumber Salad
2 lg Cucumbers
2 Avocadoes
1/4 c Vegetable oil
1 Lemon
1 sm Garlic clove, pressed
Black pepper
Large lettuce leaves
Peel the cucumbers, cut them in half lengthwise, & core with a melon cutter, discarding the pulp & the seeds.
Slice thinly & place in a bowl.
Salt the slices & refrigerate for an hour.
Cut the avocadoes in half along the narrow side & remove the seed.
Peel & dice.
Combine with cucumber.
Mix the oil with the lemon, garlic, pepper & additional salt if needed.
Stir together with the avocado & cucumber & store in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
Serve cold on the lettuce leaves.
Cool Cucumber Pasta
8 oz Tube pasta
1 tb Vegetable oil
2 md Cucumbers, thinly sliced
1 md Onion, thinly sliced
1 1/2 c Sugar
1 c Water
3/4 c Vinegar
1 tb Prepared mustard
1 tb Dried parsley flakes
1 ts Salt
1 ts Pepper
1/2 ts Garlic salt
Cook the pasta according to package directions; drain and rinse in cold water.
Place in a large bowl; stir in oil, cucumbers and onion.
Combine remaining ingredients; pour over salad and toss.
Cover and chill for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally.
Serve with a slotted spoon.
Yield: 8-10 servings.
Creaming Cucumber Dressing
1 c Lowfat yogurt
1/3 c Finely chopped cucumber; peeled and seeded
1/4 c Lowfat mayonnaise
2 tb Chopped green onions
2 tb Fresh lemon juice
1/4 ts Salt
1/4 ts Dried whole dillweed
1/8 ts Pepper
Combine all ingredients in a bowl; stir well.
Cover and chill.
Can be served over mixed salad greens.
Makes 1 3/4 cups.
Cucumber and Onion In Sour Cream
1/2 c Sour cream
1 tb Sugar
1 tb Vinegar
1/2 ts Salt
2 md Cucumbers; thinly sliced
2 sm Onions; thinly sliced
Combine sour cream, sugar, vinegar, and salt; add cucumbers and onion, tossing gently.
Cover and chill 24 hours, stirring occasionally.
Cheese-filled Cucumber Slices
1 lg. cucumber (about 9 1/2 oz.)
1/2 oz. Swiss or Gruyere cheese, shredded
1 tbsp. chopped scallion (green onion)
1 tbsp. chopped fresh dill or 1/4 tsp. dill weed
1 tbsp. whipped cream cheese
Dash each salt and white pepper
Cut off ends of cucumber.
Using tines of a fork, score peel of cucumber.
Cut cucumber in half crosswise and using a melon baller or small spoon, remove and discard seeds from both halves; set aside.
In small mixing bowl thoroughly combine remaining ingredients.
Spoon half of the cheese mixture into cored section of each cucumber half.
Wrap each half in plastic wrap and refrigerate until chilled, about 1 hour.
To serve, remove plastic wrap and carefully slice each cucumber half into 6 equal slices.
Makes 2 servings, 6 slices each.
Cold Cucumbers with Garlic
1 lb Cucumbers
2 ts Salt
2 ts Sugar
1 tb White rice vinegar
1 1/2 tb Peanut oil
1 tb Coarsely chopped garlic
SLICE THE CUCUMBERS in half lengthways.
Using a spoon, remove the seeds.
Cut the cucumber halves into 3-by-1/2-inch pieces.
Combine the cucumber pieces with salt and allow to sit in a colander set inside a bowl for 10 minutes.
Rinse them in cold water, blot them dry and toss with the sugar and vinegar.
Heat a wok or large frying pan until it is hot and add the oil and garlic.
Stir-fry for 15 seconds until it is lightly brown.
Mix with the cucumbers and serve.
