Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2020

Dia de los Muertos ~ How will YOU celebrate YOUR ancestors?

Dia de los Muertos ~ How will YOU celebrate YOUR ancestors?

Today, November 2, is Dia de los Muertos. 

It is a time when families gather to honor and remember deceased loved ones. It is believed that the souls of the dead return to visit the living families in homes, businesses and cemeteries. 

Anything can be placed on the altar for the visiting souls, including traditional food, fresh flowers, pan de muerto (or bread for the dead), candles,  copal incense (aromatic tree resin), fruits, cloths, photographs, favorite drinks of the deceased, sugar folk toys, religious images and clothing. 

Decorations also include tombstones, skulls and skeletons made of clay and other materials, sugar skulls, and papel picado. Calaveras are ubiquitous during Day of the Dead. A Calavera, or sugar skull, is a decorative skulls made (usually by hand) from either sugar (called Alfeñiques) or clay which are used in the Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead. The skulls are often drawn with a smile as to laugh at death itself and the name of each departed is written on a sugar skull. 

The names of the living are also written on these treats to introduce children to the idea of death in an atmosphere of joyful celebration. These sugar skulls are eaten and the living come to associate pleasant sensations with the sadness of death. 

Calaveras take many forms, such as sugar candies, clay decorations, and most memorable: face painting. Sugar skulls are decorated and placed on ofrendas of loved ones. 

Most importantly, a photograph of the departed soul is placed on the altar. Pan de muerto, bread for the dead, is sweet and baked in shapes of skulls and human figures. 

Traditional loaves are round with a central raised knob of dough, representing the skull, with crossed bone-shaped decorations radiating from the central knob. 

Día de los Muertos also includes traditional dishes, such as chicken in red or black mole sprinkled with sesame seeds; tortillas, tamales made from ground corn; soft drinks or aguardiente (“white-lightning” liquor),tequila and always a glass of water. It is believed that the returning souls are thirsty after a long journey. Water is also believed to be a main support of life. 

The flower of the dead is called Cempasúchil (Náhuatl, or Aztec, name for marigold) or “Flor de Muerto” (Spanish for Flower of Dead) and symbolizes the beauty and fragility of life. Cempasúchil was the symbolic flower of death for the Aztecs, because once it is cut, it dies very quickly. 

Marigolds are believed to be the pathways that guide the spirits to their ofrendas. The flower’s vibrant colors and scent attract the departed souls, as they return to feast on their favorite foods. While orange and yellow marigolds are the main flowers, magenta terciopelo (ruby coxcombs) and nube (baby’s breath) are also traditionally displayed. 

Copal (tree resin) is used as incense and is a symbolic transformation of the physical to the supernatural, associated with the death of the soul returning to the ofrenda. 

Candles and fresh marigold flowers are placed on the altar to light and guide the way of the souls to the altar. Paths are marked with flower petals showing the departed souls the way to the altar. Day of the Dead toys are also placed on the altar. Painted clay skeleton figures portray the dead resuming their normal activities such as playing. Pull toys, coffins and crank boxes are displayed for the dead to play with. Living with death in this way means that we can learn learn to accept death as part of life. 

(Sources: Day of the Dead Festival & Day of the Dead Holiday) 

How will YOU celebrate YOUR ancestors?

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Handwriting the Book of Psalms as a BoS

I just came across a forum conversation on my Tapatalk site from six years ago and decided to share it here. I think it may be of interest to many of y'all. :) If you have a view to share, please do so to this post or follow the link to the forum to share it there. Blessings!

Nephthys posted:
In the Wiccan tradition, specifically Gardnerian (I believe...) there is a persistent myth of the "burning times" (which can be debunked in an afternoon with research and math) that insists that modern witches and Wiccans should hand-write their Books of Shadows "just in case". While this justification for a handwritten BoS is not as widely disseminated anymore (I can only think of a couple contemporary authors who still insist on this justification), it gave birth to a new justification in that, while writing out individual spells and rituals, you are charging the work before it is ever performed. In this way, one is basically taking normal words and phrases and turning them into words of power. This got me thinking. The Bible is, by far, the most powerful spellbook in the world. Its words are believed by billions (1/6th of the world's population is Catholic, alone) and read daily. Even those who do not believe still study it (biblical scholars, ceremonial magicians, etc.), so at any given moment all across the world, the words of the Bible are vibrating with power out into the ether. So, that being said, if one were to hand-copy the Psalms or any other part of the Bible, focusing on the uses of the individual Psalms as they are being written, and charging them with the worldwide vibrations, how powerful would that copy of the Book of Psalms become? I have begun copying them as an experiment. If nothing else, it would become an interesting curio for my own collection. But I am interested in feedback, just because. :)

My response:
I think your project sounds like a good one, definitely. They should most definitely have added personal power for you since you'll have them written in your own hand. Great project! Love the idea.
Your statement regarding the "myth of the burning times" however, I do disagree with. While the vast majority of those who were tried, imprisoned, and/or killed as witches, were in fact not, the fact that they were tried, imprisoned, and/or killed is fact. The Wiccans do not hold that those who lived through this tortuous time were all witches, but they do make the statement of "no more the burning times" because of the ignorance of those who attacked and, in essence, murdered these people.
I do not hold to the "covens" that are said to have been all over the place, visited by those from neighboring towns. This would not have happened, as travel was extremely dangerous, and going from your town to a neighboring town was not the norm. Merchants, soldiers, and thieves were about the only ones who traveled from town to town. It would be a rare thing for people of one town to know or have anything to do with those in a neighboring town, which most likely would be at least 10-20 miles away. The average village person would have no reason to do such traveling. Everything they would need could be found on their property or in their village or the nearby woods for hunting.
Wiccans today do not hand write their BoS "just in case". Today it is done for the same reason you want to hand write the Psalms. To bring their own power into the words that mean a great deal to them. They're words, whether copied from old Grimoires, passed down from family or coven members, or newly written by themselves, all hold the power of the Divine. It is all Divine inspired. Yes, the Psalms are very old, but so are the Kabbalah, and the Egyptian spells & writings, and the ancient Grimoires of Abremalin, Agrippa, the Books of Moses, and the Lemegeton Books to name a few, and all are extremely powerful, especially due to their age and the numbers of practitioners & clergy (up until the 14th century) that used them over those centuries. These writings were also believed, when written, to be "charging the word before it is ever performed". The writers may have had specific rites in mind, but then again maybe not. But the Divine power that was inspiring them to write those words is no less than the Divine power that inspires Witches to write their spells & rituals.
Through personal experience, I have worked with many deities, as well as the Divine One Itself. What I found was that the ancient deities who are not called upon as much any more, are very excited to be called upon again. Almost to the point of over-excitement. Like answering the door to find someone standing there that you haven't seen in a very long time, and honestly never expected to see again. That thrill of excitement & joy that is overwhelming. Once the excited greetings are out of the way, then the true visit & communion can begin.
All Gods are a part of the Divine One. Each, like the Saints & Angels of the Christian faith system, have their purpose. And that purpose is to be a comfort and help to those who believe in them. Just because one does not believe in the power of the Saints does not lessen their power, because there are those who do. The same goes for the Gods & Goddesses. Just because Christians don't believe in them does not mean they do not exist, have their place in the realm of the Divine, and are not powerful & helpful and offer guidance to those who do believe in them. Just as their is a mate for every person, so there is a faith system sent by the Divine to those who wish to find & know the Divine. But each in their own way, each coming in on their own Path. There are as many Paths to the Divine as there are people. What is right for one may only be partially right for another, and completely wrong for another. None of which are wrong Paths to take to the Divine, only individual. The important thing is that we find our way to the Divine!!
Strict purists have a hard time, and usually can't grasp this concept.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

