Showing posts with label Correspondences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Correspondences. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Holly King's Favorite Yule Beverage

Holly King's Favorite Yule Beverage
Ok, I know it's a bit early to be talking about the Holly King, since he returns at Yule and it's not even Samhain yet. But this is a recipe which takes a while to make and NOW is the time to begin. (This is an alcoholic beverage, so no one under 21 is supposed to drink it... ;) )

This is a recipe that I LOVE, but I always forget to start it on time. It takes 6-8 weeks to infuse to it's best strength and taste. So, THIS year, I put it on the calendar, bought the ingredients early and started it today. I'll share the recipe with you and maybe you can begin your own yearly tradition of adding this beverage to your Yule celebration.

Holly King's Favorite
1 12 oz package Cranberries - chopped to small pieces
1 24 oz package of dried Cranberries (my preference)
1 large Orange - zested
1/5th Vodka

Chop the cranberries (whether fresh or dried) into small pieces.*
Place in a large glass jar with a good tight-fitting lid.
Add the orange zest.
Pour the 1/5th of vodka over the cranberry & orange zest mixture, covering completely.
Put the lid on the jar, label it with "Holly King's Favorite Starter" and the date.
Store for 4 weeks in a dark cupboard, taking it out to shake it several times a week.

*I have a Vita-Mix, so I just put the cranberries and vodka in the pitcher, turned it on to 5 and let it chop for about 15 seconds. You want them chopped, but not too fine.

1 1/2 c Sugar
3/4 c Water

Boil sugar in water for 1 minute.
Cool to room temperature.
Strain the cranberry-orange mixture.
Stir the simple syrup into the cranberry-orange infusion.
Add a cinnamon stick – optional.
Store in the dark for 2-4 weeks before serving.

Place in a pot to warm, do not get too hot, you want to be able to sip it easily.
You can also serve this cold or at room temperature - your choice.
Pour into a wine glass and enjoy!

 Holly King's Favorite Starter

Cranberry ~ Feminine magick, Happiness, Love
Orange ~ Abundance, Beauty, Divination, Fertility, Fortune, Happiness, Harmony, Joy, Love, Luck, Money, Peach, Prosperity, Warmth
Sugar ~ Love, Lust, Sex magick, Sympathy
Cinnamon ~ Abundance, Altar tool consecration, Aphrodisiac, Attraction, Attracts helpful spirits & guardians, Brings positive energy & peace to rituals, Cleansing, Consecration, Creativity, Courage, Dreamwork, Energy, Fertility, Financial matters, Fortune, Healing, Increase concentration, Knowledge, Love, Luck, Lust, Money, Passion, Peace, Power, Prosperity, Protection, Psychic aid, Psychic powers, Purification, Raise spiritual vibrations,
Sex magick, Solar magick, Speed, Spirituality, Strength, Success, Vision work

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Super Blood Moon Eclipse Tonight!

Super Blood Moon Eclipse Tonight!

If you don't know it already, then here you the Super Blood Moon Eclipse! An event that will not occur for another 18 years! So start planning now for rituals & spells for EVERYTHING you want, because THIS cosmic event has the power & energy to bring you everything you ask for...FAST!


Sunday, February 22, 2015

ChronosXP Planetary Hours Software ~ A MUST-HAVE!!!

ChronosXP Planetary Hours Software ~ A MUST-HAVE!!!
I was just introduced to this FREE software and it is GREAT!

My books and the Lesson: Seals, Sigils & Bindrunes have Planetary Hours charts and are good references, but the software you can download from this site is far better!

Once you have it downloaded and on your computer you can then open the program to put in the latitude & longitude of your city/town, what time zone you're in, set up what you'd like to have displayed, sounds (or not) when each hour changes, etc. You can even have the icon-of-the-hour on your desktop in a choice of colors & designs. :D

Now there's no more "guessing" as to the exact hour you are in, or the hour you need to do a ritual or plant your seeds or transplants (for those you plant by the lunar phases & zodiac hours like me.)

