Showing posts with label Astronomical Events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astronomical Events. Show all posts

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Super Blood Moon Eclipse Tonight!

Super Blood Moon Eclipse Tonight!

If you don't know it already, then here you the Super Blood Moon Eclipse! An event that will not occur for another 18 years! So start planning now for rituals & spells for EVERYTHING you want, because THIS cosmic event has the power & energy to bring you everything you ask for...FAST!


Sunday, August 2, 2015

The "Blue" Moon

The "Blue" Moon
Ok, this is a HUUUGGGE subject of contention with me. I really, really HATE misinformation. Yeah, it literally bugs the shit out of me. So I'm going to step up on my soap box for a bit, vent a little, and then let it go...(until next time. ;) )
For all of you who were all excited about the so-called "Blue Moon" the other day - DON'T BE! It's was NOT a Blue Moon!

Some idiot a few decades ago (a "hobby astronomer" - basically, a self-absorbed, know-it-all idiot) made a typographical error and now everyone believes that any month with two full moons in it is a "Blue Moon".

Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but that is NOT a Blue Moon.

A Blue Moon is the THIRD full moon in a FOUR full moon season. Every full moon has a name (i.e. Corn Moon, Hunter's Moon, etc.) BUT the third full moon in a four full moon season does not, and the original term 'belewe', which means "betrayer" (because it 'betrayed' the timing in that season), was altered over time into "blue". No, NOT "blue" the color.

So, get over it folks. It's "just another full moon". In fact, it is actually the Harvest Home Feast Moon because the next day (this year) was Lughnasadh/Lammas, and the full moon closest to Lughnasadh is the Harvest Home Feast, because it is the celebration of the First Harvest of the Season. (Obviously, this is for those who celebrate the Sabbats. For those who don't, ignore this last paragraph.)

Now. THAT said, the next REAL "Blue" (belewe) Moon will be on August 18, 2016. Next year. So, you just have to wait another year to experience a REAL BLUE MOON! ;)

Summer Solstice 2016 is June 20th, which is also the first full moon of the summer season. Then, July 19th, August 18th, and September 16th, with the Autumn Equinox falling 6 days later on August 22nd.

June Full Moon Names:
Aerra Litha, Brachmanoth, Honey Moon, Lovers’ Moon, Mead Moon, Moon of Horses, Moon of Making Fat, Rose Moon, Strawberry Moon, Strong Sun Moon

July Full Moon Names:
Blessing Moon, Buck Moon, Fallow Moon, Hay Moon, Hewimanoth, Maedmonat, Meadow Moon, Moon of Blood, Moon of Claiming, Thunder Moon, Wort Moon

August Full Moon Names (in a 3-Full Moon Season):
Barley Moon, Corn Moon, Dispute Moon, Harvest Moon, Moon When Cherries Turn Black, Weodmonath

September Full Names:
Haligmonath, Harvest Moon, Moon When Deer Paw the Earth, Singing Moon, Sturgeon Moon, Wine Moon, Witumanoth

But...because there are 4 full moons that season, this throws off the August full moon names and makes it the "belewe" (blue) moon. The correct names for a "Blue Moon" are: Ancestor Moon, Blue Moon, Hunter’s Moon, Hunting Moon, Moon of the Dead.

And the energies to be called upon during this time are: Communion with the dead, Liberation, Memory, Negative thoughts & emotions released.

Now, NEXT month, September 27th is the full moon AND a lunar eclipse, which is an excellent time to do works for: Change, Full cycle, Harmony, Turning point in life, Union. You can do an entire 29 Day Lunar Cycle's worth of magic during the short time encompassed by the eclipse.

And for a quick FYI: A "Black Moon" is when there are four NEW Moons in a season. These are great for: Banishing, Beginnings, Binding, Exorcisms, Hexing, Negative magic, Revenge, Vengeance. It is an extremely powerful time for any magick workings, but especially any with a negative intent.

Stepping off soap box now!  