My Response to a Particularly Offensive Narrow-Minded Article

My Response to a Particularly Offensive Narrow-Minded Article

Follow the link to this article, then return here to read my response. I'm not asking for cudos or anything, just wanted you to see another point of view than you may have or know that others have.

This is my response:

The author of this one is a winner. Love it when those uneducated on a particular subject matter try to scream their holier-than-thou self-righteousness from the rooftops regarding said subject to which they know nothing about. If you want to believe something, then at least believe something that has fact attached to it somewhere, not based exclusively on the opinion(s) of others who also don't know the facts, but only twisted half-truths on to full lies about the subject.
So, the subject of this article is about Hallowe'en and it's "evilness", that it celebrates death and darkness, and other ridiculous matter ad nauseum. I will address each of her points directly:

"As I grew closer to the Lord and gained more knowledge of His Word, I began to feel convicted about Halloween."
GOOD. If something doesn't feel right to you, then you should most certainly not continue on with it.

"God is a God of life, but Halloween focuses on death. Should I celebrate a holiday where people decorate their front yards with tombstones?"
Ok, first of all, Hallowe'en doesn't "focus on death". Hallowe'en is the modern day commercialized joke that was once a celebration of the last harvest of the season. The ancient Celts called this time Samhain (pronounced SOW-en) and believed that the veil between the living and the ancestors who had passed was thinnest, so they could come visit. It was a time to celebrate those who had passed, not dwell of "death" and the dead in any morbid sense. THAT is what those who do not understand this concept have confused themselves and others about. "Death" isn't an end, it is just another state of beginning.

"The Scriptures tell us to put away deeds of darkness (Rom.13:12) and that light has nothing in common with darkness (2 Cor. 6:14). Is celebrating a dark holiday something a child of the light should be doing?"
Again, it is not a "dark holiday". In fact, it is one of the Cross Quarter Festivals, one of the Fire Festivals, a celebration of the sun and its life giving light. While it is the only one of the Fire Festivals celebrated at night, that is so the people may visit with those ancestors who've passed and to wish them well upon their return at dawn. There is nothing scary or morbid about it. It is family visiting with family. It is a time of honoring your ancestors, not "zombie" attacks & tombstones.

"I had been delivered from fear and panic attacks and knew that fear comes from the enemy. Should I participate in a holiday that has fear as its very foundation?"
That "fear factor"? THAT is straight up Hollywood bs. There is nothing to fear about those of our relatives & ancestors who have passed. We honor their memories, say prayers to them of gratitude for their love, and sorrow at their passing, but know that they are alive and well where ever they now reside on the Otherside.

"Witchcraft is clearly detestable to the Lord (Deut 18:10-13). Shouldn't something that glorifies witchcraft (just take a walk through the Halloween store) be detestable to me as well?"
LMAO Wow, so uneducated here. Hallowe'en stores have absolutely nothing, and I mean NOTHING to do with witchcraft in any way, shape or form. This is typical of someone who has no clue how to do research and when they do (as the author obviously does) they read only what is written & pushed by those of the same thinking but who also have never done their research. Let me put it this way; if I wanted to know about other religions and faith systems, would I read what those of my faith wrote (who never studied and lived the other systems) or would I read the teachings of those who live that faith system every day - just as they do theirs? I don't go to the baker to have my car fixed, or the coffee shop to buy computer ink. Neither should you learn about a subject from those who don't have any education on the subject. You won't be "converted". You'll be EDUCATED. It won't hold true for you, but at least you'll have a broader view and will understand where they're coming from. Rather than that narrow, thin line that is actually impossible to tow. Narrow mindedness is NOT a virtue.

"Halloween is a sacred, high holiday for Wiccans (the official religion of witchcraft). Is this a holiday Christians should celebrate alongside Wiccans?"
Her un-educated lack of knowledge is showing fully here. Wicca is NOT, I repeat NOT "the official religion of witchcraft". It is just one of many Pagan Traditions just as there are many denominations of the Christian religion, various sects of the Jewish and the Vedic, etc. There is no all-encompassing "one" for Pagans as there are not for Christians.

"Is it cute when we dress our kids like the devil (or witches, ghouls, scary characters, etc.)? Isn't it, well, demonic?"
Wow. Just. Wow. The uneducated ignorance here is beyond astounding, especially considering the fact that "the truth is out there" and so easily researched and learned. AGAIN, not to "convert". Only to EDUCATE.

"What if my child dresses in a wholesome fireman costume? Romans 16:19 says that we need to be wise to what is good and innocent of evil. If I let him participate in Halloween, even while dressed as a fireman, aren't I sending him a mixed message by allowing him to participate in a celebration of evil?"
If you choose to not let your children participate in fun & games, that's your prerogative as a parent, but don't twist the truth to fit your agenda, rather than tell them the reality of "why"; which is that YOU'RE not comfortable with it and so you will not participate or allow them to. But to spread the twisted lies about it being "a celebration of evil" is poor parenting. Because when they get old enough to learn how to do research - they'll learn, and you'll be called a liar. Not cool - for you or for them.

