New Year's Knot Magic
10' long rope
Find 9 objects that will be tied into the knots
As you say each line of the spell, tie a knot around the object that goes with that knot. Each knot should be about 12" apart (or at least evenly spaced), so there will be a rope at the top and a tail of rope at the end. If you have to measure it out and mark the rope at each 12", this way you'll know where to place each knot.
The objects should represent aspects of your life you want covered in the coming year.
For example, these are what I have planned (at the moment, but I tend to change things on the spur-of-the-moment):
1) Money - tie a small bag of coins in one knot
2) Good Health - for me, the Sun represents "healing", so I will tie a sun shape into this knot
3) Employment/Career - I do pyrography, so I will make a small woodburned talisman to tie in this knot
4) Family - tie a small picture of your family to this knot
5) Happy Home - tie something that reminds you of "home" in this knot
6) Marriage/Relationship - tie a ring or other item that would remind you of your partner
7) "Wants" - write a Petition Paper the (reasonable) things you want to get or achieve this year (for me it's a new pyrography pen set, and other craft tools)
8) "Needs" - write on a Petition Paper the things you know you will need that will improve your life (for me, that would be the materials to make the pyrography designs to sell, and the materials to finish the renovations on our old brick one-room schoolhouse)
9) "Blessings" - write the most memorable blessings that happened for the previous year (2013)
10) Good Luck - tie a good luck talisman to this knot. I decorate old
horseshoes with beads & wire, I will place this one on the bottom
knot, 1) because it's heavy, and 2) then all of the blessing from the
other knots & items can flow into the horseshoe and overflow until
"my cup runneth over".
11) Protection of All - tie
the 2 ends together to make it into a circle, and this is your protection that seals and protects the other knots in the spell.
These are just a few ideas.There are as many ways to do this as there each of us who will do it. So have fun, and have a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year!
By knot of one, the spell's begun.
By knot of two, the magic comes true.
By knot of three, so it shall be.
By knot of four, this power is stored.
By knot of five, my will shall drive.
By knot of six, the spell I fix.
By knot of seven, the future I leaven.
By knot of eight, my will be fate.
By knot of nine, what is done is mine.

Welcome to Hoodoo Hill (named for my Boxer buddy who was never too far from my side until his passing with his best girl, Gris-Gris, on November 2, 2020). My name is Granny Tackett and I’d like to introduce you to various aspects of rootwork and Granny Magic, a form of American Folk Magic; herbs, roots, potions, brews, rituals, spell works, wildcrafting, divination systems, and many other interesting tidbits of folk magic. I hope y’all enjoy your visit!
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Tuesday, December 31, 2013
New Year's Knot Magic
Knot Magick,
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Magickal Crafts
New Year's Eve Dark Moon Banishing Ritual
New Year's Eve Dark Moon Banishing Ritual
Today, December 31, 2013 is a special day! It is a Dark Moon, and the Dark Moon phase is thee perfect time for banishing rituals, and the fact that today is New Year's Eve is beyond excellent! So that means a banishing work is definitely in order.
Pen (black ink)
Cauldron (or other fire-proof item)
Candles: Black - banishing, Purple - remove bad luck, Red - fast action
Place these in that order (black, purple, red) on a fire-proof surface or stand in sand which is in a fire-proof bowl or plate.
The cauldron is placed in front of the candles.
Banishing Herbs: choose any odd number of the following (I will be choosing 9):
Dragon’s Blood, Frankincense
Hour: Mars, Saturn, or Sun
Time: (Saturn) 7 pm, (Mars) 9 pm, (Sun) 10 pm (In Lesson 3: Potions & Powders is a set of Planetary Correspondences you can use to see where I figured this from: day - Tuesday, hours of Mars, Saturn, & Sun)
If you started your work at 7 pm during the hour of Saturn,it would definitely run through the hour of the Sun, so you would get the power of each of them!
Petition Paper:
First write your name, then on top of that write 9x's that which you wish to banish, then turn the paper to the left one time, and write again 9x's, that which you wish to banish over the top of the first set.
Next, fold the paper in half away from you, turn it to the left and fold it again away from you. Keep turning & folding until you can't fold it any more.
Tie the petition paper closed with the string.
