Showing posts with label Advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advice. Show all posts

Saturday, November 17, 2018

When Faith & Spirituality Change

When Faith & Spirituality Change

How often have you found yourself realizing that you haven't been as diligent in your spiritual life, and you seem to have 'lost faith' in your ability to be faith-full?

I've spent much of the last few years in this type of situation. I used to have a morning ritual, say a charm of cleansing & protection while bathing, have a greeting to my Guides each day, give thanks at each meal. But the last three to four years feel as though I've been very lax in this regard.

There have been spurts of activity, especially when I became consciously aware that I was not being as conscientious as I should be, but overall, my spiritual life has sucked. So, looking back over those years, what changed?

Four years ago, I went to work at a local newspaper and then bought that newspaper two and half years ago. I am bizzz-eeee! To say the least! But yet, I'm not. There is still 'down time' and plenty of time at home when I could still be spiritually active with rituals, spells, and works of all kinds.

There have been plans in the works to do how-to videos. But everyone does those, so why would mine be any different? They wouldn't, they'd just be done by "Granny Tackett." So what. I'm not one for needing my face out on the internet trying to prove whatever it is I know. Besides, I'm far better at writing...probably why I own a newspaper. :D

So, reviewing my spiritual life, has it really "sucked" or has it just changed; morphing with my new life-schedule?

When I bathe, I still recite my charm of cleansing & protection. So, that's good.

I greet my Guides as I watch the sun rise on the far horizon while I feed and care for our farm animals. So, that's a great one!

Everyday when I get to work the woman who works with me always makes sure we pull cards and record it in our Tarot diary on the computer. So, no faltering there.

I give thanks at every meal. So, again, no faltering there either.

Every little 'good thing' that comes my way, I always say, "Thank you" for it. I maintain an "Attitude of Gratitude".

The only thing I don't do as regularly is spell works. Reviewing the 'why' of it, I find that I do, but only as-needed. And I really haven't needed to!

My life is blessed!

I have my Guides who guide me. I have the Creator Who makes sure my needs are met. I have my Deities who remind me when I need to do more. And, I have an Attitude of Gratitude that keeps the blessings flowing toward me.

So, the next time you feel you've been in a slump, mundane or spiritual, stop and take a good long review to figure out the 'why' of it. You'll either find that you are, indeed, slumping, or that it has been so subtly consistent that you didn't realize that it is so much a part of your life that it  'just is".

For bringing this supposed slump to my attention, and helping me to realize that it wasn't actually; I want to thank my Guides, the Creator, and the Deities (i.e. La Muerte & Mother Mary, in particular, and a few who shall remain private).

I hope y'all find that you, also, aren't really in that slump and how truly blessed your life really is! :)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

My Response to a Particularly Offensive Narrow-Minded Article

My Response to a Particularly Offensive Narrow-Minded Article

Follow the link to this article, then return here to read my response. I'm not asking for cudos or anything, just wanted you to see another point of view than you may have or know that others have.

This is my response:

The author of this one is a winner. Love it when those uneducated on a particular subject matter try to scream their holier-than-thou self-righteousness from the rooftops regarding said subject to which they know nothing about. If you want to believe something, then at least believe something that has fact attached to it somewhere, not based exclusively on the opinion(s) of others who also don't know the facts, but only twisted half-truths on to full lies about the subject.
So, the subject of this article is about Hallowe'en and it's "evilness", that it celebrates death and darkness, and other ridiculous matter ad nauseum. I will address each of her points directly:

"As I grew closer to the Lord and gained more knowledge of His Word, I began to feel convicted about Halloween."
GOOD. If something doesn't feel right to you, then you should most certainly not continue on with it.

"God is a God of life, but Halloween focuses on death. Should I celebrate a holiday where people decorate their front yards with tombstones?"
Ok, first of all, Hallowe'en doesn't "focus on death". Hallowe'en is the modern day commercialized joke that was once a celebration of the last harvest of the season. The ancient Celts called this time Samhain (pronounced SOW-en) and believed that the veil between the living and the ancestors who had passed was thinnest, so they could come visit. It was a time to celebrate those who had passed, not dwell of "death" and the dead in any morbid sense. THAT is what those who do not understand this concept have confused themselves and others about. "Death" isn't an end, it is just another state of beginning.

