Redes, Creeds, Laws, & Rules
Magical Traditions & Paths have tenets, rules, and codes of honor which
the practitioners of these systems follow. Here, I will present a few from several belief systems. Some I may hold to, others I do not. Each person must find their own comfort level regarding their own actions, whether personal or in their magical practice.
A Hoodoo/Rootworker/Conjurer works with the Christian (Protestant or Catholic) Bible. The words of Jesus Christ, the intercession of Mary, the calling upon of the Saints, and the use of the Psalms are believed to hold great power for all manner of works.
Having been a practicing Pagan Witch for over 20 years, and finally realizing that my specific type of works were that of a Granny Witch aka rootworker, and not Pagan, I have begun to see an incredible increase in the power of the works I do. I have also been blessed to have increased my clientele during this time as well. And I firmly believe this is due to the intercession of the Virgin Mary. (Thank you, Mother Mary!) The timing is more than "coincidental". For me, I feel that this increase in the powers of my works is due to having finally found my true magical works system. For others, it will more likely be another system.
When working Hoodoo, a more Southern African-American slant will prevail. A rootworker, on the other hand, such as myself, will be more likely to practice along the lines of the Scotts-Irish-German that was brought to the Appalachian Mountains. Both will use the Bible, especially the Psalms, in their works, and some (myself included) will use the various seals, such as the Seals of Solomon and/or the Black Pullet Seals.
Witch’s Pyramid
Witch's Pyramid, also called The Four Powers of the Magus or The Four
Secrets of the Sphinx, are considered to be the personal attributes
essential to the successful use and practice of Magic, both practical
and esoteric. These are - To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent, and
not always included, but vital to the whole: To Go. These five
attributes, in combination, are absolutely necessary to the individual
for their magickal works to be successful.
attributes can be described as follows (the Latin words for several of
them are incorrect. I‘ve used them as they‘re found elsewhere, but I‘ve
also included the more correct words and the explanations of each
incorrect and correct terms):
To Know: Latin **Noscere
- Representing the Element of Air - Knowledge and the ability to seek
truth and the willingness to alter your perceptions as your spirit
awakens to new ideas. (**Incorrect word nocere means “to harm”. The correct word or words should be cognitum or gnos both of which mean “to know”.)
relation to your Craft, you need to know the Correspondences of the
colors, the herbs & oils, the seasons, the Elements &
Elementals, the Sabbats, etc. These Correspondences will be used
together in rituals and spellwork to bring added energies and powers to
yours for the manifestation of your intent.
To Dare: Latin Audere
- Representing the Element of Water - Fearless courage and faith in
yourself and the universe in your undaunting path to knowledge.
you write your ritual or spell you must be daring in your thought.
Think “outside the box”. Be specific, be bold, work to manifest more
then you “think” you “deserve”. The power of the Universal Spirit isn’t
finite. It is infinite. Work with the Infiniteness to bring all your
needs to you and yours. (Note I said “needs”, not “wants”!)
To Will: Latin **Velle
- Representing the Element of Fire - Willpower to focus completely on
your goals that you've dared to set for yourself in your quest for
knowledge. **Incorrect word velle means “willing”. The correct word should be volo, which means “to will, to wish“.
entering into the mental state of working your ritual or spell, put
your entire Will into it. Build the energy and release it at its peak,
sending your intent out with all the energy to have it return as
manifested reality.
To Be Silent: Latin Tacere
– Representing the Element of Earth - Silently releasing your hold on
your dreams and wishes to allow the Universal Spirit to take them to
you’ve released your ritual or spell, let it work. By dwelling on it
you are holding it to you instead of letting the Divine do Its work.
Kind of like standing in the middle of the sidewalk so no one can pass.
To Go: Latin **Ere
- meaning "to go" is supported. Spirit makes up the top of the Pyramid,
of which the previous four attributes are the base pillars. **Incorrect
word as ere means “to attend to, work on, devote study to“. The correct word should be vadere, which means “to go, to make one’s way”.
follows perfectly the “get out of the way” statement. For your ritual
or spell to “go”, you must “let go”. Let go and let Goddess (or God or Whom ever it is that you call upon).
Following is my personal interpretation using the corrected Latin terms:
Cognitum, Audere, Volo, Tacere, Vadere
successfully perform Magical works, it takes the willpower to dare
your knowledge to silently accept the power of the universe to take
(From: Vol. 2, A Witch’s Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs)
The Law of Power
The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or to control
others. But if the need arises, the Power shall be used to protect your
life or the lives of others.
