Showing posts with label Protection Spells. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Protection Spells. Show all posts

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Super Blood Moon Eclipse Tonight!

Super Blood Moon Eclipse Tonight!

If you don't know it already, then here you the Super Blood Moon Eclipse! An event that will not occur for another 18 years! So start planning now for rituals & spells for EVERYTHING you want, because THIS cosmic event has the power & energy to bring you everything you ask for...FAST!


Saturday, January 31, 2015

God's Eye for a Client

God's Eye for a Client
The God's Eye, or Ojo de Dios in Spanish (sounds so much prettier too!) is a craft many of us learned in grade school, using Popsicle sticks and yarn. But did you know that it is also a minor art form? In any images search engine look them up and you will find some incredible pieces of work!

According to Wikipedia (I know, not really the most definitive source for information, but it's ok in a pinch), "The weaving of an Ojo de Dios is an ancient contemplative and spiritual practice for many indigenous peoples in the Americas, and beliefs surrounding them vary with location and history. Some people believe they were originally part of the sophisticated religion of the Ancient Pueblo Peoples....Ojos de Dios have traditionally been created for celebration or blessing, presented as a gift or designed to bless a home. Often they reflect a confidence in all-seeing Providence. The spiritual eye has the power to see and understand things unknown to the physical eye. During Spanish colonial times in New Mexico, from the 1500s to the 1800s, Ojos de Dios were placed where people worked, or where they walked along a trail (Mager, 2012). Traditional Ojos de Dios are frequently woven in solitude, as part of an extended meditation or prayer. In other settings, their construction is one aspect of longstanding communal engagement and connection. For centuries, young people in the mountains of New Mexico have made Ojos de Dios in learning circles (wisdom circles) with their elders. In other parts of the 'New World' they were used as ritual objects or for rites of passage. Today, artisans weave complicated or variegated versions of the traditional Ojo de Dios, selling them as decorations or religious objects. There has also been a huge increase in the use of Ojos de Dios as an easy and fun craft for children, but with the meditative and collaborative aspects removed."

Finally, their article states "The Ojo de Dios or God's Eye is a ritual tool, magical object, and cultural symbol evoking the weaving motif and its spiritual associations for the Huichol and Tepehuan Indians of western Mexico. The God's Eye is symbolic of the power of seeing and understanding that which is unknown and unknowable, The Mystery. The four points represent the elemental processes: earth, fire, air, and water. The Huichol call their God's eyes Sikuli, which means "the power to see and understand things unknown." When a child is born, the central eye is woven by the father, then one eye is added for every year of the child's life until the child reaches the age of five. Original Tepehuan Crosses are extremely rare to come by. There are many that are being made for the tourist market, but they do not carry the same traditional and spiritual significance."

Well, I have a client who is in need of quite a bit of protection from neighbors and just all-around nasty people who are causing him and his animals harm. Along with other things, I decided that a God's Eye hanging in his window would be a great visual deterrent for those who understand what they are. And for those who don't...well, their subconscious will give them an "idea".

To make this God's Eye even more powerful I also attached a large Turkish Evil Eye bead in the center. The Turkish Evil Eyes are used for protection "to guard themselves from such not-so-well-meaning people with their necessarily evil eyes. 

The Turkish Evil Eye Pendant or the Nazar Boncugu, which literally means the "evil eye bead", is actually a stone bead, which is worn to protect oneself from evil looks. The stone is an amalgamation of molten glass, iron, copper, water and salt. This particular combination of minerals and metals is believed to provide a shield from the forces of evil....It is believed that the Nazar Boncugu deflects the negative energy that is being directed towards a person onto itself, thus dispersing its powers. 

The Nazar Boncugu is blue in color and the age-old Anatolian belief is that it is actually the blue color of the stone, which holds the real shielding power and absorbs the negative energy." (Turkey for You)

The client's favorite color is Ferrari Red, so I promised I'd add it to the piece. Once I finished it I mailed a picture of it to him...he loved it. (whew! I always worry that items won't be as they think or hope.)