"The Scriptures tell us to put away deeds of darkness (Rom.13:12) and that light has nothing in common with darkness (2 Cor. 6:14). Is celebrating a dark holiday something a child of the light should be doing?"
Again, it is not a "dark holiday". In fact, it is one of the Cross Quarter Festivals, one of the Fire Festivals, a celebration of the sun and its life giving light. While it is the only one of the Fire Festivals celebrated at night, that is so the people may visit with those ancestors who've passed and to wish them well upon their return at dawn. There is nothing scary or morbid about it. It is family visiting with family. It is a time of honoring your ancestors, not "zombie" attacks & tombstones.

"I had been delivered from fear and panic attacks and knew that fear comes from the enemy. Should I participate in a holiday that has fear as its very foundation?"
That "fear factor"? THAT is straight up Hollywood bs. There is nothing to fear about those of our relatives & ancestors who have passed. We honor their memories, say prayers to them of gratitude for their love, and sorrow at their passing, but know that they are alive and well where ever they now reside on the Otherside.

"Witchcraft is clearly detestable to the Lord (Deut 18:10-13). Shouldn't something that glorifies witchcraft (just take a walk through the Halloween store) be detestable to me as well?"
LMAO Wow, so uneducated here. Hallowe'en stores have absolutely nothing, and I mean NOTHING to do with witchcraft in any way, shape or form. This is typical of someone who has no clue how to do research and when they do (as the author obviously does) they read only what is written & pushed by those of the same thinking but who also have never done their research. Let me put it this way; if I wanted to know about other religions and faith systems, would I read what those of my faith wrote (who never studied and lived the other systems) or would I read the teachings of those who live that faith system every day - just as they do theirs? I don't go to the baker to have my car fixed, or the coffee shop to buy computer ink. Neither should you learn about a subject from those who don't have any education on the subject. You won't be "converted". You'll be EDUCATED. It won't hold true for you, but at least you'll have a broader view and will understand where they're coming from. Rather than that narrow, thin line that is actually impossible to tow. Narrow mindedness is NOT a virtue.

"Halloween is a sacred, high holiday for Wiccans (the official religion of witchcraft). Is this a holiday Christians should celebrate alongside Wiccans?"
Her un-educated lack of knowledge is showing fully here. Wicca is NOT, I repeat NOT "the official religion of witchcraft". It is just one of many Pagan Traditions just as there are many denominations of the Christian religion, various sects of the Jewish and the Vedic, etc. There is no all-encompassing "one" for Pagans as there are not for Christians.

"Is it cute when we dress our kids like the devil (or witches, ghouls, scary characters, etc.)? Isn't it, well, demonic?"
Wow. Just. Wow. The uneducated ignorance here is beyond astounding, especially considering the fact that "the truth is out there" and so easily researched and learned. AGAIN, not to "convert". Only to EDUCATE.

"What if my child dresses in a wholesome fireman costume? Romans 16:19 says that we need to be wise to what is good and innocent of evil. If I let him participate in Halloween, even while dressed as a fireman, aren't I sending him a mixed message by allowing him to participate in a celebration of evil?"
If you choose to not let your children participate in fun & games, that's your prerogative as a parent, but don't twist the truth to fit your agenda, rather than tell them the reality of "why"; which is that YOU'RE not comfortable with it and so you will not participate or allow them to. But to spread the twisted lies about it being "a celebration of evil" is poor parenting. Because when they get old enough to learn how to do research - they'll learn, and you'll be called a liar. Not cool - for you or for them.

"The Lord said in 2 Cor. 6:17, "Come out from them and be separate ... Touch no unclean thing ..." Doesn't God want His children to be set apart from the world and from sin and evil? Aren't we supposed to be peculiar people?"
If you want to be "set apart", then do so (and good luck with that), but don't keep propagating twisted half-truths and lies to fit the agenda. Simply state, "it's not within the realm of my beliefs, and I'm not comfortable with it." Period. Don't push an agenda built for the last six centuries on lies. It was uptight, prudish, FEARFUL men who in their fear of the unknown decided to make it a "heresy" or "evil" and a "sin" to even consider having anything to do with anyone else who does. Is that REALLY the way to work to convince those "evil people" that your way is actually right? Alienate them through lies like this article and you'll look just as fruity as the author. (Newbies or reformed anyone in anything are always the worst, always spouting loudly in their self-righteousness.) I prefer those who are strong enough and self-confident enough in their own faith that they don't need to spout loudly. They're actions speak clearly. They walk the talk. Not talk the talk - as the author of this article so obviously does.

