Meet Amanda!
Years ago I got my boys a Pot Belly Pig. She was supposed to be a miniature....300 pounds later, she obviously wasn't! Her name was Morticia, "Tish" or "Ta-Ta" for short. She loved peanuts in the shell. But she didn't eat the shell, she spit them out the side of her mouth after getting the peanuts out of it. The boys loved watching her do that. She lived to be about 12 years old before she passed. By that time she was living with my boys' father, who called me to tell me she'd passed. I hadn't seen her in years, but I was still very saddened to hear the news. She was a real trip to be around.
Well, ever since she had moved in with the first husband I had been wanting another one. My husband thought I was crazy, but he loves animals too and so wasn't against the idea. We didn't go looking for one we just happened to be given one by our neighbors who have been given one by an elderly couple who had to be placed in a nursing home. And of course their baby, their pig, couldn't go with them. We don't know what her name was, they never asked, so we named her "Amanda".
So we gladly moved her up here and began the "new animal in the house" introductions and acclimations. The four dogs weren't too sure what to think, but they've finally gotten used to her. Although Little Man (JuJu) will light into her sometimes with a vengeance. She has a pen outside that she stays in when we're going to be gone for a while. Or she's placed in the bathroom if it's for only a short while.
She "sits" and/or "stands tall" for treats, which she gets every time she goes outside to potty and comes back in without a hassle. Which thankfully isn't as often any more. When she wants to go out to "play" in her pen she heads straight up there and I feed her there instead of in the house. She has a little "house" with a cushion and a blanket so she can enjoy the morning sun. She roots around the pen digging up grass roots and what ever else she finds. Basically, hanging out in the pen is her "being a pig" time. :)
Amanda also loves blankets and cushy bedding. Oh. And she loves to sleep with her head on a pillow! She has also taken to occasionally wanting to be with us when we sit and watch TV. She gets up on the ottoman, lays down, and stays there until we get up to go to bed.
Sows go into heat every 3 weeks, and after that first one, well that was IT. We made an appointment to have her spayed. LOL That was the best decision we ever made! Her humping everything she was attracted to was just too much of a pain in the ass. Never mind trying to keep her heavy ass from humping hubby's leg all the time. Oh, yeah and the old sea trunk that has a goat skin covering it. She really found that thing attractive! Unfortunately she would slide on the wood floors and she would fall all splayed out on the floor, get up and try again - and fall...again! Very noisy, very aggravating. So for her comfort and our peace (and quiet) of mind, she got fixed!
She's now a permanent member of the family and will travel with us when we move to Kansas (that trip should be a real joy! LOL)
So, meet Amanda:
So, that's Amanda, our new house pig and newest member of the family!

