Showing posts with label Kitchen Witchery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kitchen Witchery. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Holly King's Favorite Yule Beverage

Holly King's Favorite Yule Beverage
Ok, I know it's a bit early to be talking about the Holly King, since he returns at Yule and it's not even Samhain yet. But this is a recipe which takes a while to make and NOW is the time to begin. (This is an alcoholic beverage, so no one under 21 is supposed to drink it... ;) )

This is a recipe that I LOVE, but I always forget to start it on time. It takes 6-8 weeks to infuse to it's best strength and taste. So, THIS year, I put it on the calendar, bought the ingredients early and started it today. I'll share the recipe with you and maybe you can begin your own yearly tradition of adding this beverage to your Yule celebration.

Holly King's Favorite
1 12 oz package Cranberries - chopped to small pieces
1 24 oz package of dried Cranberries (my preference)
1 large Orange - zested
1/5th Vodka

Chop the cranberries (whether fresh or dried) into small pieces.*
Place in a large glass jar with a good tight-fitting lid.
Add the orange zest.
Pour the 1/5th of vodka over the cranberry & orange zest mixture, covering completely.
Put the lid on the jar, label it with "Holly King's Favorite Starter" and the date.
Store for 4 weeks in a dark cupboard, taking it out to shake it several times a week.

*I have a Vita-Mix, so I just put the cranberries and vodka in the pitcher, turned it on to 5 and let it chop for about 15 seconds. You want them chopped, but not too fine.

1 1/2 c Sugar
3/4 c Water

Boil sugar in water for 1 minute.
Cool to room temperature.
Strain the cranberry-orange mixture.
Stir the simple syrup into the cranberry-orange infusion.
Add a cinnamon stick – optional.
Store in the dark for 2-4 weeks before serving.

Place in a pot to warm, do not get too hot, you want to be able to sip it easily.
You can also serve this cold or at room temperature - your choice.
Pour into a wine glass and enjoy!

 Holly King's Favorite Starter

Cranberry ~ Feminine magick, Happiness, Love
Orange ~ Abundance, Beauty, Divination, Fertility, Fortune, Happiness, Harmony, Joy, Love, Luck, Money, Peach, Prosperity, Warmth
Sugar ~ Love, Lust, Sex magick, Sympathy
Cinnamon ~ Abundance, Altar tool consecration, Aphrodisiac, Attraction, Attracts helpful spirits & guardians, Brings positive energy & peace to rituals, Cleansing, Consecration, Creativity, Courage, Dreamwork, Energy, Fertility, Financial matters, Fortune, Healing, Increase concentration, Knowledge, Love, Luck, Lust, Money, Passion, Peace, Power, Prosperity, Protection, Psychic aid, Psychic powers, Purification, Raise spiritual vibrations,
Sex magick, Solar magick, Speed, Spirituality, Strength, Success, Vision work

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

JuJu Dolls

JuJu Dolls
I've been making these for a while now and really enjoy it. No two are ever the same, so each has it's own personality and "feel". My first one I made for myself and was very proud of her. After the last one I made, I was looking at the pictures of all of the ones I've made, and it was very enlightening to see how far I've come in the quality of the work. I've done nothing different, but there is a definite "growth" that can be seen in the "maturity" of the dolls. If that makes sense! LOL

JuJu Dolls are made for the protection of the home and hung above the front door, so that when anyone walks in they are protected and any negative is removed, and when walking out the take that protection with them. In addition to the JuJu Doll I also always have 3 horseshoes nailed above the door; 1 upright, 1 downward facing, 1 upright. In this position the 2 outer ones are filling up with "luck" and overflowing into the downward facing one, which is pouring all that luck on those who walk under. So between the JuJu Doll and the 3 horseshoes, my home is a blessing for all who enter!

When I make the dolls I first spend time concentrating on what the doll's main purpose will be besides home protection; such as money, happy home, good health, what ever it is the client wants in particular. I make and print out any Seals, sigils, and/or bindrunes that are pertinent to the doll's purpose, then I gather the herbs and other materials together, and before beginning, I say a quiet petition spell for good workmanship, guiding of my hands by the Divine to assemble the doll in the manner that will be the most beneficial to my client's needs & wants.