Here is the window that opens when you click the icon on your desktop:


The bottom left section (in blue) is where you will find all you need for using the program. The "Change Settings" is where you will set everything you need, which will change everything on the bottom of the window, except the last section with the city on it - this is not useful at all as it is too location-specific. By changing the latitude & longitude settings you will then have all the correct information along the bottom - and just ignore the city-specific drop-down box, unless you happen to live in or very near one of those cities. I do not, so it is of no use to me. But by putting in the latitude & longitude of my town in the "Change Settings" box, I now have everything exact...and I LOVE IT!

To find your latitude & longitude you can search online. I just use the City-Data website and put in my city, then Control "F", then type in "latitude" or "longitude", hit "Enter" and it scrolls to that word. Note that when inputting the numbers they will read (using mine as an example) Latitude: 39.35 N, Longitude: 100.44 W. To input in the software, you will enter the first number (latitude) 39 in the "hours" box and the 35 into the "minutes" box, and the same for the longitude number. There are then buttons to choose Latitude N or S or Longitude E or W. It's really very simple to figure out...and will make knowing & using the Planetary Hours sooooo much easier & faster!


ChronosXP website download page.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Spider Webs

Spider Webs
I've posted on this subject before, but I found that meme below and had to share it!

Using spider webs is fun, even if it is a bit creepy to gather.

Use in your binding works to keep the intended tied up.

You could even reverse that and have the "spider about to get the fly" - wrap a tiny poppet in the webs and place a toy spider on or near it - this would be an effective curse for someone who needs to get their just due, or a curse of ill-health.

Add spider webs to a potion (not to be consumed!!) or a powder such as binding someone to you or themselves, a stay-put potion so they can't leave, or to make their job or life too confining and miserable.

Think outside the box and you can find lots of ways to use so many things!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Blood Moon Correspondences

Blood Moon Correspondences

Deities: Afriel, Anael, Gazardiel, Luna, Mars, Persephone, Saturn

Nature Spirits: Salamander

Element: Fire

Herbs: Basil, Birch, Dragon's Blood, Egg-shell, Elder, Rose

Trees: Birch, Elder, Gorse, Yew

Flowers: Elder Berry, Rose

Scents: Elder Berry, Rose

Stones: Carnelian, Garnet, Herkimer Diamond, Iron, Quartz, Ruby, Selenite, Silver

Colors: Crimson, Gold, Red, Silver, White

Animals: Armadillo, Bat, Butterfly, Calf, Cat, Crow, Cuckoo, Dove, Falcon, Grasshopper, Groundhog/Woodchuck, Halcyon/Kingfisher/Kookabura, Horse, Lady Bug, Mule, Raven, Reindeer, Rhinoceros, Stork

Birds: Cardinal, Grackle, Grouse, Hawk, Robin

Energy: Extremely powerful time for magick workings for total life changes, Abundance, Breaking through obstacles, Growth, New beginnings, Power, Prosperity

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Waxing Toward October's Full Blood / Hunter's Moon

Waxing Toward October's Full Blood / Hunter's Moon
Today is a New Moon, so we are waxing toward October's Full Blood or Hunter's Moon, which will occur on Wednesday, October 8th. October's Full Moon is called both the Hunter's Moon and the Blood Moon. 

It is called the Hunter's Moon because it was during this Full Moon that the hunters would go out to hunt their game for stockpiling up for the winter season.

The Full Blood Moon refers to the color of the Moon at this time of year. It is quite often an orange-red due to the elevation of its rise through the atmosphere. The Blood Moon is the Full Moon after the Harvest Moon, which is the closest Full Moon to the Autumn Equinox. The Blood Moon may occur as late as November, but usually it is in October.

While Samhain, the Witch's New Year, is considered the time that the Veil is thinnest and contact with those who have passed is easiest, it is also believed by some that this Full Blood Moon is when the Veil is the thinnest. I find this more likely to be historically correct. Our ancestors worked and lived by the sun and moon. Planting and harvesting by the sun, and hunting by the moon, thus Blood Moon would have been more likely to be the sign they would've looked for as the "right time" for the Veil to be its thinnest.

Regardless of when you honor your ancestors, at Samhain or the Blood Moon, know that the Veil is beginning to thin now, from this New Moon and will continue to do so for the next 6 weeks (this year). Begin now to plan for what sort of ritual you will do to honor those who've passed before you. Simply lighting a candle and a moment of reminiscing is more than enough to acknowledge them. Or you could plan a full ritual. Even a Dumb Supper might be something to consider! (here is an excellent article on the subject

This is a very powerful time of year so don't let it pass you by without acknowledging it in some way. Go outside and enjoy the cooler weather, the changing colors on the trees, watching the squirrels horde their nuts for the winter, notice the color of the light as the day wanes. There are an unlimited number of things you can do!