Place this in the cauldron.
(You could, instead make a Petition Planetary Paquet, if you wanted to.)
If you like to use the appropriate Seals of Solomon or Black Pullet Seals, be sure to have these placed around the outside circle of herbs that are around the candles & cauldron, or placed on top of the Circle of your choice (Punish Evil, Mercy, Blessings - either of the latter 2 would actually be more appropriate for tomorrow's, New Year's Day's Full Moon work, but you do what you feel is most appropriate for your situation). This Circle and the Seals would then first be placed under the candle plate, in the center of the altar.
For the ritual itself you will light the candles with matches. The sulfur from the matches will begin the banishing, and the ritual will complete it.
You can either have a spell written to speak/read or just stand and envision all of your troubles leaving so you will begin the New Year with a completely clean & pure energy surrounding you, having all negative energies banished.
Other items you may wish to place around your altar could include anything you feel reminds you of "removing" or "banishing" or "binding". I have a couple of balled-up rusted together lengths of chains, and my altar cloth will be black. I will post a picture of it once the ritual has been started.
**Ok, promised you the picture, so here it is. I just started it 1/2 an hour ago.
Tomorrow, a New Moon ritual will be done to bring to me that which I need and want during this coming year. I will do basically the same as here, except the herbs will be for blessing, and the candles and altar cloth will be white. If it happens to snow (not likely, unfortunately), I will gather some to place in a bowl on the altar.
Today, December 31, 2013 is a special day! It is a Dark Moon, and the Dark Moon phase is thee perfect time for banishing rituals, and the fact that today is New Year's Eve is beyond excellent! So that means a banishing work is definitely in order.
Pen (black ink)
Cauldron (or other fire-proof item)
Candles: Black - banishing, Purple - remove bad luck, Red - fast action
Place these in that order (black, purple, red) on a fire-proof surface or stand in sand which is in a fire-proof bowl or plate.
The cauldron is placed in front of the candles.
Banishing Herbs: choose any odd number of the following (I will be choosing 9):
Agrimony, Ague Root, Angelica Root,
Asafoetida, Ash, Avens, Bamboo, Basil, Bean, Belladonna, Bergamot,
Birch, Black Locust, Blessed Thistle, Boldo, Boneset, Brimstone,
Buckthorn, Cayenne, Celandine, Chili pepper, Clover, Cloves, Copal,
Cramp Bark, Cumin, Datura, Devil’s Bit, Dill, Dragon’s Blood, Egg
Shell, Elder, Elderberry, Fern, Fleabane, Frankincense, Fumitory,
Galangal Root, Garlic, Gentian Root, Heliotrope, Holy Thistle,
Horehound, Horseradish, Huckleberry, Hydrangea, Hyssop, Juniper,
Knotweed, Leek, Lilac, Mallow, Marshmallow, Mint, Mistletoe,
Monkshood, Mullein, Myrrh, Nettle, Nuts, Onion, Peach, Peony,
Pennyroyal, Pepper, Peppermint, Pine, Pistachio, Poke Root, Rosemary,
Rue, Sage, Sagebrush, St. John’s Wort, Sandalwood, Sloe, Solomon’s
Seal, Squill, Sulfur, Tamarisk, Thistle, Toadflax, Vetivert, Vinegar,
Wahoo, Wintergreen, Witchgrass, Wormwood, Yarrow
Place half of your chosen herb mixture in the cauldron. The other half the candles will be dressed with and will be spread in a circle around the candles, and around the top of the altar
Banishing OIl: Dress the candle in the Banishing Oil and roll in the herbs to dress.
Banishing OIl: Dress the candle in the Banishing Oil and roll in the herbs to dress.
Dragon’s Blood, Frankincense
Hour: Mars, Saturn, or Sun
Time: (Saturn) 7 pm, (Mars) 9 pm, (Sun) 10 pm (In Lesson 3: Potions & Powders is a set of Planetary Correspondences you can use to see where I figured this from: day - Tuesday, hours of Mars, Saturn, & Sun)
If you started your work at 7 pm during the hour of Saturn,it would definitely run through the hour of the Sun, so you would get the power of each of them!