After finishing it I placed it on the altar for consecration, and once all of the ritual works are done I'll mail it and everything else he ordered to him.

Here's the 12" God's Eye with the Turkish Evil Eye bead:

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Spider Webs

Spider Webs
I've posted on this subject before, but I found that meme below and had to share it!

Using spider webs is fun, even if it is a bit creepy to gather.

Use in your binding works to keep the intended tied up.

You could even reverse that and have the "spider about to get the fly" - wrap a tiny poppet in the webs and place a toy spider on or near it - this would be an effective curse for someone who needs to get their just due, or a curse of ill-health.

Add spider webs to a potion (not to be consumed!!) or a powder such as binding someone to you or themselves, a stay-put potion so they can't leave, or to make their job or life too confining and miserable.

Think outside the box and you can find lots of ways to use so many things!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Clootie Tree

The Clootie Tree
Also called a Clootie Tree, Cloutie Tree, Raggy Tree, Wish Tree or Wytch Tree. Strips of cloth or ribbon representing a wish or a need (usually a physical healing) to be granted were tied to the branches of the tree. As the cloth or ribbons fluttered in the wind the request was carried on the wind to be manifest by the Gods or Saints (depending on the belief system of the person placing it on the tree).

(This one is not mine, but I'm hoping it will look like this in time!)

The word “clootie” in Scottish, means “cloth”. In various parts of the British Isles and across northern Europe, the tradition of tying a piece of cloth to a (usually Hawthorn) tree near holy wells is still relatively common. After taking water from the well, the people then take a piece of their clothing (or just a piece of cloth), dip it into the water and tie it to the tree. If it was for healing, then the wetted cloth would be used to wash the affected part of the person's body. The illness would then dissipate as the cloth disintegrated. The tree is a symbol of long life and health, and water is the essence of life.

This practice was brought to America with the immigrants, and can be found throughout the south, the Appalachias, and other areas where they settled.

As these cloths are tied to hold them to the tree, this is also a form of Knot Magic. As the cloths become more ragged in the wind, they will disintegrate, but the knot will continue to hold it in place. In time the entire piece will eventually fall off and blow away, but it will take such a considerable amount of time, imagine how much of a blessing it will have bestowed upon those who placed it there!

I have started one here in our front, tying strips of cloth cut from beautiful old men's ties I had collected for my crafts. They have all kinds of beautiful colors, but as there aren't too many on the tree as yet, they're barely noticeable. I have decided that I will begin adding one each week for either a specific blessing request, or just to bless the week coming in general. As I tie each of the clooties, I will envision what it is for specifically, as well as recite this spell for it and the others on the tree.

Clootie Tree Spell
Clootie, Cloutie, Raggy, Wish & Wytch
I tie this cloth for the wind to toss & pitch
Branch of tree hold the cloth real tight
To keep the blessings flowing right
Blessings to us on the wind do send
Long life, good health, and wealth are ours til the end

We have a well, but it's not quite like the old ones the people dipped out of, so I will use the birdbath under the tree as my "well". It is very dry here, so I will have to remember to keep it filled. :)

For those living in an apartment or other small place, you don't have to have a yard with a tree to do this. A small potted tree or branching plant can be used, just cut your cloth strips to an appropriate size so as not to over-power the tree or plant.

For anyone who does this, or has done this, why not share it on the Hoodoo Hill's Facebook page? I will set up a photo album specifically for everyone to share their works (Clootie Trees, rituals, dolls, and crafts - whatever). I'd love to see what you come up with!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

JuJu Dolls for a Clients Protection and to Get Pregnant

JuJu Dolls for a Clients Protection and to Get Pregnant
A friend of mine that I recently re-connected with on Facebook, and what is so interesting is that I've been trying for years to find her and her family, but couldn't. And apparently they've been trying to find us as well! During our first conversation she mentioned that she and her husband had gone to a psychic who told them that he had a curse on him and that to remove it, and for them to get pregnant, she would cleanse the house and consecrate a Cross for them. For $2,800! WTF?? Scamming bitch.

