Showing posts with label Folk-Healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Folk-Healing. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Clootie Tree

The Clootie Tree
Also called a Clootie Tree, Cloutie Tree, Raggy Tree, Wish Tree or Wytch Tree. Strips of cloth or ribbon representing a wish or a need (usually a physical healing) to be granted were tied to the branches of the tree. As the cloth or ribbons fluttered in the wind the request was carried on the wind to be manifest by the Gods or Saints (depending on the belief system of the person placing it on the tree).

(This one is not mine, but I'm hoping it will look like this in time!)

The word “clootie” in Scottish, means “cloth”. In various parts of the British Isles and across northern Europe, the tradition of tying a piece of cloth to a (usually Hawthorn) tree near holy wells is still relatively common. After taking water from the well, the people then take a piece of their clothing (or just a piece of cloth), dip it into the water and tie it to the tree. If it was for healing, then the wetted cloth would be used to wash the affected part of the person's body. The illness would then dissipate as the cloth disintegrated. The tree is a symbol of long life and health, and water is the essence of life.

This practice was brought to America with the immigrants, and can be found throughout the south, the Appalachias, and other areas where they settled.

As these cloths are tied to hold them to the tree, this is also a form of Knot Magic. As the cloths become more ragged in the wind, they will disintegrate, but the knot will continue to hold it in place. In time the entire piece will eventually fall off and blow away, but it will take such a considerable amount of time, imagine how much of a blessing it will have bestowed upon those who placed it there!

I have started one here in our front, tying strips of cloth cut from beautiful old men's ties I had collected for my crafts. They have all kinds of beautiful colors, but as there aren't too many on the tree as yet, they're barely noticeable. I have decided that I will begin adding one each week for either a specific blessing request, or just to bless the week coming in general. As I tie each of the clooties, I will envision what it is for specifically, as well as recite this spell for it and the others on the tree.

Clootie Tree Spell
Clootie, Cloutie, Raggy, Wish & Wytch
I tie this cloth for the wind to toss & pitch
Branch of tree hold the cloth real tight
To keep the blessings flowing right
Blessings to us on the wind do send
Long life, good health, and wealth are ours til the end

We have a well, but it's not quite like the old ones the people dipped out of, so I will use the birdbath under the tree as my "well". It is very dry here, so I will have to remember to keep it filled. :)

For those living in an apartment or other small place, you don't have to have a yard with a tree to do this. A small potted tree or branching plant can be used, just cut your cloth strips to an appropriate size so as not to over-power the tree or plant.

For anyone who does this, or has done this, why not share it on the Hoodoo Hill's Facebook page? I will set up a photo album specifically for everyone to share their works (Clootie Trees, rituals, dolls, and crafts - whatever). I'd love to see what you come up with!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Winter Cold & Flu Potions

Winter Cold & Flu Potions
I've been lucky. I rarely have any cold or flu-like symptoms, but when I get the proverbial sore throat or feel like I'm getting one, I really hate taking OTC meds. And prescriptions - forget it. I refuse to go to the doctor unless I am truly "dying". ;)

I prefer to take herbs when I begin feeling "off". Dandelion tea made from the entire plant is always a good one, as well as Echinacea, Yarrow & Goldenrod. Among others, depending on what I need and what my taste buds are in the mood for. (Let's face it sometimes those teas' flavors really do suck, regardless of how much honey you "add to taste"!)

Recently, I found some remedies that are OMG! good! In fact, I could eat them all day...and what's so cool is that, it would be OK to do so because it's all healthy and delicious too!

Lemon~Ginger, Orange~Cinnamon~Clove, Lemon

The pretty little goodies in these nice little canning jars are easy to make, taste awesome, and are very healthy for you! And the perfect remedy for when you feel that "something" coming on.

(OK, to do the CYA thing - this may not cure you of what ever you may have coming on, but it will help to some degree and it certainly won't hurt (unless you're allergic to some of the ingredients - which is on you to alter the recipe, if that's the case). IF you're truly ill and can't shake it, then DUH! go see your physician to get the appropriate care you need.)

Now for the recipes!

1/2 pint (or larger) canning jar
Honey (enough to cover the lemon slices)
Lemons (2-4 depending on canning jar size)

Lemon ~ Ginger
1/2 pint (or larger) canning jar
Honey (enough to cover the lemon slices)
Lemons (2 - 4 depending on canning jar size)
Ginger (1/2 - 1 teaspoon depending on how spicy you want it & canning jar size)

Orange ~ Cinnamon ~ Clove
1/2 pint (or larger) canning jar
Honey (enough to cover the lemon slices)
Oranges (1/2 - 1 depending on canning jar size)
Cloves (12 - 16 depending on how much you like cloves & canning jar size)
Cinnamon (2 2" sticks or 1/2 - 1 teaspoon ground, depending on how spicy you want it & canning jar size)

Slice the lemons or oranges cross-ways, and then each slice in half if it's too large for the jar.
Place the fruit slices loosely in the jar.
Cover with the honey.
Stir to distribute the honey over the fruit.
Place the sealed jar in the refrigerator.
The honey draws the juice from the fruits so you will need to stir the fruit & honey mixture several times a day over the next few days to mix the liquids together.
Over the next few weeks the honey will break down the fruit slices, and as you keep stirring them each day the fruits will break up and the honey-fruit syrup will form.
You can take bites of the liquid or wait until the fruits break down more before starting to take any.
As the liquid is depleted you can add more honey and/or fruit slices as necessary.
Without use or refilling, this will store for 2-3 months.

So simple to make, and soooo good to eat! Now, before you get to feeling yucky, go make some of this to have on hand. Take a bite every day for prevention, or once you begin to feel something coming on, at the latest. Either way, you're going to love this stuff! :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Change of Project in Mid-Stride

Change of Project in Mid-Stride
Have you ever started a project and in the middle of it you get sidetracked into something else? Well, that just happened to me.

