Showing posts with label Hexing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hexing. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014

STFU/Stop Gossip Beef Tongue Spell

STFU/Stop Gossip Beef Tongue Spell
This is one spell that I have been wanting to do for some time. Unfortunately I just haven't had the occasion to do so - yet. But regardless, I wanted to share what I've put together for when I do have the occasion to use it.

Materials & Ingredients:
Beef Tongue
Black String or Yarn
Heavy Gauge Needle
Brown Paper for Petition Paper
Seals of Solomon* (see list below)
Black Ink Pen 
STFU/Stop Gossip Powder & Oil** (see recipe below)
9 Rusty Nails
9 Pins
9 Needles
Black Candle
Plate (preferably black or brown colored)

Petition Paper - 
On the brown paper write the person's name 9 times, once per row, or 3 times per row if you prefer (I do). For example:

Name, Name, Name
Name, Name, Name
Name, Name, Name

Next, turn the paper to the left (counter-clockwise) and write over the name:


Dab some of the STFU oil on the Petition Paper in the Quincunx Cross:

*      *
*      *

Dust the Petition Paper with the STFU powder and fold it in half, away from you, turn to the left (counter clockwise) and fold away from you again, and then again one more time (3x's total).

Candle - 
Dress the candle with the STFU oil & powder.
While dressing the candle, repeat words to have the person's tongue tied & bound from speaking gossip any longer. For example:

I tell you now halt your gossip, Halt it now!
As this tongue is tied, So is yours right now.
Never more to speak in ill,
Of me or others is my will.
Tied & bound is your tongue from now on,
Your gossip is stopped and forever gone.
STFU! is what I command,
Your silence I now demand.

Beef Tongue - 
Place the tongue on the plate.
Slice a deep cut down the center line of the tongue.
Stuff the Petition Paper inside the slit.
Sprinkle the STFU powder into the slit.
Using the heavy gauge needle and the black string or yarn, tie the entire slice back together, sewing the Petition Paper & the STFU powder inside.
While sewing repeat your spell, or pray that your enemy's tongue be tied shut so they can no longer gossip or cause harm against you.
Rub the STFU oil all over the tied tongue.
Stick the 9 rusty nails, pins, and needles into the tongue.
Make a cut and insert the black candle into the cut so it will stand up on the tongue
Sprinkle the remainder of the STFU powder over the tongue.
While doing all of this be sure to be reciting your spell or prayer to stop your enemy from gossiping about you.
Light the candle and let it burn down completely.
Disposal - 
There are several methods of disposal. Here is a list of a few (and you may even think of others):

Throw away - preferably in a dumpster away from your home
Bury - in a cemetery. Be sure to leave an offering of whiskey and a dime.
Cook - cook it and eat it, and while doing so see the person's will to gossip being crushed as you chew.
Pickle - place the tongue in a jar of vinegar and let pickle. This can be kept for a while, stored away in a cabinet, buried permanently, or thrown away in such a way that it will not be broken open. You want them to "stew" and "pickle" in their own mess.
Freeze - place the tongue in the freezer to aid in "freezing" their gossip. Keep it there as long as you feel is needed, and eventually throw it away some place where it will rot. Thus, you've frozen their tongue and then given them a "bad taste" in their mouth when/if they gossip again.

*Seals of Solomon
1st Pentacle of Saturn - compel others to submit to the possessor's wishes & requests
4th Pentacle of Saturn - to impose their will upon others
7th Pentacle of Saturn - to make others listen and tremble before the words of the bearer
3rd Pentacle of Jupiter - defends & protects against any enemy
4th Pentacle of Mars - to bring victory or vindication in an argument or battle of any kind
6th Pentacle of Mars - the owner cannot be harmed, and if attacked, the enemy's weapon will turn against them (in this case their gossip)
1st Pentacle of the Sun - to bring the possessor all things they may desire
**STFU Powder
Sulfur (easiest method is to just scrape off the end of a matchstick)
Slippery Elm
Black Pepper
Cayenne Pepper
Chili Pepper Seeds
STFU Powder
Virgin Olive Oil

Friday, January 25, 2013

Thank you, Santa Muerte! Cleansing & Fiery Wall of Protection Ritual

Thank you, Santa Muerte! Cleansing & Fiery Wall of Protection Ritual
A client needed a ritual for Cleansing and a Fiery Wall of Protection from some evil and negativity that was being inflicted upon him. While getting ready for the ritual I kept "seeing" Santa Muerte, but as I'd only recently introduced myself to Her, I wasn't sure if I should follow where I was being led or not.

I am sooo glad I did!

Since I didn't have an actual statue of her, I thought I would just ask for her assistance. However, while on my computer looking for something completely different, I found a beautiful picture of Her and printed it out to place on the altar. I'd say she was leading me, for sure. I will be purchasing a statue of her asap!