Cool Cucumber Dip
1 c Lowfat cottage cheese
1/2 md Cucumber; remove peel and cut into pieces
4 Radishes
2 Scallions with green tops
1 tb Fresh lemon juice or lime juice
1/4 ts Dried dill
1 ts Seasoned salt
1 ds Hot pepper sauce
In the container of a blender combine cottage cheese, cucumber, radishes, scallions, lemon or lime juice, dill, seasoned salt and hot pepper sauce.
Process until smooth.
Cover and chill.
Makes about 1 1/2 cups.
Cream Cheese Stuffed Cucumbers
3 md English cucumbers, scrubbed
1 pk (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
1/2 c Pimiento stuffed olives, chopped (optional)
1/4 c Chopped chives
Remove ends from cucumbers and cut in half lengthwise.
Using a melon baller or grapefruit spoon, remove seeds from both halves.
In a small bowl, combine cream cheese, olives, and chives.
Blend until well mixed.
Stuff each cucumber half with cheese mixture and reassemble halves, pressing together gently.
Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Cut into 1/4 inch slices to serve.
Cucumber "noodles" with Tomato Salsa
2 lb (about 2 large) seedless
1 tb Salt
For the salsa:
1 lb Plum tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and chopped
1/4 c Thinly sliced scallion
1 lg Garlic clove, minced
1 Pickled jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced
1 tb White-wine vinegar
1/4 ts Sugar
With a sharp knife cut cucumbers lengthwise into 1/8 inch thick "noodles" about 1/2 inch wide. In a bowl toss with salt and let stand for 10 min.
Make the salsa while cucumber noodles are standing: stir together the salsa ingredients.
Serves 6.
Cream of Cucumber Soup
2 c. peeled and coarsely chopped cucumbers
1 c. chicken broth
1 c. light cream
1/4 c. chopped chives
1/4 c. chopped celery leaves
3 sprigs of parsley
3 tbsp. soft butter
2 tbsp. of flour
Cover the container and blend in mixer until smooth.
Season with salt and pepper.
Serve either hot or cold.
If served hot, garnish with a very small amount of dill weed.
If served cold, garnish with finely chopped cucumbers and a bit of grated lemon rind.
Serves 4 to 6.
Cream of Cucumber Soup
3 (8 inch) cucumbers
2 tbsp. butter
1/4 c. chopped shallots or scallions
4 c. clear chicken broth
1 tsp. wine vinegar
1/2 tsp. dried dillweed or tarragon
3 tbsp. quick-cooking farina cereal
Salt & white pepper
1 c. sour cream
1 tbsp. dillweed or parsley for garnish
Peel cucumbers, cut 12 to 14 paper thin slices and reserve in bowl for decoration later.
Chop rest into 1/2 inch chunks, about 3 cups in all.
Melt butter in heavy saucepan, stir in shallots.
Cook 1 minute.
Add cucumber, chicken broth, vinegar and dill. Bring to boil.
Stir in farina gradually.
Boil slowly, uncovered, 20 minutes until farina is tender.
Puree in blender.
Thin with milk.
Season with salt and pepper.
TO SERVE COLD: Add salt and beat in sour cream. Top with cucumber slices and dill or parsley.
TO SERVE HOT: Bring soup to simmer and beat in sour cream just before serving. Top with cucumber slices and dill. May be frozen before adding sour cream.
Cucumber and Red Onion Soup
5 c Cucumbers
3 c Red onions
6 c Sour cream
2 tb Salt
3 tb Sugar
1/2 c Fresh dill weed- chopped
1/2 c Lemon juice
Peel and slice cucumbers as thin as you can.
Peel and slice red onions thin as you can. (It's easier if you cut the onion in half and slice cut side down).
Use a deep 1 gallon bowl or crock.
Alternate layers of cukes and onions with sprinkles of the salt and sugar between each layer.
This will draw out the juices that make it soup.
Pile sour cream on top.
Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours or more.
To serve, add the fresh dill weed and lemon juice and stir it up. Add more lemon juice or sugar to taste.