2. The Power is used only as need dictates.
3. The Power can be used for your own gain; as long as by doing so you harm none.
It is unwise to accept money for the use of the Power, for it quickly
controls its taker. Be not as those of other religions.
5. Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and Magic.
6. Ever remember that the Power is a sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should never be misused or abused.
7. And this is the Law of Power.
13 Goals of a Witch
1. Know yourself
2. Know your craft
3. Learn
4. Apply knowledge with wisdom
5. Achieve balance
6. Keep your words in good order
7. Keep your thoughts in good order
8. Celebrate Life
9. Attune with the cycles of the earth
10. Breathe and eat correctly
11. Exercise the body
12. Meditate
13. Honour the Goddess and the God
Scott Cunningham
Rede of a Solitaire Witch
When ye choose the path of the solitaire,
To be one with earth, fire, sea, and air,
An oath ye take to initiate
Thyself into thy truest state.
No longer be as flesh and bone,
See thyself as Spirit's own.
Whatever path of faith ye take,
Learn it well for thine own sake.
In thy craft be diligent,
Lest thy knowledge be quickly spent.
Learn to seek and seek to learn.
An elder's wisdom never spurn.
For though ye choose to walk alone,
Heed the knowledge ye are shown.
The laws ye choose which to abide,
Let them be thy daily guide.
Always heed the law of three,
For what ye send shall return to thee.
What ye conjure here, ye should know
Manifests above as it does below.
As for the law, 'An it harm none',
Let thy soul decide what must be done.
Protect thyself and thy kin,
Lest any harm should come to them.
Be mindful of what's right and just
To live in perfect love and trust.
Find balance in thy life and deeds
Look within to fulfill thy needs.
Tis not a path for the faint of heart,
So heed this wisdom I now impart.
To thine own self be always true
In all ye say and all ye do.
Still thy tongue from words of wrath.
Do not slight another's path.
For when all is said and done,
We each are but a part of One.
Keep this knowledge in thy heart,
From its wisdom never part.
This I say, so mote it be.
Merry part and blessed be.
by Dwareniel Moone
The Witch's Creed
Hear now the words of the witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
When dark was our destiny's pathway,
That now we bring forth into light.
Mysterious water and fire,
The earth and the wide-ranging air.
By hidden quintessence we know them,
And will and keep silent and dare.
The birth and rebirth of all nature,
The passing of winter and spring,
We share with the life universal,
Rejoice in the magickal ring.
Four times in the year the Great Sabbat returns
And witches are seen,
At Lammas and Candlemas dancing,
On May Eve and old Hallowe'en.
When day-time and night-time are equal,
When sun is at greatest and least,
The four Lesser Sabbats are summoned,
Again witches gather in feast.
Thirteen silver moons in a year are,
Thirteen is the coven's array,
Thirteen times at Esbat make merry,
For each golden year and a day.
The power was passed down the ages
Each time between woman and man,
Each century unto the other,
Ere time and the ages began.
When drawn is the magickal circle,
By sword or athame of power,
It's compass between the two worlds lies,
In Land of the Shades for that hour.
This world has no right then to know it,
And world of beyond will tell naught,
The oldest of Gods are invoked there,
The Great Work of magick is wrought.
For two are the mystical pillars,
That shine at the gate of the shrine,
And two are the powers of nature,
The forms and the forces divine.
The dark and the light in succession,
The opposites each unto each,
Shown forth as a God and a Goddess,
Of this did our ancestors teach.
By night he's the wild wind's rider,
The Horned One, the Lord of the Shades,
By day he's the King of the Woodland,
The dweller in green forest glades.
She is youthful and old as she pleases,
She sails the torn clouds in her barque,
The bright silver Lady of midnight,
The crone who weaves spells in the dark.
The master and mistress of magick,
They dwell in the deeps of the mind,
Immortal and ever-renewing,
With power to free or to bind.
So drink the good wine to the old Gods,
And dance and make love in their praise,
Till Elphame's fair land shall receive us,
In peace at the end of our days.
And Do What You Will be the challenge,
So be it in love that harms none,
For this is the only commandment,
By magick of old be it done!
Doreen Valiente
The Witch’s Rune
Darksome night and shining moon,
Hearken to the Witches’ rune.
East then South, West then North,
Hear! Come! I call thee forth!
Earth and water, air and fire,
Work ye unto my desire.
Wand and Pentacle and Sword,
Hearken ye unto my word.