The next thing is to assemble the doll's fabric pieces and stuff them with the fiberfill stuffing, which has been mixed in well with the herbs and any other natural curios that I want to put inside. After that the beads, charms, and other curios are added and once complete, another spell is placed on it to protect it until it arrives at its new home. Absolutely no one in my home touches it except me. There's only myself & my hubby anyway, but still, I make sure that no other energies but mine, which are working toward that of the client's, ever go into the doll while it's being made and packaged up for shipping. These are my favorite craft projects for the Craft that I do...well, this and my pyrography. :)

So here are some of the JuJu Dolls I've made over the years. I think y'all will also see the progression in the growth and quality in their appearances. It's not often we get to actually see our own improvement! (Glad I always take pictures!)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Measurement Conversions

Measurement Conversions
How many times have you needed to know how much the measurement of something was when doing a recipe or formula? I know this usually applies to cooking, but it can also apply to herbal combinations for teas, potions, tinctures, basically almost anything consumable that needs math to put it together in appropriate proportions.

So for those of you who need these conversions, such as increasing or reducing a recipe or formula; or converting a recipe or formula from Metric to Imperial or vice-versa, here is a handy little chart to copy, print out. and keep in your kitchen.

Monday, January 13, 2014

STFU/Stop Gossip Beef Tongue Spell

STFU/Stop Gossip Beef Tongue Spell
This is one spell that I have been wanting to do for some time. Unfortunately I just haven't had the occasion to do so - yet. But regardless, I wanted to share what I've put together for when I do have the occasion to use it.

Materials & Ingredients:
Beef Tongue
Black String or Yarn
Heavy Gauge Needle
Brown Paper for Petition Paper
Seals of Solomon* (see list below)
Black Ink Pen 
STFU/Stop Gossip Powder & Oil** (see recipe below)
9 Rusty Nails
9 Pins
9 Needles
Black Candle
Plate (preferably black or brown colored)

Petition Paper - 
On the brown paper write the person's name 9 times, once per row, or 3 times per row if you prefer (I do). For example:

Name, Name, Name
Name, Name, Name
Name, Name, Name

Next, turn the paper to the left (counter-clockwise) and write over the name:


Dab some of the STFU oil on the Petition Paper in the Quincunx Cross:

*      *
*      *

Dust the Petition Paper with the STFU powder and fold it in half, away from you, turn to the left (counter clockwise) and fold away from you again, and then again one more time (3x's total).

Candle - 
Dress the candle with the STFU oil & powder.
While dressing the candle, repeat words to have the person's tongue tied & bound from speaking gossip any longer. For example:

I tell you now halt your gossip, Halt it now!
As this tongue is tied, So is yours right now.
Never more to speak in ill,
Of me or others is my will.
Tied & bound is your tongue from now on,
Your gossip is stopped and forever gone.
STFU! is what I command,
Your silence I now demand.

Beef Tongue - 
Place the tongue on the plate.
Slice a deep cut down the center line of the tongue.
Stuff the Petition Paper inside the slit.
Sprinkle the STFU powder into the slit.
Using the heavy gauge needle and the black string or yarn, tie the entire slice back together, sewing the Petition Paper & the STFU powder inside.
While sewing repeat your spell, or pray that your enemy's tongue be tied shut so they can no longer gossip or cause harm against you.
Rub the STFU oil all over the tied tongue.
Stick the 9 rusty nails, pins, and needles into the tongue.
Make a cut and insert the black candle into the cut so it will stand up on the tongue
Sprinkle the remainder of the STFU powder over the tongue.
While doing all of this be sure to be reciting your spell or prayer to stop your enemy from gossiping about you.
Light the candle and let it burn down completely.
Disposal - 
There are several methods of disposal. Here is a list of a few (and you may even think of others):

Throw away - preferably in a dumpster away from your home
Bury - in a cemetery. Be sure to leave an offering of whiskey and a dime.
Cook - cook it and eat it, and while doing so see the person's will to gossip being crushed as you chew.
Pickle - place the tongue in a jar of vinegar and let pickle. This can be kept for a while, stored away in a cabinet, buried permanently, or thrown away in such a way that it will not be broken open. You want them to "stew" and "pickle" in their own mess.
Freeze - place the tongue in the freezer to aid in "freezing" their gossip. Keep it there as long as you feel is needed, and eventually throw it away some place where it will rot. Thus, you've frozen their tongue and then given them a "bad taste" in their mouth when/if they gossip again.