My poor rose beds need weeding big time and I've been putting it off. So today I decided to start. Well, 3 rose bushes in (there are 10) I hit a Yellowdock plant and when I tried to pull it out I found that the root was about an inch thick! Damn!

So I started digging trying to get to the bottom of it, thinking it would be a short sidetrack from the main project. Yeah, right. The more I dug the more determined I got to literally, "get to the bottom of it". Forty-five minutes later I have this:

This thing, root only, is 14" long! Not sure what I'll do with it. I really don't want to cut it up. So I'll let it dry and figure it out later. The root splits at the bottom, so it may make an interesting Root Dollbaby....hmmm, I guess we'll see. Might be interesting to combine this Yellowdock root with the Datura root I dried a last year:

These two look like they'd make a great pair! Lord Rumex & Lady Datura!

Digging this fucker up wore my ass out - I'm done for the day! Besides, lucky for me, it's started raining! LOL

Common Name: Yellowdock
Latin Name: Rumex crispus
Other Names: Curled Dock, Curly Dock, Dock, Garden Patience, Rumex, Sour Dock
Magickal Attributes: Business, Fertility to conceive, Healing, Luck, Money, Prosperity
Other Uses: Anemia, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-tumor, Astringent, Blood purifier, Boils, Detoxifier, Diuretic, Hepatitis, Immune stimulant, Increases platelets, Itching, Jaundice, Liver, Lymphatic system enhancer, Spleen re-builder, Ulcers
Gender: M
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deities: N/A

Common Name: Datura
Latin Name: Datura spp.
Other Names: Angel's Trumpet, Angel Tulip, Apple-of-Peru, Devil Weed, Devil's Apple, Devil’s Cucumber, Devil's Trumpet, Estramonio, Ghost Flower, Green Dragon, Gypsyweed, Hell’s Bells, Herb of the Devil, Inferno, Jamestown Weed, Loco Seeds, Locoweed, Mad Apple, Moonflower, Moon Weed, Pricklyburr, Sorcerer’s Herb, Stechapfel, Stinkweed, Stramoine, Thornapple, Thornapple Leaf, Tolguacha, Trumpet Lily, Witch’s Thimble, Yerba del Diablo, Zombie's Cucumber  
Magickal Attributes: Divination, Dreamwork, Flying ointment, Hexing, Hex-breaking, Protection, Sleep
Other Uses: POISON: Do NOT ingest, Ritual use ONLY! Hallucinogenic, Narcotic: Anodyne, Antispasmodic, Asthma, Earache, Heart disorders, Pupil dilation
Gender: F
Element: Water
Deities: Venus

Source: A Witch's Book of Correspondences 2007 by Viktorija Briggs

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Psalms and Their Use in Magic & Spell Works

Psalms and Their Use in Magic & Spell Works
The Bible is one of the most powerful ritual books written. It is full of words, magical words, that affect and have an effect on the practitioner's works. And there's a verse or entire Psalm for just about any situation you may have need to perform a ritual on. Following is a table for easy reference for the use of specific Psalms in ritual work. There are other tables, but they'll be in a separate post as this chart is quite large.

Categories to Choose a Psalm From

Anger (to reduce/remove)
4, 36
Banish Spirits from your home
Beneficent works
23, 113
23, 65
Blessing a new home
129, 142
Business (honest)
Character (good)
20, 21
Charm friends
11, 23
Children (to calm & pacify)
Clarity (of thought)
Cleansing & purifying
26:6, 51:7
Comfort (from loss)
Crops (abundant)
Courtroom successful outcome
5, 94
Debt (removal)
Disputes solved
Dream interpretation
23, 42:1-8
Emergency help (from the Divine)
8, 26, 58, 61, 62
Empowerment (with other Psalms as well)
Family peace
Fears & Phobias
Financial & banking dispute
19, 32, 38, 51
Gambling luck
Good luck
5, 17, 73, 90, 120, 140
Healing (broken bones)
Healing (eyes)
Healing (from brink of death)
Healing (from surgery)
Healing (headache or backache)
Healing (illness/sickness)
6, 107
Healing (pain)
3, 16, 91
Healing (pain in legs, thighs, & hips)
Healing (psychological)
13, 102
Hex breaking
Hostage situations
107, 137
Justice (Divine)
7, 50, 75, 82, 94
Justice (legal)
10, 50, 59, 82, 94
Justice (for traitors)
Legal advice about money & finances
Legal dealings with government & bureaucrats
Love & romance
Love (of/by God)
36, 103
Love (peace)
23, 65
Magics (to stop harmful)
Material gains
New endeavor blessings & luck
Passing Over
Persecution & oppression
11, 12, 129
Persecution (unjust)
Proselytizers (to stop)
Prosperity (financial)
Prosperity (of country)
Prosperity (of finding a home)
Prosperous business
23, 59, 64
Protection (from attack)
Protection (from magic)
7, 140
Protection (from misfortune)
Protection (from natural disasters)
29, 119
Protection (from negative entities/energies)
7, 11, 16, 17, 30, 56, 125
Protection (from storms)
Protection (from theft)
Protection (from wars)
Protection (of children)
Protection (of newborns)
Rain (to bring)
38, 85
Recover from severe illness
Repel evil
Secrets (to be kept)
4, 125
Soften/Sweeten (a hard heart)
Travel safely over water
Travel safely through water
Travel safely
27, 104, 107
Travel safely among enemies (foreign countries)
Travel safely at night
Truth (to be seen)
Wishes granted
4, 40:5
29, 94

AzureGreen- Celebrating All Paths to the Divine