Showing posts with label Divination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divination. Show all posts

Saturday, July 12, 2014

July ~ Full Moon Correspondences

July ~ Full Moon Correspondences

Blessing Moon, Buck Moon, Fallow Moon, Hay Moon, Hewimanoth, Maedmonat, Meadow Moon, Moon of Blood, Moon of Claiming, Thunder Moon, Wort Moon
Athena, Cerridwen, Hel, Holda, Juno, Khepera, Lugh, Nephthys, Venus
Nature Spirits:
Harvest faeries, Hobgoblins
Agrimony, Honeysuckle, Hyssop, Lemon Balm, Mugwort
Acacia, Ash, Oak
Jasmine, Lotus, Water Lily
Frankincense, Orris
Moonstone, Opal, Pearl, White Agate
Blue-Grey, Green, Silver
Crab, Dolphin, Turtle, Whale
Ibis, Starling, Swallow
Childbirth, Divination; Domesticity, Dream-work, Fertility, Home matters, Meditation on goals & plans, Mothers, Preparing, Relaxed energy, Succeeding

~A Witch's Craft, Volume 2: A Witch's Book of Correspondences

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Meaning of the Spiral's Direction

The Meaning of the Spiral's Direction
The spiral is the symbol of the 5th Element of the Pentacle, Spirit, also referred to as "Akasha" meaning "coming into being". Using the spiral in ritual or spell works has been used for centuries, but what most people don't know is that the direction the spiral turns has meaning, whether the energy is from "Above" or from "Below".

The left-circling spiral represents the Divine's influence, spirituality, descending from Above. "Spirit into Man".

The right-circling spiral represents the Human's striving for re-birth from Below. "Man into Spirit".

The next time you're doing a Pendulum divination, try first twirling the Pendulum in a counter-clockwise motion, the direction of Spirit into Man. In essence you are then asking the Divine to bring you the true answers to the questions you are about to ask.

You could also twirl the Pendulum counter-clockwise over your Tarot deck or other oracle device pryor to a reading.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tarot: Choosing & Using Significators

Tarot: Choosing & Using Significators
A Significator is a Tarot card that is chosen to represent the querent being read for (even if it's yourself). While it isn't a necessary part of a reading, sometimes it can be a good focus for the reader, especially if the person isn't present, such as an e-mail, phone, or video reading.

Some readers prefer to choose a Court card that either "looks" like the querent (such as their physical coloring or their outward demeanor, or their age) - if known: a King for a mature male; a Queen for a mature female a Knight for a young man; and a Page for a child (male or female).

When using a Court card as a Significator, the "coloring" of the people in that suit should also be a considering factor: Coins/Pentacles - fair skin w/ blonde hair (Scandinavian type); Cups - medium skin w/ light brown to red hair (European/American type); Swords - black skin w/ black hair (African/Aborigine type); Wands - dark skin w/ brown to dark brown hair (Middle Eastern/Asian type).

Others prefer to choose from the Major Arcana, calling on the energy of the querent and/or the underlying basis of their question. This is my personal preference, but I also rely on what I'm feeling from and about the client and what their question is, and so may choose a Court card instead.

Choosing from the Major Arcana, the "look" of the person isn't as important as the deeper, inner aspects of the querent are. Are they in a relationship, and have a question about their love life? Use the Lovers card. Are they "artsy" and creative and looking to see how best to use their gifts? Use the Magician card. Are they about to embark on a new path in life? The Fool would work here. And of course, the proverbial finance question? The Wheel of Fortune has always been a good one for me to use. Sometimes in this latter type of question I may use the Emperor for a male or the Empress if a female, and then hope that the Wheel of Fortune comes up in a beneficial position.

So whether you choose a Significator or not is strictly a personal choice, but at least here I've presented a few ideas on how to do so, if you decide to try it out on your next reading. It's all personal preference, and if you find you're not comfortable with it, don't worry about it. How you read is your "style" and it's what works for you. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you "have" to do it in any specific manner. Just relax, read, and enjoy! 