"The Lord said in 2 Cor. 6:17, "Come out from them and be separate ... Touch no unclean thing ..." Doesn't God want His children to be set apart from the world and from sin and evil? Aren't we supposed to be peculiar people?"
If you want to be "set apart", then do so (and good luck with that), but don't keep propagating twisted half-truths and lies to fit the agenda. Simply state, "it's not within the realm of my beliefs, and I'm not comfortable with it." Period. Don't push an agenda built for the last six centuries on lies. It was uptight, prudish, FEARFUL men who in their fear of the unknown decided to make it a "heresy" or "evil" and a "sin" to even consider having anything to do with anyone else who does. Is that REALLY the way to work to convince those "evil people" that your way is actually right? Alienate them through lies like this article and you'll look just as fruity as the author. (Newbies or reformed anyone in anything are always the worst, always spouting loudly in their self-righteousness.) I prefer those who are strong enough and self-confident enough in their own faith that they don't need to spout loudly. They're actions speak clearly. They walk the talk. Not talk the talk - as the author of this article so obviously does.

"My extended family thinks it's ridiculous that we not allow our son to dress up for Halloween. Should their opinions matter to me more than God's? Shouldn't pleasing God be my utmost concern?"
YES! Absolutely! It shouldn't matter what others think. But remember to put the shoe on the other foot, or you'll be just another religious fruitcake with nothing valid worth listening to.

If there is even a question in my heart and mind that it might be wrong, shouldn't that be my first clue? Why would I continue to do so with even a lingering thought that it is wrong?
Your belief is your own, and there is nothing wrong with that. But others have their beliefs, and there also is nothing wrong with that. Educate yourself on those Paths you know nothing about. Hold a conversation with those of other faiths. LEARN something! You won't be converted. Your won't be sinning. You'll be able to hold your own in a conversation on Faith and the Divine. As long as there is belief in something Greater than ourselves, then there is always hope that we will come to an equal understanding. And agree to disagree.

"Does Halloween bring glory to God? No! It glorifies the devil! Nuff said."
Ugh. Brain dead, self-righteous, newbie, loud-mouthed fundie. "Nuff said".

Sunday, August 2, 2015

The "Blue" Moon

The "Blue" Moon
Ok, this is a HUUUGGGE subject of contention with me. I really, really HATE misinformation. Yeah, it literally bugs the shit out of me. So I'm going to step up on my soap box for a bit, vent a little, and then let it go...(until next time. ;) )
For all of you who were all excited about the so-called "Blue Moon" the other day - DON'T BE! It's was NOT a Blue Moon!

Some idiot a few decades ago (a "hobby astronomer" - basically, a self-absorbed, know-it-all idiot) made a typographical error and now everyone believes that any month with two full moons in it is a "Blue Moon".

Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but that is NOT a Blue Moon.

A Blue Moon is the THIRD full moon in a FOUR full moon season. Every full moon has a name (i.e. Corn Moon, Hunter's Moon, etc.) BUT the third full moon in a four full moon season does not, and the original term 'belewe', which means "betrayer" (because it 'betrayed' the timing in that season), was altered over time into "blue". No, NOT "blue" the color.

So, get over it folks. It's "just another full moon". In fact, it is actually the Harvest Home Feast Moon because the next day (this year) was Lughnasadh/Lammas, and the full moon closest to Lughnasadh is the Harvest Home Feast, because it is the celebration of the First Harvest of the Season. (Obviously, this is for those who celebrate the Sabbats. For those who don't, ignore this last paragraph.)

Now. THAT said, the next REAL "Blue" (belewe) Moon will be on August 18, 2016. Next year. So, you just have to wait another year to experience a REAL BLUE MOON! ;)

Summer Solstice 2016 is June 20th, which is also the first full moon of the summer season. Then, July 19th, August 18th, and September 16th, with the Autumn Equinox falling 6 days later on August 22nd.

June Full Moon Names:
Aerra Litha, Brachmanoth, Honey Moon, Lovers’ Moon, Mead Moon, Moon of Horses, Moon of Making Fat, Rose Moon, Strawberry Moon, Strong Sun Moon

July Full Moon Names:
Blessing Moon, Buck Moon, Fallow Moon, Hay Moon, Hewimanoth, Maedmonat, Meadow Moon, Moon of Blood, Moon of Claiming, Thunder Moon, Wort Moon

August Full Moon Names (in a 3-Full Moon Season):
Barley Moon, Corn Moon, Dispute Moon, Harvest Moon, Moon When Cherries Turn Black, Weodmonath

September Full Names:
Haligmonath, Harvest Moon, Moon When Deer Paw the Earth, Singing Moon, Sturgeon Moon, Wine Moon, Witumanoth

But...because there are 4 full moons that season, this throws off the August full moon names and makes it the "belewe" (blue) moon. The correct names for a "Blue Moon" are: Ancestor Moon, Blue Moon, Hunter’s Moon, Hunting Moon, Moon of the Dead.

And the energies to be called upon during this time are: Communion with the dead, Liberation, Memory, Negative thoughts & emotions released.

Now, NEXT month, September 27th is the full moon AND a lunar eclipse, which is an excellent time to do works for: Change, Full cycle, Harmony, Turning point in life, Union. You can do an entire 29 Day Lunar Cycle's worth of magic during the short time encompassed by the eclipse.

And for a quick FYI: A "Black Moon" is when there are four NEW Moons in a season. These are great for: Banishing, Beginnings, Binding, Exorcisms, Hexing, Negative magic, Revenge, Vengeance. It is an extremely powerful time for any magick workings, but especially any with a negative intent.

Stepping off soap box now!  

Blessings y'all! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Names on Petition Papers

Names on Petition Papers
I was asked this and decided that it warranted a full post on the subject.

When writing a Petition Paper with a person's name on it, which name do you use? Their given name or the name they use everyday?

We'll use my name as an example.

My given name was "Vicki". But they misspelled it on the birth certificate. It was supposed to be spelled "Vikki". Trust me when I say, this had a definitive impact on my entire life, especially as a kid.