They had already paid $800 and were due to finally (after months & months of saving) going to make the $2000 payment that Friday. We found each other on Wednesday...yeah, tell me that's not the Divine stepping in! I'll tell you you're full of shit too. ;)

She had finally married the man she was with and they're trying to get pregnant - been trying for 2 years now. She already has 3 boys, 20, 18, and 16, so she's been a bit hesitant and it has, of course affected her body's allowing her to get pregnant. I told her I'd love to help, with both the cleansing and the pregnancy.

They had to cleanse the house first, because apparently his ex-wife had cursed him years ago. My friend's youngest son is the one that found it hidden in the attic. He was about 11 or 12 at the time. Not knowing what it was, he picked it up and handled it. Luckily, it did no harm to him, but it has done harm to it's Intended Victim, which I've since removed.

She wanted to know how much I would charge them, but being my friend, I told her that while my fees are WAAAAAAAYYYYYY less than what that scammer was charging, and that I would do hers for nothing because 1) they'd already paid waaaaay too much, and 2) I would really love to help clear the way so they can have a baby. So I told her how to cleanse the house of the negative energies that may still be there and then purify it to bring in the positive energies (they're in TX, I'm in KS, so I couldn't do it personally, other than a ritual from here as well). And then I told her about the dolls I make, which she jumped at and requested a couple of the JuJu Dolls immediately. One for Home Protection & Blessings (to hang above the front door), and the other for Love & Fertility (to be hung above the bedroom door or above the bed).

So we did a couple of works and I made her Dolls specifically for those intents, as well as little poppets to place between the mattress, one for her and one for him (the curse on him really did a number psychologically and he's having a hard time getting over it). 

 This is the Love & Fertility Doll - she is filled will a number of love herbs and several for pregnancy & birth.
I had told her that the baby would be a girl, and when I was making this doll's 'hair', I made 5 strands of green and 2 strands of pink. There are 5 people in the family now, her, her husband, and her 3 boys. It will be interesting to see if she has 2 girls over time, or 2 twin girls, which was what I saw first. The twin girls was also what I'd told her years ago when I did a reading for her....should be interesting to see what happens!

This is the Protection & Blessings Doll - she also is filled with a number of appropriate herbs for her intent. For some reason she was a lot of fun to make. :)

So, if anyone is interested in having a special JuJu Doll made for what ever purpose you need, contact me!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Protection Spells for Our New Home

Protection Spells for Our New Home
As most of y'all know, we bought an old church & one-room schoolhouse on 3 3/4+/- acres in northwest Kansas and are renovating them. The schoolhouse is our home, and the huge church building is my husband's machine shop upstairs and my craft room and altar room downstairs.

As they are in the church, I consider them on sacred ground and thus protected by the Divine due to the many prayers and services and weddings and memorials that were held there for the 50+ years it was in use. Having sat vacant for 30+ years, the energies has settled and become dormant to an extent, but they're still there. I can feel it coming alive now, ever since we began clearing out the debris and trash that had been dumped there over the years. And a true blessing has been finding that Owls have taken up residence in the rafters. They'll have to be closed out permanently, but we're going to build them a house on one of the unused power poles behind the church. Hopefully they'll take up residence there rather than move away completely.

We call this one "Bam-Bam".

We call this one "Pebbles".

The Owl's Correspondences are:
Change, Contemplative, Darkness, Death, Deception clearing, Detachment, Discernment of motives & actions of others, Divination, Enlightenment, Extraction of secrets hidden within self or others, Fate seer, Hearing, Insight, Messenger of Death, Moon magick, Night magick, Omens, Patience, Riddler, Scrutiny, Seeing hidden motives, Silence, Solitude, Swift & exacting judgment, Totem of Mystics & Clairvoyants, Truth, Vision, Watcher, Wisdom, World view

Sacred to:
Annis the Blue Hag, Artemis, Asclepias, Athena, Blodeuwedd, Gwy, Hecate, Lilith, Minerva, Native American totem, Nyctimene, Persephone, Tlazolteotl

I consider these Owls to be extremely good blessings!