Welcome to Hoodoo Hill (named for my Boxer buddy who was never too far from my side until his passing with his best girl, Gris-Gris, on November 2, 2020). My name is Granny Tackett and I’d like to introduce you to various aspects of rootwork and Granny Magic, a form of American Folk Magic; herbs, roots, potions, brews, rituals, spell works, wildcrafting, divination systems, and many other interesting tidbits of folk magic. I hope y’all enjoy your visit!
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Orange Clove Pomander Balls
Orange Clove Pomander Balls
I have always loved the look and smell of these wonderful holiday decorating treats! I must admit I've never taken pictures of mine, but maybe I will this year. In the mean time, the picture below was just too pretty not to show. I have to say I've never seen them done so beautifully! I'd always read that you just "poke the cloves in all over the orange". Nothing was ever said about making pretty designs!
So to get us started, how about some inspiration!
Next, grind the petals with the powdered benzoin. While grinding, add a quarter of ambergris and another of civet musk. Once ground, you make compress into little tablets and put each one between two rose petals. Then you dry the tablets away from the sun.
The next step is to combine 2 ounces of the purest labdanum, 1 ounce each of Styrax calamites and benzoin, 1/2 ounce of the "rose tablets", 1 ounce of violet powder, and 1/2 dram each of ambergris and musk and grind everything into a powder.
Next, Nostradmus' instructions say to knead it together with the rose-mixture for an hour (or very thoroughly mixed, would be my suggestion) and when finished, you will have "an aromatic ball of the most supreme perfume, and the longest-lasting that can be made anywhere in the world".
I have always loved the look and smell of these wonderful holiday decorating treats! I must admit I've never taken pictures of mine, but maybe I will this year. In the mean time, the picture below was just too pretty not to show. I have to say I've never seen them done so beautifully! I'd always read that you just "poke the cloves in all over the orange". Nothing was ever said about making pretty designs!
So to get us started, how about some inspiration!
Ooooo! Lemons too!
How about a face for that pomander? Fun & cute!
Before we get started with how to make them, how about a bit of history about them? I'm a bit of a history and "origins" freak. I like to know when something happened as well as why. So here's a bit of info for you:
The word "pomander" is derived from the French pomme d'ambre, meaning "apple of amber". This pomme d'ambre is a ball made from perfume materials such as ambergris (whence the name), musk, or civet. These ingredients were placed into a perforated gold or silver vessel that was hung by a chain around the neck or the waist. One particular formula from 1584 included storax, calamite, labdanum and benzoin resin. These ingredients were powdered, combined together and dissolved in rose water, then cooked down to a paste. This was then molded into an apple shape and rolled in powdered & blended-together cinnamon, sweet sanders, and cloves. After this, several grains of ambergris, deer musk, and civet musk were dissolved in a small amount of rose water. The "apple" (pomme) ball was then rolled in this mixture, blending these ingredients with the first, kneading them altogether. Once they were well combined the pomme was re-formed. This "apple" was then carried in a vessel on the body or placed in a bowl in the home, its scent perfuming the air.
Pomanders were used mainly as protection from disease as well as to counter bad odors.
The word "pomander" is derived from the French pomme d'ambre, meaning "apple of amber". This pomme d'ambre is a ball made from perfume materials such as ambergris (whence the name), musk, or civet. These ingredients were placed into a perforated gold or silver vessel that was hung by a chain around the neck or the waist. One particular formula from 1584 included storax, calamite, labdanum and benzoin resin. These ingredients were powdered, combined together and dissolved in rose water, then cooked down to a paste. This was then molded into an apple shape and rolled in powdered & blended-together cinnamon, sweet sanders, and cloves. After this, several grains of ambergris, deer musk, and civet musk were dissolved in a small amount of rose water. The "apple" (pomme) ball was then rolled in this mixture, blending these ingredients with the first, kneading them altogether. Once they were well combined the pomme was re-formed. This "apple" was then carried in a vessel on the body or placed in a bowl in the home, its scent perfuming the air.