Nicknames for given names are sometimes inappropriate and the full formal name should be the given name and the shortened version of that name should be their nickname, used by family and friends. The formal name is always used for legal purposes anyway.

When I was older and it was an appropriate time, I changed my name to the formal form of Vikki, but I chose the Russian ancestral version of it, "Viktorija" (pronounced the same as "Victoria"). When I got it changed legally, everything in my life changed for the better. And it has continued to do so since - 17 years now.

So, if you're doing a work that requires a Petition Paper, I suggest that for personal works (love, money, job, health, etc.), the paper have the person's personal name on it. In my instance that would be "Vikki".

But when doing a legal work (law, attorney's, courts, legal documents, etc.), then use the person's given name. Again, using me as the example, that would be "Viktorija".

I now there are many who would dispute this concept, and that's fine. This is what I do and what works for me. A simple test work will determine which is best for you.

Just something new to consider. :)

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Personal Lessons Offered

Personal Lessons Offered
I have been asked so many times over the years, most of which have been in the last few months, if I offered personal lessons. The answer is "yes", but it's difficult to set a particular time frame for them as I have a part time job at the local newspaper, I'm a board member of our new local farmers' market, and I make crafts to sell at the farmers' market on Saturdays.

But, I think it's time to set the time to offer these lessons. So, I am putting it out there to all y'all to ask several questions:

1) What day(s) work for you? (for me: Tuesday evenings, all day Wednesdays and Sundays)
2) What in particular do you want to learn? (be specific)
3) How long do you want each lesson to last? (i.e. would an hour be good or "as long as it takes"?)
4) Do you want physical materials (emailed lessons/information) as well or would your own notes be enough?
4) Give me YOUR ideas...

My fee is $25/hour with a 1 hour minimum. The lessons would be done via Skype and could be done individually or in conference with more than one student.

Please let me know what y'all think. I really do want to do this, so please email me: or or via Facebook.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

ChronosXP Planetary Hours Software ~ A MUST-HAVE!!!

ChronosXP Planetary Hours Software ~ A MUST-HAVE!!!
I was just introduced to this FREE software and it is GREAT!

My books and the Lesson: Seals, Sigils & Bindrunes have Planetary Hours charts and are good references, but the software you can download from this site is far better!

Once you have it downloaded and on your computer you can then open the program to put in the latitude & longitude of your city/town, what time zone you're in, set up what you'd like to have displayed, sounds (or not) when each hour changes, etc. You can even have the icon-of-the-hour on your desktop in a choice of colors & designs. :D

Now there's no more "guessing" as to the exact hour you are in, or the hour you need to do a ritual or plant your seeds or transplants (for those you plant by the lunar phases & zodiac hours like me.)

Here is the window that opens when you click the icon on your desktop:


The bottom left section (in blue) is where you will find all you need for using the program. The "Change Settings" is where you will set everything you need, which will change everything on the bottom of the window, except the last section with the city on it - this is not useful at all as it is too location-specific. By changing the latitude & longitude settings you will then have all the correct information along the bottom - and just ignore the city-specific drop-down box, unless you happen to live in or very near one of those cities. I do not, so it is of no use to me. But by putting in the latitude & longitude of my town in the "Change Settings" box, I now have everything exact...and I LOVE IT!

To find your latitude & longitude you can search online. I just use the City-Data website and put in my city, then Control "F", then type in "latitude" or "longitude", hit "Enter" and it scrolls to that word. Note that when inputting the numbers they will read (using mine as an example) Latitude: 39.35 N, Longitude: 100.44 W. To input in the software, you will enter the first number (latitude) 39 in the "hours" box and the 35 into the "minutes" box, and the same for the longitude number. There are then buttons to choose Latitude N or S or Longitude E or W. It's really very simple to figure out...and will make knowing & using the Planetary Hours sooooo much easier & faster!


ChronosXP website download page.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Workshops for 2015

Workshops for 2015
I've updated the schedule for the Workshops for 2015 on the Workshops page.

As I have taken a part time position at the local newspaper, I have altered the 5-Day Workshop down to 3 days. No material has been deleted or reduced, the hours of class have been extended to help make up for the extra presentation materials.

2015 Tentative Dates are:
2-Day Workshops ~ $500
Saturday & Sunday
May 9 & 10
July 11 & 12
August 8 & 9
October 10 & 11

3-Day Workshops ~ $750
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
June 5 - 7
September 4 - 6

For both Workshops there will be a group ritual on Saturday night, outside if weather permits.

Hours for all Workshops: 9 am - 5 pm (or later, if we're having fun and don't want to stop!)

Meals will either be cooked on-site or we go into town. Snacks & beverages will be available at all times.

I hope to hear from y'all soon so we can get together and have a great time learning & sharing!

Friday, March 14, 2014

"Ask, Believe, Receive"

"Ask, Believe, Receive"
These words have become a sort of mantra for me. They're from a show I watched about 'The Secret', which has been both heralded and lauded. From personal experience, I'll believe the "heralded" terminology!

As I've said a few times here, what we want and need is always within our grasp, it's just a matter of our level of belief. Our attitude going in will determine our outcome. If we have doubts, then it won't manifest, or may not manifest as well as wanted.

I've known this fact. I've stated it many times over many years. However, for some stupid reason, I hadn't really integrated it into a knowing concept within myself. So when I saw this show it finally really hit home. I couldn't tell you much about the show itself, but I can tell you that these 3 words hit me like a ton of bricks and took it to heart when they said, to "test it". They said to find something you need or want that is way beyond your means and then give it a time frame. Then everyday to think on it and believe it to be yours.

So I put those 3 words together in a mantra-like phrase, decided what I wanted, set a date (which was about a month later), and then several times a day I envisioned it as being here, reciting the 3-word mantra each time.

Now, everything was going great, no problems whatsoever, then about 1/2 way through the time frame I let "doubt" creep in a few times. I would immediately push it out, but you know what "doubt" feels like - a little "spot" in the back of your mind that says, "HA! You're nuts! It'll never work!" This went on for about 4 days, when I suddenly, and very consciously told that "Doubt" to "FUCK OFF! I will Ask, BELIEVE, and Receive!"

From then on, no more "doubt". Then, on the due-date I had set, WE RECEIVED IT!

So, what was it that we received? What was it I wanted? What was my "test"? I wanted the money to come so my husband could open a machine shop again. And so we are now in the process of doing so.