*Seals of Solomon
1st Pentacle of Saturn - compel others to submit to the possessor's wishes & requests
4th Pentacle of Saturn - to impose their will upon others
7th Pentacle of Saturn - to make others listen and tremble before the words of the bearer
3rd Pentacle of Jupiter - defends & protects against any enemy
4th Pentacle of Mars - to bring victory or vindication in an argument or battle of any kind
6th Pentacle of Mars - the owner cannot be harmed, and if attacked, the enemy's weapon will turn against them (in this case their gossip)
1st Pentacle of the Sun - to bring the possessor all things they may desire
**STFU Powder
Sulfur (easiest method is to just scrape off the end of a matchstick)
Slippery Elm
Black Pepper
Cayenne Pepper
Chili Pepper Seeds
STFU Powder
Virgin Olive Oil

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thanksgiving~Autumn Recipes

Thanksgiving~Autumn Recipes
Samhain is our anniversary and the Witch's New Year, so are very special to me. But my favorite holiday of all is Thanksgiving! I LOVE Autumn, my favorite season, all the incredible colors, the cooler temperatures, watching the leaves fall from the trees and they become incredibly beautiful dark skeletons against gray & white skies. Awesome!

But like I said, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. When my boys were growing up we always had Thanksgiving at our home, and we rarely had less than 10 people. The most was 22 four days after my youngest son was born! LOL I loved the challenge!

Over the years there have been some recipes added and others altered or deleted altogether, but each has memories attached. Food and memories, scientifically proven to go hand-in-hand, so no wonder they are always so strong in our minds!

So here are some of our recipes that I've gathered, altered, invented, and used over the last 30+ years. I've placed them in order of when to make them, some of which are made a few days in advance.


1 Loaf each - Rye, Pumpernickel & White bread - cubed & dried in the oven
1 pkg Mushrooms
1/2 pkg fresh Cranberries
3 lg Celery Stalks
1 pkg Hot Jimmie Dean Sausage
1 pkg Walnuts
1/2 cup Sugar

Three days before Thanksgiving (Monday) you will put all of these ingredients together:
Cube & dry the breads in the oven.
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix very well.
The sausage will need to be broken up into small pieces as it is added to the mixture.
Cover with plastic wrap and set in the refrigerator.
Each day stir the mixture completely.
This setting in the refrigerator allows the sugar to combine all the ingredients' flavors, and mellow the hot sausage.
There will be enough to stuff both ends of the turkey as well as have more to heat on the stove.

Cranberry Sauce
1 12 oz pkg Fresh Cranberries
1 cup Sugar
1/2 cup Water
1 Tablespoon Lemon juice
1 Tablespoon Orange juice
1 Tablespoon Cornstarch

Two days before Thanksgiving (Tuesday) you will make this:
Combine sugar &  water, stirring to dissolve the sugar.
Add lemon & orange juices & cornstarch.
Add cranberries.
Cook cranberries & sauce until the cranberries burst, then mash.
Cook 10 minutes, then remove from heat.
Place in bowl, cover and refrigerate.
This time will allow the flavors to blend and make a perfectly flavored cranberry sauce.

1 20 oz can Chunk Pineapple - drained
1 16 oz can Mandarin Orange segments - drained
1 1/2 cups Seedless Grapes
1 cup Mini Marshmallows
1 cup flaked Coconut
1/2 cup broken Walnuts
3/4 cup Vanilla Yogurt
1 Tablespoon Sugar

One day before Thanksgiving (Wednesday) you will make this:
Combine all ingredients together and mix thoroughly.
Refrigerate, stirring occasionally until serving.

This one everyone knows, but I'll just give a few hints regarding how I season ours and keep it super moist.

Melted Butter (1 stick)
Morton's Seasoned Salt
Garlic Salt

Combine all of the seasonings into the melted butter and spread over the entire turkey. I do this before it goes into the oven, wait 30 minutes and then every 15 minutes until I take it out of the oven. The final time, I syringe just the drippings from the turkey over it.