Cords and Censer, Scourge and Knife,
Waken all ye into life.
Powers of the Witch’s Blade,
Come ye as the charm is made.
Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell,
Lend your aid unto the spell.
Horned Hunter of the night,
Work my will by magic rite.
By all the power of land and sea,
As I do will, “So mote it be.”
By all the might of moon and sun,
Chant the spell and be it done.
Lady Sheba – 1974
This one expresses very well how a Christian can also be a Witch.
A Christian Witch’s Creed
I believe in One Deity that is Spirit. Both Father/God and Mother/Goddess.
I believe that the Holy One has walked the Earth as both
man and woman to teach us.
I believe in the Love that Jesus taught.
I believe in the power of the Divine to work magick.
I see the Earth not only as my home, but my family.
I see that I am a part of all that is seen and un-seen.
My God/dess has many lessons to teach me
and all of creation to teach me with.
I am here to love one another, to love my God/dess
and to live in peace with all of creation.
This is what I strive.
~ Author Unknown ~
In Wicca there are two codes of ethics that are adhered to extensively, the Wiccan Rede and the Three-Fold Law.
Wiccan Rede
Wiccan Rede states, "If it harms none, do what you will". This "harm
none" policy, which includes yourself, places the responsibility of what
you do squarely upon your own shoulders. So, you must closely examine
every action you make before you make it. But do not get caught up in
the semantics of it! “Harm none” means “out of malice”. It does not
mean to deny yourself doing a spell for a particular job on the premise
that it might cause someone else not to get that same job. Get over it.
If you get the position, there will be something equally right for the
other person as well. If you don’t get it, then it wasn’t meant to be
and you are now free to find what you were meant to find. It is the
intent of the spell that matters. Always remember that (regardless of your belief system)!
The Wiccan Rede
(Full Version)
Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.
Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give.
For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out.
To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme.
Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.
Honor the Old Ones in deed and name,
let love and light be our guides again.
Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune.
Widdershins go when the moon doth wane,
and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.
When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.
When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek.
Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.
When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.
When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth.
When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest.
Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.
Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows.
Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God's
insight. Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower.
Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland.
Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye.
Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning.
White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility.
Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine.
Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen.
Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be.
Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark.
As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain.
When the time for Imbolc shows watch for flowers through the snows.
When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn.
As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to magick rite.
Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all.
When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules.
In the spring, when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way.
When the Sun has reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight.
Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall.
Heed the flower, bush, and tree by the Lady blessed you'll be.
Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know.
When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed.
With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend.
Merry Meet and Merry Part bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow wear the star upon your brow.
Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you.
These Eight words the Rede fulfill:
"An’ Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
Attributed to the family of Lady Gwen Thompson and passed to her in her early years.
Three-Fold Law
Three-Fold Law, also called the Law of Return, or the Law of Three, is believed by Wiccans to be the basis on which Magic is worked. It relates to the usage of the
power and energy of the Universal Spirit. When used, this power is
returned to the sender three times that which was sent out. For example,
if a spell is done to send someone “unpleasantries” that they deserve,
because of their own actions. Many Witches (Wiccan’s especially) won’t
do the spell because they are literally afraid that those
“unpleasantries” will be reversed and sent back on them three times
over. This concept was introduced by Gerald Gardner and is a primary
Wiccan philosophy. Wiccans, and many Witches, take great care in the
preparation and casting of spells that no harm should come to themselves
or others as a result. There is nothing wrong with this, but many are
so paranoid about it that they refuse to do anything but “good” magick.
These people refuse to see that life, Nature, magick, the energies of
the Universe, incorporate and contain both the light and the dark.
different way to understand this is through the concept of "cause and
effect". By performing a ritual or spell you are sending out positive
energy to affect a situation. When the situation is successfully
resolved this automatically makes you feel good and in turn influences
your thoughts, which alters your state of consciousness, which stirs
your emotions, which has a physical (chemical) effect on the body. The
results of all of this lifts your spirit. So with that one positive act,
you have been affected in three ways: body, mind, and spirit. This is
your three-fold response to the return of the energy sent out.
you do something good for someone you feel good about it. Now,
immediately, no waiting. This action has, in turn, affected you in three
1) Mentally, your mind is at peace with your work.
2) Physically, your body is producing endorphines that chemically make you feel good.
2) Emotionally, you're happy with what you've done.
have now brought to yourself the Three-Fold Law without the Karmic
attachment (which again, many magical practitioners do not believe in).
as you can see the 3-Fold Law can be interpreted not just that "you'll
get back at you 3x's that which you put out", but that you can in fact,
affect your physical self immediately with the mental, physical, &
emotional effects of your magical works.