Here is a picture at the beginning of the ritual:

Here is the end of the ritual:

Look how the flame is! The flame is standing almost a foot high and is shaped like the image of Santa Muerte in the picture behind it. This picture was taken just as the plate broken in two. This was a very powerful ritual and I'm very sure the client will be pleased with the feelings of freedom from all that negativity and evil that was surrounding him.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Black Destroyer Oil

Black Destroyer Oil

This oil has no set formula, only that the ingredients be specific to defense of & from negative/evil energies and actions aimed at you. Use to destroy and stop in their tracks curses, hexes, hatred, resentments, envy and any evil intention towards you, your family or friends, or your home and to help people clear serious situations from their lives. 

Once the oil is made place on your altar to consecrate. Use it to dress the candle in your ritual. For added power & energy roll the oil dressed candle in Black Destroyer Powder as well.

There should be a minimum of 10 ingredients (not including the oil) used in the formula. The following list are only a few of the usual choices. 

(Note: To make Black Destroyer Powder, combine your chosen ingredients, grind to a powder and burn on a charcoal or dress a candle).

Olive Oil
Burnt Chicken Feather (black preferable)
Sweet Basil
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
Red Pepper
Powdered Charcoal (ritual use, not cook-out type)
Cayenne Powder
High John Root
Pomegranate Seed (dried)
Iron scrapings
Graveyard Dirt
Hot Foot Powder
Black Snake Root

Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Dark Moon Hex

A Dark Moon Hex
On Tuesday (Mars) I put together an herb mix of some wonderful hexing & cursing plants found around my property, then bound it all together with sawdust & wood glue and formed it into a (relatively) human shape. The entire time concentrating on the person (and their immediate associates) that it is meant for.

 I then placed the form on a glass tray on top of a mirror (which is used exclusively for negative works to reflect on the subject all the negative energy of the work as well as their own personal negativity to be exponentially reflected back on them), and stuck buzzard feathers in it (to have their life picked clean through to complete destruction) and laid others along side it. There is a switchblade knife (for obvious reasons) stuck through the center and an Ironweed flowerhead stuck in the head. Ironweed is used for control over others. Suffice it to say that the other herbs & plant materials used were just as "mean".

This sat on my altar for 3 days until the Dark Moon. I then took the buzzard feathers & the switchblade out, lifted one end of the glass tray and slid the black cloth back over the mirror (since being designated as only being used for negative works It is never allowed to reflect me or anything in my environment). Once the mirror was covered completely I picked up the glass tray with the now "dead" herb form and took it outside.

Our driveway has a hangman's noose loop shape to it, with a huge old oak tree on it that looks like it could've been a perfect "hanging tree" at one time. I took the form to the "noose" at the bottom of the loop, dug a hole and buried the form. This person & anyone associated with them is now under my control, hung in a noose, at a road that splits but circles around on itself (in essence going round & round & round without ever getting anywhere - essentially in limbo!)

I had set tealites up to burn but I tried something new and it didn't work - they wouldn't stay lit. Totally my fault, but I see now that the candles were not suppose to be burned at the time. Today, on the New Moon is when I was supposed to light them. The Dark Moon was to set, "glue", the destruction in place, sitting on the altar was to hold it and build its energy, and the New Moon was to begin the process of that destruction.

_______________'s destruction is now complete and viral.

Their life is now a downward spiral.
Black & dark their life will always be,
As it is so powerfully willed by me!
No light will ever shine on them,
In a box in the ground I do condemn.

As I do will, so will it be!

This is declared by me,
No repercussions shall there be.
Safe are me and mine,
Now, today and through all time.

Today is such a perfect day for this because it's cloudy and very overcast, no sun out at all, and it's very cool out with a good breeze blowing. Love it when it all comes together the way it's actually supposed to and not how I think it should be. Definitely have to listen to what we're being told from the Otherside. They know better than we do because they can see further than we can. Learn to trust their guidance. They're always right!

Now to sit back and see how it all develops. And if I don't get to see it all happen that's fine. I have faith that it most definitely will!

Follow-Up 11/29/2012
Well, in October the court didn't go the way they'd hoped. They were told that they were in the wrong court and would have to file in a higher court - at a higher expense as well. Which also meant having to get a lawyer. Hubby could tell by the looks on their faces that they didn't have the money or the will any longer to pursue it further.

Yesterday we were at the Dollar Store Market and when we got in line it turned out we were right behind them! They looked like they'd been punched. They refused to look in our direction, having everywhere else to look except at us. If they hadn't pulled their shit, we could've easily said our "hi, how are you"'s and moved on, but instead they were trying to get out as fast as possible and we were having a good time staring them down.

While I don't know their complete situation obviously, I would say it's safe to say that they're not doing so well. I wonder if they even got financing for the house they decided to try (again) to buy that they had been renting when they tried to buy ours. I'm trusting that they're still renting. And yes, that thought makes me feel good! :) They deserve the misery thrown back at themselves for which they tried to throw on us!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Potions & Powders ~ Lesson 5: Formulas

Potions & Powders ~ Lesson 5: Formulas
The potion recipes that you acquire now, and over time, will accumulate rapidly. Or, at least they can accumulate rather rapidly if you actually use them. So, I would suggest putting together a recipe book; a “Potion & Powder Recipe Book”. Have categories set up in what ever order or manner that works best for you, such as the herbs used, or the carrier oils used, or what its intent is (health, money, etc.), or whether its “mundane” or “magical”. The ideas are endless, just find what works best for you.