"the Fool" from the Golden Tarot by Kat Black

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Rose Cross and Rosicrucian Spread

The Rose Cross and Rosicrucian Spread
The Rose Cross and Rosicrucian Spread is a very in-depth Tarot spread that has levels of interpretation in it that can be used by a beginner reader, an intermediate reader, or an advanced reader. Newbies may be intimidated by the large spread, so only reading their section will provide them their answers. The same for the intermediate level reader. Of course, anyone of any level could work to read the entire spread, there's no one to say you can't. But the beauty of this spread is that it gives you the option of only going as far as you are comfortable, and still receiving the message and guidance you need.

The site itself is very much worth reading through and favoriting as well!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tarot and Corresponding Body Parts & Health Issues

Tarot and Corresponding Body Parts & Health Issues

There was a conversation being held on a Tarot group recently that posed the question regarding the associations of Tarot cards to health issues and parts of the body. The person asking was wanting to know how to interpret anything in a reading that may pertain to the querent's own health issues and if so, which cards would show which parts of the body are affected.

Myself and another person were the only ones with any specific answers to share, while the other answers were more along the lines of "meditate on it". I'm sorry, but when I have a question I would like answered, then I WANT AN ANSWER TO MY QUESTION. And "meditate on it" isn't an answer. If you don't have a definitive, tangible answer, then don't answer the question. Just wait for those who do to do so.

Anyway, off the soap-box now. The following is the information provided to answer the woman's question, and information you may wish to save to your own Tarot Journal for future reference:

In Aleister Crowley's book Liber 777, he lists the following correspondences for the Human body (in col. CLXXXII):

Tarot - Body Part Correspondences

Fool - Respiratory Organs
Magician - Cerebral and Nervous Systems
High Priestess - Lymphatic System
Empress - Genital System
Emperor - Head and Face
Hierophant - Shoulders and Arms
Lovers - Lungs
Chariot - Stomach
Strength - Heart
Hermit - The Back
Wheel of Fortune - Digestive System
Justice - Liver
Hanged Man - Organs of Nutrition
Death - Intestines
Temperance - Hips and Thighs
Devil - Genital System
Tower - Muscular System
Star - Kidneys, Bladder, etc.
Moon - Legs and Feet
Sun - Circulatory System
Judgment - Organs of Circulation
Universe - Excretory Systems


Tarot Health Associations

Accidents: The Chariot - reversed, Wheel of Fortune - reversed, The Tower Card
Arthritis: The Devil - reversed, The World- reversed, 10 of Wands
Back Pain: 10 of Swords, 10 of Wands
Depression or Anxiety: The Star - reversed, of Swords, 5 of Pentacles
Eyesight problems: The Emperor,  Sun - reversed
Foot problems: The Hanged Man - reversed; The Moon - reversed, Page of Cups - reversed
Heart Problems: Strength - reversed, The Sun - reversed, 3 of Swords
Intestinal Problems: The Hermit - reversed
Kidney infections: Justice - reversed
Menstrual or Female problems: The High Priestess - reversed, The Moon - reversed, Queen of Cups - reversed
Mental Breakdown: The Tower
Migraines: The Emperor - reversed, Ace of Swords - reversed
Recuperation or Hospitalization: 4 of Swords
Skin Allergies: The Chariot - reversed
Sore throats or thyroid: The Empress - reversed
Ulcer or Stomach problems: The Chariot, reversed

Some Symbols in the pictures that I have found to represent some health problems are as follows:
Red canopy can represent menstrual problems.
Tree roots could represent a person being rooted in a problem.
Lightning bolts could be headaches.
Puffy face could signify a weight gain.
Red throat decoration could signify a sore throat

Tarot Health Problems by Patricia Darrow

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Methods of Timing in Tarot

Methods of Timing in Tarot
When a client comes for a reading they inevitably want to know 1) what ever it is that they're there for, if it will manifest, and 2) when will it manifest. This can be more than tricky, because the cards don't always give a clear "time". But quite often it will give a general time frame. It's rarely absolutely specific as to an exact date.

If the cards do give a general, or even specific time frame, it's good to know a few methods from which to see this. There are several methods for figuring out timing in a Tarot reading.