"My extended family thinks it's ridiculous that we not allow our son to dress up for Halloween. Should their opinions matter to me more than God's? Shouldn't pleasing God be my utmost concern?"
YES! Absolutely! It shouldn't matter what others think. But remember to put the shoe on the other foot, or you'll be just another religious fruitcake with nothing valid worth listening to.

If there is even a question in my heart and mind that it might be wrong, shouldn't that be my first clue? Why would I continue to do so with even a lingering thought that it is wrong?
Your belief is your own, and there is nothing wrong with that. But others have their beliefs, and there also is nothing wrong with that. Educate yourself on those Paths you know nothing about. Hold a conversation with those of other faiths. LEARN something! You won't be converted. Your won't be sinning. You'll be able to hold your own in a conversation on Faith and the Divine. As long as there is belief in something Greater than ourselves, then there is always hope that we will come to an equal understanding. And agree to disagree.

"Does Halloween bring glory to God? No! It glorifies the devil! Nuff said."
Ugh. Brain dead, self-righteous, newbie, loud-mouthed fundie. "Nuff said".

Sunday, February 22, 2015

ChronosXP Planetary Hours Software ~ A MUST-HAVE!!!

ChronosXP Planetary Hours Software ~ A MUST-HAVE!!!
I was just introduced to this FREE software and it is GREAT!

My books and the Lesson: Seals, Sigils & Bindrunes have Planetary Hours charts and are good references, but the software you can download from this site is far better!

Once you have it downloaded and on your computer you can then open the program to put in the latitude & longitude of your city/town, what time zone you're in, set up what you'd like to have displayed, sounds (or not) when each hour changes, etc. You can even have the icon-of-the-hour on your desktop in a choice of colors & designs. :D

Now there's no more "guessing" as to the exact hour you are in, or the hour you need to do a ritual or plant your seeds or transplants (for those you plant by the lunar phases & zodiac hours like me.)

Here is the window that opens when you click the icon on your desktop:


The bottom left section (in blue) is where you will find all you need for using the program. The "Change Settings" is where you will set everything you need, which will change everything on the bottom of the window, except the last section with the city on it - this is not useful at all as it is too location-specific. By changing the latitude & longitude settings you will then have all the correct information along the bottom - and just ignore the city-specific drop-down box, unless you happen to live in or very near one of those cities. I do not, so it is of no use to me. But by putting in the latitude & longitude of my town in the "Change Settings" box, I now have everything exact...and I LOVE IT!

To find your latitude & longitude you can search online. I just use the City-Data website and put in my city, then Control "F", then type in "latitude" or "longitude", hit "Enter" and it scrolls to that word. Note that when inputting the numbers they will read (using mine as an example) Latitude: 39.35 N, Longitude: 100.44 W. To input in the software, you will enter the first number (latitude) 39 in the "hours" box and the 35 into the "minutes" box, and the same for the longitude number. There are then buttons to choose Latitude N or S or Longitude E or W. It's really very simple to figure out...and will make knowing & using the Planetary Hours sooooo much easier & faster!


ChronosXP website download page.

Friday, March 14, 2014

"Ask, Believe, Receive"

"Ask, Believe, Receive"
These words have become a sort of mantra for me. They're from a show I watched about 'The Secret', which has been both heralded and lauded. From personal experience, I'll believe the "heralded" terminology!

As I've said a few times here, what we want and need is always within our grasp, it's just a matter of our level of belief. Our attitude going in will determine our outcome. If we have doubts, then it won't manifest, or may not manifest as well as wanted.

I've known this fact. I've stated it many times over many years. However, for some stupid reason, I hadn't really integrated it into a knowing concept within myself. So when I saw this show it finally really hit home. I couldn't tell you much about the show itself, but I can tell you that these 3 words hit me like a ton of bricks and took it to heart when they said, to "test it". They said to find something you need or want that is way beyond your means and then give it a time frame. Then everyday to think on it and believe it to be yours.