The giblets are cooked separately and with the drippings are kept and used to make the gravy - yes, lumps and all! ;)

Spicy Mustard Deviled Eggs
6 (or more) hard-boiled Eggs
2 Tablespoons Butter - softened
2 Tablespoons Mayonaisse
1 teaspoon Spicy Brown Mustard
1/2 teaspoon White Pepper
1/4 teaspoon Curry Powder
Chopped Chives

Boil & prepare the eggs, slicing in half lengthwise.
Remove the yolks into a bowl.
Place the sliced eggs on a platter.
Mash & cream the yolks with the butter & mayonaisse.
Add the mustard, white pepper & curry powder and mix well.
Garnish with the chives & paprika.
Refrigerate until serving.

Smashed Potatoes
2 potatoes per person
Ranch dressing

Boil the potatoes, do not peel the skins.
Drain and place in a large bowl.
Add salt, pepper, butter and begin mixing until smooth but still a bit "dry".
Add Ranch dressing a little at a time until the potatoes are smooth, creamy & fluffy.

Turkey Giblet & Drippings Gravy
Giblets - cooked on stove top in seasoned water
Drippings - from bottom of turkey pan
2+ cups Milk
2+ Tablespoons Flour

Chop the giblets and place in saucepan on medium-high heat.
Add the turkey drippings.
Add 1 cup milk to saucepan.
Add flour to the remaining milk, and combine completely until smooth and creamy.
Add flour-milk mixture slowly to the saucepan, stirring constantly.

Of course, there is always the awesome desserts! Usually if I make the dinner, the guests bring the desserts. So I'll leave those recipes up to you. ;)

While making each of these recipes I always bless the foods to bring happiness, joy, health & well-being to all who eat them. I make sure to have a thankful frame of mind, so that each dish is infused with love and the joy of making them for those who will be coming into my home to consume them.

So go shopping, get your ingredients, and begin planning your Thanksgiving dinner!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Winter Cold & Flu Potions

Winter Cold & Flu Potions
I've been lucky. I rarely have any cold or flu-like symptoms, but when I get the proverbial sore throat or feel like I'm getting one, I really hate taking OTC meds. And prescriptions - forget it. I refuse to go to the doctor unless I am truly "dying". ;)

I prefer to take herbs when I begin feeling "off". Dandelion tea made from the entire plant is always a good one, as well as Echinacea, Yarrow & Goldenrod. Among others, depending on what I need and what my taste buds are in the mood for. (Let's face it sometimes those teas' flavors really do suck, regardless of how much honey you "add to taste"!)

Recently, I found some remedies that are OMG! good! In fact, I could eat them all day...and what's so cool is that, it would be OK to do so because it's all healthy and delicious too!

Lemon~Ginger, Orange~Cinnamon~Clove, Lemon

The pretty little goodies in these nice little canning jars are easy to make, taste awesome, and are very healthy for you! And the perfect remedy for when you feel that "something" coming on.

(OK, to do the CYA thing - this may not cure you of what ever you may have coming on, but it will help to some degree and it certainly won't hurt (unless you're allergic to some of the ingredients - which is on you to alter the recipe, if that's the case). IF you're truly ill and can't shake it, then DUH! go see your physician to get the appropriate care you need.)

Now for the recipes!

1/2 pint (or larger) canning jar
Honey (enough to cover the lemon slices)
Lemons (2-4 depending on canning jar size)

Lemon ~ Ginger
1/2 pint (or larger) canning jar
Honey (enough to cover the lemon slices)
Lemons (2 - 4 depending on canning jar size)
Ginger (1/2 - 1 teaspoon depending on how spicy you want it & canning jar size)

Orange ~ Cinnamon ~ Clove
1/2 pint (or larger) canning jar
Honey (enough to cover the lemon slices)
Oranges (1/2 - 1 depending on canning jar size)
Cloves (12 - 16 depending on how much you like cloves & canning jar size)
Cinnamon (2 2" sticks or 1/2 - 1 teaspoon ground, depending on how spicy you want it & canning jar size)

Slice the lemons or oranges cross-ways, and then each slice in half if it's too large for the jar.
Place the fruit slices loosely in the jar.
Cover with the honey.
Stir to distribute the honey over the fruit.
Place the sealed jar in the refrigerator.
The honey draws the juice from the fruits so you will need to stir the fruit & honey mixture several times a day over the next few days to mix the liquids together.
Over the next few weeks the honey will break down the fruit slices, and as you keep stirring them each day the fruits will break up and the honey-fruit syrup will form.
You can take bites of the liquid or wait until the fruits break down more before starting to take any.
As the liquid is depleted you can add more honey and/or fruit slices as necessary.
Without use or refilling, this will store for 2-3 months.