Why not consecrate a bottle of water under the New Moon, leaving it out until the Full Moon. Use this sacred consecrated water in a ritual for your Loved Ones. The blessings of Sister Moon and Mother Earth can help send love and any necessary healing to those who have passed and those left behind. When the ritual is completed, then either keep the water in a bottle on the altar until next year's Blood Moon (or Samhain), or pour it out on the ground as an offering of thanks.

Whether simple or elaborate it doesn't matter...but do something to honor your ancestors this beautiful Autumn Season!

New Moon Correspondences
New Moon
Beginnings, Creation, Examine what’s hidden, Purity
New Moon to 3½ days after

Blood Moon, Falling Leaf Moon, Harvest Moon, Moon of the Changing Season, Shedding Moon, Ten Colds Moon, Winterfelleth, Windermanoth
Apollo, Astarte, Belili, Cernunnos, Demeter, Hathor, Herne, Horned God, Ishtar, Kore, Lakshmi, Mercury
Nature Spirits:
Frost Faeries, Plant Faeries
Angelica, Apple Blossom, Burdock, Catnip, Mint family, Pennyroyal, Sweet Annie, Thyme, Uva Ursi
Acacia, Apple, Cypress, Yew
Calendula, Cosmos, Marigold
Apple Blossom, Cherry, Strawberry
Amethyst, Beryl, Obsidian, Opal, Tourmaline, Turquoise
Black, Dark Blue-Green, Purples
Elephant, Jackal, Ram, Scorpion, Stag
Crow, Heron, Robin
Artistic works, Balance, Creativity, Harmony, Inner cleansing, Justice, Karma, Legal matters, Mental stimulation, Partnerships, Reincarnation, Uncover mysteries or secrets

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Autumn Equinox / Mabon Correspondences

Autumn Equinox / Mabon Correspondences

Date: September 22nd

Other Names: Cornucopia, Mabon, Witch’s Thanksgiving

Element: Air

Herbs: Acorn, Benzoin, Cedar, Ferns, Grains, Hazel, Honeysuckle, Ivy, Marigold, Milkweed, Myrrh, Passionflower, Rose, Sage, Solomon's Seal, Tobacco, Thistle, Vegetables

Oils/Incense: Apple, Benzoin, Myrrh, Patchouli, Sage

Colors: Brown, Gold, Maroon, Orange, Red, Russet, Violet

Stones: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Yellow Agates, Yellow Topaz

Foods: Apples, Breads, Carrots, Nuts, Onions, Pomegranates, Potatoes

Symbols: Acorns, Apples, Balance, Corn, Cornucopia (Horn of Plenty), Dried Seeds, Equality, Gourds, Grains, Grapes, Ivy, Mysteries, Pine Cones, Pomegranates, Second Harvest, Wine

Activities: Making wine, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods, walking in the woods, scattering offerings in harvested fields, offering libations to trees, adorning burial sites with leaves, acorns, and pine cones to honor those who have passed over

Spellworkings: Protection, prosperity, security, and self-confidence. Also those of harmony and balance

Goddesses - Epona, Modron, Morgan, Muses, Pamona, Persephone, Sin, Sophia, Sura
Gods - Green Man, Hermes, Mabon, Thoth, Thor

Related Festivals:
Sukkot - This Jewish holiday which is celebrated in early October commemorates the 40 years the Israelites wandered in the desert. It is also a harvest festival of thanks.

Thanksgiving - This is a secular holiday which is similar to the Pagan festival of Mabon; a day to give thanks for the food and blessings of the previous year. The American Thanksgiving is the last Thursday in November while the Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated in October.

Festival of Dionysus - There were several festivals that honored Dionysus, the God of Wine. It was a time of fun, games and feasting and of course drinking of wine!

