Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Color Correspondences

Every color transmits it’s own unique vibrations. When harnessed through the combination of candle magick, crystal magick and herbs, they will produce the desired effects of your intent. The following is a list of colors that will assist you when formulating a spell or crafting altar cloths, tarot bags, robes, etc. or any other ritual item that needs to be a specific color.

Color: Black
Sabbat: Samhain
Day: Saturday
Zodiac: Capricorn, Scorpio
Attributes: Black is the absence of color, thus it does not radiate it’s own vibration.  It absorbs rather than emits, so when used in ritual it releases the energies of that to which it has been empowered.  Attracts Saturn energy, Banishing, Discord, Earth Elementals, Endings, Grief, Grounding, Hexing, Protection, Releasing, Remove, Repel negative magick, Reversing, Shapeshifting, Unblock, Uncrossing

Color: Blue
Sabbat: Litha
Day: Thursday
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Angelic protection, Blessings, Broken bones, Calm, Changeability, Creativity, Dedications, Devotion, Earth Elementals, Fidelity, Fifth Chakra, Forgiveness, Good fortune, Good health, Growth, Guidance, Happiness, Harmony, Healing, Influence, Initiations, Inner peace, Inspiration, Laughter, Loyalty, Meditation, Opening blocked communication, Occult power, Patience, Peace, Protection, Reassurance, Sincerity, Spirituality, Success, Tranquility, Truth, Understanding, Water Elementals, Weight loss, Wisdom, Wounded pride

Color: Blue: Aqua
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Peace, Tranquility

Color: Blue: Dark Blue
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: Libra, Sagittarius
Attributes: Blessings, Changeability, Create confusion (use w/ white or you will be the one confused!!), Dedications, Devotion, Good fortune, Growth, Happiness, Harmony in the home, Healing, Health, Influence, Initiations, Inspiration, Laughter, Light, Loyalty, Peace, Protection, Religion, Spiritual beliefs, Spirituality, Success, Tranquility, Truth, Wisdom

Color: Blue: Indigo
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Ambition, Astral level protections Balance out Karma, Cancel out another’s magic, Changeability, Deafness, Deep meditation, Defenses, Depression, Emotional problems, Grief, Halt gossip or lies, Impulsiveness, Inertia, Loss, Lunar Magick, Neutralize another’s magick, Promotes stillness, Reveal deep secrets, Rituals requiring deep meditative state, Saturn energy in rituals, Stop gossip, lies & unwanted competition, Stop situations or people

Color: Blue: Light Blue
Sabbat: Ostara
Day: --
Zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces
Attributes: Aquarius energy, Communication, Creativity, Devotion, Faithful (this is where the term “true blue” originated), Health, Immortality, Innocence, Inspiration, Male youth, Meditation, Patience, Peace, Protection, Tranquility & blessings  in the home, Protection of buildings, Spirituality, Tranquility, Understanding, Young people (especially males)

Color: Blue: Royal Blue
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Increases magickal influences, Joviality, Jupiter energy, Laughter, Loyalty, Power, Protection

Color: Blue: Silver Blue
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Deep wisdom, Moon magick, Psychic awareness

Color: Blue: Teal
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Ambition, Abundance, Change, Fertility, Finance, Fortune, Growth, Happiness, Material gain, Renewal, Success

Color: Blue: Turquoise
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Awareness, Change, Community mindedness, Creativity, Fifth Chakra, Insight, Invention, Meditation, Moon magick, Originality, Renewal

Color: Bronze
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Grounding, Hard work, Neutrality, Protection, Strength

Color: Brown
Sabbat: Imbolc, Litha, Mabon
Day: --
Zodiac: Capricorn
Attributes: Animal healing, Attract money, Balanced color, Blessings, Concentration powers, Earth Elementals, Eliminates indecisiveness, ESP, Financial success, Find lost items, Friendship, Grounding, Harmony, Herb magick, Hesitation, Home healing, House blessing, Improves concentration, Influencing friendships, Intuition, Material gain, Neutrality, Peace in the home, Special favors, Spiritual attachment to the Earth, Stability, Study, Telepathy

Color: Brown: Dark Brown
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Invoking Earth for assistance

Color: Brown: Light Brown
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Material benefits for the home

Color: Copper
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Balance, Blessings, Business growth, Career moves, Fertility, Fire magick, Goals, Healing, Love, Money, Passion, Professional growth, Protection, Repels negativity, Sun Magick