Note: Nevermind the point that mathematically 1 + 1 = 2 and can never equal 3! Just because it's "magick", doesn't mean that the laws of nature, science, and mathematics are thrown out the window. In fact, they become more important, because by knowing & understanding them, we can then use them to further enhance our works!
Note: Nevermind the point that mathematically 1 + 1 = 2 and can never equal 3! Just because it's "magick", doesn't mean that the laws of nature, science, and mathematics are thrown out the window. In fact, they become more important, because by knowing & understanding them, we can then use them to further enhance our works!
main thing to consider in ALL magickal acts is how it will make you
feel regarding the affect your intent will have on its recipient. Make
sure your intent is pure and well-stated.
(who are not Wiccan) follow their own ethics and morals with no set redes or laws. The
“Golden Rule” is essentially the basis of their actions. They’re actions
are governed by self-control and personal ethics & morals.
Wiccan ABC’s
Accept others as they are, we are all individuals.
Belief in yourself is a necessity.
Concentration is important in any endeavor, both magickal and in life.
Do what you will, so long as it harms none.
Empathy is an important life skill...learn it, practice it.
Find strength in yourself, your friends, your world and your actions.
Goddess/God's are multifaceted - The Lord and Lady take many names and faces.
Help others every change you get.
Intelligence is something that cannot be judged on the surface.
Judge not - what you send out comes back to you!
Karma loves to slap you in the face, watch out for it.
Learning is something that should never stop happening!!!
Magick is a wonderful gift, but it is not everything!
Nature is precious, appreciate it and protect it.
Over the course of time, your soul learns many lessons. Make this life count!!!
Quietness both physically and mentally restores the soul, meditate often.
Remember to take time for yourself as well as others.
Spells can help you, but you must also help yourself.
Tools can only do so much, they are not the foundation of all. You are the most important tool to use!!!
Unless you enjoy worrying, keep a positive attitude.
Visualize the success of your goals before you set out to achieve them.
Wisdom can often be found in the least unexpected places.
Xenophia (a hatred of those different from you) is a path to misery.
You are a beautiful person who is capable of anything!!!
Zapping away all of your troubles is not going to happen.
Author unknown
Principles of Wiccan Belief
practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life
forces marked by the phases of the Moon and the season Quarters and
recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward
our environment. We seek to live in harmony with Nature, in ecological
balance offering fulfillment to life and consciousness within an
evolutionary concept.
acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that apparent to the
average person. Because it is far greater than ordinary it is sometimes
called “supernatural,” but we see it as lying within that which is
naturally potential to all.
conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through
polarity--as masculine and feminine--and that this same Creative Power
lies in all people, and functions through the interaction of the
masculine and feminine. We value neither above the other, knowing each
to be supportive to the other. We value sex as pleasure, as the symbol
and embodiment of life, and as one of the sources of energies used in
magickal practice and religious worship.
recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological, worlds
sometimes known as the Spiritual World, the Collective Unconscious,
Inner Planes, etc.--and we see in the interaction of these two
dimensions the basis for paranormal phenomena and magickal exercises.
We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary
for our fulfillment.
do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who
teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and
acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in
see religion, Magick and wisdom in living as being united in the way
one views the world and lives within it--a world view and philosophy of
life which we identify as Witchcraft--the Wiccan Way.
oneself “Witch” does not make a Witch--but neither does heredity
itself, nor the collecting of titles, degrees and initiations. A Witch
seeks to control the forces within her/himself that make life possible
in order to live wisely and well without harm to others and in harmony
with Nature.
believe in the affirmation and fulfillment of life in a continuation of
evolution and development of consciousness giving meaning to the
Universe we know and our personal role within it.
only animosity to Christianity, or toward any other religion or
philosophy of life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed
to be ‘the only way’ and have sought to deny freedom to others and to
suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.
American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of
the Craft, the origins of various terms, the legitimacy of various
aspects of different traditions. We are concerned with our present and
our future.
do not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do we worship any
entity known as “Satan” or “the Devil”, as defined by the Christian
tradition. We do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor
accept that personal benefit can be derived only by denial to another.
We believe that we should seek within Nature that which is contributory to our health and well-being.