There are specific spreads for timing, such as the Clock or Wheel of the Year ~ each of which is a circle of 12 cards with one in the center (there are several variations, but this is how I was taught). 

For the Wheel of the Year the cards are read clockwise, starting at the top and continuing around, until reading the center card last. Each card represents a month of the year, with the center card being the querent's overall influence on that year.

The Clock spread is also read clockwise, but beginning with the card at the 1 o'clock position and continuing around, until reading the center card last. In this spread the time frame is decided up before laying out the spread. The 12 cards can represent 12 days, 12 weeks, 12 months, 12 years, even 12 hours, if you really want to get extremely specific. This latter one though, I would reserve for emergency situations only. To do a 12 hour reading every day would be excessive and, honestly ridiculous in most circumstances. Oh, and again, the center, 13th card represents the querent's overall influence on the time frame.

But what about when doing a "regular" spread, such as the Celtic Cross? It is also possible here as well, but with certain cards having to be in specific locations in the spread. These positions are 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of the Celtic Cross:

          5              10        

4    1 & 2    6         8

The timing card is an Ace. If an Ace falls into any of these positions (5, 6, 7, 8, and 9), then Card #10 is also looked for the final piece to the time frame involved.

Each Ace represents a season:

Ace of Cups = Spring (beginning March 21st)
Ace of Wands = Summer (beginning June22nd)
Ace of Swords = Autumn (beginning September 22nd)
Ace of Pentacles = Winter (beginning December 21st)

The card in the 10th position gives the number of weeks into that season. For example, as you can see in the picture above, the Ace is in position #6, and the 7 of Cups is in position #10.

Ace of Swords = Autumn
7 of Cups = 7 weeks into Autumn
Thus putting the date time frame in mid November.

So, that's one method. Personally, I find it a bit too limiting, because unless you get an Ace in the right position, then you have to use another method. Not a problem for those that know other methods, but for a novice reader it can be frustrating.

The next method I'll present is actually my favorite, and I rarely don't get a time frame when doing a spread, regardless of the spread style. So I could get a picture for this part of this post, I did a quick 5-card Pentagram Spread. And, as almost without fail, I get a timing set up in the spread. This layout is:


4                   3

     2          5

Here is that spread:

In this method of timing there are what are referred to as "Conjunctions". These are when timing cards fall immediately before or after a Major Arcana. The timing cards are any 2, 3, 7, or 9. A Minor Conjunction is when a timing card falls before a Major Arcana, and means that a new cycle is beginning (determined by the timing card itself and the underlying aspects of the Major Arcana). A Major Conjunction then, refers to when a timing card falls after a Major Arcana, and means that a cycle is ending (also determined by the timing card itself and the underlying aspects of the Major Arcana). What's really fun is when a timing card falls between 2 Major Arcanas!

As you can see in the spread above card #1 is a Major Arcana, the Wheel of Fortune. The next card in the spread (following the form of a pentagram, this is then the bottom left card, as shown in the diagram above) is the 9 of Wands.

Before I go into determining the timing in the reading, I'll first explain how this method of timing works. First note that the timing conjunctions are read separately from the rest of the reading, so do the reading first, then interpret the timing cards, which in all probability will refer to completely separate events.

Here then is how this method of timing works: 

Minor Conjunction:
If a number 2, 3, 7, or 9 card from the Minor Arcana appears immediately before a card from the Major Arcana, a minor conjunction occurs that indicates that the querent is beginning to embark on a new cycle. The energies inherent in this cycle are determined by the energies specified in the cards.

Major Conjunction:
A major conjunction occurs when a card from the Major Arcana appears before a timing card. This indicates that the major event has already appeared in the querent’s life and the influences of the card impact the native first, as she or he then experiences the energies represented by the Minor Arcana timing card to complete the conjunctions.

The difference between these two types of conjunctions is that the major conjunction signifies the end of a cycle, while the minor conjunction depicts the beginning of one. For the purpose of the timing descriptions, they are written as if the event has not happened. If it is a Major Conjunction, then that event has already occurred in about the time period that is shown.