Color: Gold
Sabbat: Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Samhain
Day: --
Zodiac: Leo
Attributes: Attraction, Blessings, Charm, Confidence, Cosmic mind & influences, Courage, Dedications, Divination, Dynamic Sun/Solar energy, Fast financial gain, Fast luck, Financial benefits, Good fortune, Great fortune, Happiness, Horned God, Initiations, Intuition, Justice, Luck, Masculine power, Money, Peace, Playful humor, Positive thinking, Power, Power of cosmic influences, Protection, Purifying, Safety, Sun Magick, Understanding, Wealth, Winning

Color: Gold: Dark Gold
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Beginnings, Prosperity, Sun Magick

Color: Gold: Pale Gold
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Prosperity in health

Color: Green
Sabbat: Beltane, Imbolc, Litha, Ostara, Yule
Day: Friday
Zodiac: Taurus
Attributes: Abundance, Balance, Blessings, Charity, Dedications, Earth Elementals, Earth Mother, Fertility, Finance, Fortune, Fourth Chakra, Generosity, Good fortune, Good Luck rituals, Growth, Harmony, Healing, Initiations, Luck, Marriage, Material gain, Money, North Cardinal point, Personal goals, Promote balance, Prosperity, Rejuvenation, Renewal, Success, Tree & Plant magicks, Water Elementals, Wealth

Color: Green: Apple Green
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Emotional healing, Protection

Color: Green: Chartreuse
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Confidence, Growth, Prosperity, Travel

Color: Green: Dark Green
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: Cancer
Attributes: Agriculture, Ambition, Blessings, Financial matters, Greed, Jealousy; Also use to counteract these influences in a ritual, Invoke the Goddess of Regeneration

Color: Green: Emerald
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Attracts abundance, Fertility, Love attraction, Love and Social pleasures, Venus rituals

Color: Green: Light Green
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Improve the weather, Weather magick

Color: Green: Lime
Sabbat: -- 
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Faery communication, Success

Color: Green: Mint
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Financial gains (use w/ gold &/or silver)

Color: Green: Olive
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Anger, Cowardice, Discord, Jealousy, Sickness

Color: Green: Sea Green
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Calming, Emotional healing, Fourth Chakra, Protection

Color: Grey
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: Virgo
Attributes: Neutral color, useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in Magick, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a Negative influence, Banishment without Karmic effect, Glamoury, Meditation on complex issues, Releasing, Surrender

Color: Grey: Charcoal Grey
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Glamour

Color: Grey: Light Grey
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Astral energies, Astral projection, Clairvoyance, Confusion, Destruction, Dreams, Intuition, Neutralize, Psychic ability, Removes negativity, Stability, Stalemate

Color: Magenta
Sabbat: Mabon
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: This is not one of the spectrum colors, but an illusionary fluctuation between infra-red and ultra-violet light bands with a very high frequency vibration. This color is named for the Magi and literally means “magick color“. Etheric, Fast working; used with other colors to increase the speed of the desired result, Omnipotent, Best color for Spiritual healing, Exorcisms, Inner/self love, Positive rapid changes, Quick changes, Spiritual healing, Super power

Color: Orange
Sabbat: Imbolc, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Samhain
Day: --
Zodiac: Gemini
Attributes: Action, Adaptability, Ambition, Attraction, Authority, Blessings, Business goals, Career goals, Changes luck, Control, Courage, Draw good things, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Fortune, Friendship, Good luck, Inspiration, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Legal matters, Material gain, Overcome addictions, Physical action, Positive thinking, Power, Promotes fun, Property deals, Recharges the intellect, Seal a spell, Second Chakra, Selling, Stimulates sociability, Stimulation, Strength, Success, Sudden changes, Vitality

Color: Orange: Apricot
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Gentle strength, Joy

Color: Orange: Burnt Orange
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Love bondage, Opportunity

Color: Orange: Peach
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Calming, Friendship, Gentle strength, Inspiration, Joy, Unity

Color: Orange: Terra Cotta
Sabbat: Imbolc, Ostara
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Attract a soul mate

Color: Pink
Sabbat: Imbolc, Ostara
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Affection, Binding magick, Caring, Emotional healing, Emotional love, Feminine Magick, Fourth Chakra, Friendships, Gentleness, Harmony, Honor, Love, Lunar Magick, Nurturing, Partnerships, Peace, Relationships, Romance, Selfless love, Service, Spiritual awakening, Spiritual healing, Togetherness, Wishes

Color: Pink: Dark Pink
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Dispel gloom and Negativity

Color: Pink: Hot Pink
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Extreme joy, Sensual pleasure

Color: Pink: Light Pink
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Friendships, Young females

Color: Pink: Rose Pink
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Enhance relationships, Fourth Chakra, Self-love