How to Make Herbal Potions
Brewing Herbal Formulas 101
To someone who is not generally familiar with herbs, buying and using herbal formulas can be a bit bewildering. So perhaps the best way to advance is to simply give you a complete description of how to do this for yourself:

Here’s What to Do
Make a list of the herbs and quantity you will need. Then, go to any reputable health food store where you don’t have to worry about the quality of the bulk herbs you will be purchasing. (I particularly avoid GNC). Get the quantity of herbs you need. While you’re at it, buy a small kitchen scale so you can carefully weigh out the amounts of herbs you will use.

If you think you will be using the herbal formula for an extended period of time, buy larger quantities of herbs; making a larger amount of a "potion" is much less expensive overall than making a small batch. However, if you want to “try it out” first, reduce the quantities proportionally.

Large, 3 liter glass jars with rubber gasket tops are perfect for making herbal formulas. These can be purchased at any store where you would ordinarily buy kitchen supplies.

Let’s say I was making the Flash Formula (included further below in this section). After weighing out the correct amount, calculated to total about 16 ounces of herbs, put all the herbs into the 3 liter jar. Add about 2 ¼ liters of the cheapest vodka you can find.

For those who cannot use alcoholic beverages, you can use glycerin, but experience is that if you make potions using alcohol, when taking these, place the correct amount of potion in a glass of hot tea or coffee. The heat dissipates the alcohol.

Close the top and shake this up a few times. Place into a cabinet or anywhere out of direct light. Every few days or so, give the jar a few shakes to mix everything up.

After 30 days, carefully pour off the liquid which is now fully charged with the power of the bulk herbs you put in. Figure out some way to squeeze additional liquid out of the herbs that are left. Using several layers of cheesecloth is the easiest. They make herb presses, and if you really get into this, it is well worth purchasing one, as you will recover a substantial amount of liquid you would otherwise throw away.

Keep your new herbal formula in a glass container for storage. When ready to use, do this:

Buy a 4 or 6 ounce dropper bottle at any drugstore, and fill it with formula from your main storage container. To start, take 3 or 4 droppers full ** 2, 3, or 4 times a day- depending on your symptoms. Put the droppers full into a few ounces of water. Sip this slowly, or just let it sit under your tongue**

**Note- Not drops, but droppers full. Whatever comes out when you squeeze and release the rubber bulb is a dropper full. It may actually be 20 or 30 drops.

**Note also- do not swallow immediately as you normally would swallow medicine. By letting the liquids sit under your tongue for a minute or so, the herb will be absorbed directly into the bloodstream by means of the blood vessels beneath your tongue. This keeps them from being broken down by the acids in your stomach, and is much more effective than if you swallow.

As your symptoms lessen, you can cut back on the amount of whatever Formula you are taking.

Many good natural health stores have books containing herbal formulas. These 'potions' are an effective alternative to helping improve your own health while minimizing taking synthetic drugs. When you use herbals, you will notice they don't "force" themselves on you. Taking something like Valerian Tincture to help you sleep is not like taking Ambien CR. Herbs are gentle, and ordinarily do not cause bad side effects.


Tincturing: This is the process of making an herbal extract by steeping ground herb in a liquid menstruum, thereby infusing the liquid with the active constituents of the herb. These active constituents are sometimes known as "extractives." The tincture itself is the finished product, a relatively stable solution of extractives that is preserved (usually with alcohol) against deterioration.

Pressing: This is the process wherein the macerating extract is thoroughly squeezed or "expressed," thereby separating the herb from the liquid, which is now infused with the activity of the herb. This can be accomplished by hand. Drape the pressing cloth over a bowl, pour the macerating extract into it, close up the top, and by kneading, squeezing, and twisting, wring as much liquid into the bowl as your strength will allow. This can also be accomplished with a tincture press. A tincture press is composed of two parallel platens on a frame that is rigged with a hydraulic jack and a pan fitted with a drain hole and a hose. The macerating extract is poured into a pressing cloth inside the pan and the cloth is folded over the top of the mass of herb to prevent it from squeezing out the sides. Then the platens are jacked together, thereby efficiently forcing the liquid from the herb. Not only does this press out the menstruum, but it also forces the intrinsic plant water out of fresh plant material. The tincture flows from the pan down a hose and is captured in a receiving vessel. Using a tincture press greatly increases the yield from a given batch of extract, making the most of your expenditure for alcohol and your valuable work in growing the herbs.

Simplified procedure for making a tincture:
1) Chop the fresh herbs or grind up the dried herbs.
2) Place the herb in a glass jar, labeled with the current date and the name of the herb.
3) Add sufficient liquid menstruum to cover the herbs.
4) Put the jar in a dark place at room temperature and shake at least once daily.
5) After 2 or 3 weeks, pour the contents of the jar through several layers of cheesecloth and express the liquid, or better yet use the tincture press.
6) Allow the liquid to settle in a clean jar overnight.
7) Decant the clear liquid through a filter paper.
8) Store in correctly labeled, amber glass bottles, out of the light.