The number two generally refers to challenges in partnerships, which almost always refer to couples, partnerships, duality, and pairs. Two as one more than one refers to our need to extend our level of awareness beyond our egocentric concerns to those of our partner or friend.

2 of Wands = 2 Days:
An event is likely to occur within 2 days that may concern business partnerships or creative endeavors. The nature of the beginning cycle will be indicated by the Major Arcana card, which follows the 2 of Wands. Because the suit of Wands is so active, the cycle should begin shortly after the reading.

2 of Cups = 2 Weeks:
An event is likely to occur within 2 weeks that concerns relationships involving attachments of a highly emotional nature.

2 of Swords = 4 Weeks:
An event is likely to occur within 4 weeks concerning communications with a friend or partner. Contracts, phone calls, and other forms of communication will figure prominently.

2 of Pentacles = 2 Months:
An event is likely to occur within 2 months. During this period, the querent needs to focus on property, money, and financial matters. These financial concerns may be the result of an agreement with another person.

Threes refer to expansion and growth, and signify a need for independence because they are one more than the coupling two.

3 of Wands = 3 Days:
In approximately 3 days the querent will receive further guidance concerning issues relating to the card depicted in the Major Arcana. These concerns will deal with a creative endeavor or business pursuit.

3 of Cups = 3 Weeks:
In approximately 3 weeks the querent will find that a part of his or her destiny is coming into effect, which could represent the beginning, continuation, or change of plans. This could be a very emotional time with expectations of much happiness. The card drawn from the Major Arcana will give further clues to the situation.

3 of Swords = 6 Weeks
During the upcoming 6-week period the querent is likely to feel a sense of loss. Although he or she may feel a bit melancholy, the worst of this difficult time will be over soon with the resulting outcome reflected in the card from the Major Arcana.

3 of Pentacles = 3 Months
During the upcoming 3 month period the querent will be preparing for awards and recognition. Success is likely but he or she will need to persevere and develop their skills in order to assure a positive outcome. The Major Arcana card following the 3 of Pentacles will show the querent the area in which they will achieve.

When a 7 precedes a Major Arcana card, a choice needs to be made. The querent has reached a crossroad in her or his life and must make a choice before continuing on their journey. The 7 deviates from the general pattern of the previous conjunctive cards because each suit of 7 will be activated in approximately 7 days.

7 of Wands = 7 Days:
The upcoming week may be rather tense for the querent as his or her concerns center on business or creative matters. They may be required to stand up for themselves or defend their area of expertise. The following Major Arcana card will reflect the nature of this situation.

7 of Cups = 7 Days:
In the upcoming week the querent needs to expand his or her level of awareness and look closely at the opportunities available to them, because some of the alternatives may not deliver hoped-for outcomes. Although things may not be readily apparent, the querent will soon begin to see with greater clarity.

7 of Swords = 7 Days:
During the upcoming week, the querent needs to reevaluate his or her current situation. They may have been influenced by a proposition that seemed too good to be true; they will realize that they have been deceived. Because of this, they may be inclined toward self-pity, but instead should concentrate their efforts on future prospects provided by the card drawn from the Major Arcana.

7 of Pentacles = 7 Days:
During the upcoming week, the querent needs to arrive at a decision regarding his or her career, possessions, or finances. It seems that they have put in a great deal of effort and are now entering into a period of gestation. It is important to know that if this preparation was of a solid foundation, the outcome will be stable, but if the querent failed to properly prepare, then the outcome may not be what they desire. Nevertheless, the situation will come to fruition during the upcoming week and the associated card pulled from the Major Arcana will indicate the nature of the outcome.

Nine represents the end of a cycle in traditional numerology and is considered one before the end in the Tarot, with the 10 representing completion. Nines generally have a lot of power, which is cultivated through the previous eight cards. With 9, the querent feels the need to go back and reflect, reevaluate, and release that which he or she no longer needs. Each 9 is stimulated in two stages comprised of 28 days. The first stage is composed of 9 days and all existing forces will be broken down during this period. The second stage lasts for a duration of 19 days and during this period the new cycle begins.

