All links are presented in alphabetical order so there is no assumption of preference of one or some over others (my favorites are my business!) ;)
A Witch's Craft
Between the Veil: The Dark Witch Society
Bishop's Homegrown Goodness
Blog Con Queso
Conjure Gnosis
Conjure Oils
Dark Moon Mojo
Dr. Corbeaux
Ecological Gardening
Ellen Dugan's Blog of Witchery
Fire Magick Designs
Granny Woman Ozark Herbs
Graveyard Dirt
Herbal Medicine from Your Garden
Lady Cordelia's Gray Witches Grimoire
Magnolia Conjure
Moonwillow & Dragonwolf's Magickal Shop
My Secret Hoodoo
Papa Jim's Botanica
Professional Psychics Community
Raven Conjure
ReleaseUrTruth Readings
Root & Rock
The Diary of a Rootwork Student
The Wytchy Depot
Veil of the Gray Witch
Wicca Love Spells

Welcome to Hoodoo Hill (named for my Boxer buddy who was never too far from my side until his passing with his best girl, Gris-Gris, on November 2, 2020). My name is Granny Tackett and I’d like to introduce you to various aspects of rootwork and Granny Magic, a form of American Folk Magic; herbs, roots, potions, brews, rituals, spell works, wildcrafting, divination systems, and many other interesting tidbits of folk magic. I hope y’all enjoy your visit!
What's in the Holler
- Home
- Shoppe & Services
- Saint Tributes
- Lesson: Protection: Grounding, Centering & Shielding
- Lesson: Anatomy of Ritual & Magical Theory
- Lesson: Ethics & Morals in Magical Works
- Lesson: Magickal Craft Names
- Lesson: Personal Power
- Lesson: Seals, Sigils, & Bindrunes
- Lesson: Magic Seals of Solomon
- Lesson: Black Pullet Seals
- Lesson: Potions & Powders
- Lesson: On Death & Dying
- Links & Favorite Sites
- A Witch's Craft Books
- **Fire Magick Designs**
- About, Contact, & Policies
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