So simple to make, and soooo good to eat! Now, before you get to feeling yucky, go make some of this to have on hand. Take a bite every day for prevention, or once you begin to feel something coming on, at the latest. Either way, you're going to love this stuff! :)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Granny Tackett's Arthritis Tea & Tincture

Granny Tackett's Arthritis Tea & Tincture

Arthritis Tea
3 T Juniper Berries (dried)
1 ½ c Dandelion Leaves (dried)
6 t White Willow Bark
2 t Orange Rind (dried)
2 T Egg Shell (dried, roasted, crushed)

Combine all of the above ingredients and store in a tight lidded jar out of sunlight.
Add 1 heaping Tablespoon to the automatic coffee maker filter (or tie up in a coffee filter), add the amount of water that will fill your cup, and make the tea. You will need to put the water back through at least 3 times, just pour the pot of hot water back in and let it run through its cycle each time. Once the tea looks about as strong as its going to get, then it's ready. If you're only placing the bagged tea in a cup to steep, then let it steep for at least 5 minutes, preferably longer.

1 T Black Strap Molasses
1 T Honey

Add the above for flavor as well as extra nutrition for the arthritis remedy.
Drink the tea a couple of times a day until your arthritis pains go away.
This will not cure the arthritis, but it will improve, if not completely relieve the discomfort.

Arthritis Tincture
Place all of the herbs listed above in a tight lidded jar, then pour vodka over the herbs to completely cover. Place in a dark cabinet, removing daily to shake the mixture completely. After 4-6 weeks remove the jar and strain out the herbs, squeezing to get as much of the tincture out of them as possible.

To use, place four 4 oz droppersful (not drops) of tincture into a cup of warm (not hot) water, add the molasses and honey and drink slowly.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Raising A Plant Familiar

Raising A Plant Familiar
By: Stacey at Daily Wicca

The purpose of this technique is to raise, or grow, a plant as a “familiar” (serving spirit) or as a magical plant. In ancient times, a small circle of stones was set around the chosen plant, to “bind” the numen there. Then a hole was dug down toward the roots (carefully) and a chosen power stone was set in place, to “charge” the plant.

Today the technique has been expanded, but is still true to the original intent. You can begin with a seed, or young sprout. Simply prepare the soil for planting, in a secluded area, which is suited to the physical needs of the plant. Place a stone or crystal of your choice about three inches deep into the soil. Quartz crystals are a good choice, but you may wish to consult a table of correspondences for various stones, etc. Next fill in the soil over the stone, and plant the seed (or sprout) as is appropriate. Then, lay a circle of 8 stones around the plant site. At each of the four elemental quarters place a crystal of the same type as the one you buried (these four are part of the 8 forming the circle). The other stones may be of any kind you wish, as long as they complement each other in relationship to their occult nature. Space the stones to allow for the growth of the plant.

I will give two techniques for the raising of a plant familiar. These will show you how to establish contact with the plant numen, and how to communicate your purposes to the plant familiar. In this way the plant will become charged, and conscious of your needs. Then you will have a physical and spiritual helper, for your works of magic and healing.

This technique is important to magical work involving herbs. Dry herbs in an herb store are not charged (in most cases) and can only serve through their remaining physical properties. There is, however, the placebo effect to consider, as well as coincidence, and self-delusion. These have been used successfully for quite some time. I will not deal with these here, as most popular Authors are doing an excellent job of passing this off on us as authentic spells. I intend to give you the actual techniques which empower herbs, and whose effects were the basis for the powers attributed to herbs from ancient times. No Con, just the facts.