So I put those 3 words together in a mantra-like phrase, decided what I wanted, set a date (which was about a month later), and then several times a day I envisioned it as being here, reciting the 3-word mantra each time.

Now, everything was going great, no problems whatsoever, then about 1/2 way through the time frame I let "doubt" creep in a few times. I would immediately push it out, but you know what "doubt" feels like - a little "spot" in the back of your mind that says, "HA! You're nuts! It'll never work!" This went on for about 4 days, when I suddenly, and very consciously told that "Doubt" to "FUCK OFF! I will Ask, BELIEVE, and Receive!"

From then on, no more "doubt". Then, on the due-date I had set, WE RECEIVED IT!

So, what was it that we received? What was it I wanted? What was my "test"? I wanted the money to come so my husband could open a machine shop again. And so we are now in the process of doing so.

The only thing that didn't fully work out was the amount we received. My doubt caused this. But that other number was only so we'd have "extra". Which I guess we didn't "need"'s just always nice to have "extra"! LOL

Having achieved this great goal, I am now working on finding another. I have one in mind, but I have to figure out how I want it to manifest fully first. Once that is completed, then I will begin my "Ask, Believe, Receive" mantra reciting all over again.

So, if y'all are trying to get something, but you're still allowing "Doubt" to hinder you - tell that "Doubt" to take a hike! "See" what you want as already "being", then "Ask" for it and "Believe" it to be yours, and watch for you to "Receive" it.

This is the most powerful "spell" anyone can do.......FOR THEMSELVES!

Those of us who work spells & rituals live this everyday. But even we have "doubt" in the back of our minds at times. It is that doubt which kill or nullifies or diminishes that which we're trying to work, either for ourselves or our clients. When I do works for a client I am putting my belief in my ability to work with the Divine to bring about that which the client wants or needs. But I always have the fear that the client may be working against it all, just through their own self-doubt or doubt in the ability of what ever it is they're wanting, to manifest. We can only do so much for our clients. The clients must understand that they must also do their fair share of the work; they absolutely must BELIEVE that what they want or need is theirs, without a doubt!

That's my rant for the day, but I hope y'all will believe me and take it and try it out. You'll be surprised at your own power at bringing to you that which you want or need. You really DO NOT NEED us! YOU can do it all by YOURSELF - if you only believe it! :)

Try it and see!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Are You Crossed? How to Help Yourself

Are You Crossed? How to Help Yourself
I firmly believe in "do it yourself". I also firmly believe in not taking money from people just because I "can". Because I have an ability to do something they're convinced they don't. Well, I'm here to tell you that EVERYBODY has the ability, and the obligation, to protect themselves, their family, and their immediate environment (home, work space, car). It does not take a Witch, a Hoodoo, a rootworker, or any other person of any other "name" to do this for you. YOU are the one responsible for YOUR own self. Not us. We are here for the larger picture. The truly "out of your league" things. But simple day-to-day protection is YOUR responsibility. And I'm here to help you learn how. 

So. Are You Really Crossed??

It is entirely possible, although most likely not. However, why not protect yourself in the off-chance that it is going on or could happen in the future?

First think of people who may have a reason (and for some people it could be any reason) to cause you irritations and/or harm. Also consider if there is anyone you may have slighted in any way. And again, for some people they just may only think they were slighted. Write down all the names you can think of in order of possibility from most likely to least likely. Burn this piece of paper and flush it down the toilet. They no longer "exist" for you and thus are no longer a worry.
Then you'll need to cleanse your environment. If may even just be the place you're living in, and not you in particular. But cleansing your environment and then yourself will repel it from you & your surroundings. To do this take an onion for each room of your house and place it there (as close to the middle of the room as possible, if you can, but so you won't step on it or it won't be in the way, otherwise on a table or counter or dresser is fine). Leave it for 3 days. It will gather the negative energy. Each day recite Psalm 52.

Psalm 52:
Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually.
The tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully.
Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah.
Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue.
God shall likewise destroy thee for ever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living. Selah.
The righteous also shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at him:
Lo, this is the man that made not God his strength; but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wickedness.
But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.
I will praise thee for ever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints. 