Cool and refreshing, this is just perfect when it is too hot to cook, and cucumbers are running wild.
Part of my gardening yesterday involved getting the cucumbers up on their trellis. Actually its a section of cattle fencing. Nice sturdy stuff! I always have tons of cucumbers and can't eat them all. So I went on a search for recipes, which I'll share here for anyone else who may always find themselves inundated with those wonderful cukes!
*Please note, these are not my recipes, I've had them for a while and have no idea where I got them - online, family, friends, etc..
Cucumber Recipes
Bread and Butter Pickles
1 ga Thin sliced cucumbers
6 Medium onions
3 cl Garlic
1/3 c Canning salt
2 tb Whole mustard seed
1 1/2 ts Celery seed
3 c White vinegar
5 c Sugar
1 1/2 ts Tumeric
Mix thin sliced cucumbers and onions and garlic with salt.
Cover with ice and let sit for 3 hours.
Then drain and add remaining ingredients.
Bring to a boil and can in sterile pint jars.
Cold Cucumber Pickles
7 c Sliced -- unpeeled Cucumbers
1 c Onion
1 c Green pepper
1 c Vinegar
1 tb Salt
1 tb Celery salt
2 c Sugar
Mix all together cold and store in covered container in refrigerator.
Will keep for months.
Crisp Cucumber Pickle (Diabetic Pickles)
6 firm cucumbers
1 1/2 tbsp. liquid sweetener
2 c. white vinegar
1/4 c. salt
1/4 c. water
2 tbsp. mixed pickling spice
Wash and dry cucumbers; cut into strips to fit half-pint jars.
Place in large bowl; sprinkle with salt and let stand overnight.
Rinse and drain well several times.
Combine sweetener, water and vinegar in a large kettle; bring to a boil.
Add pickling spice tied in a cheesecloth bag.
Add cucumbers.
Reduce heat; simmer 15 minutes. Pack cucumbers into hot sterilized half-pint jars.
Heat liquid again to boiling; pour over pickles in hot jars.
Seal at once.
Process for 10 minutes in simmering water to cover jars.
Makes 6 half-pints.
Crock Cucumber Pickles
1 ga White vinegar
1 c Sugar
1 c Salt
1 c Dry mustard
Sm to med. whole cucumbers
Make a paste of sugar, salt and mustard and stir into vinegar.
Drop in washed cucumbers.
Stir every time you add cucumbers.
Put a plate on top to keep cucumbers in the brine.
Country-Style Cucumbers
2 large waxed cucumbers
1 small red onion
1/2 cup rice vinegar
1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 tablespoon snipped fresh dill or 1 teaspoon dried dill weed
Tabasco sauce or pepper -- to taste
Peel waxed cucumbers, cut in half lengthwise, scoop out seeds and slice thinly.
Or wash and thinly slice small unwaxed cucumbers without peeling.
Peel and thinly slice onion, separate into rings, combine in mixing bowl with cucumbers.
Bring vinegar, water and sugar boil, stir in dill weed and pour over cucumbers.
Toss well, cover and refrigerate several hours or overnight, to blend flavors.
Serve as a side salad or a relish.
Avocado and Cucumber Salad
2 lg Cucumbers
2 Avocadoes
1/4 c Vegetable oil
1 Lemon
1 sm Garlic clove, pressed
Black pepper
Large lettuce leaves
Peel the cucumbers, cut them in half lengthwise, & core with a melon cutter, discarding the pulp & the seeds.
Slice thinly & place in a bowl.
Salt the slices & refrigerate for an hour.
Cut the avocadoes in half along the narrow side & remove the seed.
Peel & dice.
Combine with cucumber.
Mix the oil with the lemon, garlic, pepper & additional salt if needed.
Stir together with the avocado & cucumber & store in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
Serve cold on the lettuce leaves.