Pomanders were used mainly as protection from disease as well as to counter bad odors.
Nostradamus also had his own formula for making pomanders!
Nostradamus' method and formula was just about the same as listed above, but with a few differences. His method for making pomanders was to make "rose tablets" by gathering a pound of rose petals and 7 ounces of ground benzoin. Soak the rose petals in deer musk water overnight. Then remove the rose petals, thoroughly squeezing out the water.
Nostradamus' method and formula was just about the same as listed above, but with a few differences. His method for making pomanders was to make "rose tablets" by gathering a pound of rose petals and 7 ounces of ground benzoin. Soak the rose petals in deer musk water overnight. Then remove the rose petals, thoroughly squeezing out the water.
Next, grind the petals with the powdered benzoin. While grinding, add a quarter of ambergris and another of civet musk. Once ground, you make compress into little tablets and put each one between two rose petals. Then you dry the tablets away from the sun.
The next step is to combine 2 ounces of the purest labdanum, 1 ounce each of Styrax calamites and benzoin, 1/2 ounce of the "rose tablets", 1 ounce of violet powder, and 1/2 dram each of ambergris and musk and grind everything into a powder.
Next, Nostradmus' instructions say to knead it together with the rose-mixture for an hour (or very thoroughly mixed, would be my suggestion) and when finished, you will have "an aromatic ball of the most supreme perfume, and the longest-lasting that can be made anywhere in the world".
Ok, now that we've got some visual and historical inspiration going here, how about some instructions!
How to Make a Pomander Ball
This recipe is a large one so you can coat quite a few oranges, and save the rest in the freezer for another time, if you want.
Needed Materials
Needed Materials
Thin-skinned Oranges (how ever many you plan to make)
6 cups Cloves -whole
2 cups Cinnamon powder
4 cups Orris Root powder
1 1/2 cup Allspice powder
1 cup Ground Nutmeg
1 cup Ground Coriander
2 cups Ground Orris Root (preservative)
Toothpick, Skewer or Large Needle (to poke holes in orange)
2 cups Cinnamon powder
4 cups Orris Root powder
1 1/2 cup Allspice powder
1 cup Ground Nutmeg
1 cup Ground Coriander
2 cups Ground Orris Root (preservative)
Toothpick, Skewer or Large Needle (to poke holes in orange)
Electrical Tape (to keep rows straight, if needed)
Mix together all of the spices in a bowl large enough to roll the orange around in it.
Place the electrical tape around the orange in the spaces you want to have only the orange skin showing.
Use the toothpick, skewer or large needle to poke holes into the orange peel in the design you have in mind. Traditionally, the entire orange is covered with the cloves, but designs are beautiful too. And who says you must be traditional? :)
Roll the orange between your hands to warm up the peel to make it easy to poke the cloves into.
Once all of the cloves are in place then roll the clove-covered orange in the spice mix. Coat thoroughly.
Place the orange(s) in a tissue-line box and store in a warm, dry location. Turn the orange(s) at least once a week for 3 - 4 weeks. Once dried they're ready to have their ribbons tied on and placed so their wonderful aroma will scent your home!
To refresh their scent in a few months, just dampen and then roll in the saved spice mix, dust off and set out again to be enjoyed!
Place the electrical tape around the orange in the spaces you want to have only the orange skin showing.
Use the toothpick, skewer or large needle to poke holes into the orange peel in the design you have in mind. Traditionally, the entire orange is covered with the cloves, but designs are beautiful too. And who says you must be traditional? :)
Roll the orange between your hands to warm up the peel to make it easy to poke the cloves into.
Once all of the cloves are in place then roll the clove-covered orange in the spice mix. Coat thoroughly.
Place the orange(s) in a tissue-line box and store in a warm, dry location. Turn the orange(s) at least once a week for 3 - 4 weeks. Once dried they're ready to have their ribbons tied on and placed so their wonderful aroma will scent your home!