How to Make an Herb Press Tincture
By Ann White, eHow Contributing Writer

Tinctures are alcohol- and herb-based mixtures used by herbalists and their patients for medicinal purposes. Tinctures are simple to make, and are a very reliable form of medicine when used as directed. To maximize the amount of tincture removed from the herbs, consider using an herb press instead of straining a tincture through cheesecloth.

Things You'll Need:
200 grams dried herbs
1 liter vodka
3 1-liter canning jars
2 paper bags
Herb Press

Step 1
Grind the herbs into a fine powder using a coffee grinder. Those who prefer a more natural approach can use a mortar and pestle.

Step 2
Divide the powder and vodka equally between the two canning jars. Any brand of vodka will work. Seal the jars tightly with their lids.

Step 3
Place the jars in the paper bags to protect the tincture from light.

Step 4
Shake the jars vigorously once each day for a month.

Step 5
Place the herbs in the herb press and put the extraction hose into the third canning jar. An herb press is a compression machine that applies pressure to extract the greatest amount of liquid. Herb presses can be purchased online (see Resources). Apply pressure to the herbs with the press. Pressing is complete when no more liquid is depositing into the jar.

Step 6
Tightly seal and label the tincture with the date it was finished and its ingredients.


Tinctures And Herbal Extracts: How To Make Menstruums
There are three basic menstruums, or solvents used to extract the chemical compounds of herbs in tinctures, alcohol, glycerin, and vinegar. Alcohol is the most used because it can extract fats, resins, waxes, most alkaloids, and some of the volatile oils, as well as many other plant compounds. Water is also necessary to extract the water soluble plant chemicals. Using an 80 to 100 proof alcohol such as vodka, brandy and gin provides the alcohol-water ratio you need without having to add anything. If pure grain alcohol ( 190 proof) is used, water will have to be added. Don't use city tap water that contains chlorine, use either distilled or pure spring water.

Herbs: Either fresh or dried finely chopped herbs can be used. Use of one pint of menstruum to two ounces of dried herbs, or about two handfuls of fresh.

The important thing is to completely cover the herbs, leaving a couple of extra inches of liquid about the herbs to allow for swelling as the herbs absorb the liquid. Leave some headroom in the jar. If using vinegar, warm first before pouring it over the herbs.
Procedure for making an easy tincture:

Chop herbs finely

Place in a glass jar, labeled with the current date and name of the herb

Add sufficient liquid menstruum to completely cover the herb

Cap with a tight fitting lid, put the jar in a dark place at room temperature, and shake at least once daily.

After 2 to 3 weeks, strain the contents through several layers of cheesecloth.
Allow to settle overnight in a clean jar

Restrain through a filter paper

Store in a labeled, amber glass bottle away from light and heat.

The Chinese macerate herbs for months sometimes even years. For stronger tinctures a suggested time can be 4 to 6 weeks. The duration depends on the mixture and on your patience, in time you will develop your own style. Use a kitchen cupboard that you open on a regular basis, so you don't forget the shake the bottle! Tinctures will keep for 6 months. The standard dose is one tablespoon in a wineglass of water once or twice a day.

Liniments are made exactly the same as herbal tinctures, except they are meant for external use. Make sure and label your liniments "FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY" , when using a solvent that is inedible such as rubbing alcohol.

Using vinegar to tincture herbs. Alcohol has mostly displaced vinegar as a menstruum for making liquid herbal extracts, as it is far more efficient in extracting and preserving the medicinal properties of herbs. Vinegar is however passable solvent and useful in cases where you wish to avoid alcohol. When used in conjunction with alcohol, vinegar can sometimes assist in the extraction of alkaloid (base) substances from herbs. Such an extract containing both vinegar and alcohol is known as an acetous tincture.


Herb Tincture Press
What Is an Herb Tincture Press?
An herb tincture press is a device that you can use in your home to make herbal tinctures. It usually consists of some type of a straining mechanism, a container and a press. There are a variety of herb tincture presses available on the market for around $150, as well as a number of methods for making your own tincture press.

What is a Tincture?
An herbal tincture is a concoction made with distilled water and/or alcohol and fresh herbs and/or dried herbs. Tinctures are typically taken in tea, water or juice, and are believed to be more readily accessible to and more quickly absorbed by the body than capsules, tablets and powders. Tinctures also have much more stability than dried or fresh herbs. While dried and fresh herbs can mold, a tincture can last indefinitely in a dark glass jar. It is important to note if you are making your own tinctures that the type of alcohol to use is pure grain alcohol – not rubbing alcohol or wood alcohol, which are poisonous.

Tinctures can be made by steeping herbs in pure grain alcohol, vinegar and/or distilled water, or by pressing them through a tincture press. Those that come through a tincture press are purer and more concentrated, and using a press allows you to get that last little bit of concentrated herbal goodness out of the herbs that you are pressing.

Why Make Your Own Tinctures
Herbal tinctures purchased in the health food store can be quite expensive. Pressing your own tinctures can provide several ounces of herbal tincture for the price of a tiny bottle that is a fraction of an ounce. By making your own herbal tinctures at home, you also have control over the quality and ingredients that go into them.