Cool Cucumber Pasta
8 oz Tube pasta
1 tb Vegetable oil
2 md Cucumbers, thinly sliced
1 md Onion, thinly sliced
1 1/2 c Sugar
1 c Water
3/4 c Vinegar
1 tb Prepared mustard
1 tb Dried parsley flakes
1 ts Salt
1 ts Pepper
1/2 ts Garlic salt
Cook the pasta according to package directions; drain and rinse in cold water.
Place in a large bowl; stir in oil, cucumbers and onion.
Combine remaining ingredients; pour over salad and toss.
Cover and chill for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally.
Serve with a slotted spoon.
Yield: 8-10 servings.
Creaming Cucumber Dressing
1 c Lowfat yogurt
1/3 c Finely chopped cucumber; peeled and seeded
1/4 c Lowfat mayonnaise
2 tb Chopped green onions
2 tb Fresh lemon juice
1/4 ts Salt
1/4 ts Dried whole dillweed
1/8 ts Pepper
Combine all ingredients in a bowl; stir well.
Cover and chill.
Can be served over mixed salad greens.
Makes 1 3/4 cups.
Cucumber and Onion In Sour Cream
1/2 c Sour cream
1 tb Sugar
1 tb Vinegar
1/2 ts Salt
2 md Cucumbers; thinly sliced
2 sm Onions; thinly sliced
Combine sour cream, sugar, vinegar, and salt; add cucumbers and onion, tossing gently.
Cover and chill 24 hours, stirring occasionally.
Cheese-filled Cucumber Slices
1 lg. cucumber (about 9 1/2 oz.)
1/2 oz. Swiss or Gruyere cheese, shredded
1 tbsp. chopped scallion (green onion)
1 tbsp. chopped fresh dill or 1/4 tsp. dill weed
1 tbsp. whipped cream cheese
Dash each salt and white pepper
Cut off ends of cucumber.
Using tines of a fork, score peel of cucumber.
Cut cucumber in half crosswise and using a melon baller or small spoon, remove and discard seeds from both halves; set aside.
In small mixing bowl thoroughly combine remaining ingredients.
Spoon half of the cheese mixture into cored section of each cucumber half.
Wrap each half in plastic wrap and refrigerate until chilled, about 1 hour.
To serve, remove plastic wrap and carefully slice each cucumber half into 6 equal slices.
Makes 2 servings, 6 slices each.
Cold Cucumbers with Garlic
1 lb Cucumbers
2 ts Salt
2 ts Sugar
1 tb White rice vinegar
1 1/2 tb Peanut oil
1 tb Coarsely chopped garlic
SLICE THE CUCUMBERS in half lengthways.
Using a spoon, remove the seeds.
Cut the cucumber halves into 3-by-1/2-inch pieces.
Combine the cucumber pieces with salt and allow to sit in a colander set inside a bowl for 10 minutes.
Rinse them in cold water, blot them dry and toss with the sugar and vinegar.
Heat a wok or large frying pan until it is hot and add the oil and garlic.
Stir-fry for 15 seconds until it is lightly brown.
Mix with the cucumbers and serve.
Cool Cucumber Dip
1 c Lowfat cottage cheese
1/2 md Cucumber; remove peel and cut into pieces
4 Radishes
2 Scallions with green tops
1 tb Fresh lemon juice or lime juice
1/4 ts Dried dill
1 ts Seasoned salt
1 ds Hot pepper sauce
In the container of a blender combine cottage cheese, cucumber, radishes, scallions, lemon or lime juice, dill, seasoned salt and hot pepper sauce.
Process until smooth.
Cover and chill.
Makes about 1 1/2 cups.
Cream Cheese Stuffed Cucumbers
3 md English cucumbers, scrubbed
1 pk (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
1/2 c Pimiento stuffed olives, chopped (optional)
1/4 c Chopped chives
Remove ends from cucumbers and cut in half lengthwise.