To refresh their scent in a few months, just dampen and then roll in the saved spice mix, dust off and set out again to be enjoyed!
Kitchen Witchery,
Magickal Crafts,
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Building Bindrunes Lesson
Building Bindrunes Lesson
As I have already posted a couple of the bindrunes I've made recently, I thought it might be a good idea to give a lesson on building a bindrune. This can also apply to making one's own sigil or other purpose. A bindrune is a combining of letters or symbols (usually from an ancient or magickal alphabet) for the express purpose of manifesting a desired action such as protection, money, employment, basically anything you need or want. Although I would definitely put needs above wants. You're more likely to have a greater success rate.
Something to consider when making a bindrune is to consider the culture from which the alphabet letter or symbols come from. I prefer the Elder Futhark Runes. Some use the Theban or Witch's Alphabet. Others may use the Hebrew or any number of ancient alphabet symbols. As I use the Elder Futhark I'll base my explanation on it.
The Norse were a strong, powerful, honor-driven, society. There was no room for weakness. Weakness brought potential harm or death to themselves and/or the village itself. It was a kill or be killed environment. Using even this simplistic description it then becomes quite obvious that the Nordic runes are not meant for works that need a "soft" touch. These runes bring with them a very powerful punch (think Thor here with his mighty hammer!)
For comparison, the Hebrew alphabet used in works do not hold the same energy. It is a much older alphabet, from a society that has consistently throughout its history been that of slaves or the oppressed; their family & ancestral ties are incredibly strong, and they are historically, the world's monetary exchange! Based on this information then, the Hebrew alphabet bindrunes would be best used for monetary/employment works, works regarding family dynamics, ancestral contact, as well as removing obstacles.
This is not to say that the same cannot be used for any of the various ancient alphabets & symbols, only that the historical energies behind them bring different types and levels of energy. You just have to know what you're wanting, find the alphabet with the energies you want and use them. As I said previously, I prefer the Elder Futhark Runes. They are a part of my ancestral background. And I use them for any situation. But what I'm saying is that if you're not drawn to any one ancient alphabet in particular, then use the energies of the one best suited to your need. And of course, a little historical research will be in order if you don't already know at least something about the culture or source of your chosen alphabet.
Now to build a bindrune. The following is a part of the lesson I teach on Seals, Sigils & Bindrunes at Midnight Blue Pagan Study Center.
As I have already posted a couple of the bindrunes I've made recently, I thought it might be a good idea to give a lesson on building a bindrune. This can also apply to making one's own sigil or other purpose. A bindrune is a combining of letters or symbols (usually from an ancient or magickal alphabet) for the express purpose of manifesting a desired action such as protection, money, employment, basically anything you need or want. Although I would definitely put needs above wants. You're more likely to have a greater success rate.
Something to consider when making a bindrune is to consider the culture from which the alphabet letter or symbols come from. I prefer the Elder Futhark Runes. Some use the Theban or Witch's Alphabet. Others may use the Hebrew or any number of ancient alphabet symbols. As I use the Elder Futhark I'll base my explanation on it.
The Norse were a strong, powerful, honor-driven, society. There was no room for weakness. Weakness brought potential harm or death to themselves and/or the village itself. It was a kill or be killed environment. Using even this simplistic description it then becomes quite obvious that the Nordic runes are not meant for works that need a "soft" touch. These runes bring with them a very powerful punch (think Thor here with his mighty hammer!)