Council of American Witches
The Wiccan Way
by Lady Beckett of Circle Atheneum in San Diego, CA in 1988
that there is more than one path to spiritual enlightenment and that
Wicca is but one of many, and that Wicca holds within itself the belief
that there is more than one type of step set to the spiral dance, find
here listed common denominators of the Craft.
there is above all the Goddess in her three-fold aspect and many are
her names. With all her names we call her Maiden, Mother and Crone.
That there is the God, consort and son, giver of strength and most willing of sacrifice.
That and it harm none, do what ye will shall be the law.
each of her children are bound by the three-fold law and that whatever
we create, be it joy or sorrow, laughter or pain, is brought back to us
as she is the mother of all living things and we are all her children,
we seek to live in harmony not only with each other, but with the planet
earth that is our womb and home.
That life upon the earth is not a burden to be born, but a joy to be learned and shared with others.
That death is not an ending of existence, but a step in the on-going process of life.
there is no sacrifice of blood, for She is the mother of all living
things, and from her all things proceed and unto her all things must
each and everyone of the children who follow this path has no need of
another between themselves and the Goddess, but may find Her within
That there shall not by intent be a desecration of another's symbols of beliefs, for we are all seeking harmony within the One.
That each person's faith is private unto themselves and that another's belief is not to be set out and made public.
the Wiccan way is not to seek converts, but that the way be made open
to those who for reasons of their own seek and find the Craft.
And as it is willed, so mote it be.
is another nicely written grouping of ethics to live by. They’re a nice
poem, authenticity to age cannot be proven, but the language of it
makes it clear to be a very modern poem, just like the Wiccan Rede.
The Celtic Commandments
Give thou thine heart to the wild magic,
To the Lord and the Lady of Nature,
Beyond any consideration of this world.
Do not covet large or small,
Do not despise weakling or poor,
Semblance of evil allow not near thee,
Never give nor earn thou shame.
The Ancient Harmonies are given thee,
Understand them early and prove,
Be one with the power of the elements,
Put behind thee dishonour and lies.
Be loyal to the Lord of the Wild Wood,
Be true to the Lady of the Stars,
Be true to thine own self besides,
True to the magic of Nature above all else.
Do not thou curse anyone,
Lest thou threefold cursed shouldst be,
And shouldst thou travel ocean and earth,
Follow the very step of the ancient trackways.
~Author Unknown~
Codes of the Druids
A Druid is Open to the Sources of Power.
"All these things that you have said that you will do, I will also do."
The words of An Dagda as given by Gilla Riabhach O' Cléirigh, Cath Maige Tuired
A Druid is a Student and a Master of Wisdom.
warrior has come named Samildánach; and all the arts which help your
people, he practices them all, so that he is the man of each and every
A description of Lugh as given by Gilla Riabhach O' Cléirigh, Cath Maige Tuired
A Druid Practices the Nine Parts of Magic.
am) very small, very great, very bright, very hard, angriness of fire,
fire of speech, noise of knowledge, well of wisdom, sword of song ..."
Nede mac Adne's response to "what is thy name?" as stated in Immacallam in do Thuarad and translated by Caitlin Matthews
A Druid is Reborn Through the Act of Sacrifice.
am the son of the man without a father, who was buried in his mother's
womb, who was blessed after his death. Indeed death betrothed him, and
he was the first utterance of every living one, the cry of every dead
one: lofty Ailm is his name."
Ferchertne's response to "whose son are you?" as stated in Immacallam in do Thuarad and translated by Caitlin Matthews
A Druid Maintains Order and Balance.
"The Gods must be worshipped, and no evil done, and right behavior maintained."
Diogenes Laertius, Vitae,Introduction I, 5.
A Druid is Honored by the People.
all the Gallic peoples, generally speaking, there are three sets of men
who are held in exceptional honor: the Bards, the Vates, and the
Druids. The Bards are singers and poets; the Vates, diviners and natural
philosophers; while the Druids, in addition to natural philosophy,
study also moral philosophy."
Strabo, Geographica.
A Druid Lives Many Lives.
"The soul is immortal."
Strabo, Geographica, IV, 4, 197-8.
A Druid Looks Beyond Life.
"The same spirit has a body again elsewhere."
Lucan, Pharsalia, I, 450-8.
A Druid Knows the Ecstasy of Imbas.
Gods touch a person through divine and human joys so that they are able
to speak prophetic poems and dispense wisdom and perform miracles... "
The Ways of Imbas according to Amergin White-knee, The Cauldron of Poesy Materials.
A Druid Becomes One with the Gods.