The only thing that didn't fully work out was the amount we received. My doubt caused this. But that other number was only so we'd have "extra". Which I guess we didn't "need"'s just always nice to have "extra"! LOL

Having achieved this great goal, I am now working on finding another. I have one in mind, but I have to figure out how I want it to manifest fully first. Once that is completed, then I will begin my "Ask, Believe, Receive" mantra reciting all over again.

So, if y'all are trying to get something, but you're still allowing "Doubt" to hinder you - tell that "Doubt" to take a hike! "See" what you want as already "being", then "Ask" for it and "Believe" it to be yours, and watch for you to "Receive" it.

This is the most powerful "spell" anyone can do.......FOR THEMSELVES!

Those of us who work spells & rituals live this everyday. But even we have "doubt" in the back of our minds at times. It is that doubt which kill or nullifies or diminishes that which we're trying to work, either for ourselves or our clients. When I do works for a client I am putting my belief in my ability to work with the Divine to bring about that which the client wants or needs. But I always have the fear that the client may be working against it all, just through their own self-doubt or doubt in the ability of what ever it is they're wanting, to manifest. We can only do so much for our clients. The clients must understand that they must also do their fair share of the work; they absolutely must BELIEVE that what they want or need is theirs, without a doubt!

That's my rant for the day, but I hope y'all will believe me and take it and try it out. You'll be surprised at your own power at bringing to you that which you want or need. You really DO NOT NEED us! YOU can do it all by YOURSELF - if you only believe it! :)

Try it and see!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Lesson 7: Uses for Your Amulets & Talismans (and other symbols of magick)

Lesson 7: Uses for Your Amulets & Talismans (and other symbols of magick)
This last lesson will be “short & sweet”. A kind of “how-to” and “why-to”.

So you’ve now taken Level I of Seals, Sigils, & Bindrunes. 

What do you do with this information? Ooooh! There are LOTS of things to do with this!

I mean really, is it absolutely something you HAVE to use in your Craft Path? Duh! Of course not! Its up to you what you want or don’t want to incorporate into your magickal work and life.

What is the point in learning something you’re not going to use anyway? Knowledge is never a waste of time! Even if you don’t use this information now, you may at a later date. OR you may be able to help someone else - which is even better.

HOW do you use it, other than trying to make objects with materials you either don’t have or have no access to? Necessity is the mother of invention! THINK! Look around your environment and see where you need specific energies to be brought in - or kept out. THAT is where you begin. From there you decide what you need. If you don’t have the materials, then improvise! Be creative! Think OUTSIDE the box. Hell, you live outside the box already - you’re a Witch! Our predecessors certainly didn’t have everything at their fingertips and they did just fine.

Now I’ll give you some ideas to begin working with right away.

Protection Bindrune for the House:
Marker or Pen
Bindrune of your own choice & design
Doorsills & Windowsills

1) Design your Protection Bind rune (or what ever you choose to use).

2) Take your marker or pen and draw that Bindrune on all 4 sills of all your doors & windows. (Mine are about ¼” in size and placed at eye height, center top, and center bottom of the inside of the door sill, so the door covers it when it closes. And similarly placed on the inside of my window sills).

3) As you draw your Protection Bindrunes say your charm.

4) DONE! You’ve now used your own Bindrune to protect and empower your home. 

A variation of this idea I used in our 100 year old tobacco barn which we’d stripped out and enclosed for master suite upstairs, and downstairs, a guest apartment and a craft room for me. On all four corners I placed the appropriate Direction symbol, a 4-Leaf Clover and several other symbols. I simply drew them using the marker color associated with that Direction (green-North, yellow-East, red-South, blue-West). Before the concrete floor was laid I drew a pentacle in the dirt, so it was there - permanently - when the concrete was poured.

Office - Find (or design) a symbol that represents “work” or “study” for you. Write it inside your desk somewhere

Kitchen - Find (or design) a symbol that represents the deity who oversees your kitchen and the “homey“ things of your house (mine is Brigid) and place that symbol somewhere in your kitchen. You can hide it or make it a piece of art for the wall. And no one but you will know what it is!

Bathroom - Find (or design) a symbol that represents cleansing, consecration, relaxation, personal beauty, etc. - whatever - and place that symbol in your bathroom somewhere. Hidden or visible, its your choice.

Closet - Children hate closets, so help them make an “anti-boogey man” symbol and have them place it in their closet, or where ever it is that THEY want it. Not you. Them. Its THEIR room and THEIR Boogey-Man fight. (When my boys were little - they’re now 26 & 27 - I had to keep a specific set of sheets on the extra bed. Those sheets had big realistic lion faces all over. Those lions “saved” my sons on many nights…..and let us sleep! I also drew a lion for them to color and placed them on the wall).

Mirrors - Draw a symbol of your choice on the back or, if you can’t get to the back, use your finger and draw it invisibly across the front.

Vehicle - Place a travel protection and “healthy vehicle” symbol of your choice in the glove box, or where ever you want, so that you are protected while in your vehicle. I have a mojo bag of herbs, a Chariot Tarot card, a large quartz crystal in the armrest console, and a Bindrune talisman hanging from the mirror.

Property Line - Bury a crystal at each of the points of your property line and a symbol or symbols written on a piece of paper. Say a charm over it after you’ve buried it.

I could go on and on. The ideas and options are endless.

These are just simple ideas using simple symbols, some ancient, some designed by you, for any type of magickal need that you may have. If you’re ready for a bit more in-depth symbols and ideas on how to use them, then you are welcome to join us in Level II of Seals, Sigils, & Bindrunes.

Copyright 2010, Granny Tackett

Lesson 6: Amulets & Talismans

Lesson 6: Amulets & Talismans
The subject of amulets & talismans can get somewhat confusing. I will be providing more in-depth clarification and usage in Level II, but as this lesson is specifically about Amulets & Talismans, I feel it is important to provide some deeper material here.

For some “clarification” I’m going to touch briefly on the term “man-made” in regards to talismans. By “man-made” I am referring to metals smelted into a form, clays that are molded to shape, wood that is cut to size & shape, rocks or stones that are soft enough to cut into, etc.. Each of these then are inscribed in some manner with the appropriate design and empowering inscription.