This festival is celebrated on or about September 21st and is the eighth Sabbat of the year. It celebrates the Autumn Equinox and is the second harvest festival, when Nature is preparing for the winter months. Night and day are of equal length and the God’s energy and strength are nearly gone. The Goddess begins to mourn the loss she knows is coming, but knows He will return when he is reborn at Yule.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Gemstones and the Seals of Solomon

Gemstones and the Seals of Solomon
I was asked a very good question which had me doing a bit of research this morning that took longer than expected but had me really "putting on the thinking cap". The question was regarding gemstones and the Seals of Solomon - which stones for each of the Pentacles?

From what I found after searching through the Keys of Solomon books and then looking online and couldn't find anything either (and I'm certainly not saying this definitively), there was nothing on the subject. However, after reading through quite a few sites and looking through my own books, I came to the realization that the use of the Pentacles and their associated colors can easily determine the stones to be used with them in ritual.

If you take into consideration the colors associated with each of the Pentacles:

Saturn: Black
Jupiter: Blue
Mars: Red
Sun: Yellow
Venus: Green
Mercury: Mixed
Moon: Silver

Then using stones of those colors should be more than appropriate. Another aspect you can take into consideration is the opacity or translucence of the stone to be used.

Fire & Air stones are clear or translucent and easy to see through, while the Earth & Water stones are opaque and cannot be seen through. When considering the Pentacle to be used and the color associated with it, you may also want to consider the Element of that Pentacle's planetary alliance and choose a stone accordingly:

Earth (opaque stones): Saturn
Air (clear stones): Jupiter & Mercury
Fire (clear stones): Sun & Mars, also Jupiter
Water (opaque stones): Moon & Venus, also Saturn

This is only a suggestion, and is not found to be absolutely how to choose the stones to use with the Seals of Solomon, but the correspondences fit and can be combined for use with the Pentacles to add their energies and power to the ritual or work being done. And I'm all for finding new ways to add energy & power to my works!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Blessed Lughnasadh ~ August 1st ~ First Harvest Festival of the Year

Blessed Lughnasadh ~ August 1st ~ First Harvest Festival of the Year
Lughnasadh is a Cross Quarter Festival. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, Cross Quarter Festivals are also called High Sabbats or Greater Sabbats, these are Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh. Also known as the Fire Festivals their dates of celebration are set. With the exception of Samhain, their rituals are usually performed during the day as they are solar holidays. Each of the elements is represented and is also represented here by a holiday: Samhain - water; Imbolc - air; Beltane - earth; Lughnasadh - fire.

Lughnasadh: August 1st
This Cross-Quarter Fire Festival is celebrated on August 1st or the first full moon of Leo and is the seventh Sabbat of the year and represents the first harvest, when the Earth’s bounty is cut and stored for winter and thanks are given for the abundance received. The God has weakened and is losing his strength as seen in the waning of the day’s light. The Goddess is pregnant with the young God who will be born at Yule.

Acacia, Alfalfa, All Grains, Aloe, Blackberry, Corn, Cornsilk, Cornstalk, Crab Apple, Cyclamen, Fenugreek, Frankincense, Ginseng, Golden seal, Grapes, Heather, Hollyhock, Meadowsweet, Myrtle, Oak leaves, Pear, Rye, Sloe, Sunflower, Wheat
Aloe, Apple, Corn, Eucalyptus, Safflower, Aloes, Rose, Sandalwood
Gold, Golden Yellow, Green, Light Brown, Orange, Red, Yellow
Aventurine, Carnelian, Citrine, Peridot, Sardonyx, Yellow Diamond
Apples, Barley Cakes, Berries, Berry Pies, Bilberries, Blackberries, Blueberries, Breads, Calcannon, Cider, Corn, Grains, Honey, Lamb, Nuts, Potatoes, Rice, Sun-shaped cookies, Wild berries
Corn, Grain dollies, Shafts of grain
Traditionally, this is the largest feast of the year. Celebrate with family and Coven members (if you belong to a Coven) by having a potluck feast. If you’ve saved the seeds from fruits and vegetables you can plant them in symbology of our connection to the God & Goddess. Take walks along any body of water, if there are any near you, and commune with the Divine. Fresh baked breads, Wheat weaving
Abundance, Bounty, Fire magick, Rituals of thanks, Sun magick
Goddesses - Aine, Alphito, Bracacia, Carmen, Ceres, Damia, Danu, Demeter, Freya. Grain Goddesses, Ishtar, Kait, Mother Goddesses, Sul, Sun Goddesses, Taillte, Tea, Zaramama