Using a melon baller or grapefruit spoon, remove seeds from both halves.
In a small bowl, combine cream cheese, olives, and chives.
Blend until well mixed.
Stuff each cucumber half with cheese mixture and reassemble halves, pressing together gently.
Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Cut into 1/4 inch slices to serve.
Cucumber "noodles" with Tomato Salsa
2 lb (about 2 large) seedless
1 tb Salt
For the salsa:
1 lb Plum tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and chopped
1/4 c Thinly sliced scallion
1 lg Garlic clove, minced
1 Pickled jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced
1 tb White-wine vinegar
1/4 ts Sugar
With a sharp knife cut cucumbers lengthwise into 1/8 inch thick "noodles" about 1/2 inch wide. In a bowl toss with salt and let stand for 10 min.
Make the salsa while cucumber noodles are standing: stir together the salsa ingredients.
Serves 6.
Cream of Cucumber Soup
2 c. peeled and coarsely chopped cucumbers
1 c. chicken broth
1 c. light cream
1/4 c. chopped chives
1/4 c. chopped celery leaves
3 sprigs of parsley
3 tbsp. soft butter
2 tbsp. of flour
Cover the container and blend in mixer until smooth.
Season with salt and pepper.
Serve either hot or cold.
If served hot, garnish with a very small amount of dill weed.
If served cold, garnish with finely chopped cucumbers and a bit of grated lemon rind.
Serves 4 to 6.
Cream of Cucumber Soup
3 (8 inch) cucumbers
2 tbsp. butter
1/4 c. chopped shallots or scallions
4 c. clear chicken broth
1 tsp. wine vinegar
1/2 tsp. dried dillweed or tarragon
3 tbsp. quick-cooking farina cereal
Salt & white pepper
1 c. sour cream
1 tbsp. dillweed or parsley for garnish
Peel cucumbers, cut 12 to 14 paper thin slices and reserve in bowl for decoration later.
Chop rest into 1/2 inch chunks, about 3 cups in all.
Melt butter in heavy saucepan, stir in shallots.
Cook 1 minute.
Add cucumber, chicken broth, vinegar and dill. Bring to boil.
Stir in farina gradually.
Boil slowly, uncovered, 20 minutes until farina is tender.
Puree in blender.
Thin with milk.
Season with salt and pepper.
TO SERVE COLD: Add salt and beat in sour cream. Top with cucumber slices and dill or parsley.
TO SERVE HOT: Bring soup to simmer and beat in sour cream just before serving. Top with cucumber slices and dill. May be frozen before adding sour cream.
Cucumber and Red Onion Soup
5 c Cucumbers
3 c Red onions
6 c Sour cream
2 tb Salt
3 tb Sugar
1/2 c Fresh dill weed- chopped
1/2 c Lemon juice
Peel and slice cucumbers as thin as you can.
Peel and slice red onions thin as you can. (It's easier if you cut the onion in half and slice cut side down).
Use a deep 1 gallon bowl or crock.
Alternate layers of cukes and onions with sprinkles of the salt and sugar between each layer.
This will draw out the juices that make it soup.
Pile sour cream on top.
Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours or more.
To serve, add the fresh dill weed and lemon juice and stir it up. Add more lemon juice or sugar to taste.
Cool and refreshing, this is just perfect when it is too hot to cook, and cucumbers are running wild.
Wildcrafting: Aster

Latin: Aster alpinus
Other Names: Bushy Aster, China Aster, Michaelmas Daisy, Starwort
Magickal Attributes: Calming, Faery magick, Feminine magick, Love, Soothing, Water magick
Medicinal & Other Uses: Animal poisoning, Bleeding, Colds, Coughs, Dysentery, Dyes, Ear ache, Epilepsy, Fevers, Hangover, Hemorrhages, Malaria, Pulmonary ailments, Teas
Deities: Faeries, Venus
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Harvest Time: Late Spring - Early Summer
Garden Uses: Edging, Clumps
Culinary Uses: N/A
Other Uses: N/A
Parts & Their Uses
Flowers: Dried and steeped in boiling water for tea. Tincture with flowers & grain alcohol calm the nerves (more so than the root tincture).