"God of druids, my god above every god, he is god of the ancient druids."
An invocation to the power of Draíocht by the Great Munster Druid, Mogh Roith, Forbhais Droma Dámhgháire.
A Druid Seeks the Truth Against the World.
"Well then, get into a chariot, boy, and proceed to find out for yourself whether my words are truth."
Instructions to CúChulainn on taking up arms as given by the Great Ulster Druid, Cathbad, The Boyhood Deeds of CúChulainn.
Druidic Truths
first moral principle of the ancient Druids was a devotion to truth.
The following is from The Testament of Morann, a Druidic document that
dates from the 7th - 9th Centuries CE.
Let him magnify Truth, it will magnify him.
Let him strengthen Truth, it will strengthen him.
Through the ruler’s Truth massive mortalities are averted from men.
Through the ruler’s Truth all the land is fruitful and childbirth worthy.
Through the ruler’s Truth there is abundance of tall corn.
This is a very old Viking liturgy. It was made more known by the movie, The Thirteenth Warrior (1999) with Antonio Banderas.
Norse Warrior Prayer
Lo there, do I see my father?
Lo there, do I see my mother,
And my sisters and brothers?
Lo there, do I see the line of my people back to the beginning?
Lo, they do call to me,
They bid me take my place among them,
In the Halls of Valhalla,
Where the brave may live,
Norse Rede of Honor
1. In all that you do, consider its benefit or harm upon yourself, your children and your people.
All that which you do will return to you, sooner or later, for good or
for ill. Thus strive always to do good to others, or at least strive
always to be just.
3. Be honest with yourself, and with others. "This above all; to thine own self be true."
4. Humankind, and especially your own family and folk, has the spark of divinity within it. Protect and nurture that spark.
5. Give your word sparingly, and adhere to it like iron.
In the world, your first trust and responsibility should be to your own
people. Yet, be kind and proper to others whenever possible.
7. What you have, HOLD!
8. Pass on to others only those words which you have personally verified.
9. Be honest with others, and let them know that you expect honesty in return, always.
10. The fury of the moment plays folly with the truth; to keep one's head is a virtue.
Know which battles should be fought, and which battles should be
avoided. Also, know when to break off a conflict. There are times when
the minions of chaos are simply too strong or when fate is absolutely
12. When you gain power, use it carefully and use it well.
13. Courage and honor endure forever. Their echoes remain when the mountains have crumbled to dust.
14. Pledge friendship and your services to those who are worthy. Strengthen others of your people and they will strengthen you.
15. Love and care for your family always, and have the fierceness of a wolf in their protection.
16. Honor yourself, have pride in yourself, do your best and forgive yourself when you must.
17. Try always to be above reproach in the eyes of the world.
18. Those of our people should always endure to settle any differences among themselves quietly and peaceably.
19. The laws of the land should be obeyed whenever possible and reason, for in the main they have been chosen with wisdom.
20. Have pride in yourself, your family and your folk. They are your promise for the future.
21. Do not neglect your mate and children.
Every one of our people should work according to the best that s/he can
do, no matter how small or how great. We are all in this world
together, thus we must always help each other along.
23. One advances individually and collectively only by living in harmony with the natural order of the world.
24. The seeking of wisdom is a high virtue. Love of truth, honor, courage and loyalty are the hallmarks of the noble soul.
25. Be prepared for whatever the future brings.
26. Life with all its joys, struggles and ambiguities is to be embraced and lived to the fullest!
~From the book "The Rites of Odin" by Ed Fitch; Gardnerian High Priest~
Morals & Ethics: Banishing, Binding, Cursing, Hexing & Their Effect on Free Will
we’ll define each. Then, we’ll put them into application to see what
they are and how they affect the outcome of a spell’s intent.
Morals & Ethics:
are one’s personal principles and standards by which they conduct
themselves. A magical practitioner without morals will lower themselves to harmful magick
(causing harm for fun) without any consideration for their actions and the consequences
that will occur to their intended victim, as well as themselves.
are a specific system of principles and rules concerning responsibility
of practice regarding a particular class of human actions. For example,
a practitioner takes responsibility for their actions, and refrain from
harmful works because of its deleterious effect on themselves and
(By “harmful” I am referring to purposefully hurting someone or something without cause, basically "just for fun”.)
Banish/Banishing - A Magical working implemented to remove harmful threats, negativity, or people portraying those attributes.
Bind/Binding - To magically restrain something or someone without causing them harm.