Make Your Own Herbal Tinctures
Save money, and know what you're getting
by Mary Hanna

Many people are making their own tinctures from dried and fresh herbs in an attempt to be more involved in their health. Tinctures of fresh herbs have proven to be more vitalizing and longer lasting than dried herbs. Dried herbs tend to get moldy or be eaten by insects; tinctures will not. Tinctures will keep for as long as two years and sustain their potency if stored properly. Creating your own tinctures will save you quite a bit of money. If you buy tinctures at a retail shop you might get a few ounces but if you create them yourself you can yield a quart.

The principles behind making tinctures are to obtain the spiritual and physical quintessence of the plant. This is done by using ethyl alcohol to dissolve and preserve the herb you are using.

The material used to extract the herbs is known as the menstrum. The herbs you are tincturing are called the mark. Tincturing will extract and maintain both the water-soluble and alcohol-soluble properties of an herb.

When purchasing herbs, be sure you are buying from a trustworthy source. Better yet, grow your own herbs to be confident of the best possible quality. When growing your own you can make any number of combinations to produce your tinctures. I have further found that when growing my own herbs I get the greater gratification, knowing not only did I brew the tincture but I grew the herbs. I am part of the process from starting point to the development of the tinctures.

To cook up your own tinctures, you need either dried or fresh cut herbs, vodka, brandy or rum, 80 - 100 proof to pour over the herbs, mason jars complete with lids, unbleached muslin or cheesecloth, ands of course, labels.

Have on hand 7-10 ounces of chopped fresh herbs for every quart of vodka, brandy or rum. Always try to utilize fresh herbs when creating tinctures. When using dried herbs, use 4 ounces of herbs to one pint of the spirit used. If you are making a tincture from bitter herbs it is best to use rum as it will disguise the flavor of the herbs. To knock out a non-alcoholic tincture, use distilled water, glycerol or vinegar. Just remember you must keep the resulting tincture in the refrigerator.

Put your herbs in the mason jars and then drizzle the spirit used over them so that it comes up to about an inch above the herbs. Close the lids tightly and tag the jars then put them in a very dark, dry section of your home. Keeping them in a paper bag has works fine. You must shake the tincture every day, several times a day if you can manage it. If you put it by the door you use most often, every time you go in or out just shake the bag.

At the beginning inspect the tincture daily to be sure the vodka, brandy or rum still is covering the herbs. Allow the brew to steep for at least two weeks and up to three months. When it's ready, line a sieve with the cheesecloth or muslin and pour the fluid through the sieve into a fresh, clean bottle. Draw in the ends of the cheesecloth and press to get all of the tincture. You can now fill smaller bottles with droppers with the tincture for easy use. Be sure to tag the jar with the name of the herb and the day, the month and the year that it was produced.

To use the tincture, drop one teaspoon into juice, water, or tea, three times per day.

Here are a few ideas for treating colds. Prepare tinctures from the herbs that follow:

* echinacea (leaves, flowers)
* elder (leaves, flowers, berries)
* eyebright (leaves, flowers)
* ginger (root)
* peppermint (leaves)
* yarrow (leaves, flowers)
* catnip (leaves)

There are no hard and fast rules for creating tinctures. Experiment with different combinations. Be sure you note down the recipe you used for each batch so when you come up with a winner you will have it on file.


Ideas for Formulas for Your Magical Potion Making
The following list will give you a few ideas for your own potions. This is just a beginning, as I’m sure you will find your own categories and formulas to make and use.

A. Abundance, Money & Prosperity
B. Astral work, Dream work & Prophecy
C. Banishing, Binding & Countering
D. Blessings
E. Business & Commerce
F. Cleansing & Purifying
G. Death, Funerary & Passing-Over
H. Dedications & Initiations
I.  Divination
J. Elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water
K. Employment & Jobs
L. Exorcising & Hex-breaking
M. Esbats & Sabbats
N. Goals & Wishes
O. Good Luck
P. Grounding
Q. Happiness, Harmony, Joy & Peace
R. Healing & Health
S. Journeys & Travel
T. Knowledge & Wisdom
U. Law & Legal Matters
V. Love, Relationships & Romance
W. Lunar & Solar
X  Lust & Sex
Y. Protection
Z. Rapid Results

Abundance, Money & Prosperity:
Money Making
This spell is to literally “make” money and bring it directly to your door.

Paper - cut into 12 paper money-sized pieces (trace a dollar bill to get the right size)
Metal Box
Plastic Wrap or Plastic Bag
Green String/Yarn
Cedar Oil

Cut the paper into ‘money’ sized pieces, then with the Cedar Oil make a “$” sign on each piece. Place the ’money’ in the box and sprinkle the allspice, basil and thyme between each piece. Wrap the box in plastic wrap or a plastic bag, then tie 31 knots in the green string/yarn as you tie up the box. Bury the box seven inches deep near your front door. It was believed that if the box is dug up exactly one year later it will contain real money. (If nothing else, you’ve made a Money Spell to bring money directly into your home).

Money Potion

Anoint your money with this potion before placing it in your wallet. Also anoint money amulets, your purse or wallet, anything connected with bringing and holding on to your money.