As for particular spells I will be doing around the house as we complete more of the projects, I have several planned:

1) When the window sills are finally put in place, I will pour a line of red brick dust first, then place the sill over it, sealing it in permanently. Also, each window (and there are alot of them) will have a SATOR Square inscribed on each sill around the window pryor to the finished sill trim being put in place and painted.

2) We have wood floors that need refinishing, so when they are at the point of sealing I will first draw on the floor with the brush a very large pentacle (a pentagram with a circle around it) of protection. I haven't decided yet, but I am considering a large one in the center, and 4 others in the corners, basically producing a Quincunx Cross. Each pentacle will be drawn according to what I wish to draw from that particular direction.

3) I will print out several of the Seals of Solomon to be attached to the back of the sheetrock as it is going up on the walls, both for protection, as well as for the blessings each bestows. There will also be Seals that are placed in the shops to bring in customers and income. (To see each Seal of Solomon I've chosen, go to the Lesson: Magic Seals of Solomon).

Shop's Seals of Solomon:
1st Pentacle of Saturn - Designed to compel others to submit to the possessor's wishes & requests.

2nd Pentacle of Saturn - Of great value when meeting with adversaries in business or competitions of any kind. It should be carried when looking for work or negotiating any financial contracts.

4th Pentacle of Saturn - This seal is liked by those who wish to impose their will upon others. It also alleged to bring good news to the possessor.

1st Pentacle of Jupiter - A Talisman for acquiring treasure for gaining business.

2nd Pentacle of Jupiter - The Magical Seal for acquiring glory, honors, riches, & tranquility of mind.

4th Pentacle of Jupiter - Serves to acquire wealth and honor.

6th Pentacle of Jupiter - Protects from all earthly dangers.

7th Pentacle of Jupiter - It has great power against poverty.

6th Pentacle of Mars - The owner of this cannot be harmed. If attacked, the foe's weapon shall turn against him.

1st Pentacle of the Sun - The 'El Shaddai' talisman which is alleged to bring the possessor all things they may desire.

3rd Pentacle of the Sun - Serves to attract renown, glory, riches.

1st Pentacle of Venus - Brings friendships to the possessor.

3rd Pentacle of Venus - This serves to attract love, respect, and admiration.

1st Pentacle of Mercury - Conveys personal magnetism upon the owner.

2nd Pentacle of Mercury - This Talisman is said to gain the impossible; granting wishes contrary to the order of nature.

2nd Pentacle of the Moon - Protects against all perils by water, calms one in the event of natural phenomena such as electrical storms, hurricanes, earthquakes or tornadoes.

4th Pentacle of the Moon - Defends from all evil, and from any injury to body or soul.

Home's Seals of Solomon:
3rd Pentacle of Saturn - Good for protection against any plots made by others & for defense against evil spirits.

5th Pentacle of Saturn - Protects the home, and guards all treasures & possessions one may own.

3rd Pentacle of Jupiter - Defends & protects against any enemy & against any evil spirits which may linger near one's person or home.

6th Pentacle of Jupiter - Protects from all earthly dangers.

2nd Pentacle of Mars - Serves with great success against all kinds of diseases when it is applied to afflicted parts.

6th Pentacle of Mars - The owner of this cannot be harmed. If attacked, the foe's weapon shall turn against him.

1st Pentacle of the Sun - The 'El Shaddai' talisman which is alleged to bring the possessor all things they may desire.

1st Pentacle of Venus - Brings friendships to the possessor.

2nd Pentacle of Mercury - This Talisman is said to gain the impossible; granting wishes contrary to the order of nature.

2nd Pentacle of the Moon - Protects against all perils by water, calms one in the event of natural phenomena such as electrical storms, hurricanes, earthquakes or tornadoes.

4th Pentacle of the Moon - Defends from all evil, and from any injury to body or soul.

I'm sure there will be other things I will add, such as Bindrunes, but these will be decided upon and made as I think of them at the time.