For comparison, the Hebrew alphabet used in works do not hold the same energy. It is a much older alphabet, from a society that has consistently throughout its history been that of slaves or the oppressed; their family & ancestral ties are incredibly strong, and they are historically, the world's monetary exchange! Based on this information then, the Hebrew alphabet bindrunes would be best used for monetary/employment works, works regarding family dynamics, ancestral contact, as well as removing obstacles.
This is not to say that the same cannot be used for any of the various ancient alphabets & symbols, only that the historical energies behind them bring different types and levels of energy. You just have to know what you're wanting, find the alphabet with the energies you want and use them. As I said previously, I prefer the Elder Futhark Runes. They are a part of my ancestral background. And I use them for any situation. But what I'm saying is that if you're not drawn to any one ancient alphabet in particular, then use the energies of the one best suited to your need. And of course, a little historical research will be in order if you don't already know at least something about the culture or source of your chosen alphabet.
Now to build a bindrune. The following is a part of the lesson I teach on Seals, Sigils & Bindrunes at Midnight Blue Pagan Study Center.
Making a Bindrune
Rune has its own meaning (because it is also a form of written
language), intent and energy. By combining certain chosen Runes for
their specific energies you can design a Bindrune that will contain
considerable powers towards its purpose, whether manifestation of
something, protection of its bearer, or healing, or whatever it was you
designed it for.
Find the Runes you need. For our
example we will design a Bindrune for personal protection. The powers of
the Runes are most affective when used in a relative sequence of
starting Rune, beginning Rune, central Runes, and the two Runes for
sealing the energies.
are two consensus regarding whether to use all the Runes that would
apply to your need or only just a few. The first holds to the belief
that the Bindrune then holds the energies of anything that could apply
to the intent of the Bindrune being designed. The latter opinion is that
it will be easier to remember the Runes that went into making the
personally, believe in using all that would apply. The reason being
that each of the Runes do then attach their energies and powers to the
Bindrune, and these energies coalesce into one. Which is the reason for
using a Bindrune in the first place. Also, the point regarding too many
Runes being hard to remember is a ridiculous argument, because the
reason for making a Bindrune is to have a “new” Rune to work with that
is all yours. So all you have to remember is the new Rune, not all those
that went into making it!
With that said, let’s make a Protection Bindrune using the following Runes:
- Blank rune is the starting Rune, which is placed before the
“official” first rune, Fehu, because it is energy at its most basic and
must be programmed & controlled by the subsequent Runes. This Rune,
since it is blank, has the square as its shape due to its relationship
to all four directions and the four elements. This square is then what
surrounds, or frames, the Bindrune formed by the other Runes.
always be the “official” first Rune in the sequence because it is used
to expedite any circumstance or situation and to send magickal power to
strengthen surrounding Runes toward the desired result.
the next in the sequence due to its wielding of the powers of
destruction or self-defense. It is power directed by the sheer force of
your will.
Rune protects your valuables and anything you place this Rune on. It also banishes any negative energies coming at you.
another Rune for the purpose of protection because it is the “Hero’s
Rune” to protect & defend yourself, loved ones and your possessions.
It also repels danger, theft & destructive energies and banishes
& diminishes the power of those wishing ill-will toward you.
provides protection from an emotional level directed from yourself to what ever the need may be.
be used as the next to the last Rune to ensure a successful and happy
ending to be manifested. This Rune harmonizes & channels energies
toward clearly specified intents.
fixes, and holds the desired outcome in any situation. It keeps the
powers from diminishing in the magickal works you’ve done and prevents
you from losing, or being stolen from, that which you’ve worked for.
For ease of being able to see what I’ve done, each Rune is a different color.

