Showing posts with label Correction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Correction. Show all posts

Friday, December 7, 2012

Correcting My Own Misinformation on the Nature Sack

Correcting My Own Misinformation on the Nature Sack
There is nothing I hate worse than misinformation that is continuously passed on as fact. And I am guilty of this as well, for which I whole-heartedly apologize! That said, I would like to correct that misinformation now.

In my March 26, 2012 post, "The Nation Sack" I incorrectly gave misinformation regarding this hoodoo product and its history. Please follow the link to an article on about the Nature Sack for its true history.

I have to admit that when I first heard and read about the "Nation" Sack that it just didn't make sense, considering what its purpose was. I can remember thinking that it had to be "Nature" Sack, but who was I to question "the teachers" when I was only "the student" looking to learn. I now stand corrected and hope others will follow suit and correct themselves when they also find they've unknowingly disseminated misinformation.

So, I apologize for my ignorance, and I hope this retraction will be accepted.