9 of Wands = 9 Days Followed by 19 Days = 28 Days:
During this period, the querent needs to finish what he or she has started. It is not the time to give up because with a little extra effort they can reach their goal. The associated card from the Major Arcana reflects what they are likely to encounter during this new cycle.

9 of Cups = 9 Days Followed by 19 Days = 28 Days:
During this period, the querent is likely to experience a lot of joy and happiness. He or she should experience their first element of joy within the first nine days, and the remaining days will strengthen the initial peak.

9 of Swords = 9 Days Followed by 19 Days = 28 Days:
During this time, the querent will find that he or she is letting go of a lot of unpleasant thoughts. They may be reluctant to release these opinions that have been with them for such a long time, but in order for them to enter into the next cycle it is important to let go of these memories.

9 of Pentacles = 9 Days followed by 19 Days = 28 Days:
During this time the querent is likely to experience significant events relating to money or material possessions. He or she may feel that their life is at an impasse because nothing is right, yet nothing is wrong either.

Now, back to my layout above. The Wheel of Fortune is before the 9 of Wands. So referring to the information above, the timing here is that in the next 28 days an event will occur. I won't go into interpreting what it means, suffice it to say that I will be keeping an eye on the next month! ;)

Here's a simple timing method. You can do a Tarot timing through the elemental astrology process.

Fire = Wands:
Because Fire is so swift, in terms of time, it relates to days. Therefore, each numbered card in the suit of Wands will equate to the number on the card multiplied by one day.

Earth = Pentacles:
Because Earth is somewhat slower than the other elements, in terms of time each numbers card in the suit of Pentacles will equate to the number on the card multiplied by one month.

Air = Swords:
In terms of time, this element relates to the fortnight. Therefore each numbered card in the suit of Swords will equate to the number on the card multiplied by one fortnight. **note: a fortnight is 14 days or two weeks.**

Water = Cups:
In terms of time, this element relates to the week. Therefore, each numbered card in the suit of cups will equate to the number on the card multiplied by one week.

Spirit = Major Arcana
Because matters of the spirit as a general rule tend to transcend time and space, they affect our lives in such a transformative way that in terms of time it equates to one year. Therefore, the duration of each card in the Major Arcana will equate to the number on the card multiplied by one year.

So get out your cards and play around to get an idea of how each one works. Find the method you like and enjoy!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Introduction: Making & Using the Magic Seals of Solomon

Introduction: Making & Using the Magic Seals of Solomon
In the following posts I give you the Magic Seals of Solomon and their descriptions. But first let me explain how to make them and then I'll give you some ideas on how to use them.  

How to Make & Consecrate the Magic Seals of Solomon

The Seals of Solomon are from the Key of Solomon, also called the Clavicula Salomonis. In the Key of Solomon each pentacle has certain angels, demons or spirits, each of which governs a specific planet. In turn, each planet has specific correspondences that must be adhered to. These are the day of the week, the hour of the day, and the color in which to make the seal. Doing these things will ensure the most powerful of seals. There is also a metal that is associated with each Pentacle set, but to make them out of each would be costly, if not impossible. It will be enough that the associated metal be on the altar with it (except Mercury, which is mercury and is illegal to have and extremely (deathly) poisonous).

Here are the correspondences you need to know for making your Pentacles:
Day of the Week:
Mixed Colors
Mercury (POISON)

The hours of the day that the Pentacles should be made are 6 am, 1 pm, or 8 pm.

To properly make your Pentacles they must be made on the appropriate day, at one of the appropriate hours, be of the correct color and if you’re lucky enough to have access to and the ability to work with metals, make it from the appropriate metal. Otherwise just have it nearby.

Before the consecration ritual you’ll need to take a cleansing ritual shower or bath.

Using the appropriate colored pen, draw 2 large circles on a piece of paper, one inside the other. Between the two circles write the names of God that correspond to your wish:

Elohim Gibor – to punish evil
Elohim Tzabaoth – to ask for mercy
El Shaddai – to ask for blessings

 Punish Evil



Place the Pentacle(s) inside the double circle you've chosen, then facing East, hold your Pentacle Seal (still inside the double circle) in the smoke of frankincense and/or myrrh incense to purify the seal. While doing this read the following Psalms in this order: 8, 18, 26, 21, 31, 50, 28, 71, 53, 133.**** To complete the ritual recite “The Oration” found in Chapter 8 of the Key of Solomon to consecrate the seal.