Another term that adds to the confusion of amulets & talismans is “charms“. All three of these terms are used interchangeably, and there’s really no problem with it, but I’m one of those finicky people who prefer to know, and be able to express, facts.

So, here are the definitions of each:

A magickally charged natural object used to give protection, good fortune, luck, and health to it's carrier. It deflects specific negative energies or thoughts and brings the positive energies. The amulet can be made of stones, crystals, feathers, plants, wood or bone beads, etc. An example of a simple amulet would be the four-leaf clover. Usually these are made into jewelry so it may be worn, visibly, next to the body for added protection. Not to be confused with a talisman. 

Usually described as an amulet or talisman which is instilled with Magickal energy for a specific task such as protection from danger or to find love. However, it is actually a magickal song or incantation that is chanted as a spell. It can also be chanted over an amulet or talisman to consecrate and empower it with a magickal purpose. A charm is also a small representative object (animal, flower, cross, moon, sun, etc.) worn usually on a bracelet or necklace, but these have nothing to do with magickal uses.

A man-made object that has been ritually charged with power, usually under specific astrological influences, to attract to it’s bearer a specific type of energy. is kept close to the bearer at all times, but is not worn visibly. It is kept hidden. An example of a talisman is the heart, the horseshoe, the Cross, the Pentacle, etc.. Not to be confused with an amulet. 

Here is a quick-look for easy remembering of each and what they do:

Amulets pull energy. May be worn visibly.
Talismans push energy. Are kept hidden.
Charms enhance energy. Words spoken over amulets or talismans to empower them further.

Ok, lets move on now.

An amulet can be one simple natural object or a combination of several. Some of the prettiest I’ve seen were made from woven & wound thin vines that were then decorated with other natural objects such as small feathers, shells, dried flowers, and even semi-precious stones. These are then empowered with a charm (spell words) and then placed where they are needed. Small ones could be kept in a purse or wallet, larger ones may be used for decoration. And no one would know that they are magickally empowered!

I have 2 very small sparrow bird nests that I will be making into amulets for bringing the beauty & peace of nature to my home. I’ve already made one large bird nest & vine amulet that has fall leaves, feathers and tiny bird eggshells in the nest. Although it is about 18” x 12” in size and could be considered “just“ a decoration, it is more than that. It is a type of amulet, albeit a large one. Perfect for a house. It is very delicate and I haven’t found the ‘perfect’ spot for it yet, but it will be hung somewhere in the guest room. Eventually it will tell me where it wants to hang permanently. The guest room is decorated like a Faery rose garden and has my Faery altar in there, as well as a rock painted with a Faery Door on it so they can come & go as they please. I’ve included a picture of the vine & nest amulet below:

Image 1: Bird Nest Amulet

So, as you can see amulets don’t have to be small and only worn on the body. They just need to be near the bearer. And in my home is about as close as you can get to being “near” me. The same would go for you!

Before actually making the amulet it is best to instill the intent of the finished object into each of the elements being placed in the amulet. Whether actual words or just visualizing what your intent is for the finished amulet, no other thoughts should be present or they will affect your finished product. So don’t be angry and in a bad mood when you’re trying to collect the materials for making an amulet for peace & harmony! And don’t be thinking about all those bills you owe when you’re making an amulet for bringing you money! Remember, thoughts have power!

Also, while gathering the items for the project, consider the energies of the elements you’re gathering. Try not to put together things that their energies would clash or “fight” against each other. For the most part, things found in the same general area will work together. But, for example, if I was to throw in a beach shell in the above amulet, it would throw the balance of energies off. However in the same vein, where we live it was once an ocean millions of years ago. I have found several shells & fossils here on the property that could fit very well with this amulet, if I felt it needed it.

Another thing to consider; everyone is different is this regard but just a note I think I should touch on here. For the amulet above I did use a hot glue gun in some locations to hold the objects in place in the position that I wanted. Many of the pieces I was able to just weave into the vine, but there are a few spots where glue became necessary. Some people absolutely refuse to use “unnatural” glues and things to hold their pieces together. That is completely up to you. For me, it was easier to glue a few of the heavier pieces and a few lighter weight pieces were tied with cotton thread. You do what you are most comfortable with. Personally, I think the Fae, Gods/Goddesses, Spirits, Energies, etc. are more concerned with the intent & purpose of the object than the specifics & beauty of the final item.

An Arabic saying that I’ve always liked is: “Only Allah can make something perfect”. The Arab craftspeople always, purposely, place at least one flaw in their work. Only the Gods are perfect and can make perfect. We can only do our best to emulate those abilities. And I think that’s all they’re concerned about - our efforts towards the finished product, including ourselves as a “finished product“. 

For talismans, whether a burned-in design on a wood disk, etched-in design on sculpted clay, or an inscribed precious metal pendant, the formula is the same; they always have a design or symbol on the front and an inscription, symbol or Bindrune on the back. 

I have included here a talisman I made for my best friend, Lady Venus. Her Deities are God Ra and Goddess Venus. It is made from a piece of a 40’ tall Silver Birch tree in our woods that was topped off (the top third snapped off) in a very heavy wind storm in early Spring of ‘08. I have “harvested” much of the beautiful white wood branches and the trunk top, using them in making Rune sets, talismans, amulets and other crafts.

Birch is perfect for amulet and talisman making because of its magick properties: Amulets, Beginnings, Besom making, Blessing, Dedications, Exorcism, Health, Initiation rites, Love, Overcoming difficulties, Protection, Purification, Repels negative energies, Talismans.

The front of Lady Venus’ talisman is the face of the Goddess Venus and on the back is the symbol the Eye of Ra. I burned these designs into the wood, sealed the wood and strung it with a gold ribbon. Although there is no written inscription on it that is seen, there is a very powerful spell of protection that was done over it while it was being made, then consecrated afterward, and a Bindrune was drawn on it with my finger. Lady Venus has this hanging from her car mirror for protection. Once consecrated I never touched it with my bare hands again. The only one to touch it next was Lady Venus when she opened the package. That way there were no “foreign” energies attached to it when she received it.

Below are pictures of the front and back of Lady Venus’ talisman:

              Image 2: Lady Venus’ Talisman            Image 3: Lady Venus’ Talisman
                    Front - Goddess Venus                                Back - God Ra
Symbols of Magick
The number of symbols that are available for use in talisman making is enumerable. There are symbols that are used in Low Magick that are known to even the newest Witch, and others that are found mainly in High Magick and are known only to the highest Adept. 