Image 2: Blank Rune

Image 3: Fehu Rune

Image 4: Thurisaz Rune

Image 5: Kaunaz Rune

Image 6: Algiz Rune

Image 7: Berkano Rune

Image 8: Wunjo Rune

Image 9: Ing Rune
come to the arrangement I like, after trying several that I didn’t, the
following is how each of the Runes were arranged and adjusted. I made
sure to place each in order, so as to keep the continuity of the
energies flowing properly.

Image 10: Blank Rune

Image 11: Fehu adjusted

Image 12: Thurisaz adjusted

Image 13: Kaunaz adjusted

Image 14: Algiz adjusted

Image 15: Berkano adjusted

Image 16: Wunjo adjusted

Image 17: Ing unchanged
And this is the final result:

Image 18: Completed Protection Bindrune - colors showing overlaying of each

Image 19: Completed Protection Bindrune
now you know how to go about making a Bindrune of your own. The steps
are easy, follow them and you’ll have a Bindrune that is specific to you
and your needs and holds your powers combined with those of your chosen
To review:
1) Review the Runes and their meanings
2) Choose the Runes you’ll use
3) Remember to always use the Blank Rune as your framework around the others
Remember to always use the Wunjo & Ing Runes as the final two Runes
so you seal in and insure the success of your Bindrune
Copyright 2010, Granny Tackett
Blockages Removed,
Magickal Aspects,
Magickal Crafts,
Money Spells,
Protection Spells,
Rituals n Spells,
Road Opener,
Seals n Sigils
Saturday, November 10, 2012
So, here's the follow-up bindrune that I mentioned in the last post. We are sooo wanting to get this place sold so we can finally get out to our place in Kansas and get started renovating it. So I've built a bindrune for that purpose.
The phrase I'm working with is this:
Sell The Kentucky Property And Move To Kansas Property Now
The first letter of each word are these: "STKPAMTKN"
These are the runes for each letter that will be combined into the bindrune:
I especially like that, for this one I have 9 runes. Totally unplanned, but a perfect Witch's number!
And here is the combined runes into the bindrune:
I chose green for money, income, abundance, the color of the trees & the grass in the pastures on both properties, and selling property is just "green" to me. For others it may be some other color.
I will be placing this bindrune in my purse, in my husband's wallet, and on the main altar. I will also inscribe it on the front porch and on the road leading to the house with money oil. This, along with the St. Joseph ritual (and St. Joseph buried in the front yard), I think the property will sell rather quickly! Hubby doesn't want to move in winter but I'm at the point where I really don't care, I just want to move! Granted, if it's snowing I won't be so happy about it - there's no heat at the other property. But that could be remedied asap, I'm sure! ;)
So, now that the bindrune is complete, and it's posted here, I will now proceed to place it in all the appropriate places!
So, here's the follow-up bindrune that I mentioned in the last post. We are sooo wanting to get this place sold so we can finally get out to our place in Kansas and get started renovating it. So I've built a bindrune for that purpose.
The phrase I'm working with is this:
Sell The Kentucky Property And Move To Kansas Property Now
The first letter of each word are these: "STKPAMTKN"
These are the runes for each letter that will be combined into the bindrune:
I especially like that, for this one I have 9 runes. Totally unplanned, but a perfect Witch's number!
And here is the combined runes into the bindrune:
I chose green for money, income, abundance, the color of the trees & the grass in the pastures on both properties, and selling property is just "green" to me. For others it may be some other color.
I will be placing this bindrune in my purse, in my husband's wallet, and on the main altar. I will also inscribe it on the front porch and on the road leading to the house with money oil. This, along with the St. Joseph ritual (and St. Joseph buried in the front yard), I think the property will sell rather quickly! Hubby doesn't want to move in winter but I'm at the point where I really don't care, I just want to move! Granted, if it's snowing I won't be so happy about it - there's no heat at the other property. But that could be remedied asap, I'm sure! ;)
So, now that the bindrune is complete, and it's posted here, I will now proceed to place it in all the appropriate places!
Blockages Removed,
Magickal Aspects,
Money Spells,
Rituals n Spells,
Road Opener,
Seals n Sigils
Ok, I'm sure you're wondering what in the hell is that!? LOL
Well, it is a bindrune to banish negativity from your life, and you just don't know what that negativity is! Specifically it is from these words:
I Don't Know What It Is But I Want It Gone
I've taken the first letter of each word: "IDKWIIBIWIG"
Used the corresponding Rune symbol for each letter (changed out the "K" in "know" for an "N"):
Combined them together:
And I now have a bindrune for banishing all negativity, whether I know what it is or not!
I've made several; one for my purse, one for my desk by the computer, one for my car, one for the altar (might make one for each altar (I have 6)), and I will probably make one for just about anything else I can think of to apply it to. I also use banishing & protection oils to inscribe the symbol on my forehead.
For your own bindrune you can build your own using your own phrase, first letters, and symbols or you can use this one if it draws you to. I have bindrunes all over my home for multiple purposes. They work beautifully!