Not many people are lucky enough to be able to start from scratch, literally, as we are. But these protections and blessings can be done anywhere. It just takes a bit of thought and creativity. So think of what your needs are in terms of protection, blessings, and/or income, choose your Seals, print them out, and place them where you feel they will do their best work for you. Don't forget your wallet and your vehicle(s) too! ;)

I wish you great success in your works! :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

JuJu Dolls

JuJu Dolls
I've been making these for a while now and really enjoy it. No two are ever the same, so each has it's own personality and "feel". My first one I made for myself and was very proud of her. After the last one I made, I was looking at the pictures of all of the ones I've made, and it was very enlightening to see how far I've come in the quality of the work. I've done nothing different, but there is a definite "growth" that can be seen in the "maturity" of the dolls. If that makes sense! LOL

JuJu Dolls are made for the protection of the home and hung above the front door, so that when anyone walks in they are protected and any negative is removed, and when walking out the take that protection with them. In addition to the JuJu Doll I also always have 3 horseshoes nailed above the door; 1 upright, 1 downward facing, 1 upright. In this position the 2 outer ones are filling up with "luck" and overflowing into the downward facing one, which is pouring all that luck on those who walk under. So between the JuJu Doll and the 3 horseshoes, my home is a blessing for all who enter!

When I make the dolls I first spend time concentrating on what the doll's main purpose will be besides home protection; such as money, happy home, good health, what ever it is the client wants in particular. I make and print out any Seals, sigils, and/or bindrunes that are pertinent to the doll's purpose, then I gather the herbs and other materials together, and before beginning, I say a quiet petition spell for good workmanship, guiding of my hands by the Divine to assemble the doll in the manner that will be the most beneficial to my client's needs & wants.

The next thing is to assemble the doll's fabric pieces and stuff them with the fiberfill stuffing, which has been mixed in well with the herbs and any other natural curios that I want to put inside. After that the beads, charms, and other curios are added and once complete, another spell is placed on it to protect it until it arrives at its new home. Absolutely no one in my home touches it except me. There's only myself & my hubby anyway, but still, I make sure that no other energies but mine, which are working toward that of the client's, ever go into the doll while it's being made and packaged up for shipping. These are my favorite craft projects for the Craft that I do...well, this and my pyrography. :)

So here are some of the JuJu Dolls I've made over the years. I think y'all will also see the progression in the growth and quality in their appearances. It's not often we get to actually see our own improvement! (Glad I always take pictures!)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Are You Crossed? How to Help Yourself

Are You Crossed? How to Help Yourself
I firmly believe in "do it yourself". I also firmly believe in not taking money from people just because I "can". Because I have an ability to do something they're convinced they don't. Well, I'm here to tell you that EVERYBODY has the ability, and the obligation, to protect themselves, their family, and their immediate environment (home, work space, car). It does not take a Witch, a Hoodoo, a rootworker, or any other person of any other "name" to do this for you. YOU are the one responsible for YOUR own self. Not us. We are here for the larger picture. The truly "out of your league" things. But simple day-to-day protection is YOUR responsibility. And I'm here to help you learn how. 

So. Are You Really Crossed??

It is entirely possible, although most likely not. However, why not protect yourself in the off-chance that it is going on or could happen in the future?

First think of people who may have a reason (and for some people it could be any reason) to cause you irritations and/or harm. Also consider if there is anyone you may have slighted in any way. And again, for some people they just may only think they were slighted. Write down all the names you can think of in order of possibility from most likely to least likely. Burn this piece of paper and flush it down the toilet. They no longer "exist" for you and thus are no longer a worry.
Then you'll need to cleanse your environment. If may even just be the place you're living in, and not you in particular. But cleansing your environment and then yourself will repel it from you & your surroundings. To do this take an onion for each room of your house and place it there (as close to the middle of the room as possible, if you can, but so you won't step on it or it won't be in the way, otherwise on a table or counter or dresser is fine). Leave it for 3 days. It will gather the negative energy. Each day recite Psalm 52.

Psalm 52:
Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually.
The tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully.
Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah.
Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue.
God shall likewise destroy thee for ever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living. Selah.
The righteous also shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at him:
Lo, this is the man that made not God his strength; but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wickedness.
But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.
I will praise thee for ever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints. 

