Lesson: Seals, Sigils, & Bindrunes
These lessons will show you how to make your own Seals, Sigils, & Bindrunes for any work you may wish to do. They're very easy to make, and extremely powerful to use.
Lesson 1: A History of Symbolism
Lesson 2: Refresher Grounding, Centering, Shielding & Protection
Lesson 3: Correspondences to Consider: Part 1 Colors
Lesson 3: Correspondences to Consider: Part 2 Herbs & Oils
Lesson 3: Correspondences to Consider: Part 3 Planetary Hours
Lesson 3: Correspondences to Consider: Part 4 Sabbats
Lesson 3: Correspondences to Consider: Part 5 Lunar Phases
Lesson 3: Correspondences to Consider: Part 6 Magickal Alphabets
Lesson 4: Seals & Sigils
Lesson 5: Runes & Bindrunes
Lesson 6: Amulets & Talismans
Lesson 7: Uses for Your Amulets & Talismans

Welcome to Hoodoo Hill (named for my Boxer buddy who was never too far from my side until his passing with his best girl, Gris-Gris, on November 2, 2020). My name is Granny Tackett and I’d like to introduce you to various aspects of rootwork and Granny Magic, a form of American Folk Magic; herbs, roots, potions, brews, rituals, spell works, wildcrafting, divination systems, and many other interesting tidbits of folk magic. I hope y’all enjoy your visit!
What's in the Holler
- Home
- Shoppe & Services
- Saint Tributes
- Lesson: Protection: Grounding, Centering & Shielding
- Lesson: Anatomy of Ritual & Magical Theory
- Lesson: Ethics & Morals in Magical Works
- Lesson: Magickal Craft Names
- Lesson: Personal Power
- Lesson: Seals, Sigils, & Bindrunes
- Lesson: Magic Seals of Solomon
- Lesson: Black Pullet Seals
- Lesson: Potions & Powders
- Lesson: On Death & Dying
- Links & Favorite Sites
- A Witch's Craft Books
- **Fire Magick Designs**
- About, Contact, & Policies
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