Drying Flowers: These turn to fluff and go to seed almost immediately, so drying must be done by placing the heads in a bag before hanging, to catch the seeds & flower heads.
Leaves: Dried, may be smoked or used for smudging.
Roots: Macerate for several months in grain alcohol. Tincture drops placed under the tongue have a calming effect on the nerves (less so than the flower tincture).
Whole Plant: Burned for smudging.
Tinctures: Half dozen roots to tincture, 1:2, in grain alcohol. If the upper lungs seem very tight, hot & dry, use it combined with fresh Wild Lettuce tincture. Combined with Plantain, it addressed irritation in the windpipe that’s causing irritating coughing & throat clearing. It works well with Mullein also.
Oils: N/A
Infusions: A hot tea will promote perspirations to help address colds, flus, & fevers.
Infusion Recipe: Handful of flower heads placed in boiling water for Aster Tea, add honey if needed.

Latin: Aster alpinus
Other Names: Bushy Aster, China Aster, Michaelmas Daisy, Starwort
Magickal Attributes: Calming, Faery magick, Feminine magick, Love, Soothing, Water magick
Medicinal & Other Uses: Animal poisoning, Bleeding, Colds, Coughs, Dysentery, Dyes, Ear ache, Epilepsy, Fevers, Hangover, Hemorrhages, Malaria, Pulmonary ailments, Teas
Deities: Faeries, Venus
Gender: F
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Harvest Time: Late Spring - Early Summer
Garden Uses: Edging, Clumps
Culinary Uses: N/A
Other Uses: N/A
Parts & Their Uses
Flowers: Dried and steeped in boiling water for tea. Tincture with flowers & grain alcohol calm the nerves (more so than the root tincture).
Drying Flowers: These turn to fluff and go to seed almost immediately, so drying must be done by placing the heads in a bag before hanging, to catch the seeds & flower heads.
Leaves: Dried, may be smoked or used for smudging.
Roots: Macerate for several months in grain alcohol. Tincture drops placed under the tongue have a calming effect on the nerves (less so than the flower tincture).
Whole Plant: Burned for smudging.
Tinctures: Half dozen roots to tincture, 1:2, in grain alcohol. If the upper lungs seem very tight, hot & dry, use it combined with fresh Wild Lettuce tincture. Combined with Plantain, it addressed irritation in the windpipe that’s causing irritating coughing & throat clearing. It works well with Mullein also.
Oils: N/A
Infusions: A hot tea will promote perspirations to help address colds, flus, & fevers.
Infusion Recipe: Handful of flower heads placed in boiling water for Aster Tea, add honey if needed.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wildcrafting: Dandelion
Latin: Taraxacum officinale
Other Names: Blowball, Cankerwort, Common Dandelion, Dandelion Root, Dent de Lion, Lion's Tooth, Piss-a-Bed, Priest's crown, Pu Gong Ying, Puffball, Swine's Snout, Tooth of the Lion, Urine, White Endive, Wild Endive
Magickal Attributes: Divination, Healing, Messages, Purification, Repel negative energy, Spirit calling, Wishes
Medicinal & Other Uses: Anemia, Blood cleanser, Digestion, Diuretic, Gallbladder, Kidney stones,Liver
Deities: Belenus, Brigid, Hecate, Helios, Yemaya
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter, Mars
Element: Air
Harvest Time: Almost year round. Gather the edible flowers & leaves any time, and the roots in spring. Dry for medicinal use.
Garden Uses: Fertilizer
Plant Feed Recipe: Dandelion root & leaves make an excellent liquid plant food by filling a milk jug or other container with the leaves and adding some water. Let mixture steep in the sun for a week or two and then dilute the smelly dark liquid in water using 1 part mixture and 10 parts water.