O ADONAI most powerful, EL most strong, AGLA most holy, ON most righteous, the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the Beginning and the End; thou who hast established all things in thy Wisdom; thou who has chosen Abraham thy faithful servant, and hast promised that in his seed shall all nations of the earth be blessed, which seed thou hast multiplied as the stars of Heaven; thou who hast appeared unto thy servant Moses in flame in the midst of the Burning Bush, and hast made him walk with dry feet through the Red Sea; thou who gavest the Law to him upon Mount Sinai; thou who hast granted unto Solomon thy Servant these pentacles by thy great Mercy, for the preservation of Soul and of Body; we most humbly implore and supplicate thy Holy Majesty, that these pentacles may be consecrated by thy power, and prepared in such manner that they may obtain virtue and strength against all spirits, through thee, O Most Holy ADONAI, whose Kingdom, Empire, and principality, remaineth and endureth without end.

You need to also learn the scripture associated with your Pentacle and recite it each time you use it. I’ve listed the scriptural verse number(s) and the vesicles for each below. Once consecrated, hold the Pentacle in your left hand and recite the scripture to activate the Seal. You will do this last action each time you want to use it. Consider it the proverbial knock on the door, without it the homeowner doesn’t know you’re standing outside and need their attention.

**2/12/2017 Update: Received from a reader: "The Pentacles should be anointed and prayed over weekly, according to each of their days, and if not on their days, at least once a week." So, for maximum, and a more rapid response, not only should the verses be stated each time you use it (i.e. each new working), but also to keep building the energies and powers of the Seals, read the verses each week, either on their appropriate day, or at the least, all at one time once a week. They also stated that they placed the 1st Pentacles of the Sun and the Moon over each of the other Pentacles used in the work to further empower those Seals. The results were fast and amazing! This is a new aspect to which I will be implementing immediately. :)

***4/29/2017 Update: A point was made, by the same reader who shared the information above (2/12/1017), regarding introducing yourself to the Angels prior to asking them to do work for you. This is very important!
We do not walk into someone's home that we do not know and sit down to dinner. We must know them, or be invited. So, it is very important that you sit first, introduce yourself to the Angels of the Pentacles, listen to what they may say to you, feel for their acceptance to do work for you. If you feel an affirmative, then go ahead, but if you feel nothing or a hesitation, then they need more assurance that who you are and what you want is of honest integrity enough for them to work with you.
You do NOT want to piss off a Divine Being! ;)

****6/4/2017 Update: It seems there are versions of the Books of Solomon that have different Psalms for the Consecration Prayer. This is not a surprise, as the Bible has been reinterpreted and rewritten so many times, so then we can logically assume that the Books of Solomon has had a few reinterpretations in all of their rewritings! These other Psalms are 8, 21, 27, 29, 32, 51, 72, 134. Reach both sets and find the ones (even a mixing of the two?) to find the ones that resonate best with you. :)