When building and consecrating the bindrune always be sure to concentrate on each rune as you draw its lines. Then once the bindrune is drawn, retrace the lines and envision all of the negativity you feel is around you or may be coming to you, is banished with the intensity of a hurricane wind or a tornado. See it literally "blown away". IF you know who may be sending you this negative energy, then be sure to see it blowing right back at them with a hundred times more power. Literally "blow" them away!
**Note here: If you're one who believes in the 3-Fold Law or follows the Wiccan Rede or other mamby pamby softass crap, either get over it and fucking defend yourself like a goddamn Witch would or just pussyfoot your bindrune around in all that love & light and hope it will help. But please note that the culture and time from which the Runes come was NOT one of "love & light, rainbows & lollipops". It was fight for your life, kill or be killed, defend that which is yours and might makes right. Bindrunes aren't for pussies.
The next one I make will be for selling the property so we can move. I'll post it when it's complete.
Ok, I'm sure you're wondering what in the hell is that!? LOL
Well, it is a bindrune to banish negativity from your life, and you just don't know what that negativity is! Specifically it is from these words:
I Don't Know What It Is But I Want It Gone
I've taken the first letter of each word: "IDKWIIBIWIG"
Used the corresponding Rune symbol for each letter (changed out the "K" in "know" for an "N"):
Combined them together:
And I now have a bindrune for banishing all negativity, whether I know what it is or not!
I've made several; one for my purse, one for my desk by the computer, one for my car, one for the altar (might make one for each altar (I have 6)), and I will probably make one for just about anything else I can think of to apply it to. I also use banishing & protection oils to inscribe the symbol on my forehead.
For your own bindrune you can build your own using your own phrase, first letters, and symbols or you can use this one if it draws you to. I have bindrunes all over my home for multiple purposes. They work beautifully!
When building and consecrating the bindrune always be sure to concentrate on each rune as you draw its lines. Then once the bindrune is drawn, retrace the lines and envision all of the negativity you feel is around you or may be coming to you, is banished with the intensity of a hurricane wind or a tornado. See it literally "blown away". IF you know who may be sending you this negative energy, then be sure to see it blowing right back at them with a hundred times more power. Literally "blow" them away!
**Note here: If you're one who believes in the 3-Fold Law or follows the Wiccan Rede or other mamby pamby softass crap, either get over it and fucking defend yourself like a goddamn Witch would or just pussyfoot your bindrune around in all that love & light and hope it will help. But please note that the culture and time from which the Runes come was NOT one of "love & light, rainbows & lollipops". It was fight for your life, kill or be killed, defend that which is yours and might makes right. Bindrunes aren't for pussies.
The next one I make will be for selling the property so we can move. I'll post it when it's complete.
Blockages Removed,
Health Magick,
Magickal Aspects,
Rituals n Spells,
Road Opener,
Seals n Sigils
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Black Cat Bones
Black Cat Bones
Several weeks ago we were in town running errands when we came across a little black kitten that had just been hit by the car in front of us. They didn't stop. I'm not sure they even knew they'd hit it. Anyway, we stopped, I jumped out and gently picked him up. He couldn't have been 4 or 5 weeks old, and how he got in the middle of the road in the middle of town at rush hour is beyond me. Never mind, why didn't someone stop to save the kitten before he got hit?!
We were less than 1/4 miles from the vet's office so we took him to them to either be helped to live or helped to pass. Unfortunately, after several hours he passed. We brought him home so I could bury him. But while I was burying him I also knew that I would come back for his bones.
Black cats are special. And to be able to obtain black cat bones (humanely) is quite a rare event. I do Bone Throwing but was wanting a Black Cat Bone set. I honestly never figured I'd get one as what are the odds of having a black cat die on you if you don't have cats around? :) So, I was feeling a bit lucky, to say the least.
Today I dug up the bones, cleaned them and have set them to dry. They're so tiny and so beautiful. They're definitely a treasure! I will make a special pouch to carry them in. I will also make a special cloth to read the throws on.
I'll post pictures of the set & the cloth when they're completed.
But now, here are a few black cat facts, fiction, humor & superstitions!
Bombay Black Cat breed has 2 breeds. The British Bombay is from the Asian breed. It is a black long haired Burmese-type cat. The American breed was developed in the United States in 1958 by crossing the Burmese with the American Shorthair to produce a "panther like" cat. It was named after the Indian city of Bombay (now Mumbai).
Black Cat JuJu Dolls are made for their good luck (especially in gambling) and protection properties.
What do you get when you cross a black cat with a lemon? A sour puss!
Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of wool? She had mittens.
What is the difference between a cat and a comma? One has the paws before the claws and the other has the clause before the pause.