After the 3 days, then collect them - DO NOT TOUCH them - use gloves or something so your hands don't touch the onions. Place them in a bag and remove from your property completely. If possible bury them some place so Mother Earth can cleanse the negative energy into positive. Dig the hole (at least 12" deep) and dump the onions out of the bag and into the hole, then place the bag in the hole as well, covering the onions. Then cover all of it with the dirt that was dug out of the hole. Stomp the dirt down tight so it is not likely to wash away or anyone (or any animals) to step in it and hurt themselves (if it's in a place that this could be possible).

Next, place a lemon in each room - same as with the onion. Leave for 3 days and then remove as well. The onion removes negative energy and the lemon will cleanse and purify the now "empty" space. Do not bury the lemons anywhere near the onions. These can be buried on your property.

Each day of these 6 days take a cleansing shower/bath to remove the negative energy from yourself. SEE it washing down the drain.

FEEL yourself removed of all negativity while the onion is working, and then SEE yourself cleansed & purified while the lemon is working.

Recite these verses the entire time you're washing during the 3 days of the onion:

Psalm 52: 2-5 "The tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah.
Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue.

God shall likewise destroy thee for ever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living."

Recite these verses the entire time you're washing during the 3 days of the lemon:

Psalm 26:6 "I wash my hands, Lord, to show my innocence, and to worship at your altar"

Psalm 51:7 "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me and I shall be whiter than snow".

To protect you & your environment after the negativity removing & the cleansing & purifying place a SATOR Square on each sill surrounding your windows & exterior-access doors (front door, back door, garage door - any door that opens to the outside) and on each mirror in the home. This is the SATOR Square:

S  A  T  O  R
A  R  E  P  O
T  E  N  E  T
O  P  E  R  A
R  O  T  A  S

If possible, place red brick dust and/or salt across each threshold into the house. Salt is probably easier to come by, but if you can get - or have - red bricks, pound some of them into dust to place across your doorways. And recite Psalm 23 (see below) as you do so. If you can remember to recite this Psalm each day, that would be great, but if not, at least when you think about it (life tends to get in the way, I know).

To protect yourself when you're outside your home, keep a piece of paper with the SATOR Square written on it in your wallet. IF you want, you can also make a Mojo bag to keep protective items in and with you at all times. Keep it in your pocket.

Take a small piece of cloth and place in it a pebble you find that draws you to pick it up, place salt, pepper, and basil in the cloth, along with the SATOR Square. Use string to tie the cloth around the pebble and the herbs. This is a simple Mojo bag that will help keep you protected. As you're making it recite: 

Psalm 23
23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever

 You can also add the Seals of Solomon to your Mojo bag or place them around your home. Look through the Seals here, clicking the links to read each lesson to find the ones that you feel would be the most beneficial to you. Be sure to read the "Introduction" lesson so you know how to activate the Seal(s) you've chosen.

These are all simple things you can do to keep yourself safe and protected inside and away from your home. I could tell you that you have to have someone else do all of this for you, but I'd be lying. YOU know best about your situation, no one else does. And it is YOU who can do the most to help yourself. Not someone else. The Lord helps those who help themselves. And I like helping those who don't know how, to teach them what to do so they do know how.

If you begin doing these things as part of your daily routine, then it becomes a part of your life, which in turn keeps you protected at all times. Yes, there are times when you may need something more, but for the average person this is more than enough.

I hope I haven't scared y'all off, and you'll see that you are more than capable of doing so much for yourself. Information is free, so learn all you can before jumping to spend money. It isn't always better to depend on someone else to that which you should be doing for yourself.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse Friday, October 18, 2013

Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse Friday, October 18, 2013
This Harvest Moon brings an eclipse almost as soon as it rises! A lunar eclipse is the perfect time for a month-long ritual in only a matter of minutes. During the eclipse the energy of an entire month will transpire in just the few minutes that it takes for an eclipse to occur. What better time to do a ritual - or several, for that matter - to bring into your life all the great things you need - and want!