Method 1:
If planting by seed, wait 7 days after the sprout appears to proceed with the following (if a young plant, wait 7 days after planting it). Remove the stones between the quarter stones, and plant a seed at each point. Next bury the quarter stones where they lay, at least an inch deep. The seeds may be of the same type as the plant within the circle, or an assortment. Each day, place both palms upon the ground within the circle, forming a triangle with fingertips (index fingers touching & thumbs touching). The stem of the plant will be in the open area of the triangle, centered between your hands.

Using your imagination & visualization abilities, sense your power flowing out through your arms, from your personal power center (just below the navel for women, and at the solar plexus for men). You must also talk to the plant and send it visuals, communicating your needs and desires through mental images. You must take good care of the plant from this point on, and keep it from harm. To create a strong bond with your plant familiar, you can add 3 drops of your own blood to a quart of water, and use this to water the plant as needed.

Magically, you have first increased the level of the numen through the crystals. Secondly, you have extended its power and influence to the other plants. This is because these plants became alive under the influence of the center crystal and plant. They were also bathed in a cross quarter current of energy, controlled from the center entity, through the quarter crystals. If you need the physical parts an herb for your spells, potions or whatever, then use only the plants enclosed within the original circle of stones, and never the center plant. The center plant IS the familiar, and the others are merely extensions of it.

The final step in creating this plant familiar, is to establish your “link” and your “rapport”. To do this, you must sit comfortably before the plant, and stare at it. Allow your eyes to lose focus and your vision to blur. In this state, observe the shape of the plant, trying to leave your mind blank. The plant will “send” you an image as you stare. You will receive this as a distortion of the plant’s shape, so that it will begin to resemble some other creature such as an animal or an insect. This new shape is the spirit of the plant, and you will employ this image as you work with the familiar.

The familiar can give you extra power in any magical work, whenever you summon it. “House plants” can become protective entities for your home through plant magic. Plants can be given as gifts, charged for a special purpose.

To summon the familiar, you simply imagine your plant in its setting, and visualize it becoming the spirit creature. Mentally call it to yourself, and allow it to enter into your personal power center.

To empower through the familiar, mentally send it into any herbs which you are charging (instructing it as to the desired effect) and imagine that it passes power to them, imagine them glowing after contact with the familiar. When you are finished, always return the familiar to the plant.

Note: I don't know why, but she left off "Method 2", or maybe I'm just not reading it right. But, either way, I like this Plant Familiar concept. Basil is my favorite plant, so this Spring I will be doing this with my Basil.

Friday, February 22, 2013

My New Tea Recipe

My New Tea Recipe
With this move going on, the packing, the running around town getting things we need, planning all of the logistics of it all, we've run ourselves down terribly. Or at least weakened our systems enough to allow our bodies to develop flu-like symptoms, and in general just feel like we'd like to just crawl into bed and stay there.

But as we must get moving, in every sense of the word, I decided to work up a tea to kill what ever bug it is that's affecting me....hubby wouldn't drink a tea at gun point, so he'll just have to deal with his health problem his own way. So far, his isn't working. Mine, on the other hand, has my symptoms gone! I'll be making more today. Maybe a couple of times today. I want to feel as good as possible for the 1000 mile trip on Tuesday. I may not be able to fix my head, back, neck & shoulders (due to packing & lifting things - which I really shouldn't but have no choice in the matter), but I can certainly fix the rest of it!

So, here's my recipe:

3 cups water (in a coffee maker)
Coffee filter filled with:
1 Tablespoon Basil (Ocimum basilicum), crushed
1/4 cup Goldenrod flowers (Solidago spp.)
1/4 cup Yarrow flowers (Achillea millefolium)
1/4 cup Joe-Pye Weed leaves (Eupotorium purpureum), crushed
1/8 cup Plantain leaves (Plantago major or lanceolata), crushed
1 Mullein leaf (Verbascum thapsus), crushed

This will make quite a bit of tea. Only 1/2 cup of the tea mix is necessary per person.

Run the water through the coffee maker as usual, but then pour it back through 3 more times, for a total of 4 times through the coffee maker. It will get stronger with each brewing. Note: The 3 cups of water (per person) will reduce down to 2 cups by the 4th time through the coffee maker.