What do you get when you cross a chick with an alley cat? A peeping tom.
Why don't cats play poker in the jungle? Too many cheetahs.
What is a cat's favorite song? Three Blind Mice.
Several weeks ago we were in town running errands when we came across a little black kitten that had just been hit by the car in front of us. They didn't stop. I'm not sure they even knew they'd hit it. Anyway, we stopped, I jumped out and gently picked him up. He couldn't have been 4 or 5 weeks old, and how he got in the middle of the road in the middle of town at rush hour is beyond me. Never mind, why didn't someone stop to save the kitten before he got hit?!
We were less than 1/4 miles from the vet's office so we took him to them to either be helped to live or helped to pass. Unfortunately, after several hours he passed. We brought him home so I could bury him. But while I was burying him I also knew that I would come back for his bones.
Black cats are special. And to be able to obtain black cat bones (humanely) is quite a rare event. I do Bone Throwing but was wanting a Black Cat Bone set. I honestly never figured I'd get one as what are the odds of having a black cat die on you if you don't have cats around? :) So, I was feeling a bit lucky, to say the least.
Today I dug up the bones, cleaned them and have set them to dry. They're so tiny and so beautiful. They're definitely a treasure! I will make a special pouch to carry them in. I will also make a special cloth to read the throws on.
I'll post pictures of the set & the cloth when they're completed.
But now, here are a few black cat facts, fiction, humor & superstitions!
Bombay Black Cat breed has 2 breeds. The British Bombay is from the Asian breed. It is a black long haired Burmese-type cat. The American breed was developed in the United States in 1958 by crossing the Burmese with the American Shorthair to produce a "panther like" cat. It was named after the Indian city of Bombay (now Mumbai).
British Bombay Cat (almost round copper eyes)
American Bombay Cat (round, gold eyes)
Black Cat JuJu Dolls are made for their good luck (especially in gambling) and protection properties.
Black Cat JuJu Doll
(Mystic Voodoo photo)
- A strange black cat on your porch brings prosperity. (Scottish)
- A cat sneezing is a good omen for everyone who hears it. (Italian)
- If a black cat lay on the bed of a sick person, that person would die. (Italian & German)
- It is bad luck to see a white cat at night. (American)
- Dreaming of white cat means good luck. (American)
- Cats are not allowed in rooms where private family discussions are going on. (Netherlands)
- Cats spread gossips around the town. (Dutch)
- The life-giving rays of the sun are kept in a cat's eyes at night for safekeeping. (Egypt)
- To kill a cat brings seventeen years of bad luck. (Irish)
- When a black cat crosses your path in the moonlight, there will be an epidemic illness. (Irish)
- Fishermen's wives kept black cats while their husbands were away at sea, believing that the black cats would prevent danger from occurring while their husbands were away. (English)
- A black cat crossing your path is bad luck, but letting one in your house is good luck.
- If a cat jumps over a dead body, the corpse will become a vampire. To stop this, the cat has to be killed.
- Black cats carry the souls of the dead to the other world.(Finland)
- The presence of a black cat foretells of poverty. (Chinese)
What do you get when you cross a black cat with a lemon? A sour puss!
Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of wool? She had mittens.
What is the difference between a cat and a comma? One has the paws before the claws and the other has the clause before the pause.
What do you get when you cross a chick with an alley cat? A peeping tom.
Why don't cats play poker in the jungle? Too many cheetahs.
What is a cat's favorite song? Three Blind Mice.
Magickal Aspects,
Zoological concerns
Black Destroyer Oil
Black Destroyer Oil
This oil has no set formula, only that the ingredients be specific to defense of & from negative/evil energies and actions aimed at you. Use to destroy and stop in their tracks curses, hexes, hatred, resentments, envy and any evil intention towards you, your family or friends, or your home and to help people clear serious situations from their lives.
This oil has no set formula, only that the ingredients be specific to defense of & from negative/evil energies and actions aimed at you. Use to destroy and stop in their tracks curses, hexes, hatred, resentments, envy and any evil intention towards you, your family or friends, or your home and to help people clear serious situations from their lives.
Once the oil is made place on your altar to consecrate. Use it to dress the candle in your ritual. For added power & energy roll the oil dressed candle in Black Destroyer Powder as well.
There should be a minimum of 10
ingredients (not including the oil) used in the formula. The following list are
only a few of the usual choices.
(Note: To make Black Destroyer Powder, combine your chosen ingredients, grind to a powder and burn on a charcoal or dress a candle).
(Note: To make Black Destroyer Powder, combine your chosen ingredients, grind to a powder and burn on a charcoal or dress a candle).
Olive Oil
Chicken Feather (black preferable)
Sweet Basil
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
Red Pepper
Charcoal (ritual use, not cook-out type)
High John
Seed (dried)
Hot Foot
Black Snake
Magickal Aspects,
Rituals n Spells
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