Gods - Athtar, Bes, Bran, Dagon, Ebisu, Ghanan, Grain Gods, Howtu, Liber, Lono, Lugh, Neper, Odin, Sun Gods, Xochipilli
Other Names:
Lammas, August Eve, Feast of Bread
Related Festivals:

Saturday, July 12, 2014

July ~ Full Moon Correspondences

July ~ Full Moon Correspondences

Blessing Moon, Buck Moon, Fallow Moon, Hay Moon, Hewimanoth, Maedmonat, Meadow Moon, Moon of Blood, Moon of Claiming, Thunder Moon, Wort Moon
Athena, Cerridwen, Hel, Holda, Juno, Khepera, Lugh, Nephthys, Venus
Nature Spirits:
Harvest faeries, Hobgoblins
Agrimony, Honeysuckle, Hyssop, Lemon Balm, Mugwort
Acacia, Ash, Oak
Jasmine, Lotus, Water Lily
Frankincense, Orris
Moonstone, Opal, Pearl, White Agate
Blue-Grey, Green, Silver
Crab, Dolphin, Turtle, Whale
Ibis, Starling, Swallow
Childbirth, Divination; Domesticity, Dream-work, Fertility, Home matters, Meditation on goals & plans, Mothers, Preparing, Relaxed energy, Succeeding

~A Witch's Craft, Volume 2: A Witch's Book of Correspondences

Lunar Phases for Spell Workings

Lunar Phases for Spell Workings:
Abundance: Waxing to Full Moon
Addictions (to end): Waning Moon
Acquisitions: New, Waxing and Full Moons
Artistic Creativity: Waxing to Full Moon
Bad Habits (to break): Waning to Dark Moon
Bad Luck (to send): New to Waxing Moon
Bad Luck (to reverse): Waning to Dark Moon
Banishing: Waning to Dark Moon
Beauty: Full Moon
Beginnings: Full Moon
Bindings: Waning Moons
Blessings: Full Moon
Career Moves: Waxing Moon
Communication: Full Moon
Curses: Dark, New and Waxing Moons
Curses (to break): Waning to Dark Moon
Dedications: Full Moon
Divinations: New, Waxing and Full Moons
Employment: Waxing to Full Moon
Energy Raising: Dark, New and Waxing Moons
Exorcisms: Waning to Dark Moon
Fear (overcoming): Waning Moon
Fertility Rites: Waxing and Full Moons
Forgiveness: New Moon
Freedom: Waning Moon
Friendships: Waxing Moon
Garden Planting Spells: Waxing Moon
Goals (to reach): Waxing to Full Moon
Good Luck: Waxing Moon
Growth: Waxing Moon
Harmony: Waxing Moon
Happiness: Waxing to Full Moon
Healings (improve health): Waxing Moon
Healings (remove illness): Waning Moon
Hexing: Waxing Moon
Hex breaking: Waning Moon
House Blessings: Full Moon
Initiations: Full Moon
Inspiration: Full Mon
Journey: Waxing Moon
Judgments: Waxing to Full Moon
Legal Matters (favorable): Waxing to Full Moon
Legal Matters (to remove): Waning to Dark Moon
Love Spells: Waxing to Full Moon
Love Spells (to reverse): Waning Moon
Lunar Goddess Rites: Full Moon
Money (increase): Waxing Moon
Money (debt release): Waning to Dark Moon
Negativity (remove): Waning to Dark Moon
Nightmares (remove): Dark Moon
Omens: Full Moon
Peace: Waning Moon
Power: Waxing to Full Moon
Property (to buy): Waxing Moon
Property (to sell): Waning Moon
Prophetic Dreaming: Dark, New and Full Moons
Protection: Waxing Moon
Psychic Powers (to strengthen): Dark and Full Moons
Relationships (to improve): Waxing to Full Moon
Relationships (to separate): Waning to Dark Moons
Removing: Waning to Dark Moon
Quests: New Moon
Sexuality: Waxing to Full Moon
Shapeshifting: Dark and Full Moons
Spirit Communication: Full Moon
Strength: Waxing Moon
Teaching: Waxing to Full Moon
Transformations: Dark and Full Moons
Travel: Waxing Moon
Weather Magick (to bring): New, Waxing to Full Moons
Weather Magick (to reduce/remove): Waning Moon
Weight (to gain): Waxing Moon
Weight (to lose): Waning Moon
Wisdom: New, Waxing to Full Moons
Wish Magick: Waxing to Full Moons