3 Tablespoons Honey
1/4 Lemon, juice & pulp

I must admit I was afraid it would taste like shit. LOL However, I was greatly surprised, as it was really, really good! Nothing's worse than having to take sucky tasting medicine. But this "medicine" tastes great! (At least in my humble opinion, anyway!)

So, why these particular plants? Well, here's what they're good for (some I need now, some I don't):

Bowel functions, Constipation, Colds, Digestion, Flu, Gas, Insect bites, Menstrual cramps, Nausea, Vomiting

Goldenrod flowers:
Aquaretic, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Arthritis, Allergies, Asthma, Bladder infections, Blood pressure, Cancer, Colds, Depression, Diabetes, Eczema, Flu, Gout, Hemorrhoids, Inflammation, Internal bleeding, Kidney stones, Laryngitis, Liver (enlarged), Muscle spasm relief, Rheumatic disorders, Sore throat, Tuberculosis, Urinary tract health, Wounds

Yarrow flowers:
Amenorrhea, Anesthetic, Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Astringent, Baldness, Bowels, Bleeding & clotting, Blood purifier, Catarrh, Chicken Pox, Circulation, Colds & flu’s, Coughs, Cystitis, Diabetes, Digestion aid, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Fever, Gastritis, Glandular system, Gum problems, Headache, Hemorrhoids, Incense, Insect repellant, Liver stimulator & regulator, Lowers blood pressure, Lungs, Measles, Menstrual suppression & regulation, Nipple soreness, Nose bleeds, Peri-menopause, Slows heartbeat, Smallpox, Toothache, Thrombosis, Ulcers, Uterine tightener, Varicose veins, Vision

Joe-Pye Weed leaves:
Arthritis, Constipation, Diuretic, Fever, Flu, Gall Stone, Kidney Stones, Typhus, Urinary infections, Wound wash

Plantain leaves:

Appetite suppressant, Anti-toxic, Antimicrobial, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-histamine, Asthma, Astringent, Aversion to Tobacco, Bladder problems, Blisters, Blood sugar control, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Cholesterol, Coughs, Cuts, Cystitis, Demulcent, Diarrhea, Diuretic, Dysentery, Emphysema, Expectorant, Fever, Gastritis, Hay Fever, Headaches, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhoids, Hypertension, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Peptic ulcers, Poison neutralizer, Rheumatism, Riboflavin, Scratches, Sinusitis, Stings, Styptic, Ulcers, Vitamin B1, Weariness, Wounds 

Mullein leaf:
AIDS virus, Analgesic, Anodyne, Anti-cancer, Antihistaminic, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Antiviral, Arthritis, Asthma, Astringent, Bacteristat, Boils, Bone/cartilage builder, Bronchitis, Carbuncles, Cardio-depressant, Catarrhs, Chilblains, Colic, Congestion, Coughs, Croup, Demulcent, Diarrhea, Diuretic, Earache, Emollient, Estrogenic, Eczema, Expectorant, Frostbite, Fungicide, Gum & mouth ulcers, Hay fever, Hemorrhoids, Hypnotic, Insecticide, Insulation, Lighting & tinder & wick, Narcotic, Nervine, Pain reliever, Panic attacks, Pesticide, Pneumonia, Respiratory system, Sedative, Sinus problems, Spasmodic coughing, Stomach cramps, Sunburn, Toothache, Tuberculosis, Tumors, Ulcers, VD, Vulnerary and spasmodic coughs, Warts

Anemia, Anti-bacterial, Arthritis, Bed-wetting, Burns, Calcium, Cancer, Colds, Conjunctivitis, Copper, Coughs, Digestive aid, Facial cleanser, Fatigue, Flu, Food preservative, Hair conditioner, Headaches, High protein (35%), Hydroscopic, Hyperactivity, Insomnia, Iron, Longevity, Magnesium, Mead, Migraines, Nasal congestion, Niacin, Osteoporosis, Phosphorous, Potassium, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Sodium, Sore throat, Stress, Thiamin, Vitamins B, C, D, & E

Antiscorbutic, Astringent, Cellulite, Cleaning agent, Culinary, Diuretic, Febrifuge, Headaches, Insect bites, Warts

So, if I drink this a couple of times a day while packing, with all that good stuff going on, I should be doing quite well!