Abundance, new beginnings, new career, what ever it is, this is the time for a work to bring it to you!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Dragon's Blood Oil

Dragon's Blood Oil

How to Use Dragon's Blood Oil
Use Dragon's Blood Oil to dress candles for any work you feel needs some extra Dragon energy to help it manifest. Anoint the candle from top to bottom to bring the Dragon's energy into the work.

You can also use the Dragon's Blood Oil to protection your home, your car, and any other object you feel needs extra protection.

Anoint yourself with the Dragon's Blood Oil to protect you during the day, especially if you know you'll be entering into any situations that involve any sort of confrontation.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ritual for a Safe Return

Ritual for a Safe Return
Today I had to do an emergency ritual for my granddaughter. She's 17 and ran away from the facility where she was staying (in Wyoming). She left with a friend, was seen at a truck stop, and finally a few hours later the truck she got into was stopped and she was taken back to her aunt and uncle, who will then get her back home to Georgia.

I was harrowing enough for me, I can only imagine what her mother was going through. She started a prayer warrior request on Facebook, and it was through Facebook that our girl was seen and subsequently found.

The emergency ritual was a tea lite in front of my Mother Mary bust and St. Expedite's card was under the plate the tea lite was on. I should've taken a picture of it, but I completely forgot.

The candle burned low but steady and went out at the same time she was found. Thank you Mother Mary & St. Expedite for your loving energies, keeping her safe, and having her found rapidly!

NEVER under estimate the power of a ritual, prayer warriors, and the power of the Divine!

I kept Psalm 70 on my monitor, asking for Divine intervention for this emergency.  I read and re-read it several times over the day. I also shared it on Facebook so others could also recite it in their prayers.

Psalm 70

King James Version (KJV)
70 Make haste, o God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O Lord.
Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul: let them be turned backward, and put to confusion, that desire my hurt.
Let them be turned back for a reward of their shame that say, Aha, aha.
Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified.
But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: thou art my help and my deliverer; O Lord, make no tarrying.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Safe Travel Mojo

Safe Travel Mojo
Since we will be leaving to move an entire farm from KY to KS I feel that it is more than a little important to be protected! My horse, Ahri, and donkey, Preacher, arrived safe & sound at the boarding facility today. Yaaaay! For us, I have put together the seals, symbols, sigils, herbs and a quartz crystal for making 2 Mojos. One for the bus, which hubby will drive. He'll have 3 of the dogs and will be towing on a car hauler, the Expedition with my Banty chickens & Amanda, our Pot Belly pig, inside it. The other one is mine and will be with me and Hoodoo in the U-Haul truck.

Jupiter, the God, and thus the Planet, govern long distance travel. Thursday is Jupiter's day, but we're planning on leaving on Wednesday, so I'd like to at least leave during the hour of Jupiter. The morning hours of Jupiter is between 2 & 3 am and 9 & 10 am. Preferably the latter! ;) I'm not much for driving in the dark. The dark is for sleeping. And I'd really rather not be wishing I was sleeping while I'm driving! LOL So, I'll be pushing that we leave between 9 & 10 am.

I will place a clear quartz crystal and herb in a blue (Jupiter's color) Mojo bag. The herbs will be specific to safe travel:

Basil, Morning Glory, Mullein, Vanilla

I also printed out the following symbols which will be placed in the Mojo along with the chosen herbs & quartz crystal:


Abundance, Acclaim, Air magick, Ambition, Astral work, Blessings, Broadcasting, Business, Charity, Cleansing, Divination, Doctors, Dreamwork, Earning, Education, Expansion, Exploration, Fame, Fertility, Financial acuity, Fire magick, Forecasting, Fortune, Gambling, Guardians, Generosity, Growth, Happiness, Harmony, Healing, Health, Honor, Horse, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Knowledge, Law, Leadership, Legal matters, Logic, Long distance travel, Love, Luck, Male fertility, Material wealth, Merchants, Money, Morals, Parties, Peace, Philosophy, Political influences, Power, Prophecy, Prosperity, Protection, Psychologists, Publicity, Publishing, Purifying, Rapid results, Reading, Relations, Religion, Research, Responsibility, Riches, Royalty, Self-improvement, Social matters, Spirituality, Sports, Spring Equinox, Study, Success, Visions, Wealth, Weather magick, Winter Solstice, Wisdom 