- This is the conscious act of directing negative energy upon a person,
object or location through thought or spellwork. The word is derived
from cursein, an Anglo Saxon word that means "to invoke harm or evil
upon." A curse can be spoken and/or written. One famous spoken curse is
the Papal excommunication of a priest. Objects can also be cursed and
are designed to affect anyone who owns the object. A cursed object is
designed to affect people (or just one person) with bad luck and
misfortune, disease and/or ill health and, in extreme circumstances,
even death.
Free Will
- This is the ability to choose for one’s self without coercion. It is
the power to make choices that are unconstrained by external
circumstances or actions by such things as fate, magic, or divine will.
In magic, imposing on Free Will is frowned upon considerably. A love
spell to bring love into your life is fine, but if you cast the love
spell for a specific person, you are then imposing on their free will.
Big no-no!
- As a noun it refers to a “the evil eye”, a curse, or a spell which is
usually negative. The verb refers to the casting of a spell, usually of
negative influence also. Either way, a hex is a spell or bewitchment.
It is derived from the German word for “witch”, hexe, and comes from the
folklore of the Pennsylvania Dutch. In folklore its use can be for good
or bad. Due to misinformation, it is now considered to have only
negative connotations. A hexe can be designed and made for hire. The
witch being paid for both the infliction and removal of a hex.
new practitioners have difficulty determining the difference between coercive
or harmful magic (which is often referred to as baneful or black
magic), and the “harm none” principle. So we’ll define these as well:
Black/Baneful/Coercive/Harmful Magic:
used to delineate “bad” magick from “good” magic, the “left hand” path
from the “right hand” path. However Magic itself is not evil, the
power of Magick is itself neutral it is the intent behind it that makes
it positive or negative. To designate something as one way or another
without knowing the nature of the intent is presumptuous. Basically,
Black (Dark) and White (Light) Magick are terms which give a false sense
of security to those who don’t understand and so must give it a label.
clarification and purposes of continuity, “White Magic” should be more
accurately referred to as “positive” or “healing” magic, depending on
its applicable intent.
Defining Tenets to Live By
“harm none” principle is a good basis from which to begin. While it is
rather vague, and open for some really ridiculous interpretations, when
considered with logic it becomes a perfect tenet to live by.
no one, no living being, with malice. An accident is just that, an
accident, and thus beyond your control. However, by sending out positive
& healing energies immediately, the damage may be lessened, if not
noticeably, then spiritually.
finding moral & ethical tenets to live by start with the
definitions of each word of the phrase. Why do I do this? Because by
knowing & understanding the meaning of a word, and its placement
within a concept, you can then discern fully what its true meaning is in
that particular situation.
me show you what I mean, we’ll do an experiment. Take the phrase “I Am A
Goddess” (or God, if you are male). Ok, don’t get all hung up on the
literal translation of it, just follow me here. Now, repeat the
statement with these particular inflections:
I am a goddess/god
i AM a goddess/god
i am A goddess/god
now we’ll begin with the first word, “I”. That word is referring to me,
myself, I. The physical, mental, emotional & spiritual being of
one’s self.
The second word, “AM” means “to exist in actuality, to have life or reality.”
third word, “A” denotes a quantity (here being “one“ - you), a type or
member of a class (here being “Gods” - proper name), and/or to indicate a
single type (again, here being “gods” - mass noun).
last word, “Goddess/God” is referring obviously, to the ability of
utilizing supernatural powers or attributes, i.e. magick. Witches work
with the Divine to manifest their needs, and when their needs are met,
then their wants. Unlike the Book Religions, we do not “ask and hope”
for anything. We commune personally with the Divine to bring it within
our grasp, and in some great instances, literally dropped in your lap!
of those statements, while exactly the same in wording, are vastly
different in interpretation. Each has its own purpose at particular
times. How did you feel after stating each one? Interesting the
differences, isn’t it?!
is the same with ALL magicks we perform. The wording is very important,
and so is the mental image you form as you gather your materials, write
your spell or ritual, speak it in Circle.
best friend was very lonely and really wanted to have someone love her.