After the 3 days, then collect them - DO NOT TOUCH them - use gloves or something so your hands don't touch the onions. Place them in a bag and remove from your property completely. If possible bury them some place so Mother Earth can cleanse the negative energy into positive. Dig the hole (at least 12" deep) and dump the onions out of the bag and into the hole, then place the bag in the hole as well, covering the onions. Then cover all of it with the dirt that was dug out of the hole. Stomp the dirt down tight so it is not likely to wash away or anyone (or any animals) to step in it and hurt themselves (if it's in a place that this could be possible).

Next, place a lemon in each room - same as with the onion. Leave for 3 days and then remove as well. The onion removes negative energy and the lemon will cleanse and purify the now "empty" space. Do not bury the lemons anywhere near the onions. These can be buried on your property.

Each day of these 6 days take a cleansing shower/bath to remove the negative energy from yourself. SEE it washing down the drain.

FEEL yourself removed of all negativity while the onion is working, and then SEE yourself cleansed & purified while the lemon is working.

Recite these verses the entire time you're washing during the 3 days of the onion:

Psalm 52: 2-5 "The tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah.
Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue.

God shall likewise destroy thee for ever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living."

Recite these verses the entire time you're washing during the 3 days of the lemon:

Psalm 26:6 "I wash my hands, Lord, to show my innocence, and to worship at your altar"

Psalm 51:7 "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me and I shall be whiter than snow".

To protect you & your environment after the negativity removing & the cleansing & purifying place a SATOR Square on each sill surrounding your windows & exterior-access doors (front door, back door, garage door - any door that opens to the outside) and on each mirror in the home. This is the SATOR Square:

S  A  T  O  R
A  R  E  P  O
T  E  N  E  T
O  P  E  R  A
R  O  T  A  S

If possible, place red brick dust and/or salt across each threshold into the house. Salt is probably easier to come by, but if you can get - or have - red bricks, pound some of them into dust to place across your doorways. And recite Psalm 23 (see below) as you do so. If you can remember to recite this Psalm each day, that would be great, but if not, at least when you think about it (life tends to get in the way, I know).

To protect yourself when you're outside your home, keep a piece of paper with the SATOR Square written on it in your wallet. IF you want, you can also make a Mojo bag to keep protective items in and with you at all times. Keep it in your pocket.

Take a small piece of cloth and place in it a pebble you find that draws you to pick it up, place salt, pepper, and basil in the cloth, along with the SATOR Square. Use string to tie the cloth around the pebble and the herbs. This is a simple Mojo bag that will help keep you protected. As you're making it recite: 

Psalm 23
23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever

 You can also add the Seals of Solomon to your Mojo bag or place them around your home. Look through the Seals here, clicking the links to read each lesson to find the ones that you feel would be the most beneficial to you. Be sure to read the "Introduction" lesson so you know how to activate the Seal(s) you've chosen.

These are all simple things you can do to keep yourself safe and protected inside and away from your home. I could tell you that you have to have someone else do all of this for you, but I'd be lying. YOU know best about your situation, no one else does. And it is YOU who can do the most to help yourself. Not someone else. The Lord helps those who help themselves. And I like helping those who don't know how, to teach them what to do so they do know how.

If you begin doing these things as part of your daily routine, then it becomes a part of your life, which in turn keeps you protected at all times. Yes, there are times when you may need something more, but for the average person this is more than enough.

I hope I haven't scared y'all off, and you'll see that you are more than capable of doing so much for yourself. Information is free, so learn all you can before jumping to spend money. It isn't always better to depend on someone else to that which you should be doing for yourself.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Patron Saints

Patron Saints
A Patron Saint is one which is important to a person for a specific reason. It can be for health reasons, or protection for just about any situation, or to watch over your children or pets. But did you know that there are Patron Saints for some cities, states, and countries? I didn't, until I was looking up Saints and their abilities, as well as their histories (I find their life stories very interesting, and enlightening as to how they came to be canonized).

Anyway, in my research I found that I had a .pdf on my computer that I'd downloaded from one site that was very informative, giving the Saint and their patronages (and some have quite a few!) While it was an informative piece, it led me to further the research to see what else I could find.

What I found I just had to share!