Color: Purple
Sabbat: --
Day: Wednesday
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Attributes: Ambition, Blessings, Break bad luck, Business progress, Dedications, Divination, Drive away evil, Financial reward, Goals, Hidden knowledge, Higher psychic ability, Honors, Idealism, Independence, Influence people in high places, Initiations, Intuition, Lunar Magick, Neptune energy, Power, Progress, Protection, Psychic ability, Psychic contact with Spirit, Royalty, Self assurance, Spirit contact, Spiritual healing, Spiritual power, Spiritual protection, Stress relief, Success, Third Eye, Un-hex, Wisdom

Color: Purple: Dark Purple
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Calling the Ancient Ones, Government, Psychic power, Runes, Sigils, Wisdom

Color: Purple: Lavender
Sabbat: Ostara
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Dignity, Divination, Favors for others, Healing, Intuition, Knowledge, Lunar Magick, Peace, Protection, Psychic ability, Sixth Chakra, Spirit contact, Spirit Shield, Spirituality

Color: Purple: Orchid
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Happiness, Healing, Physical energy, Power

Color: Purple: Violet
Sabbat: Mabon, Ostara
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Angels, Astral projection, Attraction, Divination, Elemental Spirits, Healing, Hex-breaking, Intuition, Inspiration, Lunar Magick, Meditation, Peace, Piety, Power, Psychic ability, Religious devotion, Sentiment, Spirituality, Tension, Truth

Color: Red
Sabbat: Beltane, Imbolc, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Yule
Day: Tuesday
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio
Attributes: This is a powerful color to use, so be careful to thoroughly define your intent, as you will get it in full force.  Maybe more than you even anticipated or wanted.  Aries energy, Ambition, Anger, Blessings, Career goals, Charity, Cleansing, Courage, Danger, Dedications, Driving force, Element of Fire, Energy, Enthusiasm, Fast action, Fertility, Fiery, Fire Elementals, Fire Magick, First Chakra, Health, Increases magnetism is rituals, Initiations, Intense desire, Love, Lust, Moon Blood, Pain, Passion, Power, Psychic attack, Purifying, Romantic atmosphere, Scorpio energy, Sex magick, Sexual acquisition, Sexual love, Sexual potency, South Cardinal point, Stamina, Success, Strength, Will power

Color: Red: Burgundy
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Sensuality, Sex magick

Color: Red: Cranberry
Sabbat: -
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Courage, Love, Passion

Color: Red: Crimson
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Affection, Anxiety, Beauty, Joy, Pleasure, Sovereignty, Wealth

Color: Red: Light Red
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Deep platonic affection

Color: Red: Ruby
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Anger or love in a passionate nature, Sex magick

Color: Silver
Sabbat: Samhain
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Astral energies, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Communication, Dreams, Feminine Deity powers, Goddess aspect of Deity, the Great Mother, Fast money, Female power, Gambling, Intuition, Invocation of the Moon, Moon Magick, Meditation, Neutrality, Psychic awareness, Stability, Victory, Wisdom

Color: White
Sabbat: Beltane, Imbolc, Samhain, Yule
Day: Monday
Zodiac: Cancer
Attributes: This is the balanced presence of all the colors combined.  It can be used as a substitution for any color you may not have available.  Air Magick, Blessings, Clairvoyance, Cleansing, Confound enemies, Create illusion, Dedications, Earth Magick, Elemental Spirits, Feminine Magick, Fire Magick, Goddess, Healing, Higher natured power, Initiations, Life attainments, Lunar Magick, Peace, Positive vibration, Protection, Purity, Seventh Chakra, Sincerity, Solar Magick, Spiritual enlightenment, Spirituality, Truth seeking, Virtue, Water Magick, Wholeness

Color: White: Cream
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Peace of mind

Color: White: Lily
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: "Mother Candle", Burn at each Moon phase

Color: Yellow
Sabbat: Beltane, Imbolc, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Ostara
Day: Sunday
Zodiac: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo
Attributes: Accelerated learning, Activity, Action, Air Elementals, Air Magick, Attraction, Blessings, Breaking mental blocks, Charm, Cleansing, Comfort, Communion with the Sun, Confidence, Courage, Creativity, Concentration, Dedications, Gain confidence of others, Healing, Imagination, Initiations, Intelligence, Joy, Knowledge, Logical imagination, Memory, Mental powers, Mind, New skills, Power of persuasion, Protection, Ritual concentration & imagination, Selling yourself, Sudden changes, Sun Magick, Trade, Travel, Unity

Color: Amber
Sabbat: --
Day: --
Zodiac: --
Attributes: Witch symbol, developing Witchcraft skills, empowerment

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