Banishing, Binding & Countering:
Confusion Oil
Guinea Pepper
Carrier Oil of your choice

Mix 2:1 Rue & Guinea Pepper (2 parts Rue to 1 part Guinea Pepper).
Add 2 tablespoons of the dry mixture to the oil of your choice.
Use in rituals to confuse an adversary who is trying to harm you.

Controlling Oil
Carrier Oil of your choice
Purple Candle

Place three drops of this oil on your opponent’s shoes.
For better control over a situation or person, write the person's name or the situation on a piece of paper.
Anoint the purple candle with the oil - apply from the bottom to the top.
Place the paper under the dressed purple candle.
Burn every day until the candle is consumed, at which time your dominance over the situation or person should be established.

Exorcism Potion
3 drops Frankincense
2 drops Peppermint
1 drop Clove
1 drop Pine
Beeswax or Heavy weight oil

Add the oils to the beeswax or heavy weight oil base. Anoint the body when you feel the need for a strong purification.

Spell Apple of Banishing
Apple - cut in half sideways

Rub each half of the apple with mint while the bad habit or problem to be banished is stated out loud.
Then rejoin the halves together with the skewer, tie it with the ribbon, and then bury it away from you and your home.
As the apple decomposes, the problem will go away.


Blessing Oil
Benzoin Gum
Carrier Oil of your choice

Mix 2:1 Frankincense & Benzoin Gum. (2 parts Frankincense to 1 part Benzoin Gum).
Add 2 tablespoons of the dry mixture to the oil of your choice.
Anoint your altar, candles, tools, etc. with this Blessing Oil prior to use.


Cleansing & Purifying:
Banish Negativity
Onion - cut into quarters
Rubber Gloves

To banish negative energy place an onion quarter in each corner of you room overnight.
In the morning, while wearing rubber gloves, chop up the onion pieces and bury them.
Do this for 3-7 days in a row.

Goals & Wishes:
Paper Spell
This spell is a simple spell prescribed by workers in China. The aims of the spell are first written within a circle and mystic hand. Then the charmed paper is burnt and the ashes stirred into water and drunk.

Healing Potion
4 drops Cedarwood
2 drops Sandalwood
1 drop Eucalyptus
1 drop Cinnamon
Beeswax or Heavy weight oil

Add to the melted beeswax or heavy weight oil base, cool, and anoint the body to speed healing as needed. (Do not apply to wounds, burns or broken skin!)


Job and/or Employment
Interview Potion
4 drops Ylang Ylang
3 drops Lavender
1 drop Rose

Wear to interviews of all kinds to keep you calm.
Helps to make a favorable impression.


Love, Relationships & Romance:
Attract Love Spell
Sachet Bag
7 Drops Bergamot Oil

Place the dry ingredients into the sachet bag and then place the 7 drops of Bergamot Oil on the sachet bag.
The sachet is kept in a drawer, under your pillow or even worn next to your skin.
The oil is re-applied every 7 days - to assure its being truly effective in finding your heart’s desire!

Chinese Love Potion
Handful Coriander Seeds, crushed
White Wine

Stir the crushed Coriander Seeds into the wine.
Chant while you stir:

Warm seed, love run strong; warm heart, let us never part

The lovers drink the wine, and their love is now assured.

Enchanting Brew: 
Twine or String
1 quart Red Wine or Grape Juice
2 Cinnamon Sticks
1 teaspoon Rose Petals
1 teaspoon Ginger
1 teaspoon Cloves
1 Wedge of Orange Peel
1 Piece of Fresh Ginger

Pour red wine or grape juice in a non-reactive pot and warm to a near simmer.
In a doubled piece of cheesecloth place the ingredients. Gather and tie the bundle tightly with the twine or string.
Place it in the liquid to steep.
Taste the brew every few minutes until the flavors have been infused, but remove the bundle before they become overpowering.
Chill if desired.
Share a glass with your loved one and toast to an enchanting evening.

Friends Forever
2 Small Muslin Bags

Sew up the cloves in each of the bags.
One bag is carried by each friend - to ensure a long-lasting friendship.

Falling in Love
Rose Oil
Muslin Bag

Place a few drops of Rose Oil on the Rosebuds.
Place the Rosebuds in the muslin bag.
Immerse the bag of Rosebuds into the bath water when you take a bath. (If you only have a shower, then suspend the bag from the showerhead so the water flows through the bag of Rosebuds).

**Note: you’ll have to re-make the Rosebud Bag for each bath, of course!

Powdered Orris Root
Lovage Root

Steep the Rosemary, Thyme and Powdered Orris Root in boiling water - in a NON-metal pot!
Add the Lovage Root after the other herbs are well steeped (about 3 minutes).
Let boil for 3 more minutes.
Strain and stir the mixture before pouring it into your bathwater.

This love potion is said to make you “irresistible”!

Love Charm
Aluminum Foil square

Sprinkle the herbs into the center of the aluminum foil square.
Carefully fold the foil around the herbs to seal them inside.
Keep the love charm next to your heart to attract loving energies to yourself.

Spicy Protection Potion
Sandalwood Oil
Patchouli Leaves
Gardenia Petals (or substitute Jasmine)

Infuse the Patchouli leaves and Gardenia (or Jasmine) petals in the Sandalwood oil.
Wear as a perfume, anointing the forehead, throat, and breastbone.
Anoint amulets and talismans in ritual to protect from negative energies.