These symbols bring a deeper level of power to a Witch’s magickal workings. Many of them contain powers unto themselves and work best alone, and others work better in conjunction with several symbols, especially magickal alphabets.

Following are simple, basic, symbols that can be used in talisman making. Learning what they are and how to use them can be of great benefit to your Craft skills. This list will only touch on each, for more in-depth information look them up in an online search engine. 


Also called an Anshet. It is a cleansed and consecrated ceremonial knife used in ritual work. It has a double edged blade and a black handle. It is used to direct personal power during ritual workings and is never used to cut anything on the material plane. It’s Element is Fire in some Traditions and Air in others, and it’s direction is East (which would coincide with Air).  It is a male symbol who’s opposite is the female symbol of the chalice. 


This is the most recognizable of the Witch’s tools. It is the Womb of the Goddess, the Cauldron of Inspiration. Its Element is Water, its direction is Center and its energy is female. Traditionally these are made of cast iron and have three legs, but a bowl will work just as well. It is often used for scrying.




Faery Star

This 7-pointed star, also referred to as a septagram, and is referred to as the Elvin Star and the Fairy Star by practitioners of Faery Wicca. This symbol represents the 7 Pathways of Manifestation of the Higher Self as well as the 7 classical astrological planets, they’re corresponding days, metals, and the 7 Sefiroth of the Tree of Life.

Point: Top
Day: Sunday
Planet: Sun
Metal: Gold
God: N/A
Sephirith: Tifereth

Point: Bottom Right
Day: Monday
Planet: Moon
Metal: Silver
God: N/A
Sephiroth: Yesod

Point: Top Left
Day: Tuesday
Planet: Mars
Metal: Iron
God: Tiw
Sephiroth: Geburah

Point: Lower Right
Day: Wednesday
Planet: Mercury
Metal: Quicksilver
God: Woden
Sephiroth: Hod

Point: Lower Left
Day: Thursday
Planet: Jupiter
Metal: Tin
God: Thor
Sephiroth: Chesed

Point: Top Right
Day: Friday
Planet: Venus
Metal: Copper
God: Venus
Sephiroth: Netsach

Point: Bottom Left
Day: Saturday
Planet: Saturn
Metal: Lead
God: Saturn
Sephiroth: Binah

Four-Leaf Clover

Four leaf clovers are an aberration of the three leaf clover, the White Clover (Trifolium repens). The clover is the original shamrock plant of Ireland and that country’s unofficial state symbol. The regular three-leaf clovers are “good luck” amulets often kept in the purse or wallet to bring good luck to its bearer, and anyone lucky enough to find a four-leaf clover is blessed with even more good luck!

This is the symbol used when depicting the God.
God Position
The position to stand in when invoking the God.

This is the symbol used when depicting the Goddess.    
Goddess Position
The position to stand in when invoking the Goddess.

God & Goddess

This symbol represents both the God & Goddess.


The obvious symbol of “love”, as well as other emotional issues.
Magickal Alphabets
Angelic Alphabet:

The Angelic Script, also referred to as the Alphabet of the Ark, is derived from the Hebrew alphabet.  During the early Christian era the study of angels was a very serious subject conducted by only a select portion of the population that was permitted to learn to read, namely the nobility and the clergy.   As a result there was strict adherence to rules and guidelines that had to be observed.  To disobey was considered treasonous or heresy and subject to severe penalties including death. From these studies the names of Angels were created by altering the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. 

Enochian Alphabet:

This script dates back to the sixteenth century.  It was used by Dr. John Dee and Sir Edward Kelley in the sixteenth century during their spirit communications, many of which were carried out at the royal request of Queen Elizabeth I.

Hebrew Alphabet:

One of the oldest written languages which was derived from ancient Phoenician script.  It fell out of use about 2500 years ago and was replaced with Aramaic.  It has since been revived about the time the State of Israel was formed after World War II.

Runes (Elder Futhark):

The Runes are divided into three groups called an Aett. Each Aett is named for a Norse God: Frey, Hagel and Tyr.  The first, Frey’s Aett, consist of the secrets of creation and the sequence of events that occurred when time began. The Runes is this set are: Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raidho, Kaunaz, Gebo, Wunjo. The second, Hagel’s Aett, contain the dark secrets of fate that can make their presence felt. The Runes in this set are: Hagalaz, Nauthiz, Isa, Jera, Eihwaz, Pertho, Algiz, Sowelo. The third, Tyr’s Aett, refers to humans and the earthly, material plane. The Runes in this set are: Tiwaz, Berkana, Ehwaz, Mannaz, laguz, Inguz, Othila, Dagaz. The blank Rune, Wyrd, is included in this last set.

In many modern Rune sets there is a blank Rune called "Wyrd" (pronounced weerd). This is a modern day creation that many believe should not be used. (It‘s your choice to decide). Its concept is that things are in the hands of the “Fates” and are beyond your knowing at the time.

Syrian/Phoenician Alphabet:

This is an ancient language called Syriac dating back to 1000 B.C.E.  It is believed that the Greek and Hebrew alphabets were developed from the Phoenician. (There are no symbols for W, X, Y, Z).

Trondheim: (TROND-hime)

This is an ancient Norwegian alphabet.  (There are no symbols for Y, Z).

Witch’s/Theban Alphabet: (THEE-ben)

One of the Magickal Alphabets. This alphabet is reputed to have been invented by Honorius of Thebes. It is often referred to as the “Runes of Honorius”, or the “Theban Alphabet”. Its supposed first appearance was in Cornelius Agrippa’s book  De Occulta Philosophia (The Book of Occult Philosophy), Book III, Chapter XXIX which was published in Latin in 1533. In his book, Agrippa mentions that this alphabet was attributed to Honorius by the medieval magician Petrus de Apono (1250-1316). Later, Francis Barrett, an English author on magic reproduced the Theban Alphabet in Book II, Part I, Chapter XIV of his publication The Magus.


These symbols can be used singly or in conjunction with each other for representing the Maiden, Mother, and Crone.