She’s been alone for years over 10 years. So, she wrote a spell for
“love to come into her life, someone to love her just as she is, and who
needed her”. Within a couple of months her mentally handicapped son was
moved back into her home, leaving a bad situation at the group home.
its wonderful that her son is now living with her again, and he loves
her very much, and she loves him (duh)……….it sure as hell wasn’t what
she was expecting! She has had to re-write her spell and be far more
specific this time! J
morals & ethics were right on the money, but the outcome wasn’t
quite what she wanted. The same can occur when doing spells for
banishing someone who is a nuisance, or a threat. You want them “gone
from your presence permanently”, but you don’t want them dead. So, what
you put out there mentally, as well as your words, will make a huge
difference in the outcome.
and/or cursing someone is dangerous business. And new Witches have no
business even attempting it. I don’t care what some stupid “book of
spells” off the store shelves tells you. You are NOT mature enough
magickally, to handle what consequences may be dealt. So, just don’t go
there. (I’ll touch one this concept in the Intermediate Witchcraft
classes and go into it extensively in the Advanced Witchcraft courses.)
is another thing. These are great for the beginner (and anyone else
also). This “ties” to the person that which they are trying to inflict
on others. As always, be very specific in your wording so that the
person’s meanness, harmful nature, what ever the problem is, is
contained to them and no one else. I always include an escape for them
also. If they learn their lesson, then the spell is removed. If they
start their shit again, then reinstate the spell, only with even more
power. I know this from experience. The person was a consummate liar. If
her mouth was open lies were coming out. A couple of years after doing
the spell she confessed and apologized for all her lies. Within a couple
of years she was back to her old ways. Some people won’t change, its
their free will at work. But that doesn’t have to stop us from binding
all that crap to them so its not inflicted on others. Her lies are now
catching up to her fast, and they will probably land her in jail. Then,
maybe she’ll learn.
A Witch’s Values
Witchcraft, there are no set tenets or rules of conduct. We rely
completely on our own personal sense of right and wrong. We honor Nature
& Life. We know and understand that everything is not all rainbows
& unicorns, bubblegum & candy canes. There is Shadow and Dark.
These are not “evil” or “bad”, they just “are”. We all have these
aspects within us. It is how we work with these aspects that make the
difference. By ignoring them, they grow stronger and eventually take
over. By thriving on them, they take over faster, but in the end leave
us wasted and worn. It is through acknowledging all aspects of our
selves that we achieve balance.
performing a spell, consider how you feel. Do you feel good, or feel a
twinge of apprehension, or do you have a full-blown knot in your
stomach? Each of these tells you something about what you are about to
The good feeling is obvious. You are looking forward to working to manifest your need or want. And it’s a “good” want or need.
twingy feeling is telling you that either something is wrong with your
wording and you need to check it over, or you’re not sure that the
intent is beneficial. Another point here, is that you may be unsure. In
that case, drop it. Don’t do it. Its better to stop than to go ahead and
wind up with a real mess on your hands.
full-blown knot in your stomach is telling you that you’re about to
fuck up. (I chose that word purposely, because this is way beyond an
“oops”!) Don’t do it. Listen to your gut. Stop right away and re-think
everything from beginning to end. And especially, the true intent of
your spell. Let it go, because its not the right spell, or the right
time, or some other unknown factor. In the long run, you’ll be very glad
you did.
putting together your spells, be sure to commune with your Deity. Let
them know what you’re doing, They already know anyway, and this way
you‘re giving them the courtesy of acknowledging Them. Ask for their
guidance and assistance before, during, and after the spellwork.
What About That “Personal Gain” Thing?
We’ve all heard it before: “don’t do any spells for personal gain“. Really?! Who made up that shit?! Please. Get real.
this is one of those tenets that gets taken far too literally. It, as
with all magic(k)s, is all about intent. Personally, I think the more
correct terminology would be “don’t be greedy”.
not do spells to gain something for yourself personally? A new house, a
new car, a new love, what ever it may be. And, what is wrong with doing
a spell for the lottery? What’s so greedy about that? - the intent
behind it, that’s what!
where the lottery is concerned you’re also dealing with the Laws of
Mathematics. And the Gods know all about those mathematical odds! And
the odds are, they’ll only give you what you need and deserve! My idea
here is that you’d better have a very unselfish reason for wanting to
win that lottery, otherwise forget it….the odds, and the Gods, are
against you!
Spellwork, regardless of belief system,
involves taking great care in what you think, say, and do. The effects
of your actions will be reflected in the outcome of the spell. If you’re
unethical and demanding, you may receive that which you wanted, but can
you keep it? Or will it be snatched away from you as payback for your
actions? On the other hand, if you’re intent is truthful and pure, you
may receive that which wanted, and you will benefit greatly from it. So
plan carefully. Be clear in your intent. Cast with joy. And commune with
your Deity. All of these will help you manifest what you need, and
ultimately, what you want.
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