Culinary Uses: Leaves are great in salads & on hamburgers, or lightly steamed. The roots make a very good vegetable coffee.
The young leaves are less bitter, and flowers are eaten raw in salads, all leaves also cooked or boiled as a pot herb, flowers are often dipped in batter and fried, dried roots are used as a coffee substitute. Herbal Wine is made from fermented flowers said by some to be very flavorful and medicinal.
Other Uses: Placing unripe fruit in a paper bag with Dandelion flowers & leaves will ripen the fruit quickly, due to the Dandelion’s release of ethylene gas. Dandelion root makes a beautiful dark red dye. Distill in water the appendages at the base of the leaf blades will make a good cosmetic skin lotion used to clear the skin and is also effective in fading freckles.
Parts & Their Uses
1) Alzheimer’s
Dandelion flowers are one of the best sources of lecithin, a nutrient that elevates the brains acetylcholine and may play a role in stemming Alzheimer's disease.
2) Warts & Corns
Gather a Dandelion flower or leaf and squeeze the stem until a drop of milky juice appears, touch the wart or corn with the milky fluid and leave it to dry. The latex contained in the plant sap can be used to remove corns and warts. Repeat as often as is convenient. The wart or corn will turn black, and later drop off leaving perfect skin.
3) Wounds
The fresh juice of the Dandelion can be applied externally to fight bacteria and help heal wounds. The plant has an antibacterial action, inhibiting the growth of Staphococcus aureus, pneumococci, meningococci, Bacillus dysenteriae, B. typhi, C. diphtheriae, proteus.
Drying Flowers: Dandelion Wine
http://winemaking.jackkeller.net/dandelion.asp Lots of great Dandelion Wine recipes here!
1) Female Problems: Bloating, PMS, Breast tenderness
Dandelion leaf is highly effective for menstrual bloating, PMS, and the breast tenderness associated with water retention.
2) Alzheimer's
Dandelion leaves provide Vitamins A and C, beneficial to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
1) Diabetes
Dandelion root has been used in European herbal medicine for centuries to treat diabetes. In the spring, dandelion root contains levulose, a sugar easily assimilated by diabetics. By fall, this sugar has changed to insulin, a starch also easily assimilated by diabetics.
2) Acne, excess Hormones
Dandelion root helps the body dispose of the androgens that trigger acne breakouts, unwanted skin bacteria, toxins and excess hormones.
3) Liver tonic, Female system tonic
A specific herb for the liver. Dandelion root regulates and normalizes female hormone production.
4) Liver & Kidneys
Roasted dandelion is a gentle laxative that helps the liver & kidneys to work properly by keeping the bowels healthy.
Whole Plant: The whole plant is used both internally and externally as a medicinal herb.
Tinctures: Use on cotton pads as a skin lotion to clean the skin.
Oils: Boil down the flowers to make the essential oil.
Infusions: Dandelion roots are prepared as a decoction and often combined with burdock, comfrey and cinnamon bark.
Infusion Recipe:
Ingredients: Dandelion Root, Stinging Nettle, Alfalfa
Additions: raw Honey, Lemon, dash Cinnamon
Decoction : Add equal parts of each herb to cold water and bring to a slow boil.
Variations: Combines well with Chicory, Cinnamon, and Ginger
Cautions: Drinking dandelion at night may cause some middle of the night trips to the bathroom
Dandelion Root Herbal Tea
Recipe #1
Use 1 to 3 teaspoons of chopped dandelion root per cut of water, adjusting for taste. Drink 1 to 2 cups daily.
Recipe #2
2 oz. of the dried Herb or Root
1 quart of Water
Boil for 30 minutes
Take in ½ cup doses every 3 hours for stomach, kidney, gallbladder, and liver problems.
Use as a spring tonic.
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