Versicle or Verse:
1st Pentacle of Saturn
Psalm 72:9
2nd Pentacle of Saturn
Psalm 72:8
3rd Pentacle of Saturn
Angels: Omeliel, Anachiel, Araughiah, Anazachia
4th Pentacle of Saturn
Deuteronomy 6:4, Psalm 109:18
5th Pentacle of Saturn
Deuteronomy 10:17
6th Pentacle of Saturn
Set thou a wicked one to be ruler over him, and let Satan stand at his right hand.
7th Pentacle of Saturn
Psalm 18:7
1st Pentacle of Jupiter
Angels: Netoniel, Devichiah, Tzedeqiah, Parasiel
2nd Pentacle of Jupiter
Psalm 112:3
3rd Pentacle of Jupiter
Psalm 125:1
4th Pentacle of Jupiter
Psalm 112:3
5th Pentacle of Jupiter
Ezekiel 1:1
6th Pentacle of Jupiter
Psalm 22:16-17
7th Pentacle of Jupiter
Psalm 113:7
1st Pentacle of Mars
Angels: Madimiel, Bartzachiah, Eschiel, Ithuriel
2nd Pentacle of Mars
John 1:4
3rd Pentacle of Mars
Psalm 77:13
4th Pentacle of Mars
Psalm 110:5
5th Pentacle of Mars
Psalm 91:13
6th Pentacle of Mars
Psalm 37:15
7th Pentacle of Mars
Psalm 105:32-33
1st Pentacle of the Sun
Behold His face and form by Whom all things were made, and Whom all creatures obey.
2nd Pentacle of the Sun
Angels: Shemeshiel, Paimoniah, Rekhodiah, Malkhiel
3rd Pentacle of the Sun
Daniel 4:34
4th Pentacle of the Sun
Psalm 13:3-4
5th Pentacle of the Sun
Psalm 91:11-12
6th Pentacle of the Sun
Psalm 69:23, Psalm 135:16
7th Pentacle of the Sun
Psalm 116:16-17
1st Pentacle of Venus
Angels: Nogahiel, Acheliah, Socodiah (or Socohiah), Nangariel
2nd Pentacle of Venus
Canticles 8:6
3rd Pentacle of Venus
Genesis 1:28
4th Pentacle of Venus
Genesis 2:23-24
5th Pentacle of Venus
Psalm 22:14
1st Pentacle of Mercury
Spirits: Yekahel, Agiel
2nd Pentacle of Mercury
Spirits: Boel and other Spirits
3rd Pentacle of Mercury
Angels: Kokaviel, Gheoriah, Savaniah, Chokmahiel
4th Pentacle of Mercury
Wisdom and virtue are in his house, and the Knowledge of all things remaineth with him for ever.
5th Pentacle of Mercury
Psalm 24:7
1st Pentacle of the Moon
Psalm 107:16
2nd Pentacle of the Moon
Psalm 56:11
3rd Pentacle of the Moon
Psalm 40:13
4th Pentacle of the Moon
Let them be confounded who persecute me, and let me not be confounded; let them fear, and not I
5th Pentacle of the Moon
Psalm 68:1
6th Pentacle of the Moon
Genesis 7:11-12

Methods for Using the Magic Seals of Solomon
Actually it's quite easy. You'll use them the same way you use bindrunes, amulets, or other talismans for whatever purpose you make them for!

Once you've chosen the Pentacle to make for your specific need and consecrated it to purpose, then either keep it on your altar, carry it with you, keep it in your vehicle, give it to the person you made it for if it wasn't made for yourself. The most powerful manner of use is to keep it with you at all times, even at night placing it on your nightstand next to you or under your pillow or mattress. But if it is easiest to just keep on your altar or other designated sacred space, then that will work perfectly as well.

Divination can be done with these Pentacles as well. Make the Seal of Solomon that best suits your situation and then use a pendulum to divine your “yes” or “no” answers. With Pendulum reading you must be very specific in your questions, and they must be answerable with a “yes” or “no”. If the pendulum goes in circles then there is no definitive answer at that moment or the question was worded incorrectly. Usually, but not always, “yes” is forward & backward, and “no” is side to side. You have to still the pendulum and ask specifically to show you each one individually for you to know how your particular pendulum works. Always still the pendulum between questions so you get a clear answer each time. Oh, and a pendulum can be as simple as a paperclip tied to a string!

Here are some other uses for specific Seals of Solomon:

6th Pentacle of the Moon: If you need rain for your garden place the seal in a bowl of water until you don't need the rain any longer.

3rd Pentacle of the Sun: For abundance and wealth.

6th Pentacle of Saturn: To vanquish your enemies completely.

If you have a situation, positive or negative, there is a Seal of Solomon that can be made for it.

The simplest way to make a Seal of Solomon is to print it out on your printer in the color of ink required for that particular pentacle. Or if you only have black ink then trace over the seal with the correct colored marker or colored pencil.

Working with these pentacles can bring some incredible power to your work. Pick one, make it, try it, and see!