The "Catholic Online" site's Patron Saints pages have a huge selection of Saints, with them listed alphabetically. For those who work with Saints, or would like to, this is the place to go!  I know I'll be a regular visitor! (For some reason, the other site I had listed would not open.  I could go to their site from my Favorites, but it would not open in a link like it used to. So, I've given the Catholic Online's link instead, which is just as good).

Enjoy your searching!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Your Own Worst Enemy and How It Effects Magic Works

Your Own Worst Enemy and How It Effects Magic Works
Everyone's heard this phrase before, but have you actually sat and contemplated what it means? What is it referring to? Why has it become such a well-known axiom?

Starting with the last question first: BECAUSE IT'S TRUE! But it's amazing that most people have no idea just how true it is.

The first and second questions kind of go hand-in-hand, but need defining separately. 

No, most people haven't contemplated what it means because, most people never sit and contemplate. Anything. The concept of thinking about something, analyzing it, and how it affects and effects us as individuals and/or as a group is foreign to most people. Self-evaluation is vital to our own personal improvement in life. But try to ask someone if they self-evaluate and they look at you like a deer in headlights.

When I, and every other Practitioner, are commissioned to do a work for a client we are working with Divine Energy. Divine Energy is positive, light bringing, and loving. There is no negativity in it. Even in a (justified) cursing and hexing. And this then brings me to where the negative DOES come in...

It comes FROM the client! They state with absolute certainty that we, the Practitioner, can fix their problem, but often in the very same statement is a negative add-on that defeats everything we're trying to do!

Here is a simple example: A client wants employment and money. Excellent! That's usually such an easy one. But then, through communication with the client it becomes evident by their words that, while they have faith in MY ability, they have zero faith in their OWN abilities! Quite often it will go something like this:

"YOU are my only hope! I KNOW YOU can make this happen for me! YOU can fix this! But I can't do anything. I haven't skills for the job I want. I'm not good at interviews. Even if I get the job, I probably won't be good at it.", etc. ad infinitum....OMFG! Seriously? How the fuck is ANY Practitioner supposed to truly work through all of that negativity. It's defeated before it's even begun!

The client must have faith in themselves. Even a little bit helps. When a client is constantly stating, "I'll never get a good job. I don't have any skills. I can't do anything.", they're right. they won't. But if they work on changing their outlook, the changes they want will begin to manifest. Changing the above statements to "I have a good job. I have the skills I need. I can do anything I set my mind to.", then the works being done for the client will manifest, better and more quickly. And quite often in sudden unexpected ways.

If the skills needed aren't known, then the ability to learn them would be presented, such as through classes or training. Nothing is impossible. Especially when the client works fully with the Practitioner. Together, the skills of the one working with the self-belief of the other, will produce incredible results.

Then, of course, there is the client who doesn't have the self-disbelief, but instead is certain that everyone around them, at work, at home, at church, anywhere in public, is dead set against them. Just them. If these people go out of town, then they are going out of town to see a Practitioner to get "things" so they can counter act what ever works are being done to protect them. So the client then needs something much stronger to protect them from these evil people.

No, what really needs to happen is to know that you are protected. Nothing can touch you now. You are safe, because anything they do will only bounce back at them.

Every Practitioner has a specific strength. Some do awesome Love Spells. Some are great at healing. Others are proficient at Protection works. But in all of this, the energy of the client is paramount. If they believe in our skills that's great. But if they don't (usually subconsciously) believe that they deserve these benefits that they're requesting our intervention for, then their negativity will eventually (if not right from the start) defeat everything we do.

If I have a client that I find is consistently doing this, I will not do anything more for them. I will NOT waste their time and money or my time and energy in trying to manifest for them life-improvements, when they're just going to keep killing it every time. I'd rather spend my time and energy on clients who are just needing that "little oomph" of energy to get them the things they know they can have and deserve, but just aren't quite sure what's missing. That "little oomph" can bring the right people, or actions, or situations into play so that everything they want will manifest for them. And it could be in ways they didn't expect, and always for the better!

Ok, I'll step off my soapbox now! LOL But, please, people, KNOW that YOU deserve all the good things in life! Change your thinking & speaking & writing, and you will begin to see changes - very rapidly!