~A Witch's Craft, Volume 2: A Witch's Book of Correspondences

Wind Working

Wind Working
North Wind: Finances, Home management, Level-headed thinking, Practicality

East Wind: Beginnings, Change, Creativity, Ritual writing, Spirit Guide communication, Transformation

South Wind: Anger issues, Jealousy, Love, Lust, Relationships, Selfishness

West Wind: Cleansing, Healing, Intuition, Mental proficiency, Physical abilities

~A Witch's Craft, Volume 2: A Witch's Book of Correspondences

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June's Full Lover's Moon Falls on Friday the 13th!

June's Full Lover's Moon Falls on Friday the 13th!

I don't know about you, but WOW! We will not see a Full Moon on Friday the 13th again, until 2049! For many of us, we won't be around to see it. As I would be 89, that makes the possibility of me not seeing it, a bit high. So I intend to do a Full Moon Ritual, for sure!

So what are June's Full Moon Correspondences? Find out below:

Aerra Litha, Brachmanoth, Honey Moon, Lovers’ Moon, Mead Moon, Moon of Horses, Moon of Making Fat, Rose Moon, Strawberry Moon, Strong Sun Moon
Aine of Knockaine, Bendis, Cerridwen, Green Man, Ishtar, Isis, Neith, Persephone
Nature Spirits:
Sylphs, Zephyrs
Dog Grass, Meadowsweet, Mosses, Mugwort, Parsley, Skullcap, Tansy, Vervain
Maple, Oak
Lavender, Orchid, yarrow
Lavender, Lily of the Valley
Agate, Alexandrite, Fluorite, Topaz
Gold, Golden-Green, Orange, Yellow
Butterfly, Frog, Monkey, Toad
Peacock, Wren
Balance, Change of residence, Communication, Decision making, Education, Family relations, Full but restful energy, Positive transformation, Prevention, Protection, Public relationships, Responsibility, Strengthen, Tides turning, Time of light, Travel, Writing

And the Full Moon Correspondences are:

Divinations, Fertility, Fulfillment, Illumination, Invocations, Power, Prophecy, Sexuality, Transformation
14 - 17 ½ days after New Moon

Friday the 13th for those in the mundane world, it is considered a "bad luck" day. For most Pagans it is a "good luck" day. Personally, I think it's all in how you view it, and it's always been a good day for me. :)

If you want to look at it from the Numerological point of view, then we have:

Friday = 6 + 9 + 9 + 4 + 1 + 7 = 36 = 3 + 6 = 9 : 
Positive Attributes: Achievement, Action, Completion, Concern for others, Conclusions, Creativity, Emotions, Fortune, Foundations, Fulfillment, Generosity, Giving, Humanitarian, Idealism, Independence, Inspiration, Lunar magick, Lunar wisdom, Love, Magnetism, Open, Optimistic, Release, Sacred magick, Spirituality, Trusting, Unity, Wisdom

Negative Attributes: Indecisive, Lack of planning, Self-sacrificing, Unfocused

13 = 1 + 3 = 4 : 
Positive Attributes: Building, Careful, Common sense, Concentration, Economical, Efficient, Formation, Fortune, Foundation, Hidden feelings, Limitations, Love, Loyalty, Manifestation, Opposition, Organization, Planning, Practical application, Practicality, Pragmatic, Results, Sexuality, Stability, Thorough, Unity

Negative Attributes: Blocked in, Impediments, Inhibited insight, Limitations, Makes lessons harder than they need to be

9 + 4 = 13! 

We could reduce the 13 down to the 4 again, but I would leave it as 13 only because it confirms how special the day is - especially for Pagans. Thirteen being one of our "power numbers", others of which include 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 21, as well as the Master Numbers (11, 22, 33, etc.). Some may or may not consider each of these as special or power numbers, but many do, myself being one of them.

So with all of this bit of information, you can now decide on which kind of ritual you would like to do for  tihs very auspicious event!