Mundane Intents
This one is easy - you can either make your own potions to use for cleaning. OR you can add a few drops of a magically infused oil into your store-bought cleaning supplies. OR, and this is the easiest, you magically empower your store-bought cleaning supplies!

Believe it or not, but many of those never-to-be-pronounced “chemicals” on the backs of those bottles are just the scientific chemical name for the exact chemicals found in many, if not most, of the natural herbs and oils we use. The main difference being, of course, that they have extracted the (supposed) “best” ingredients for their use. What ever. Who cares about the technicalities anyway? As long as it gets the job done. Magically & mundanely!

Again, you can produce your own potions for better health, or you can use what is easily purchased at the store that you have in your cabinet already. Just magically empower those health aids (pills, liquids, bandages, etc.) to do their job with extra energies provided by you and the Divine you call upon to empower them with.

Working Appliances & Electrical Items
This kind of falls under the “Cleaning” category because while cleaning with your empowered potions (magically empowered store-bought mundane potions or your own home-made magically empowered potions) you can speak or think the intent you want regarding your appliances - fridge, stove, microwave, T.V., computer, clocks, etc..

So you can see, you don’t need bottles & bottles of potions for every single intent or thing in your house! You just need one or two - which you probably already have and use - and empower them as you use them!

The sprinkling powders here are made by combining the herbs together and grinding them to a fine powder with a mortar & pestle or a coffee grinder (used ONLY for your herbs) with essential oils and a base of rice flour or cornstarch. Powdered paint can be used for color, if you’d like to color-coordinate with your spell work intent. Talcum powder can also be used, but be careful as some people are allergic or very sensitive to it.

Body Love Powder
Vanilla Oil

Fast Luck Powder

Astral Travel Powder
Sprinkle this on the bed sheets before going to bed.


Dream Powder
Sprinkle this on the bed sheets before going to bed.


Bend-Over Powder
To send negativity back to the sender, hex breaking and to make others do what you want.


Blessing Powder
Silver Magnetic Powder
Ylang Ylang

Confusion Powder
Black Pepper

Delight Powder
Sprinkle on your lover to overcome inhibitions and increase pleasure.

Melon Oil

Drawing Powder
Sprinkle on your altar to attract positive energy and the assistance of all good spirits when performing magical works.


Easy Wrath Powder
Sprinkle on someone who is pissed off at you to eliminate the anger and/or hatred.

Red Pepper

Envy & Jealousy Powder
Sprinkle on the pathway or clothing of people who are jealous of you and you want to get along with.


Exorcism Powder
Sprinkle in the area you want to exorcise of negativity and to protect the inhabitants


Psychism Powder
Sprinkle on your bed sheets, tarot cards, rune stones, or yourself to increase psychic powers and produce prophetic dreams.

Ambergris Oil

Gambling Powder
1 oz Powdered Sandalwood
1 tsp Carnation Petals (dried & powdered)
1 tsp Powdered Cinnamon
½ dram Frankincense Oil
½ dram Myrrh Oil
4 oz Cornstarch or Rice Flour

Get Away Powder
Sprinkle in the path of someone you want to stop bothering you. Sprinkle on window sills, the front porch, and walkway to your door to get rid of nosy neighbors, solicitors, etc..

Chili Powder
Pinch of Asafotida

Get Away Powder
Red Pepper
Black Pepper
High John the Conqueror

Goddess of Love Powder
Rub on your hands before meeting with someone you are interested in, to encourage them to become interested in you.

Rose Oil
Mint Oil
Musk Oil

Happy Times Powder
Sprinkle around your home to change luck, reverse unwanted circumstances, and to eliminate poverty.

Magnolia Buds
Orange Peel
Vanilla Oil

Happiness Powder
Sprinkle a circle of this powder and sit inside the circle. Visualize the herbs’ powers filling you with positive energy, joy and uplifting your spirits.


Health & Healing Powder
Sprinkle around a sick person or in their bedroom to cure illness and to maintain health.


Hot Foot Powder
Red Chili Pepper
Black Pepper
Precipitado Rojo
High John the Conqueror

Inspiration Powder
Sprinkle on yourself or someone who needs creativity, optimism and confidence and inspiration in themselves.


Isis Powder
Sprinkle to increase determination, will power and concentration.

Orris Root
Sweet Flag Oil

Jalop Powder
(Best Hoodoo Blessing & Protection powder!)

High John the Conqueror

Jinx Removing Powder
Sprinkle all around the inside of your home to remove hexes, curses and evil spells and protect all who live there. Best when sprinkled outside the house and one the front and back door sills.


Jury Winning Powder
Sprinkle some on the Judge’s seat and in the jury box or around a purple candle in a domination ritual.

High John the Conqueror

Jyoti Powder
Sprinkle this financial gain, purification, and over coming hexes powder around your home or business.

Nasturtium Seeds

Kindly Spirit Powder
Use to induce other to like and/or sympathize with you. Also use for ending loneliness and making friends rituals.


Kyoto Powder
Sprinkle on the head of anyone wanting  healing from illness, overcoming bad luck or just wanting a more positive outlook.