Blessings y'all! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Blood Moon Correspondences

Blood Moon Correspondences

Deities: Afriel, Anael, Gazardiel, Luna, Mars, Persephone, Saturn

Nature Spirits: Salamander

Element: Fire

Herbs: Basil, Birch, Dragon's Blood, Egg-shell, Elder, Rose

Trees: Birch, Elder, Gorse, Yew

Flowers: Elder Berry, Rose

Scents: Elder Berry, Rose

Stones: Carnelian, Garnet, Herkimer Diamond, Iron, Quartz, Ruby, Selenite, Silver

Colors: Crimson, Gold, Red, Silver, White

Animals: Armadillo, Bat, Butterfly, Calf, Cat, Crow, Cuckoo, Dove, Falcon, Grasshopper, Groundhog/Woodchuck, Halcyon/Kingfisher/Kookabura, Horse, Lady Bug, Mule, Raven, Reindeer, Rhinoceros, Stork

Birds: Cardinal, Grackle, Grouse, Hawk, Robin

Energy: Extremely powerful time for magick workings for total life changes, Abundance, Breaking through obstacles, Growth, New beginnings, Power, Prosperity

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June's Full Lover's Moon Falls on Friday the 13th!

June's Full Lover's Moon Falls on Friday the 13th!

I don't know about you, but WOW! We will not see a Full Moon on Friday the 13th again, until 2049! For many of us, we won't be around to see it. As I would be 89, that makes the possibility of me not seeing it, a bit high. So I intend to do a Full Moon Ritual, for sure!

So what are June's Full Moon Correspondences? Find out below:

Aerra Litha, Brachmanoth, Honey Moon, Lovers’ Moon, Mead Moon, Moon of Horses, Moon of Making Fat, Rose Moon, Strawberry Moon, Strong Sun Moon
Aine of Knockaine, Bendis, Cerridwen, Green Man, Ishtar, Isis, Neith, Persephone
Nature Spirits:
Sylphs, Zephyrs
Dog Grass, Meadowsweet, Mosses, Mugwort, Parsley, Skullcap, Tansy, Vervain
Maple, Oak
Lavender, Orchid, yarrow
Lavender, Lily of the Valley
Agate, Alexandrite, Fluorite, Topaz
Gold, Golden-Green, Orange, Yellow
Butterfly, Frog, Monkey, Toad
Peacock, Wren
Balance, Change of residence, Communication, Decision making, Education, Family relations, Full but restful energy, Positive transformation, Prevention, Protection, Public relationships, Responsibility, Strengthen, Tides turning, Time of light, Travel, Writing

And the Full Moon Correspondences are:

Divinations, Fertility, Fulfillment, Illumination, Invocations, Power, Prophecy, Sexuality, Transformation
14 - 17 ½ days after New Moon

Friday the 13th for those in the mundane world, it is considered a "bad luck" day. For most Pagans it is a "good luck" day. Personally, I think it's all in how you view it, and it's always been a good day for me. :)

If you want to look at it from the Numerological point of view, then we have:

Friday = 6 + 9 + 9 + 4 + 1 + 7 = 36 = 3 + 6 = 9 : 
Positive Attributes: Achievement, Action, Completion, Concern for others, Conclusions, Creativity, Emotions, Fortune, Foundations, Fulfillment, Generosity, Giving, Humanitarian, Idealism, Independence, Inspiration, Lunar magick, Lunar wisdom, Love, Magnetism, Open, Optimistic, Release, Sacred magick, Spirituality, Trusting, Unity, Wisdom

Negative Attributes: Indecisive, Lack of planning, Self-sacrificing, Unfocused

13 = 1 + 3 = 4 : 
Positive Attributes: Building, Careful, Common sense, Concentration, Economical, Efficient, Formation, Fortune, Foundation, Hidden feelings, Limitations, Love, Loyalty, Manifestation, Opposition, Organization, Planning, Practical application, Practicality, Pragmatic, Results, Sexuality, Stability, Thorough, Unity

Negative Attributes: Blocked in, Impediments, Inhibited insight, Limitations, Makes lessons harder than they need to be

9 + 4 = 13! 

We could reduce the 13 down to the 4 again, but I would leave it as 13 only because it confirms how special the day is - especially for Pagans. Thirteen being one of our "power numbers", others of which include 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 21, as well as the Master Numbers (11, 22, 33, etc.). Some may or may not consider each of these as special or power numbers, but many do, myself being one of them.

So with all of this bit of information, you can now decide on which kind of ritual you would like to do for  tihs very auspicious event!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

January 2014 ~ Special Moon Phases!

January 2014 ~ Special Moon Phases!

