Showing posts with label Changes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Changes. Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2020

Double Dose of Heartache

Double Dose of Heartache

Today, we lost two of our five dogs. Hoodoo, my Hoodoo Man, for which I named my online presence for, and his life-partner and best friend, Gris-Gris (gree-gree). They passed together within minutes of each other.

Our house is incredibly empty and my half of the bed will be very spacious. I'd trade all that space for them to be with us again right now, if I could.

My babies have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I lit a candle for them. I would appreciate if you would, if you feel compelled to, do the same.

Gris-Gris & Hoodoo
Gris-Gris 1/2007 ~ Hoodoo 7/2009

Saturday, November 17, 2018

When Faith & Spirituality Change

When Faith & Spirituality Change

How often have you found yourself realizing that you haven't been as diligent in your spiritual life, and you seem to have 'lost faith' in your ability to be faith-full?

I've spent much of the last few years in this type of situation. I used to have a morning ritual, say a charm of cleansing & protection while bathing, have a greeting to my Guides each day, give thanks at each meal. But the last three to four years feel as though I've been very lax in this regard.

There have been spurts of activity, especially when I became consciously aware that I was not being as conscientious as I should be, but overall, my spiritual life has sucked. So, looking back over those years, what changed?

Four years ago, I went to work at a local newspaper and then bought that newspaper two and half years ago. I am bizzz-eeee! To say the least! But yet, I'm not. There is still 'down time' and plenty of time at home when I could still be spiritually active with rituals, spells, and works of all kinds.

There have been plans in the works to do how-to videos. But everyone does those, so why would mine be any different? They wouldn't, they'd just be done by "Granny Tackett." So what. I'm not one for needing my face out on the internet trying to prove whatever it is I know. Besides, I'm far better at writing...probably why I own a newspaper. :D

So, reviewing my spiritual life, has it really "sucked" or has it just changed; morphing with my new life-schedule?

When I bathe, I still recite my charm of cleansing & protection. So, that's good.

I greet my Guides as I watch the sun rise on the far horizon while I feed and care for our farm animals. So, that's a great one!

Everyday when I get to work the woman who works with me always makes sure we pull cards and record it in our Tarot diary on the computer. So, no faltering there.

I give thanks at every meal. So, again, no faltering there either.

Every little 'good thing' that comes my way, I always say, "Thank you" for it. I maintain an "Attitude of Gratitude".

The only thing I don't do as regularly is spell works. Reviewing the 'why' of it, I find that I do, but only as-needed. And I really haven't needed to!

My life is blessed!

I have my Guides who guide me. I have the Creator Who makes sure my needs are met. I have my Deities who remind me when I need to do more. And, I have an Attitude of Gratitude that keeps the blessings flowing toward me.

So, the next time you feel you've been in a slump, mundane or spiritual, stop and take a good long review to figure out the 'why' of it. You'll either find that you are, indeed, slumping, or that it has been so subtly consistent that you didn't realize that it is so much a part of your life that it  'just is".

For bringing this supposed slump to my attention, and helping me to realize that it wasn't actually; I want to thank my Guides, the Creator, and the Deities (i.e. La Muerte & Mother Mary, in particular, and a few who shall remain private).

I hope y'all find that you, also, aren't really in that slump and how truly blessed your life really is! :)

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Super Blood Moon Eclipse Tonight!

Super Blood Moon Eclipse Tonight!

If you don't know it already, then here you the Super Blood Moon Eclipse! An event that will not occur for another 18 years! So start planning now for rituals & spells for EVERYTHING you want, because THIS cosmic event has the power & energy to bring you everything you ask for...FAST!


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Wind Working

Wind Working
North Wind: Finances, Home management, Level-headed thinking, Practicality

East Wind: Beginnings, Change, Creativity, Ritual writing, Spirit Guide communication, Transformation

South Wind: Anger issues, Jealousy, Love, Lust, Relationships, Selfishness

West Wind: Cleansing, Healing, Intuition, Mental proficiency, Physical abilities

~A Witch's Craft, Volume 2: A Witch's Book of Correspondences