Lost & Away Powder
Sprinkle on someone’s path, where they will walk, or on your front porch to get rid of someone.

Crossroads Dirt

Love Powder
Sprinkle on yourself, the bed sheets, and in the bedroom when wanting a romantic time with someone special or when you want to meet someone special.

Rose petals

Love & Understanding Powder
Sprinkle on newlyweds before they leave on their honeymoon, also on any couple to improve their understanding and to bring peace and love.

Lily of the Valley

Love Drawing Powder
1 oz Powdered Sandalwood
¼ teaspoon Cinnamon
1 teaspoon Sweet Basil
1 teaspoon Myrtle
½ dram Frankincense Oil
1 dram Red Rose Oil
4 oz Cornstarch or Rice Flour

Luck Around Business Powder
To bring new customers and increase your business.

Pulverized $1 bill
Gold Sand
Heliotrope Oil

Luck Powder
Sprinkle around you house and/or on yourself to bring positive energies and remove negative ones.


Lucky Mystic Powder
A Hoodoo powder to bring prophetic dreams, increase psychic abilities and give clairvoyance.

Silver Magnetic Sand
Basil Oil
Vetivert Oil

Money Drawing Powder #1
1 oz Powdered Sandalwood
¼ teaspoon Powdered Cinnamon
1 tablespoon Powdered Five-Finger Grass
1 teaspoon Yellow Dock
½ dram Frankincense Oil
¼ dram Patchouli Oil
¼ dram Myrrh Oil
4 oz Cornstarch or Rice Flour

Money Drawing Powder #2
For protection against financial loss, attracting money and other material things. Sprinkle around your house, in your wallet and/or purse, and around your business.

Gold Magnetic Sand

Money Powder #3

Surmounting Powder
A Hoodoo powder intended to give you added physical strength, vitality and enthusiasm. Rub on your arms and legs or sprinkle in on your altar during ritual.


Musk Love Powder
A strong attractant used by women or gay men. Gives the shy confidence, persistence, and willpower.

Musk Oil
Violet or Orris Oil

Obitsu Powder
This is a powerful Hoodoo uncrossing powder which removes hexes and gives protection.

Citronella or Lemongrass

Peaceful Home Powder
Sprinkle around your home to dispel and calm down negative energies from anger, upset, and chaotic times.


Prosperity Powder
Rub this powder on your hands, sprinkle around your house or place of business, and/or to encircle a green candle in a prosperity ritual.

Orange Peel

Prosperity Powder #2
Sprinkle around your house or business to attract money and other material blessings.


Protection Powder
Sprinkle around the outside of your house to act as a barrier of protection from calamities and negative influences.

Dragon’s Blood

Protection Powder #2
Use this powder inside your home. Also may be used to encircle yourself in a protection ritual. A daily protection ritual using this powder can help to bring a sense of  protective power.


Psychic Ability Powder
For prophetic dreams, while meditating, or when doing readings, sprinkle this powder where you will be in contact with it.


Psychic Power Powder
For prophetic dreams, while meditating, or when doing readings, to increase psychic and clairvoyant abilities, sprinkle this powder where you will be in contact with it.

Rose Petals

Quitting Powder
To make others leave you alone and quit attacking you. Also to have a married person stop making unwanted approaches to you.

Tobacco Ashes
Powdered Newsprint

Red Rose Powder
To overcome hatred regarding former friends & associates, sprinkle on the person or where they will be, or use in a ritual.


Separation Powder #1
Use to break up a relationship by creating animosity between the people.

Chili Powder
Black Pepper
Iron Filings

Separation Powder #2
Black Pepper
Cornstarch or Rice Flour

Spiritual Vibration Powder
Before beginning a ritual or meditating, sprinkle this powder to raise the spiritual vibrations in the area and the people present.


Stay At Home Powder
Dust yourself with this powder before going to bed with your partner. This will end the infidelity of your partner and make them stay home with you.

Deer’s Tongue
Pulverized Bed Sheet

Stay True Powder
This powder stops infidelity from starting or continuing. However, if the other person is truly in love with the “other” lover, this won’t work, but if its just a “sex” fling, it will.

Peach Blossom Oil
Melon Oil

Thief Powder
To discover who has stolen something from you sprinkle this powder around the scene of the crime and the thief will be revealed to you.

Pole Root

Unfaithful Powder
Rub this powder on your hands and then touch someone you feel is lying to you. They will be forced to apologize and stop their lying - if they are indeed lying.


Venus Powder
To make yourself more attractive to a potential lover and to attract a lover, sprinkle this on yourself.

Rose Petals
Musk Oil
Amber Oil

Versatile Powder
To make you more adaptable, creative, quick-thinking and to increase your potential for success.

Peach Blossom

Wishbone Powder
Sprinkle this powder on yourself before going to bed or meditating to help your dreams and wishes come true. Can also be used for Wishing & Dream spells and rituals.

Dear’s Tongue

Ya Ya Powder
To increase fertility, help a woman become pregnant or prevent a miscarriage, and to increase male sexual potency. Sprinkle on yourself regularly or before the event, depending on how you intend to use it.