The Shining One Who Heals (Wednesday is Raphael's day, and he governs travel):

A symbol meaning "travel" in the Ogam (Celtic) alphabet:

Ehwaz Rune:
Adventure, Change, Travel

Raidho Rune:
Travel, Change of place

A Geomantic symbol representing Communication, Connections, Direct course, Entrance or exit, Means to an end, Passage through, Road, Singleness, Street, Travel, Way

5 - Travel

Black Pullet Seals:

Invisibility (I'd like to have an "invisible" shield around us. Other drivers will drive right by us not realizing we are there. They will not be able to cut us off, tail gate, or otherwise cause us driving difficulties.)

Safe Travel (Self explanatory - zero problems before leaving, on the road, or upon arriving at our destination.)

Square of Jupiter:
Abundance, Acclaim, Air magick, Ambition, Astral work, Blessings, Broadcasting, Business, Charity, Cleansing, Divination, Doctors, Dreamwork, Earning, Education, Expansion, Exploration, Fame, Fertility, Financial acuity, Fire magick, Forecasting, Fortune, Gambling, Guardians, Generosity, Growth, Happiness, Harmony, Healing, Health, Honor, Horse, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Knowledge, Law, Leadership, Legal matters, Logic, Long distance travel, Love, Luck, Male fertility, Material wealth, Merchants, Money, Morals, Parties, Peace, Philosophy, Political influences, Power, Prophecy, Prosperity, Protection, Psychologists, Publicity, Publishing, Purifying, Rapid results, Reading, Relations, Religion, Research, Responsibility, Riches, Royalty, Self-improvement, Social matters, Spirituality, Sports, Spring Equinox, Study, Success, Visions, Wealth, Weather magick, Winter Solstice, Wisdom

3rd Pentacle of the Moon: 
**3rd Pentacle of the Moon - Protects against all dangers of travel, all attacks by night, and every danger from water.
Psalm 40:13

5th Pentacle of Saturn:
Protects the home, and guards all treasures & possessions.
Deuteronomy 10:17

5th Pentacle of the Sun: 
Transport one from one place to another in a very short time.
Psalm 91: 11-12

6th Pentacle of the Sun: 
Invisibility of the possessor.
Psalms 69:23,  135:16

2nd Pentacle of Mercury: 
To gain the impossible, granting wishes contrary to the order of nature.
Spirits: Boel & other Spirits

2nd Pentacle of the Moon:
Protects against all perils by water, calms one in the event of natural phenomena such as electrical storms, hurricanes, earthquakes or tornadoes.
Psalm 56:11

Square of Jupiter:
Abundance, Acclaim, Air magick, Ambition, Astral work, Blessings, Broadcasting, Business, Charity, Cleansing, Divination, Doctors, Dreamwork, Earning, Education, Expansion, Exploration, Fame, Fertility, Financial acuity, Fire magick, Forecasting, Fortune, Gambling, Guardians, Generosity, Growth, Happiness, Harmony, Healing, Health, Honor, Horse, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Knowledge, Law, Leadership, Legal matters, Logic, Long distance travel, Love, Luck, Male fertility, Material wealth, Merchants, Money, Morals, Parties, Peace, Philosophy, Political influences, Power, Prophecy, Prosperity, Protection, Psychologists, Publicity, Publishing, Purifying, Rapid results, Reading, Relations, Religion, Research, Responsibility, Riches, Royalty, Self-improvement, Social matters, Spirituality, Sports, Spring Equinox, Study, Success, Visions, Wealth, Weather magick, Winter Solstice, Wisdom

I am determined to have everything go as smoothly as possible! Please light a candle & send prayers for our safe travel on Wednesday (2/27/2013). It will be very much appreciated!