Lunar Phase Spell Workings

"Black Moon"
Black Moon -
Finder’s Moon
Secret Moon
Spinner’s Moon
Beginnings, Negative magick
Extremely powerful time for any magick workings, especially any negative intent
Banishing, Binding, Exorcisms, Hexing, Revenge, Vengeance
Third New Moon in a Four New Moon Season & Second New Moon in a month

**Note that the meme above refers to the "Dark Moon", this also is correct, especially as the New Moon also falls within the same month, thus making it a "Black Moon". So the Dark Moon, the night before the New Moon, is for banishing, etc., but the New Moon is for beginnings, etc. With both of the "Black Moons" coming in January you are then given an extra powerful boost for each type of work; banishing, etc. & beginnings, etc.

January Lunar Correspondences

Chaste Moon, Cold Moon, Disting Moon, Moon of Little Winter, Quiet Moon, Snow Moon, Wolf Moon
Ch’ang-O, Freyja, Hera, Inanna, Saraswati
Nature Spirits:
Brownies, Gnomes
Cones, Holy Thistle, Marjoram, Nuts & Seeds
Birch, Hazel
Crocus, Snowdrop
Mimosa, Musk
Chrysoprase, Garnet, Hematite, Onyx, Jet
Black, Blue-Violet, Bright White, Silver
Coyote, Fox
Blue Jay, Pheasant
Adventurous, Ambition, Awareness, Beauty, Beginning & conceiving; Business, Career, Conserving energy; Energy below the surface, Organization, Political matters, Potential, Protection, Recognition, Reputation, Reversing spells, Sluggish, Spirituality

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse Friday, October 18, 2013

Harvest Moon Lunar Eclipse Friday, October 18, 2013
This Harvest Moon brings an eclipse almost as soon as it rises! A lunar eclipse is the perfect time for a month-long ritual in only a matter of minutes. During the eclipse the energy of an entire month will transpire in just the few minutes that it takes for an eclipse to occur. What better time to do a ritual - or several, for that matter - to bring into your life all the great things you need - and want!

Abundance, new beginnings, new career, what ever it is, this is the time for a work to bring it to you!

Friday, September 13, 2013

What We Used to Know About the Moon and Can Again!

What We Used to Know About the Moon and Can Again!
When I was a kid my favorite Moon phase was "the fingernail". Of course, at the time I didn't realize that it actually did that twice, once when waxing and again when waning. Modern humanity has lost its connection with the Moon, her phases, and her influences upon us. So, I thought I'd bring some of it back. :)

In the past, mankind used the light of the Moon to light their way while working the fields, to walk or ride from one place to another, and basically just enjoy her presence. Someone 100 years ago could tell you what phase she was in without having to even think about it. It was as much a part of their lives as breathing. Today, we have all those lights that dim her light, skyscrapers that hide her from view, and most people spend so much time inside they probably have no clue or even care if she's even there.

I've never been one of those. I called down the Moon many from when I was barely 4 or 5 years old until about 10 years of age. She was there, I wanted to touch her and talk to her. So I did. Then I grew up. It was considered "odd" to do such a thing. I've since decided that I'd rather have what I had before, than what everyone else has now. I've been calling her down and talking to her again for many years now. And I do my works according to her phases. Her energy, combined with the Divine's (who made her) always brings about a very good working.

So what kind of tidbits do I have for you about her today? Ones that just might stick with you, even if you didn't count on it!

Do have any idea when the different phases of the Moon rise? Here's a simple way to remember:

Looks Like:
New Moon ~

Rises at SUNRISE

It rises later & later each day.
Waxing Crescent

First Quarter Moon ~

Rises at NOON

It continues to rise later & later each day.
Waxing Gibbous
Full Moon ~

Rises at SUNSET

It continues to rise later & later each night.
Waning Gibbous
Last Quarter Moon ~


Waning Crescent

The Moon’s phase go from waxing (growing) to the Full Moon and then wanes (reduces) to the New Moon.  So, if you’re not familiar with which is which, then how do you know? There is a simple method called the D-O-C Method, and the way it works is this:

When you look up at the Moon and the crescent is in a “D” form, the Moon is waxing ~ growing.   )

If the Moon looks like a great big “O”, well obviously that’s the Full Moon.  O

If the Moon looks like a “C”, then the Moon is waning ~ reducing.  (

So here’s the simple equation:
D ) Waxing ~ growing
O  Full
C ( Waning ~ reducing
And finally you get this:   )O(