Miscellaneous Symbols

Moon Phases


It is a representation of all the Elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water, with Spirit at the uppermost point. All are encompassed within a circle which represents unity; sacred space;  “As Above, So Below“; the horizon line at which point the earth meets the sky; endless time and the cycles which always bring us back to the beginning - birth, death, rebirth.

The upward facing pentacle represents Spirit ascending from matter. The downward facing pentacle represents Spirit descending into matter.

Pentacle Element positions:
Top - Spirit
Upper Left - Air
Lower Left - Earth
Lower Right - Fire
Upper Right - Water

On the Witch’s altar it represents the Element of Earth and its direction is North (for most Traditions, for some its direction is East).

To invoke each individual Element, draw the pentacle accordingly:

Earth invoking pentagram upper right-across to upper left-lower right-top-lower left-upper right.

Air invoking pentagram top-bottom left-upper right-across to upper left-lower right-top. 

Fire invoking pentagram top-bottom right-upper left-across to upper right-lower left-top.

Water invoking pentagram upper left-across to upper right-lower left-top-lower right-upper left.

Banishing pentagrams are drawn away from the Element, while invoking pentagrams are drawn to the Element.

This is a five pointed star that is a representation of the Earth Element, its direction is North and it is a female energy.  It is an invoking pentagram. The five points have had numerous meanings over the centuries such as: the Five Senses with the center representing the sixth sense; the Four Elements - Earth Air, Fire, Water and Spirit at the apex; and the Five Stages of Life - Birth, Youth, Adulthood, Old Age and Death.

Until the time of the Inquisition it was a symbol of many belief systems, including Christian, that represented truth and protection for the one bearing it.




This is the symbol of the Fifth Element, Spirit, also called Akasha, and means “coming into being”. Many Magickal workings incorporate this symbol into the ritual, the direction of the spiral determining the direction of the energy “from Above“ or “from Below“. The left-circling spiral represents the Divine’s influence coming down from Above, spirituality. The right-circling spiral represents the Human’s striving from Below, re-birth.



A magickal sign of protection used in the Middle Ages. It is a less common form of the Valknut or Odin’s Knot that is the connection of three Othila runes. Othila represents Odin, the King of the Gods, the All-Father and bestows the virtues of leadership, nobility, loyalty and inheritance.


This is a three pronged staff or spear from the Latin words tridentis, from tri meaning “three” and dentes meaning “teeth“. Originally it was used by fisherman for spear fishing, as well as a weapon used by gladiators who first netted their victims then used the trident to kill them. There are a couple of Pagan usage definitions for this: the first is that it represents a triple-phallus of any male deity who is to unite sexually with the Triple Goddess; the second representation is that it is the triple-pronged spear that belongs to the Sea Gods Neptune & Poseidon.
Triple Moon

This is a modern fabrication not an ancient concept. There’s nothing wrong in believing it, but just know the truth of it. History in general, and Paganism specifically have too many falsehoods written into it without us regenerating the same myths as fact.

The concept of the Triple Goddess as One comes from Robert Graves’ book The White Goddess, published in 1948. Originally, the Triple Goddess was in fact three separate women, approximately the same age, married or unmarried or both. Each woman represented their particular skill, such as poet, smith, doctor, etc. She was a multi-faceted goddess, master of many arts, not just one, a protectress and patron of the tribe.

In modern Paganism the Goddess’s embodying this triple aspect within themselves (as opposed to separately) include, but are not limited to: Brigid (Celtic), Carmenta (Roman), Hecate (Greek), Helice (Greek), Hina (Polynesian), Ishtar (Babylonian), Kali (Indian), the Morrigan (Celtic), etc.

Triquetra (tri-KET-ra)

This Latin word refers to a three cornered symbol that represents the Holy Trinity to Christians, the Goddess to the Celts and Odin to the Norse. Due to its “three in one” nature, it was perfect for the Christian’s to adopt and adapt it to their “Father, Son and Holy Spirit” concept. 

Triskelion (tri-SKEL-yon)

This Celtic symbol of open-ended, overlapping triangles represent the Fates or other various triplicities. 

Valknot (VAL-not)

Also referred to as Valknut, Odin‘s Knot, Boromean Triangles, Hrungnir’s Heart, Heart of the Slain and Heart of Vala. This is a symbol of three interlocking triangles and nine points which suggest rebirth, pregnancy and cycles of reincarnation. It was placed on the graves of Viking warriors to ensure their safe passage into Odin’s Castle of the Slain in Valhalla. The nine points also represent the Nine Worlds and the Nine Fates of the Norse Pantheon. Their interconnectedness suggests the belief in the relationship between the three realms of heaven, earth and hell as well as the nine domains they contain.


Traditionally, the Witch finds a yearling tree from which to choose a branch for the wand.  It should be cut in a single stroke (DO ask the tree‘s permission first and be sure to leave an offering), at sunrise on a Wednesday. Some Witches prefer to just find a branch that has already fallen to the ground. The length of the wand should be no longer than the distance from the elbow to the fingertips. Its Element is Fire or Air, depending on the Tradition, and the energy is male.

Rain           Storm


Yin is lunar energy; feminine; soft; small; earth; floral; round; horizontal; dark; cool; cold; low; negative; passive. Yang is solar energy; masculine; hard; large; sky; geometric; straight; vertical; light; warm; hot; high; positive; active. They are the concept of opposites represented in everything in the universe. 

The Yin/Yang symbol shows two teardrop shapes one embracing the other, one black and one white. Inside each teardrop is a circle of the opposite color showing that each encompasses attributes of the other. You can’t have one without the other. Ch’i is the essential energy that connects, moves and gives life to everything.


These are the symbols of the Western Zodiac, and the ones most often used, plus the addition of Ophiucus, which is the planet that has entered the Zodiacal Belt. (There are others from many other cultural zodiacs which will be covered more in-depth in Level II).

As I stated previously, there are enumerable symbols to found and used. It is just a matter of knowing your intent, being familiar with the symbols you need, knowing how and when to work them together, and being in the right frame of mind when doing the work.

When using symbols and magickal alphabets and charms in your amulet and talisman making, just as when using herbs and stones and deities in your other magickal working, be careful to combine only those ‘ingredients’ into the ‘formula’ which will work cohesively together.

A “war” of energies is NOT what you want on your talisman or amulet…….well, maybe it is, but that’s for a much, much later lesson!

Copyright 2010, Granny Tackett