Petition Paper:
First write your name, then on top of that write 9x's that which you wish to banish, then turn the paper to the left one time, and write again 9x's, that which you wish to banish over the top of the first set.
Next, fold the paper in half away from you, turn it to the left and fold it again away from you. Keep turning & folding until you can't fold it any more.
Tie the petition paper closed with the string.
Place this in the cauldron.
(You could, instead make a Petition Planetary Paquet, if you wanted to.)
If you like to use the appropriate Seals of Solomon or Black Pullet Seals, be sure to have these placed around the outside circle of herbs that are around the candles & cauldron, or placed on top of the Circle of your choice (Punish Evil, Mercy, Blessings - either of the latter 2 would actually be more appropriate for tomorrow's, New Year's Day's Full Moon work, but you do what you feel is most appropriate for your situation). This Circle and the Seals would then first be placed under the candle plate, in the center of the altar.
For the ritual itself you will light the candles with matches. The sulfur from the matches will begin the banishing, and the ritual will complete it.
You can either have a spell written to speak/read or just stand and envision all of your troubles leaving so you will begin the New Year with a completely clean & pure energy surrounding you, having all negative energies banished.
Other items you may wish to place around your altar could include anything you feel reminds you of "removing" or "banishing" or "binding". I have a couple of balled-up rusted together lengths of chains, and my altar cloth will be black. I will post a picture of it once the ritual has been started.
**Ok, promised you the picture, so here it is. I just started it 1/2 an hour ago.
Tomorrow, a New Moon ritual will be done to bring to me that which I need and want during this coming year. I will do basically the same as here, except the herbs will be for blessing, and the candles and altar cloth will be white. If it happens to snow (not likely, unfortunately), I will gather some to place in a bowl on the altar.
Wishing all y'all a very Blessed and Happy New Year!
Blockages Removed,
Magickal Aspects,
Rituals n Spells,
Seals n Sigils,
Seals of Solomon
Sunday, December 29, 2013
January 2014 ~ Special Moon Phases!
January 2014 ~ Special Moon Phases!
Lunar Phase Spell Workings
"Black Moon"
**Note that the meme above refers to the "Dark Moon", this also is correct, especially as the New Moon also falls within the same month, thus making it a "Black Moon". So the Dark Moon, the night before the New Moon, is for banishing, etc., but the New Moon is for beginnings, etc. With both of the "Black Moons" coming in January you are then given an extra powerful boost for each type of work; banishing, etc. & beginnings, etc.
January Lunar Correspondences
Lunar Phase Spell Workings
"Black Moon"
Black Moon -
Finder’s Moon
Secret Moon
Spinner’s Moon
Beginnings, Negative magick
Extremely powerful time for any
magick workings, especially any negative intent
Banishing, Binding, Exorcisms,
Hexing, Revenge, Vengeance
Third New Moon in a Four New
Moon Season & Second New Moon in a month
**Note that the meme above refers to the "Dark Moon", this also is correct, especially as the New Moon also falls within the same month, thus making it a "Black Moon". So the Dark Moon, the night before the New Moon, is for banishing, etc., but the New Moon is for beginnings, etc. With both of the "Black Moons" coming in January you are then given an extra powerful boost for each type of work; banishing, etc. & beginnings, etc.
January Lunar Correspondences
Chaste Moon, Cold
Moon, Disting Moon, Moon of Little Winter, Quiet Moon, Snow Moon, Wolf Moon
Ch’ang-O, Freyja,
Hera, Inanna, Saraswati
Nature Spirits:
Brownies, Gnomes
Cones, Holy
Thistle, Marjoram, Nuts & Seeds
Birch, Hazel
Crocus, Snowdrop
Mimosa, Musk
Garnet, Hematite, Onyx, Jet
Black, Blue-Violet,
Bright White, Silver
Coyote, Fox
Blue Jay, Pheasant
Ambition, Awareness, Beauty, Beginning & conceiving; Business, Career, Conserving
energy; Energy below the surface, Organization, Political matters, Potential,
Protection, Recognition, Reputation, Reversing spells, Sluggish, Spirituality
Astronomical Events,
Blockages Removed,
Magickal Aspects,
Rituals n Spells
Sunday, December 8, 2013
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